Logs 3788281, 3788330, 3788358, 3788370, 3788391

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL HL Season 20 Invite Invite Qualifiers Round 2 Impostors CLEAR SKY CONQUEST 4.5 4.5 cp_steel_f12, pl_vigil_rc10, koth_ashville_final1 Add other logs

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
ENR0N_RSK_MNGMNT: B^ vs 4RED koth_ashville_final1 Highlander CLEAR SKY CONQUEST Impostors 3 1 22:29 Remove log
ENR0N_RSK_MNGMNT: BLU vs B^|- pl_vigil_rc10 Highlander CLEAR SKY CONQUEST Impostors 0 1 19:06 Remove log
ENR0N_RSK_MNGMNT: B^|- vs BLU pl_vigil_rc10 Highlander Impostors CLEAR SKY CONQUEST 0 1 16:26 Remove log
ENR0N_RSK_MNGMNT: BLU vs B^|- pl_vigil_rc10 Highlander CLEAR SKY CONQUEST Impostors 0 1 15:17 Remove log
ENR0N_RSK_MNGMNT: BLU vs B^|- cp_steel_f12 Highlander CLEAR SKY CONQUEST Impostors 0 1 13:23 Remove log
Totals 3 5 1:26:41


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Red Blue Red Red borger cat Scout 67 51 34 262 224 158 22772 19432 13740 8 0 92 0 0 17 1:26:41
Red Red Blue Red Red Townze Soldier 74 67 30 332 253 198 28799 21963 17180 11 0 126 0 0 9 1:26:41
Red Red Blue Red Red Xenagos Pyro 36 64 57 151 293 178 13097 25411 15491 4 0 52 0 0 11 1:26:41
Red Red Blue Red Red kung fu kenny Demo 60 63 37 421 362 298 36524 31410 25887 8 1 25 0 0 4 1:26:41
Red Red Blue Red Red gG; Engineer 55 43 54 224 143 91 19459 12441 7943 4 0 42 0 0 11 1:26:41
Red Red Blue Red Red ad Heavy 59 51 33 246 424 319 21395 36790 27733 5 0 88 0 0 7 1:26:41
Red Red Blue Red Red grand master gooner 9000 Medic 0 34 47 1 140 96 12180 0 0 0 38 0 0 3 1:26:41
Red Red Blue Red Red gestalt Sniper 78 48 13 302 211 158 26235 18357 13709 15 0 31 0 42 7 1:26:41
Red Red Blue Red Red hitbox terrorist Spy 53 69 10 233 183 35 20263 15944 3095 5 0 157 32 0 1 1:26:41
Blue Blue Red Blue Blue [Ringer] Prealpha Scout 48 57 26 216 194 98 18794 16839 8515 7 0 55 0 0 10 1:26:41
Blue Blue Red Blue Blue [skvr] dr. "wise" !!! Soldier 56 57 36 308 251 129 26747 21836 11207 6 0 133 0 0 0 1:26:41
Blue Blue Red Blue Blue Sinq Pyro 49 70 37 177 333 208 15382 28921 18048 6 0 53 0 0 6 1:26:41
Blue Blue Red Blue Blue redbird Demo 63 57 34 422 345 317 36639 29913 27530 6 0 35 0 0 9 1:26:41
Blue Blue Red Blue Blue "Starfruit66" Engineer 40 33 48 176 126 73 15279 10946 6363 8 0 30 0 0 0 1:26:41
Blue Blue Red Blue Blue DeletedTaters Heavy 89 53 27 313 387 302 27170 33566 26232 6 0 28 0 0 6 1:26:41
Blue Blue Red Blue Blue tosm Sniper 70 54 13 301 236 148 26105 20489 12852 9 0 19 0 56 5 1:26:06
Blue Blue Red Blue Blue aimboat Spy 69 68 8 312 148 16 27046 12834 1455 6 0 95 51 1 5 1:26:41
Blue Blue "starfruit67" Medic 2 21 18 8 176 344 7327 0 1 0 6 0 0 0 41:35
Red Blue Blue eku952 Medic 1 13 35 9 132 422 5969 0 1 0 14 0 0 2 44:46
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Duration
Red 177 126 108 2577 2467 1503 57958 55482 33804 11 1 210 8 9 23 6 22:29
Blue 126 177 86 2467 2577 1284 55482 57958 28873 6 0 148 20 12 15 5 22:29
Red 100 113 65 2201 2170 1385 42050 41447 26457 7 0 136 9 10 8 6 19:06
Blue 112 101 57 2170 2201 1265 41447 42050 24176 8 0 84 11 9 7 6 19:06
Red 85 93 54 1984 2279 1330 32620 37453 21871 7 0 88 5 10 6 7 16:26
Blue 93 85 64 2279 1984 1426 37453 32620 23447 15 0 96 10 13 8 6 16:26
Red 57 87 40 1676 2184 1505 25619 33387 23006 6 0 97 3 3 10 5 15:17
Blue 86 57 50 2184 1676 1311 33387 25619 20050 9 0 69 8 15 7 6 15:17
Red 55 79 38 1909 2315 1349 25560 30992 18064 5 0 112 2 7 21 5 13:23
Blue 78 55 35 2315 1909 1287 30992 25560 17232 6 0 79 7 11 8 5 13:23


Teams Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Red Blue Red Red grand master gooner 9000 Medic 100% 1440 124893 54 50 4 0 3 6 0:30 11 3 1:26:41
Blue Blue "starfruit67" Medic 100% 1275 53049 19 18 1 0 0 3 0:39 2 1 41:35
Red Blue Blue eku952 Medic 100% 1318 59038 29 24 5 0 0 5 0:40 2 1 44:46



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Blue Red Blue Blue DeletedTaters 8 14 20 7 14 9 0 3 14 89
Red Red Blue Red Red gestalt 11 10 10 16 6 6 1 10 8 78
Red Red Blue Red Red Townze 7 8 9 7 7 7 10 11 8 74
Blue Blue Red Blue Blue tosm 5 5 10 9 5 8 6 15 7 70
Blue Blue Red Blue Blue aimboat 4 2 7 14 13 2 7 18 2 69
Red Red Blue Red Red borger cat 10 5 10 5 6 3 6 11 11 67
Blue Blue Red Blue Blue redbird 8 7 11 11 9 5 2 4 6 63
Red Red Blue Red Red kung fu kenny 9 7 9 11 9 3 4 1 7 60
Red Red Blue Red Red ad 3 11 11 5 10 3 1 4 11 59
Blue Blue Red Blue Blue [skvr] dr. "wise" !!! 5 11 4 8 6 4 10 2 6 56
Red Red Blue Red Red gG; 5 6 14 7 4 2 2 1 14 55
Red Red Blue Red Red hitbox terrorist 7 2 5 3 8 8 8 12 0 53
Blue Blue Red Blue Blue Sinq 5 11 5 8 3 2 6 4 5 49
Blue Blue Red Blue Blue [Ringer] Prealpha 9 7 5 5 1 10 3 2 6 48
Blue Blue Red Blue Blue "Starfruit66" 5 10 1 1 0 3 0 0 20 40
Red Red Blue Red Red Xenagos 4 8 2 3 3 1 2 4 9 36
Blue Blue "starfruit67" 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2
Red Blue Blue eku952 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Blue Red Blue Blue Sinq 10 9 2 9 11 14 0 10 5 70
Blue Blue Red Blue Blue aimboat 11 8 9 7 11 14 0 8 0 68
Red Red Blue Red Red hitbox terrorist 6 6 5 6 14 20 2 7 2 68
Red Red Blue Red Red Townze 7 11 11 7 14 10 0 5 2 67
Red Red Blue Red Red Xenagos 5 4 5 11 20 1 0 10 7 63
Red Red Blue Red Red kung fu kenny 5 8 8 11 7 1 0 9 14 63
Blue Blue Red Blue Blue redbird 5 7 3 11 5 7 0 16 3 57
Blue Blue Red Blue Blue [skvr] dr. "wise" !!! 5 8 8 7 11 6 0 10 2 57
Blue Blue Red Blue Blue [Ringer] Prealpha 10 7 4 9 3 5 0 11 7 56
Blue Blue Red Blue Blue tosm 11 11 4 1 4 1 0 10 12 54
Blue Blue Red Blue Blue DeletedTaters 6 7 3 9 10 4 0 6 8 53
Red Red Blue Red Red ad 1 6 3 9 14 0 0 5 13 51
Red Red Blue Red Red borger cat 9 5 5 8 8 5 1 5 4 50
Red Red Blue Red Red gestalt 2 2 4 4 3 0 0 15 18 48
Red Red Blue Red Red gG; 10 4 2 5 9 3 0 8 2 43
Red Red Blue Red Red grand master gooner 9000 3 10 6 2 0 0 0 6 7 34
Blue Blue Red Blue Blue "Starfruit66" 3 7 1 3 3 2 0 6 8 33
Blue Blue "starfruit67" 3 8 1 1 0 2 0 0 6 21
Red Blue Blue eku952 3 2 1 3 1 0 0 1 2 13


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Blue Red Blue Blue DeletedTaters 10 20 22 11 19 12 0 4 18 116
Red Red Blue Red Red gG; 12 15 26 15 8 2 5 3 23 109
Red Red Blue Red Red Townze 9 8 17 10 12 8 12 17 11 104
Red Red Blue Red Red borger cat 13 8 19 9 8 5 6 17 16 101
Red Red Blue Red Red kung fu kenny 12 13 15 17 16 4 7 6 7 97
Blue Blue Red Blue Blue redbird 13 10 15 22 12 8 4 6 7 97
Red Red Blue Red Red Xenagos 11 16 9 7 12 5 5 10 18 93
Blue Blue Red Blue Blue [skvr] dr. "wise" !!! 11 16 9 11 9 8 11 4 13 92
Red Red Blue Red Red ad 7 13 16 8 17 6 3 7 15 92
Red Red Blue Red Red gestalt 11 11 12 18 7 6 2 10 14 91
Blue Blue Red Blue Blue "Starfruit66" 10 19 9 5 4 8 0 0 33 88
Blue Blue Red Blue Blue Sinq 10 21 11 11 7 5 9 4 8 86
Blue Blue Red Blue Blue tosm 6 6 11 10 10 8 7 16 9 83
Blue Blue Red Blue Blue aimboat 6 3 7 16 13 3 9 18 2 77
Blue Blue Red Blue Blue [Ringer] Prealpha 13 10 12 7 3 12 5 2 10 74
Red Red Blue Red Red hitbox terrorist 8 2 6 3 12 9 8 14 1 63
Red Red Blue Red Red grand master gooner 9000 8 7 4 8 5 4 1 1 9 47
Red Blue Blue eku952 4 1 9 5 3 1 1 2 10 36
Blue Blue "starfruit67" 3 1 1 3 3 3 0 2 4 20



Time Team Player Kills
1:10 Red Townze 3
2:11 Red borger cat 3
3:45 Blue Sinq 3
4:36 Red hitbox terrorist 4
6:34 Blue DeletedTaters 4
8:35 Blue aimboat 6
10:30 Red ad 3
10:34 Blue aimboat 3
13:25 Red ad 3
16:52 Blue DeletedTaters 4
18:00 Red borger cat 4
20:07 Red Townze 5
21:18 Red kung fu kenny 3
21:57 Red ad 3
21:58 Red Townze 3


Time Team Player Kills
4:55 Blue tosm 4
5:21 Blue redbird 3
5:37 Blue [skvr] dr. "wise" !!! 4
7:29 Red gG; 3
7:32 Blue "Starfruit66" 3
9:08 Red borger cat 3
9:38 Blue DeletedTaters 4
9:48 Blue [Ringer] Prealpha 3
14:28 Blue DeletedTaters 3
15:50 Blue redbird 3
16:03 Red gestalt 3


Time Team Player Kills
9:22 Red Sinq 3
10:40 Blue gestalt 4
13:41 Red DeletedTaters 3
14:46 Red redbird 3
15:55 Blue borger cat 3
18:18 Red DeletedTaters 3
20:05 Red [Ringer] Prealpha 5
21:07 Blue Townze 4
21:37 Blue gestalt 4


Time Team Player Kills
2:03 Blue tosm 3
3:52 Blue Sinq 3
8:51 Blue DeletedTaters 3
12:47 Blue tosm 3


Time Team Player Kills
1:43 Blue "Starfruit66" 3
2:02 Blue tosm 3
6:04 Blue redbird 3
7:42 Blue DeletedTaters 3
9:13 Red kung fu kenny 4



Team Player Message
Red hitbox terrorist ?
Red Xenagos its a clip
Red gestalt frag vid
Red borger cat nice
Blue [skvr] dr. "wise" !!! engy what is your hp
Blue [skvr] dr. "wise" !!! i hit you 187
Red gG; i was buffed
Red Townze JESUS
Blue aimboat ?
Red Xenagos gg
Red borger cat STOP TAUNTIUNG
Blue aimboat gg


Team Player Message
Red Xenagos glhf
Blue [skvr] dr. "wise" !!!
Red borger cat i fw that amongus heavy
Blue [skvr] dr. "wise" !!!
Red borger cat <3


Team Player Message
Red [skvr] dr. "wise" !!! good find
Blue gestalt ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Red eku952 damn
Red [skvr] dr. "wise" !!! damn


Team Player Message
Red gG; reddit trap
Blue [skvr] dr. "wise" !!! i respect the whip
Red Townze \
Red Xenagos gg
Red ad gg
Blue Sinq gm
Blue DeletedTaters gm
Blue [skvr] dr. "wise" !!! cp_steel_yo_girl


Team Player Message
Red Townze !Log
Red Townze i have work at 6 tomorrow this is torture
Red gestalt ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Red borger cat ns
Red Xenagos gg
Blue [skvr] dr. "wise" !!! ggs
Red gestalt ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Blue aimboat gg
Blue DeletedTaters ggs
Red ad gg
Blue Sinq ggs
Red borger cat gg