Logs 3756488, 3756557, 3756597, 3756656

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL HL Season 19 Amateur Playoffs 1 - Round 1 Big Time Sus Drywall Punchers 6.67 2.33 koth_product_final, cp_steel_f12, pl_upward_f12 Add other logs

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
na.serveme.tf #575699: dp vs BTS cp_steel_f12 Highlander Big Time Sus Drywall Punchers 0 1 11:51 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #575761: BTS vs DP cp_steel_f12 Highlander Drywall Punchers Big Time Sus 0 1 15:17 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #575761: DP vs BTS cp_steel_f12 Highlander Big Time Sus Drywall Punchers 0 1 21:23 Remove log
Fireside Casts: DP vs BTS pl_upward_f12 Highlander Drywall Punchers Big Time Sus 0 1 23:49 Remove log
Totals 0 4 1:12:20


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Blue Red Blue BTS | LazyPurple Scout 69 72 23 257 231 30 18624 16762 2182 5 0 123 0 0 9 1:12:20
Red Blue Red Blue BTS | Twobold Soldier 65 47 15 361 248 65 26135 17955 4755 9 1 167 0 0 1 1:12:20
Red Blue Red Blue BTS | Bumbler Pyro 25 56 24 112 258 163 8170 18701 11831 3 0 32 0 0 9 1:12:20
Red Blue Red Blue BTS | Neat Demo Engineer 89 28 33 502 266 337 36350 19296 24393 15 2 46 0 0 8 1:12:20
Red Blue Red Blue BTS | Nat1110 Engineer 34 35 19 147 114 51 10687 8294 3719 9 0 76 0 0 9 1:12:20
Red Blue Red Blue BTS | FUNKe Heavy 57 34 27 247 397 275 17876 28764 19914 6 0 76 0 0 1 1:10:25
Red Blue Red Blue BTS | Kalaner Medic 1 18 61 6 106 486 7728 0 1 0 57 0 0 5 1:12:20
Red Blue Red Blue BTS | sat Sniper Spy 57 45 7 298 214 106 21579 15487 7707 7 0 21 0 43 3 1:12:17
Red Blue Red Blue BTS | Salty Phish Spy 38 57 0 205 173 21 14894 12515 1565 4 0 91 31 0 2 1:12:20
Blue Red Blue Red DP | furdieur Scout 41 63 20 197 208 46 14308 15071 3329 4 0 129 0 0 9 1:12:20
Blue Red Blue Red DP | bug of Chunguston High Soldier 55 63 15 289 243 80 20948 17592 5831 7 0 196 0 0 2 1:12:20
Blue Red Blue Red DP | fall / nota4ry Pyro 38 37 32 143 235 216 10347 17011 15665 5 0 40 0 0 5 1:06:54
Blue Red Blue Red DP | nonagon Demo 78 48 28 502 299 275 36312 21685 19904 10 1 49 0 0 5 1:12:20
Blue Red Blue Red DP | lan Engineer 28 44 16 131 155 69 9496 11244 5002 6 0 39 0 0 4 1:11:39
Blue Red Blue Red DP | aerol1th Heavy 58 51 21 287 470 258 20830 34054 18669 10 0 63 0 0 0 1:12:20
Blue Red Blue Red DP | bee Medic 1 30 46 6 136 473 9863 0 1 0 47 0 0 1 1:12:20
Blue Red Blue Red DP | swag Sniper 52 47 14 290 220 104 21042 15978 7553 5 0 9 0 35 0 1:12:20
Blue Red Blue Red DP | ColinTF Spy 32 59 1 162 170 18 11746 12303 1303 3 0 106 23 2 3 1:12:20
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Ü Duration
Red 66 46 39 1902 1488 972 22541 17637 11522 15 2 114 4 3 15 3 11:51
Blue 46 67 32 1488 1902 1059 17637 22541 12550 6 1 101 2 5 9 4 11:51
Red 78 92 41 1932 2208 1062 29539 33747 16244 10 0 196 2 7 8 5 15:17
Blue 89 78 36 2208 1932 1093 33747 29539 16712 7 0 141 6 13 11 5 15:17
Red 109 125 56 2026 2109 1091 43338 45118 23333 5 1 242 7 8 15 8 21:23
Blue 121 110 60 2109 2026 1081 45118 43338 23119 10 0 250 9 8 4 6 21:23
Red 138 173 60 2234 2316 1064 53208 55175 25343 5 0 131 10 17 8 6 23:49
Blue 171 143 78 2316 2234 1028 55175 53208 24499 13 0 192 14 19 6 13 23:49


Teams Player Class H% H/M H Ü MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Blue Red Blue BTS | Kalaner Medic 100% 1052 76124 38 28 10 0 2 9 0:40 5 0 1:12:20
Blue Red Blue Red DP | bee Medic 100% 1067 77198 51 36 2 13 2 9 0:40 9 0 1:12:20



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Blue Red Blue BTS | Neat 8 9 10 12 18 7 7 9 9 89
Blue Red Blue Red DP | nonagon 12 5 17 5 8 6 5 11 9 78
Red Blue Red Blue BTS | LazyPurple 13 8 7 5 3 7 8 6 12 69
Red Blue Red Blue BTS | Twobold 15 11 2 8 1 13 2 3 10 65
Blue Red Blue Red DP | aerol1th 7 10 9 5 12 5 1 4 5 58
Red Blue Red Blue BTS | FUNKe 5 10 8 7 7 2 3 3 12 57
Red Blue Red Blue BTS | sat 8 8 5 6 10 3 2 13 2 57
Blue Red Blue Red DP | bug of Chunguston High 10 11 4 2 0 12 5 3 8 55
Blue Red Blue Red DP | swag 6 5 7 5 4 1 3 14 7 52
Blue Red Blue Red DP | furdieur 16 5 2 4 4 3 0 3 4 41
Blue Red Blue Red DP | fall / nota4ry 6 4 10 4 2 2 0 1 9 38
Red Blue Red Blue BTS | Salty Phish 0 3 2 5 8 6 3 10 1 38
Red Blue Red Blue BTS | Nat1110 8 6 2 2 1 4 1 2 8 34
Blue Red Blue Red DP | ColinTF 6 5 1 1 0 3 4 6 6 32
Blue Red Blue Red DP | lan 8 2 5 0 3 3 0 0 7 28
Red Blue Red Blue BTS | Bumbler 3 5 0 3 3 2 4 1 4 25
Blue Red Blue Red DP | bee 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
Red Blue Red Blue BTS | Kalaner 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Blue Red Blue BTS | LazyPurple 16 10 6 12 7 8 0 6 6 71
Blue Red Blue Red DP | furdieur 13 15 3 8 5 8 0 8 0 60
Blue Red Blue Red DP | bug of Chunguston High 8 11 5 9 10 6 0 8 3 60
Blue Red Blue Red DP | ColinTF 12 10 4 9 12 8 1 2 1 59
Red Blue Red Blue BTS | Bumbler 2 4 10 17 9 5 0 7 1 55
Red Blue Red Blue BTS | Salty Phish 4 8 9 9 5 7 0 7 6 55
Blue Red Blue Red DP | aerol1th 3 1 3 18 7 1 0 10 8 51
Blue Red Blue Red DP | nonagon 5 8 3 12 7 2 0 6 5 48
Blue Red Blue Red DP | swag 6 3 1 9 3 2 0 13 10 47
Red Blue Red Blue BTS | Twobold 5 11 4 5 10 2 0 5 5 47
Blue Red Blue Red DP | lan 7 13 2 7 2 4 0 3 6 44
Red Blue Red Blue BTS | sat 3 3 1 11 4 0 0 14 6 42
Blue Red Blue Red DP | fall / nota4ry 7 2 0 10 8 2 0 5 2 36
Red Blue Red Blue BTS | Nat1110 3 12 2 6 5 2 1 1 3 35
Red Blue Red Blue BTS | FUNKe 4 0 2 8 12 3 0 4 0 33
Blue Red Blue Red DP | bee 8 2 4 7 3 1 0 2 3 30
Red Blue Red Blue BTS | Neat 4 2 4 5 5 1 0 5 1 27
Red Blue Red Blue BTS | Kalaner 0 5 0 5 1 0 0 3 4 18


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Blue Red Blue BTS | Neat 11 12 16 20 21 10 11 11 10 122
Blue Red Blue Red DP | nonagon 16 8 26 7 13 8 6 13 9 106
Red Blue Red Blue BTS | LazyPurple 18 11 8 7 6 11 8 7 16 92
Red Blue Red Blue BTS | FUNKe 8 11 10 13 13 4 4 6 15 84
Red Blue Red Blue BTS | Twobold 18 14 3 8 4 14 3 5 11 80
Blue Red Blue Red DP | aerol1th 11 12 15 6 13 7 2 6 7 79
Blue Red Blue Red DP | fall / nota4ry 13 6 13 8 7 2 1 4 16 70
Blue Red Blue Red DP | bug of Chunguston High 15 11 6 4 2 13 6 5 8 70
Blue Red Blue Red DP | swag 10 6 11 6 6 2 3 14 8 66
Red Blue Red Blue BTS | sat 10 9 5 7 10 3 2 14 4 64
Red Blue Red Blue BTS | Kalaner 6 7 8 8 10 4 7 6 6 62
Blue Red Blue Red DP | furdieur 23 7 3 6 4 8 1 3 6 61
Red Blue Red Blue BTS | Nat1110 10 9 3 9 1 5 2 2 12 53
Red Blue Red Blue BTS | Bumbler 4 8 3 7 9 4 4 2 8 49
Blue Red Blue Red DP | bee 5 6 8 1 8 5 4 3 7 47
Blue Red Blue Red DP | lan 10 6 7 2 3 3 0 4 9 44
Red Blue Red Blue BTS | Salty Phish 0 3 2 5 8 6 3 10 1 38
Blue Red Blue Red DP | ColinTF 6 6 1 1 0 3 4 6 6 33


na.serveme.tf #575699: dp vs BTS

Time Team Player Kills
3:37 Red BTS | LazyPurple 3
11:32 Red BTS | Twobold 4
12:51 Red BTS | Neat 4

na.serveme.tf #575761: BTS vs DP

Time Team Player Kills
2:41 Blue BTS | LazyPurple 4
4:18 Blue BTS | Neat 4
4:43 Blue BTS | LazyPurple 3
12:08 Red DP | aerol1th 4
13:09 Red DP | swag 3
18:59 Blue BTS | FUNKe 3

na.serveme.tf #575761: DP vs BTS

Time Team Player Kills
2:34 Red BTS | Neat 3
3:06 Blue DP | nonagon 3
4:19 Blue DP | nonagon 3
8:35 Blue DP | furdieur 3
24:07 Blue DP | swag 3
24:09 Blue DP | aerol1th 4

Fireside Casts: DP vs BTS

Time Team Player Kills
3:29 Red DP | aerol1th 3
4:21 Blue BTS | Neat 4
5:14 Blue BTS | Neat 3
6:13 Blue BTS | sat 4
8:45 Blue BTS | FUNKe 5
10:41 Blue BTS | Neat 3
11:30 Blue BTS | LazyPurple 3
11:48 Blue BTS | Neat 4
12:34 Blue BTS | Neat 4
13:04 Red DP | aerol1th 3
16:41 Red DP | aerol1th 3
23:00 Blue BTS | sat 3


na.serveme.tf #575699: dp vs BTS

Team Player Message
Blue DP | aerol1th my pc gonna die somehow
Blue DP | lan gl youtubers
Red BTS | LazyPurple glhf
Blue DP | fall / nota4ry i love you guys <3
Red BTS | Neat <3
Blue DP | lan u guys are ok
Red BTS | Nat1110 say that to my face
Red BTS | Nat1110 over dinner <3
Blue DP | bee i HATE
Blue DP | bee BTS
Blue DP | bug of Chunguston High TF TUAH!!! Crit on that THANG!!!
Blue DP | ColinTF D:
Blue DP | furdieur Ok Guys Lets Be Nice :joy:
Blue DP | bee GRRR
Blue DP | aerol1th THANKS SALTY
Blue DP | aerol1th trickle down feedernomics
Blue DP | bee LETS GO
Red BTS | LazyPurple gr
Blue DP | lan shoutout pluie
Blue DP | nonagon FORTAIWAN

na.serveme.tf #575761: BTS vs DP

Team Player Message
Red DP | bee THANK GOD
Red DP | bee LETS GO
Blue BTS | sat bro thats such a hard jump
Red DP | nonagon teehee
Red DP | lan yeah i got it twice the whole time lmoa
Red DP | fall / nota4ry sorry team i messed up
Red DP | nonagon try hugging that triangle part
Red DP | aerol1th chat i ate my toothpaste
Red DP | ColinTF whats ur favorite crayon flavor for me its red
Blue BTS | Bumbler grape
Red DP | aerol1th white
Red DP | lan yay
Red DP | fall / nota4ry i opened
Red DP | furdieur we're getting ddosed :)
Red DP | bug of Chunguston High can we host next time
Red DP | aerol1th bts agents
Red DP | furdieur lmfao
Red DP | aerol1th want us to lose
Blue BTS | Neat again?
Red DP | fall / nota4ry we;re good
Red DP | nonagon bts goons HATE dp!
Red DP | furdieur no worries
Red DP | bug of Chunguston High we good
Red DP | bee were good
Red DP | ColinTF all good atm
Red DP | furdieur wtf i just teleported through a wall
Red DP | furdieur server legit shitting itself ;-;
Blue BTS | Neat i saw it
Blue BTS | Neat was weird
Red DP | nonagon WTF
Red DP | lan lmao
Red DP | fall / nota4ry gr

na.serveme.tf #575761: DP vs BTS

Team Player Message
Blue DP | bug of Chunguston High oops
Red BTS | Twobold bait worked
Red BTS | Twobold spy down
Blue DP | ColinTF :(
Blue DP | aerol1th the bottle beast
Red BTS | FUNKe p?
Red BTS | LazyPurple nice
Blue DP | aerol1th I RESUPED
Blue DP | aerol1th FUCK
Blue DP | fall / nota4ry ns
Blue DP | aerol1th was it worth
Blue DP | aerol1th lazyourpe
Red BTS | LazyPurple da
Blue DP | aerol1th fair enough
Blue DP | aerol1th have a good day
Blue DP | furdieur k
Blue DP | lan ur fucked
Blue DP | lan ur staying here
Blue DP | furdieur ur just better
Blue DP | furdieur wtf
Blue DP | lan LMAO
Blue DP | bee ALMOST
Blue DP | bee TWO TIMES
Blue DP | bee LOL
Blue DP | fall / nota4ry gr
Blue DP | aerol1th team meditation sesh
Blue DP | aerol1th yall should get on this
Blue DP | lan Team doing yoga rn
Blue DP | fall / nota4ry screech
Red BTS | LazyPurple gg
Red BTS | Neat gg
Blue DP | nonagon gr
Blue DP | bug of Chunguston High gg
Blue DP | furdieur gg
Blue DP | aerol1th good half
Blue DP | fall / nota4ry gg

Fireside Casts: DP vs BTS

Team Player Message
Red DP | aerol1th im eating cheezits
Red DP | aerol1th what the chud
Red DP | nonagon what da fweak
Red DP | fall / nota4ry engie tech :OOO
Blue BTS | Bumbler nat taught uncle dane everything he knows
Red DP | aerol1th the beast
Red DP | fall / nota4ry the beast
Red DP | aerol1th FUCK
Red DP | nonagon ?
Red DP | furdieur ?
Red DP | ColinTF ?
Red DP | aerol1th as i put away the fists
Red DP | ColinTF nice pipe
Blue BTS | Neat ty
Red DP | aerol1th FUCK
Red DP | aerol1th i was EXACTLY 80
Blue BTS | Neat that's not lazy
Blue BTS | Salty Phish I KNOW
Red DP | ColinTF teehehe
Red DP | aerol1th i saw the pomson btw
Red DP | ColinTF im so sorry salty
Red DP | fall / nota4ry gr
Blue BTS | Neat gr