Logs 3764182, 3764212, 3764229, 3764246, 3764265, 3764282

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL HL Season 19 Newcomer Playoffs 3 - Losers Round 3 Darling Divebombers The Viaduct Villains 3.0 6.0 pl_swiftwater_final1, cp_steel_f12, pl_upward_f12

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
na.serveme.tf #576688: DDB vs VV cp_steel_f12 Highlander The Viaduct Villains Darling Divebombers 1 0 20:39 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #576688: VV vs DDB cp_steel_f12 Highlander Darling Divebombers The Viaduct Villains 1 0 17:39 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #576688: DDB vs VV cp_steel_f12 Highlander The Viaduct Villains Darling Divebombers 1 0 11:41 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #576688: DDB vs VV pl_upward_f12 Highlander The Viaduct Villains Darling Divebombers 0 1 18:25 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #576688: VV vs DDB pl_upward_f12 Highlander Darling Divebombers The Viaduct Villains 0 1 18:41 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #576688: DDB vs VV pl_upward_f12 Highlander The Viaduct Villains Darling Divebombers 1 0 15:25 Remove log
Totals 4 2 1:42:30


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red VV Krasota Scout 49 104 14 144 217 48 14819 22326 4968 4 0 101 0 0 15 1:42:30
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red troll Soldier 90 73 23 336 278 157 34527 28538 16157 5 0 83 0 0 7 1:42:30
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red VV zuri_is_high Pyro 68 62 47 207 277 199 21236 28479 20449 6 0 55 0 0 5 1:42:30
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red VV A Cheez Wizard Demo 118 53 35 461 294 247 47281 30231 25396 10 1 73 0 0 6 1:42:30
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red VV Crojo.zip Engineer 46 36 41 163 115 99 16805 11859 10222 9 0 23 0 0 12 1:42:30
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red VV RockOfRocks Heavy 122 37 37 367 372 363 37686 38207 37296 11 0 83 0 0 12 1:42:30
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red VV Medic of Death Medic 9 22 109 14 109 1477 11207 0 2 0 57 0 0 3 1:42:30
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Sniper 91 83 24 301 231 85 30865 23777 8751 6 0 37 0 23 3 1:42:30
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red VV SuperSecretSigmaSpy Spy 60 89 9 243 146 17 24995 15044 1824 4 0 86 48 0 2 1:42:24
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue [DDB] DigiDrive Scout 44 112 26 154 246 51 15879 25267 5231 5 0 132 0 0 10 1:42:30
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue G.Woolen Soldier 77 94 23 337 286 114 34576 29379 11768 4 0 152 0 0 7 1:42:30
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue [DDB] AJMGames Pyro 53 76 30 123 247 146 12655 25376 15066 7 0 33 0 0 6 1:42:30
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue [DDB] Jelly Demo 78 75 31 391 346 279 40078 35547 28633 8 1 65 0 0 6 1:42:30
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue [MPREG] Blasterus Engineer 55 46 20 153 140 72 15715 14452 7420 7 0 28 0 0 5 1:42:30
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue Borat Heavy 75 62 38 291 444 305 29927 45557 31357 5 0 79 0 0 3 1:42:30
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue [DDB] ♰ Okidoki ♰ Medic 4 33 78 8 122 868 12515 0 2 0 44 0 0 2 1:42:30
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue [DDB] Speedy Sniper 95 67 18 339 234 109 34819 24021 11263 6 0 16 0 65 2 1:42:30
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue [DDB] aquifeR Spy 60 108 9 245 171 17 25151 17577 1799 4 0 76 44 2 3 1:42:30
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Duration
Red 129 122 67 2327 1964 1174 48062 40572 24261 8 0 126 6 10 15 6 20:39
Blue 115 140 62 1964 2327 1019 40572 48062 21055 8 0 193 7 11 8 4 20:39
Red 101 92 53 2127 1973 1075 37548 34832 18975 7 0 123 7 11 13 3 17:39
Blue 89 106 41 1973 2127 1077 34832 37548 19020 5 0 122 7 13 13 5 17:39
Red 78 47 39 2170 1755 1197 25355 20514 13992 10 1 64 4 0 14 4 11:41
Blue 46 82 16 1755 2170 1052 20514 25355 12291 4 0 96 2 6 4 2 11:41
Red 131 121 81 2216 2277 1225 40814 41937 22575 11 0 94 6 0 8 6 18:25
Blue 118 131 62 2277 2216 1135 41937 40814 20914 6 1 71 8 15 5 5 18:25
Red 86 124 48 2004 2405 1160 37447 44948 21673 5 0 83 11 12 6 5 18:41
Blue 123 87 58 2405 2004 1382 44948 37447 25833 9 0 102 15 0 8 6 18:41
Red 103 76 53 2314 2052 1257 35680 31650 19382 11 0 90 10 0 7 6 15:25
Blue 75 104 32 2052 2314 1143 31650 35680 17629 5 0 59 9 12 8 4 15:25


Teams Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red VV Medic of Death Medic 100% 1220 125064 48 48 0 0 3 15 0:40 10 0 1:42:30
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue [DDB] ♰ Okidoki ♰ Medic 100% 1097 112536 52 43 9 0 4 7 0:40 10 1 1:42:30



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red VV RockOfRocks 21 17 16 16 16 6 2 4 24 122
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red VV A Cheez Wizard 19 16 15 17 10 7 10 9 15 118
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue [DDB] Speedy 16 6 12 8 5 6 2 36 4 95
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 17 12 14 7 2 6 3 25 5 91
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red troll 16 13 11 8 7 9 3 6 17 90
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue [DDB] Jelly 16 9 12 10 7 3 3 8 10 78
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue G.Woolen 17 10 4 11 4 7 2 8 14 77
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue Borat 9 17 12 9 5 5 3 5 10 75
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red VV zuri_is_high 11 11 6 5 9 2 5 5 14 68
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red VV SuperSecretSigmaSpy 3 5 3 10 8 9 5 15 2 60
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue [DDB] aquifeR 8 6 3 4 10 8 4 15 2 60
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue [MPREG] Blasterus 16 8 4 3 2 1 3 3 15 55
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue [DDB] AJMGames 8 7 5 1 3 1 3 0 25 53
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red VV Krasota 14 6 2 1 4 5 3 3 11 49
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red VV Crojo.zip 8 7 6 7 3 2 0 0 13 46
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue [DDB] DigiDrive 13 6 5 5 0 3 0 8 4 44
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red VV Medic of Death 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 7 9
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue [DDB] ♰ Okidoki ♰ 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 4


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue [DDB] DigiDrive 14 16 11 19 21 8 0 17 3 109
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue [DDB] aquifeR 11 17 14 15 24 13 7 5 2 108
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red VV Krasota 13 17 8 16 9 16 0 16 8 103
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue G.Woolen 6 13 11 16 17 7 1 12 5 88
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red VV SuperSecretSigmaSpy 4 14 25 10 10 15 3 4 2 87
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 8 8 0 8 5 3 0 36 15 83
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue [DDB] AJMGames 2 11 6 15 16 6 0 14 3 73
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue [DDB] Jelly 1 8 5 17 16 7 0 7 10 71
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red troll 6 10 7 9 17 8 0 6 6 69
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue [DDB] Speedy 3 6 5 9 4 0 0 25 15 67
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue Borat 4 7 9 10 16 3 1 2 8 60
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red VV zuri_is_high 5 4 5 12 12 4 0 12 3 57
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red VV A Cheez Wizard 5 11 1 10 9 3 1 8 4 52
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue [MPREG] Blasterus 5 9 2 7 6 2 0 6 9 46
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red VV RockOfRocks 0 4 3 7 5 2 0 5 10 36
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red VV Crojo.zip 3 7 1 3 5 1 0 6 8 34
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue [DDB] ♰ Okidoki ♰ 3 3 5 10 2 0 0 3 5 31
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red VV Medic of Death 0 2 3 3 3 3 0 2 4 20


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red VV RockOfRocks 27 21 19 24 22 7 5 5 29 159
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red VV A Cheez Wizard 27 21 20 21 11 9 11 12 21 153
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red VV Medic of Death 13 15 16 9 13 5 6 9 32 118
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red VV zuri_is_high 12 19 9 14 17 4 8 8 24 115
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 22 15 18 8 6 8 5 28 5 115
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue Borat 16 19 18 12 9 8 7 9 15 113
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue [DDB] Speedy 18 14 13 9 5 6 2 39 7 113
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red troll 20 17 14 11 9 9 5 8 20 113
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue [DDB] Jelly 19 14 19 15 14 4 3 9 12 109
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue G.Woolen 22 12 8 13 6 9 2 11 17 100
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red VV Crojo.zip 15 17 10 10 9 4 1 2 19 87
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue [DDB] AJMGames 16 11 9 2 7 2 4 1 31 83
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue [DDB] ♰ Okidoki ♰ 13 9 13 8 7 4 3 8 17 82
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue [MPREG] Blasterus 22 11 7 8 3 2 3 3 16 75
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue [DDB] DigiDrive 22 7 5 9 3 4 2 9 9 70
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red VV SuperSecretSigmaSpy 5 5 7 10 8 9 6 15 4 69
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue [DDB] aquifeR 11 9 4 4 10 9 4 15 3 69
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red VV Krasota 20 9 3 1 5 5 4 3 13 63


na.serveme.tf #576688: DDB vs VV

Time Team Player Kills
1:43 Red VV RockOfRocks 3
3:07 Red VV A Cheez Wizard 3
4:57 Blue [DDB] Jelly 3
5:50 Blue [DDB] Jelly 4
8:21 Blue [DDB] Jelly 3
8:57 Red troll 3
8:58 Blue [DDB] AJMGames 5
9:52 Red VV A Cheez Wizard 3
10:05 Red VV RockOfRocks 3
16:32 Red VV A Cheez Wizard 4

na.serveme.tf #576688: VV vs DDB

Time Team Player Kills
3:26 Red [DDB] Jelly 3
5:39 Red [DDB] Jelly 3
12:07 Blue troll 3
13:26 Blue VV A Cheez Wizard 3
14:53 Red [MPREG] Blasterus 3
16:43 Blue troll 3

na.serveme.tf #576688: DDB vs VV

Time Team Player Kills
3:03 Red VV A Cheez Wizard 3
4:53 Red VV RockOfRocks 3
5:38 Red VV Crojo.zip 4

na.serveme.tf #576688: DDB vs VV

Time Team Player Kills
4:41 Red VV RockOfRocks 3
6:25 Red VV RockOfRocks 4
7:13 Blue [DDB] aquifeR 3
8:51 Blue [DDB] AJMGames 3
11:18 Red VV A Cheez Wizard 4
12:46 Red VV RockOfRocks 4
14:34 Red VV zuri_is_high 3
16:24 Red VV RockOfRocks 3
17:11 Blue [DDB] Speedy 3
17:47 Red VV A Cheez Wizard 3

na.serveme.tf #576688: VV vs DDB

Time Team Player Kills
5:05 Red G.Woolen 3
6:21 Blue VV Krasota 3
9:45 Blue VV SuperSecretSigmaSpy 3
12:39 Red [DDB] Speedy 3

na.serveme.tf #576688: DDB vs VV

Time Team Player Kills
1:49 Blue Borat 4
2:44 Blue [DDB] Speedy 3
3:32 Blue [DDB] aquifeR 4
6:04 Red troll 4
6:07 Red VV A Cheez Wizard 3
7:22 Red VV RockOfRocks 3
7:24 Blue Borat 3
9:38 Red VV SuperSecretSigmaSpy 4
11:05 Red VV RockOfRocks 3
12:28 Red VV SuperSecretSigmaSpy 3
14:18 Red VV zuri_is_high 3


na.serveme.tf #576688: DDB vs VV

Team Player Message
Red VV RockOfRocks bird best heaby
Red troll pulling out the fartbox experience
Red troll wtf why are there 7 scouts
Red VV SuperSecretSigmaSpy ͜ಥʖ̯ಥ)
Blue [DDB] DigiDrive oof
Red VV Krasota small price to pay for salvation
Blue [DDB] DigiDrive tru
Blue [DDB] DigiDrive o
Red VV A Cheez Wizard WAHHHHHHH
Red VV A Cheez Wizard burning
Blue G.Woolen gr
Red VV A Cheez Wizard gr
Blue [DDB] Jelly gr
Blue [DDB] DigiDrive gr
Blue [DDB] Speedy gr!

na.serveme.tf #576688: VV vs DDB

Team Player Message
Red G.Woolen lol
Blue VV A Cheez Wizard idfk
Red [DDB] Jelly newcomer moment pls i cant be in another gif
Red G.Woolen gr
Blue VV A Cheez Wizard gr
Red [DDB] Jelly gr
Red [DDB] DigiDrive gr

na.serveme.tf #576688: DDB vs VV

Team Player Message
Red troll we take those
Blue [DDB] Jelly gr
Red VV SuperSecretSigmaSpy gr
Red VV A Cheez Wizard gr
Red VV Krasota gr
Blue [DDB] DigiDrive gr
Blue [DDB] Speedy gr
Blue Borat gr
Red troll mmm
Red troll ggs!
Blue G.Woolen gg
Blue [DDB] DigiDrive gg
Blue [DDB] Jelly ggs!
Red VV SuperSecretSigmaSpy gg
Red VV Krasota gg

na.serveme.tf #576688: DDB vs VV

Team Player Message
Blue [DDB] Speedy oh fuck they got rizz
Red VV RockOfRocks no stickies?
Blue [DDB] Jelly no bitches?
Red troll lmfao im on mantreads still
Red VV zuri_is_high no way
Red VV zuri_is_high never got the jag
Blue [DDB] Jelly GOATED
Blue [DDB] Jelly GOATED
Blue [DDB] Speedy .ss
Red VV RockOfRocks .ss
Blue [DDB] Speedy .ss
Blue G.Woolen gr
Blue [DDB] Jelly gr
Red VV A Cheez Wizard gr

na.serveme.tf #576688: VV vs DDB

Team Player Message
Red G.Woolen let's goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Red [DDB] Jelly baiting
Red [DDB] Speedy NO! 3 AM!
Red [DDB] Jelly 4 AM LETS GOOO
Red G.Woolen i got my piss bucket ready boys
Blue VV zuri_is_high shit drawer going
Blue VV Medic of Death piss drawer
Red [DDB] Speedy how full
Red [DDB] Speedy ??
Blue troll !extend
Blue VV SuperSecretSigmaSpy !extend
Red Borat !extend
Red [DDB] Speedy clutch
Red [DDB] Jelly :3
Blue VV SuperSecretSigmaSpy ͜ಥʖ̯ಥ)
Blue VV RockOfRocks what are these stickies
Red [DDB] Jelly idk
Blue VV RockOfRocks bad demo
Red [DDB] Jelly no sandvich?
Red G.Woolen gr
Blue VV SuperSecretSigmaSpy gr
Blue VV Krasota gr
Red [DDB] DigiDrive gr

na.serveme.tf #576688: DDB vs VV

Team Player Message
Red troll mine the diamonds
Red VV A Cheez Wizard HUGE FIND
Red VV Crojo.zip huge find
Red VV Medic of Death this dude
Red VV SuperSecretSigmaSpy no judge
Red VV SuperSecretSigmaSpy im using a loan orginal
Blue [DDB] Speedy .ss
Blue [DDB] Speedy .ss
Red VV A Cheez Wizard .ss
Blue G.Woolen gg
Red troll ggs
Blue [DDB] Jelly GG
Red VV RockOfRocks GG
Red VV Krasota gg
Blue [DDB] aquifeR gg
Red VV A Cheez Wizard GG
Blue [DDB] Speedy it was a good season
Blue G.Woolen fun game boys
Blue [DDB] DigiDrive GG
Blue [DDB] Speedy give kot hell
Blue Borat gg
Red VV SuperSecretSigmaSpy GG
Blue [MPREG] Blasterus GG