Logs 3764275, 3764169, 3764196

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL HL Season 19 Main Playoffs 3 - Losers Round 3 Nonagon Infinity Teamy McDweamy 4.67 4.33 koth_product_final, cp_steel_f12, pl_vigil_rc10 Add other logs

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
na.serveme.tf #576674: RED vs BLU pl_vigil_rc10 Highlander Nonagon Infinity Teamy McDweamy 0 1 18:19 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #576674: RED vs BLU koth_product_final Highlander Nonagon Infinity Teamy McDweamy 2 1 17:50 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #576674: RED vs BLU koth_product_final Highlander Nonagon Infinity Teamy McDweamy 0 2 9:07 Remove log
Totals 2 4 45:16


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Red Red FEIN FEIN FEIN Scout 36 28 21 257 227 153 11645 10305 6943 5 0 39 0 0 11 45:16
Red Red Red danmar33 Soldier 43 36 14 354 269 99 16052 12212 4521 6 0 185 0 0 1 45:16
Red Red Red dakota Pyro 22 36 19 151 315 187 6865 14267 8494 3 0 30 0 0 9 45:16
Red Red Red fentanyl_fred1776 Demo 28 33 11 412 409 328 18695 18559 14876 3 0 29 0 0 4 45:16
Red Red Red indiscriminate bombing Engineer 21 23 14 226 182 95 10273 8266 4327 4 0 33 0 0 6 45:16
Red Red Red Kegaman Heavy 22 35 14 231 441 244 10470 19977 11048 4 0 24 0 0 5 45:16
Red Red Red Racist Uncle Medic 0 26 14 1 184 72 8332 0 0 0 13 0 0 3 45:16
Red Red Red NovaSc6ut Sniper 29 34 7 293 296 120 13290 13401 5469 8 0 18 0 21 3 41:15
Red Red Red lemon Spy 20 43 4 185 164 16 8395 7454 746 2 0 34 15 0 4 45:16
Blue Blue Blue Toeh <3 Scout 32 23 26 262 211 155 11869 9596 7036 8 0 33 0 0 9 45:16
Blue Blue Blue $lime allahb TMD dorito Soldier 44 32 16 358 234 148 16232 10621 6711 6 2 95 0 0 0 45:16
Blue Blue Blue lex. Pyro 24 20 29 196 260 228 8911 11799 10334 3 0 23 0 0 8 45:16
Blue Blue Blue m1lfk1tten Demo 34 35 10 415 313 297 18795 14193 13477 4 0 27 0 0 3 45:16
Blue Blue Blue WilliamWanderlust Engineer 32 18 23 183 152 124 8286 6886 5621 6 0 16 0 0 8 45:16
Blue Blue Blue Imagine Heavy 39 25 25 363 447 243 16449 20245 11013 12 0 46 0 0 2 45:16
Blue Blue Blue diddy made me do it Medic 0 18 28 5 157 262 7144 0 0 0 9 0 0 1 45:16
Blue Blue Blue Scourage #playoffsmode Sniper 49 17 6 361 199 160 16362 9042 7272 8 0 14 0 35 5 45:16
Blue Blue Blue Cosmic sR Spy 40 33 5 344 137 19 15607 6231 877 4 0 59 32 0 3 45:16
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Ü Duration
Red 61 108 32 1607 2288 1268 29439 41910 23228 5 0 132 1 6 7 7 18:19
Blue 108 61 64 2288 1607 1475 41910 29439 27020 12 0 119 11 12 7 6 18:19
Red 122 117 65 2650 2611 1256 47273 46572 22400 8 0 186 12 11 28 4 17:50
Blue 117 122 70 2611 2650 1234 46572 47273 22016 6 2 149 12 14 19 4 17:50
Red 38 69 21 2089 2664 1184 19045 24291 10796 5 0 87 2 4 11 2 9:07
Blue 69 38 34 2664 2089 1459 24291 19045 13305 8 0 54 9 9 13 3 9:07


Teams Player Class H% H/M H Ü MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Red Red Racist Uncle Medic 100% 1243 56281 20 18 2 0 2 3 0:40 4 2 45:16
Blue Blue Blue diddy made me do it Medic 100% 1380 62484 24 21 3 0 2 3 0:40 4 1 45:16



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Blue Blue Scourage #playoffsmode 6 2 6 6 6 4 4 12 3 49
Blue Blue Blue $lime allahb TMD dorito 3 2 8 6 2 7 2 4 10 44
Red Red Red danmar33 2 10 1 4 5 4 6 2 9 43
Blue Blue Blue Cosmic sR 1 3 1 7 6 3 4 14 1 40
Blue Blue Blue Imagine 4 10 5 3 12 1 1 1 2 39
Red Red Red FEIN FEIN FEIN 4 6 4 7 5 0 2 1 7 36
Blue Blue Blue m1lfk1tten 3 2 5 2 5 4 9 1 3 34
Blue Blue Blue WilliamWanderlust 4 13 3 4 0 1 1 1 5 32
Blue Blue Blue Toeh <3 4 4 4 5 3 2 4 1 5 32
Red Red Red NovaSc6ut 5 2 1 6 3 3 3 6 0 29
Red Red Red fentanyl_fred1776 4 0 2 6 8 5 2 0 1 28
Blue Blue Blue lex. 3 0 4 0 1 1 1 0 14 24
Red Red Red Kegaman 1 3 5 4 3 2 0 1 3 22
Red Red Red dakota 1 4 4 4 1 0 0 1 7 22
Red Red Red indiscriminate bombing 4 6 2 3 0 1 0 0 5 21
Red Red Red lemon 2 1 1 1 0 3 5 6 1 20


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Red Red lemon 5 10 14 3 2 5 0 3 1 43
Red Red Red dakota 4 8 4 5 5 3 0 6 1 36
Red Red Red danmar33 4 2 0 2 10 13 0 2 3 36
Red Red Red Kegaman 3 2 1 5 12 0 0 6 6 35
Blue Blue Blue m1lfk1tten 7 4 4 6 4 3 0 6 1 35
Red Red Red NovaSc6ut 1 4 0 1 1 1 0 12 14 34
Blue Blue Blue Cosmic sR 7 9 7 1 3 5 0 0 1 33
Red Red Red fentanyl_fred1776 5 6 0 2 3 4 0 6 7 33
Blue Blue Blue $lime allahb TMD dorito 6 10 4 0 3 6 0 2 1 32
Red Red Red FEIN FEIN FEIN 4 3 3 3 4 4 0 6 1 28
Red Red Red Racist Uncle 4 2 1 9 1 1 0 4 4 26
Blue Blue Blue Imagine 5 5 1 8 3 0 0 3 0 25
Blue Blue Blue Toeh <3 4 2 1 4 1 4 0 5 2 23
Red Red Red indiscriminate bombing 2 7 1 4 1 1 0 4 3 23
Blue Blue Blue lex. 4 1 4 2 5 2 0 1 1 20
Blue Blue Blue diddy made me do it 2 6 0 2 0 0 0 3 5 18
Blue Blue Blue WilliamWanderlust 0 4 0 5 2 1 0 3 3 18
Blue Blue Blue Scourage #playoffsmode 1 2 1 0 1 0 0 6 6 17


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Blue Blue Imagine 6 12 10 9 18 1 3 2 3 64
Blue Blue Blue $lime allahb TMD dorito 3 6 10 7 5 9 3 4 13 60
Blue Blue Blue Toeh <3 6 7 9 11 6 5 6 2 6 58
Red Red Red danmar33 4 12 2 6 7 5 6 4 11 57
Red Red Red FEIN FEIN FEIN 4 10 9 12 6 3 3 1 9 57
Blue Blue Blue Scourage #playoffsmode 7 2 7 7 6 4 6 12 4 55
Blue Blue Blue WilliamWanderlust 7 15 6 5 1 3 2 2 14 55
Blue Blue Blue lex. 6 7 6 1 5 4 2 3 19 53
Blue Blue Blue Cosmic sR 1 3 1 8 6 4 4 16 2 45
Blue Blue Blue m1lfk1tten 6 3 7 3 5 5 10 2 3 44
Red Red Red dakota 2 7 8 11 3 1 0 1 8 41
Red Red Red fentanyl_fred1776 6 2 3 10 8 5 4 0 1 39
Red Red Red NovaSc6ut 5 3 4 6 3 3 4 6 2 36
Red Red Red Kegaman 1 5 5 7 5 2 1 3 7 36
Red Red Red indiscriminate bombing 6 9 4 4 2 2 1 0 7 35
Blue Blue Blue diddy made me do it 3 3 7 2 2 3 4 2 2 28
Red Red Red lemon 4 1 1 3 0 3 5 6 1 24
Red Red Red Racist Uncle 2 2 0 2 7 0 0 0 1 14


na.serveme.tf #576674: RED vs BLU

Time Team Player Kills
1:48 Blue Imagine 4
14:58 Blue WilliamWanderlust 3
15:59 Blue m1lfk1tten 3
19:32 Blue Imagine 3
19:46 Blue $lime allahb TMD dorito 4

na.serveme.tf #576674: RED vs BLU

Time Team Player Kills
1:09 Blue Imagine 3
4:37 Red danmar33 5
9:06 Red danmar33 3
10:20 Red dakota 3
10:32 Red NovaSc6ut 3
14:30 Red danmar33 3
16:34 Blue $lime allahb TMD dorito 3

na.serveme.tf #576674: RED vs BLU

Time Team Player Kills
3:16 Blue Scourage #playoffsmode 3
4:25 Blue $lime allahb TMD dorito 3
8:44 Blue Cosmic sR 3


na.serveme.tf #576674: RED vs BLU

Team Player Message
Red fentanyl_fred1776 HAWK TOEH
Red lemon feed on that thang...
Red fentanyl_fred1776 toxic...
Red fentanyl_fred1776 HAWK TOEH
Red FEIN FEIN FEIN hawk toeh
Red lemon crust
Red lemon holy shit
Red danmar33 oop
Blue Toeh <3 lemon why are you emoting on me man D:
Red lemon crust
Blue Toeh <3 im just trying to have a good time
Blue Toeh <3 with my friends

na.serveme.tf #576674: RED vs BLU

Team Player Message
Red NovaSc6ut playing for logs heavy????
Blue Imagine schizos
Blue diddy made me do it ns
Blue Imagine dogs
Red dakota damn
Red NovaSc6ut gr
Red danmar33 too ez

na.serveme.tf #576674: RED vs BLU

Team Player Message
Red danmar33 dont ever
Red FEIN FEIN FEIN get a life
Red NovaSc6ut disguise daniel
Red NovaSc6ut lmfao
Red lemon LOOL
Blue Cosmic sR ?
Red NovaSc6ut my goat
Red lemon LOL