Logs 3764169, 3764218, 3764226, 3764252, 3764291

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL HL Season 19 Main Playoffs 3 - Losers Round 3 Nonagon Infinity Teamy McDweamy 4.67 4.33 koth_product_final, cp_steel_f12, pl_vigil_rc10 Add other logs

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
na.serveme.tf #576674: RED vs BLU koth_product_final Highlander Nonagon Infinity Teamy McDweamy 2 1 17:50 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #576674: RED vs BLU koth_product_final Highlander Nonagon Infinity Teamy McDweamy 0 1 6:54 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #576674: RED vs BLU cp_steel_f12 Highlander Teamy McDweamy Nonagon Infinity 0 1 11:23 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #576674: RED vs BLU cp_steel_f12 Highlander Teamy McDweamy Nonagon Infinity 0 1 13:21 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #576674: RED vs BLU pl_vigil_rc10 Highlander Nonagon Infinity Teamy McDweamy 1 0 18:33 Remove log
Totals 3 4 1:08:01


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Red Blue Blue Red FEIN FEIN FEIN Scout 45 47 27 228 217 126 15529 14762 8575 6 0 74 0 0 17 1:08:01
Red Red Blue Blue Red danmar33 Soldier 60 47 31 382 288 135 26010 19597 9248 6 1 216 0 0 2 1:08:01
Red Red Blue Blue Red dakota Pyro 35 44 29 142 297 214 9668 20232 14559 4 0 49 0 0 13 1:08:01
Red Red Blue Blue Red fentanyl_fred1776 Demo 61 33 21 471 346 340 32094 23574 23171 10 0 26 0 0 10 1:08:01
Red Red Blue Blue Red indiscriminate bombing Engineer 32 25 22 211 145 83 14409 9904 5709 4 0 44 0 0 9 1:08:01
Red Red Blue Blue Red Kegaman Heavy 37 45 23 223 412 253 15208 28035 17228 4 0 51 0 0 7 1:08:01
Red Red Blue Blue Red Racist Uncle Medic 0 27 40 0 137 41 9363 0 0 0 30 0 0 6 1:08:01
Red Red Blue Blue Red NovaSc6ut Sniper 59 49 16 324 256 123 22050 17417 8417 8 0 25 0 41 5 1:08:01
Red Red Blue Blue Red lemon Spy 44 46 4 248 135 13 16936 9243 918 4 0 83 29 0 4 1:08:01
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Toeh <3 Scout 44 49 22 249 232 108 16945 15781 7380 5 0 99 0 0 14 1:08:01
Blue Blue Red Red Blue $lime allahb TMD dorito Soldier 48 45 25 359 239 144 24450 16292 9808 6 3 129 0 0 1 1:08:01
Blue Blue Red Red Blue lex. Pyro 30 38 30 177 296 227 12078 20197 15503 3 0 38 0 0 10 1:08:01
Blue Blue Red Red Blue m1lfk1tten Demo 55 56 12 416 329 292 28309 22422 19865 10 0 34 0 0 6 1:08:01
Blue Blue Red Red Blue WilliamWanderlust Engineer 27 27 29 150 145 113 10248 9904 7730 4 0 26 0 0 9 1:08:01
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Imagine Heavy 42 43 32 314 468 252 21399 31864 17181 5 0 76 0 0 4 1:08:01
Blue Blue Red Red Blue diddy made me do it Medic 1 27 39 4 138 316 9443 0 1 0 13 0 0 4 1:08:01
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Scourage #playoffsmode Sniper 71 30 9 313 199 161 21305 13541 10988 15 0 19 0 37 5 1:08:01
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Cosmic sR Spy 45 62 3 251 183 21 17077 12501 1446 4 0 82 31 0 5 1:08:01
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Ü Duration
Red 122 117 65 2650 2611 1256 47273 46572 22400 8 0 186 12 11 28 4 17:50
Blue 117 122 70 2611 2650 1234 46572 47273 22016 6 2 149 12 14 19 4 17:50
Red 40 43 21 2195 2723 1343 15150 18795 9273 6 0 63 1 4 10 2 6:54
Blue 43 40 16 2723 2195 1196 18795 15150 8259 5 0 26 4 6 9 2 6:54
Red 50 51 26 1947 1976 1309 22173 22497 14907 5 0 136 6 1 11 4 11:23
Blue 49 50 30 1976 1947 1328 22497 22173 15118 8 0 99 2 4 11 4 11:23
Red 63 67 35 2002 2144 1406 26732 28623 18783 10 0 114 2 5 14 4 13:21
Blue 66 63 45 2144 2002 1201 28623 26732 16043 10 0 111 5 10 12 5 13:21
Red 96 90 52 2070 2040 1347 38402 37855 24991 8 1 139 9 12 12 7 18:33
Blue 90 97 54 2040 2070 1398 37855 38402 25936 15 1 91 7 11 5 7 18:33


Teams Player Class H% H/M H Ü MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Red Blue Blue Red Racist Uncle Medic 100% 1290 87747 37 33 4 0 3 8 0:40 5 3 1:08:01
Blue Blue Red Red Blue diddy made me do it Medic 100% 1322 89979 39 35 4 0 2 2 0:10 4 2 1:08:01



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Scourage #playoffsmode 8 8 10 7 8 8 5 13 4 71
Red Red Blue Blue Red fentanyl_fred1776 11 3 11 9 11 5 2 5 4 61
Red Red Blue Blue Red danmar33 9 8 2 8 5 5 9 3 11 60
Red Red Blue Blue Red NovaSc6ut 9 3 5 7 8 6 6 10 5 59
Blue Blue Red Red Blue m1lfk1tten 7 7 11 5 8 2 11 3 1 55
Blue Blue Red Red Blue $lime allahb TMD dorito 6 6 6 4 1 6 3 6 10 48
Red Red Blue Blue Red FEIN FEIN FEIN 5 7 4 11 5 0 3 1 9 45
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Cosmic sR 5 4 1 7 6 3 0 18 1 45
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Toeh <3 9 6 5 2 5 2 4 3 8 44
Red Red Blue Blue Red lemon 7 3 5 2 2 6 5 9 5 44
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Imagine 6 8 5 6 13 2 1 1 0 42
Red Red Blue Blue Red Kegaman 1 7 4 5 7 3 1 1 8 37
Red Red Blue Blue Red dakota 3 3 4 7 2 2 1 1 12 35
Red Red Blue Blue Red indiscriminate bombing 4 9 2 6 3 0 0 0 8 32
Blue Blue Red Red Blue lex. 4 2 4 0 4 1 0 3 12 30
Blue Blue Red Red Blue WilliamWanderlust 1 6 2 2 0 1 3 2 10 27
Blue Blue Red Red Blue diddy made me do it 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Cosmic sR 9 11 12 4 8 8 0 5 5 62
Blue Blue Red Red Blue m1lfk1tten 11 8 7 9 5 6 0 7 2 55
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Toeh <3 5 9 3 11 1 4 0 9 7 49
Red Red Blue Blue Red NovaSc6ut 3 6 3 3 1 2 0 13 18 49
Red Red Blue Blue Red danmar33 6 6 2 7 8 6 0 8 4 47
Red Red Blue Blue Red FEIN FEIN FEIN 9 6 4 7 6 1 1 8 5 47
Red Red Blue Blue Red lemon 8 10 12 1 0 10 0 4 1 46
Red Red Blue Blue Red Kegaman 5 1 4 8 13 0 0 8 6 45
Red Red Blue Blue Red dakota 5 6 4 11 5 2 0 10 1 44
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Imagine 5 5 2 11 7 3 0 8 2 43
Blue Blue Red Red Blue $lime allahb TMD dorito 7 8 3 3 7 9 0 3 3 43
Blue Blue Red Red Blue lex. 4 2 4 11 4 2 0 5 5 37
Red Red Blue Blue Red fentanyl_fred1776 2 4 0 5 6 2 0 7 7 33
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Scourage #playoffsmode 1 3 1 5 1 0 0 10 9 30
Blue Blue Red Red Blue diddy made me do it 3 9 1 2 1 0 0 6 5 27
Red Red Blue Blue Red Racist Uncle 4 3 0 11 1 3 0 5 0 27
Blue Blue Red Red Blue WilliamWanderlust 0 5 2 5 3 0 0 6 6 27
Red Red Blue Blue Red indiscriminate bombing 2 6 1 2 2 1 0 8 3 25


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Red Blue Blue Red danmar33 13 13 7 13 10 6 9 6 14 91
Red Red Blue Blue Red fentanyl_fred1776 12 5 14 16 15 6 4 5 5 82
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Scourage #playoffsmode 10 8 10 9 9 8 7 14 5 80
Red Red Blue Blue Red NovaSc6ut 9 5 9 8 11 7 7 10 9 75
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Imagine 11 10 7 12 21 2 7 3 1 74
Blue Blue Red Red Blue $lime allahb TMD dorito 6 10 10 7 6 10 3 7 14 73
Red Red Blue Blue Red FEIN FEIN FEIN 9 12 5 15 8 2 6 1 14 72
Blue Blue Red Red Blue m1lfk1tten 9 8 14 6 9 3 12 4 2 67
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Toeh <3 10 9 8 4 7 8 4 5 11 66
Red Red Blue Blue Red dakota 8 5 7 14 7 2 3 2 16 64
Blue Blue Red Red Blue lex. 9 8 8 2 9 2 2 3 17 60
Red Red Blue Blue Red Kegaman 3 11 6 9 11 3 1 4 12 60
Blue Blue Red Red Blue WilliamWanderlust 8 7 9 3 3 3 4 3 16 56
Red Red Blue Blue Red indiscriminate bombing 8 11 6 10 3 1 1 0 14 54
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Cosmic sR 5 5 1 7 6 3 0 19 2 48
Red Red Blue Blue Red lemon 7 4 5 3 2 8 5 9 5 48
Blue Blue Red Red Blue diddy made me do it 5 6 9 4 7 2 2 2 3 40
Red Red Blue Blue Red Racist Uncle 3 4 6 6 7 2 1 5 6 40


na.serveme.tf #576674: RED vs BLU

Time Team Player Kills
1:09 Blue Imagine 3
4:37 Red danmar33 5
9:06 Red danmar33 3
10:20 Red dakota 3
10:32 Red NovaSc6ut 3
14:30 Red danmar33 3
16:34 Blue $lime allahb TMD dorito 3

na.serveme.tf #576674: RED vs BLU

Time Team Player Kills
4:14 Blue Scourage #playoffsmode 3

na.serveme.tf #576674: RED vs BLU

Time Team Player Kills
1:22 Blue NovaSc6ut 4
5:44 Blue NovaSc6ut 3
5:47 Red Scourage #playoffsmode 3
6:57 Red m1lfk1tten 3
10:17 Blue fentanyl_fred1776 4

na.serveme.tf #576674: RED vs BLU

Time Team Player Kills
7:15 Blue Scourage #playoffsmode 4
9:00 Blue Scourage #playoffsmode 3
11:07 Red NovaSc6ut 4
12:57 Red fentanyl_fred1776 3


na.serveme.tf #576674: RED vs BLU

Team Player Message
Red NovaSc6ut playing for logs heavy????
Blue Imagine schizos
Blue diddy made me do it ns
Blue Imagine dogs
Red dakota damn
Red NovaSc6ut gr
Red danmar33 too ez

na.serveme.tf #576674: RED vs BLU

Team Player Message
Red NovaSc6ut man you had a whole weekend for that
Blue lex. real quick map talk
Blue lex. oh
Blue Cosmic sR so did you and look at you
Blue Imagine ?
Red NovaSc6ut dorito if ur my number 1 dfan js it <#
Blue $lime allahb TMD dorito :)))
Red fentanyl_fred1776 hawkl toeh!
Blue lex. good map
Blue diddy made me do it gh
Red fentanyl_fred1776 gm
Blue Cosmic sR !who
Blue Scourage #playoffsmode .ss
Blue diddy made me do it .ss
Red Racist Uncle winlim??

na.serveme.tf #576674: RED vs BLU

Team Player Message
Blue NovaSc6ut living there is crazy tbh
Blue NovaSc6ut lmfao
Red Imagine schizo
Red Imagine pedo
Blue NovaSc6ut turt
Blue NovaSc6ut you ok man
Red lex. this banana is nice : )
Blue NovaSc6ut ?
Red diddy made me do it gh
Blue Racist Uncle gh

na.serveme.tf #576674: RED vs BLU

Team Player Message
Blue fentanyl_fred1776 hawk toeh
Red Imagine very schizo
Blue NovaSc6ut ?
Red Imagine nice facestab underdog
Blue NovaSc6ut how lose

na.serveme.tf #576674: RED vs BLU

Team Player Message
Red fentanyl_fred1776 HAWK TOEH
Red lemon NO WAY
Red lemon DUIDE
Blue Toeh <3 GLHF GUYS!!!!
Blue Toeh <3 its all up to this!
Red fentanyl_fred1776 HAWK TOEH
Blue Imagine disgusting
Red lemon LOL
Red dakota gg
Red fentanyl_fred1776 HAWK TOEH
Blue diddy made me do it gg
Red NovaSc6ut ?????
Red lemon GG
Red indiscriminate bombing gg
Red NovaSc6ut ??????
Blue Toeh <3 ggs
Blue lex. gg
Red lemon HOLY FUCK
Red NovaSc6ut ????????
Blue $lime allahb TMD dorito gggs
Blue WilliamWanderlust ggs
Red Racist Uncle gga
Blue Toeh <3 good set guys
Blue m1lfk1tten gg