Logs 3788957, 3788885, 3788990, 3789000, 3789009

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL HL Season 20 Invite Invite Qualifiers Round 3 Impostors Wo-Chien Forever 3.0 6.0 cp_steel_f12, pl_vigil_rc10, koth_lakeside_f5 Add other logs

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
Impostors Dedicated: B^|- vs WCF pl_vigil_rc10 Highlander Impostors Wo-Chien Forever 0 1 18:58 Remove log
Impostors Dedicated: B^|- vs RED koth_lakeside_f5 Highlander Wo-Chien Forever Impostors 2 3 32:17 Remove log
Impostors Dedicated: BLU vs B^|- cp_steel_f12 Highlander Wo-Chien Forever Impostors 1 0 15:58 Remove log
Impostors Dedicated: B^|- vs BLU cp_steel_f12 Highlander Impostors Wo-Chien Forever 1 0 16:19 Remove log
Impostors Dedicated: BLU vs B^|- cp_steel_f12 Highlander Wo-Chien Forever Impostors 1 0 12:30 Remove log
Totals 5 4 1:36:02


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Blue Blue Red Blue [Ringer] Prealpha Scout 45 83 40 199 224 117 19150 21588 11254 5 0 37 0 0 20 1:35:50
Red Blue Blue Red Blue [skvr] dr. "wise" !!! Soldier 46 70 26 291 256 151 27981 24652 14503 9 2 128 0 0 0 1:36:02
Red Blue Blue Red Blue Sinq Pyro 58 82 41 185 335 191 17778 32189 18435 5 0 89 0 0 5 1:34:14
Red Blue Blue Red Blue redbird Demo 81 64 21 402 356 319 38631 34260 30717 7 1 61 0 0 9 1:36:02
Red Blue Blue Red Blue "Starfruit66" Engineer 42 46 41 177 132 83 17016 12732 7993 7 0 37 0 0 0 1:36:02
Red Blue Blue Red Blue DeletedTaters Heavy 68 63 40 262 402 285 25248 38630 27430 9 0 39 0 0 2 1:36:02
Red Blue Blue Red Blue ben. Medic 2 36 67 3 147 319 14197 0 2 0 16 0 0 5 1:36:02
Red Blue Blue Red Blue tosm Sniper 82 62 16 326 208 144 31315 20039 13891 6 0 30 0 66 7 1:35:39
Red Blue Blue Red Blue aimboat Spy 73 91 10 261 181 16 25112 17475 1617 5 0 94 43 1 9 1:36:02
Blue Red Red Blue Red meo Scout 94 52 49 240 177 149 23055 17066 14323 9 0 93 0 0 22 1:36:02
Blue Red Red Blue Red DeletedTatersfan5792 Soldier 85 67 40 367 241 155 35296 23161 14923 10 1 197 0 0 5 1:36:02
Blue Red Red Blue Red qki c= Pyro 54 60 47 204 268 202 19658 25804 19419 7 0 88 0 0 10 1:36:02
Blue Red Red Blue Red astral projecting to mid Demo 69 63 42 452 344 319 43416 33102 30705 8 0 33 0 0 6 1:36:02
Blue Red Red Blue Red consta Engineer 58 40 41 218 138 102 21009 13271 9841 9 0 28 0 0 12 1:36:02
Blue Red Red Blue Red WCF BBL Heavy 74 70 49 246 418 214 23692 40236 20635 7 0 67 0 0 7 1:36:02
Blue Red Red Blue Red dzcreeper Medic 3 28 68 15 126 1513 12188 0 1 0 48 0 0 5 1:36:01
Blue Red Red Blue Red 1 way ticket to blinker city Sniper 74 59 11 244 225 139 23458 21625 13440 7 0 31 0 52 6 1:36:02
Blue Red Red Blue Red Pupper Spy 75 60 7 256 167 24 24665 16097 2312 8 0 131 36 0 10 1:36:02
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Duration
Red 90 110 57 2063 2098 1406 39130 39802 26677 9 0 87 8 10 8 6 18:58
Blue 108 90 69 2098 2063 1382 39802 39130 26223 9 0 119 7 9 9 6 18:58
Red 233 209 149 2517 2462 1277 81271 79504 41246 9 0 266 15 19 39 9 32:17
Blue 209 233 120 2462 2517 1253 79504 81271 40483 5 2 143 24 27 30 11 32:17
Red 88 52 48 2110 1649 1478 33690 26341 23614 8 0 116 2 14 10 7 15:58
Blue 51 91 29 1649 2110 1316 26341 33690 21025 5 0 89 1 10 2 6 15:58
Red 101 89 67 2226 2170 1287 36331 35408 21011 9 0 139 7 13 8 6 16:19
Blue 85 102 44 2170 2226 1113 35408 36331 18171 7 1 125 6 4 6 5 16:19
Red 72 46 44 2047 1699 1307 25591 21244 16344 10 0 90 6 6 19 6 12:30
Blue 46 74 29 1699 2047 1331 21244 25591 16644 4 1 73 3 7 9 4 12:30


Teams Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Blue Blue Red Blue ben. Medic 100% 1308 125683 59 55 4 0 2 9 0:40 12 1 1:36:02
Blue Red Red Blue Red dzcreeper Medic 100% 1309 125755 55 51 4 0 2 11 0:40 6 0 1:36:01



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Red Blue Red meo 18 10 17 11 7 4 2 8 17 94
Blue Red Red Blue Red DeletedTatersfan5792 13 11 4 9 9 8 7 15 9 85
Red Blue Blue Red Blue tosm 3 7 7 12 12 5 7 25 4 82
Red Blue Blue Red Blue redbird 16 6 11 10 15 6 1 6 10 81
Blue Red Red Blue Red Pupper 8 5 5 14 7 7 11 13 5 75
Blue Red Red Blue Red 1 way ticket to blinker city 10 5 11 9 3 8 8 16 4 74
Blue Red Red Blue Red WCF BBL 8 8 14 6 12 5 1 2 18 74
Red Blue Blue Red Blue aimboat 5 8 2 14 11 9 6 16 2 73
Blue Red Red Blue Red astral projecting to mid 11 7 10 9 16 5 4 4 3 69
Red Blue Blue Red Blue DeletedTaters 7 13 13 7 11 4 2 4 7 68
Blue Red Red Blue Red consta 6 13 9 1 6 5 2 2 14 58
Red Blue Blue Red Blue Sinq 5 11 7 7 3 5 5 4 11 58
Blue Red Red Blue Red qki c= 8 9 8 4 3 3 1 1 17 54
Red Blue Blue Red Blue [skvr] dr. "wise" !!! 2 8 7 5 6 3 3 2 10 46
Red Blue Blue Red Blue [Ringer] Prealpha 8 9 8 4 4 2 4 2 4 45
Red Blue Blue Red Blue "Starfruit66" 5 5 5 4 6 6 0 0 11 42
Blue Red Red Blue Red dzcreeper 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 3
Red Blue Blue Red Blue ben. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Blue Blue Red Blue aimboat 17 9 17 3 18 14 2 4 5 89
Red Blue Blue Red Blue [Ringer] Prealpha 18 13 8 11 8 6 0 10 8 82
Red Blue Blue Red Blue Sinq 17 4 8 10 14 9 1 11 5 79
Red Blue Blue Red Blue [skvr] dr. "wise" !!! 10 11 9 7 8 13 0 5 5 68
Blue Red Red Blue Red WCF BBL 4 6 3 15 11 6 0 12 11 68
Blue Red Red Blue Red DeletedTatersfan5792 9 8 11 6 13 5 0 7 8 67
Blue Red Red Blue Red astral projecting to mid 4 5 7 10 7 4 0 12 14 63
Red Blue Blue Red Blue DeletedTaters 7 9 3 16 12 6 0 3 7 63
Red Blue Blue Red Blue redbird 11 9 4 9 6 1 0 9 14 63
Red Blue Blue Red Blue tosm 8 15 1 4 2 2 0 16 13 61
Blue Red Red Blue Red Pupper 4 10 11 10 7 11 1 4 2 60
Blue Red Red Blue Red qki c= 8 7 7 11 13 5 0 7 2 60
Blue Red Red Blue Red 1 way ticket to blinker city 2 2 4 6 4 0 0 25 16 59
Blue Red Red Blue Red meo 8 2 5 16 7 5 1 3 5 52
Red Blue Blue Red Blue "Starfruit66" 4 8 3 5 5 5 0 8 7 45
Blue Red Red Blue Red consta 2 3 5 6 4 6 0 5 9 40
Red Blue Blue Red Blue ben. 2 7 1 4 1 2 0 8 11 36
Blue Red Red Blue Red dzcreeper 4 3 5 1 2 0 0 7 6 28


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Red Blue Red meo 27 17 25 15 9 5 7 11 27 143
Blue Red Red Blue Red DeletedTatersfan5792 17 13 12 12 19 12 9 18 13 125
Blue Red Red Blue Red WCF BBL 14 19 20 13 19 7 3 5 23 123
Blue Red Red Blue Red astral projecting to mid 15 10 20 16 22 7 9 8 4 111
Red Blue Blue Red Blue DeletedTaters 10 19 21 12 19 5 3 5 14 108
Red Blue Blue Red Blue redbird 16 8 14 12 19 8 2 10 13 102
Blue Red Red Blue Red qki c= 18 15 14 10 9 3 2 4 26 101
Red Blue Blue Red Blue Sinq 10 14 11 14 13 9 6 7 15 99
Blue Red Red Blue Red consta 11 17 18 7 11 9 3 3 20 99
Red Blue Blue Red Blue tosm 5 8 8 13 16 5 7 31 5 98
Red Blue Blue Red Blue [Ringer] Prealpha 15 12 10 11 10 4 6 4 13 85
Blue Red Red Blue Red 1 way ticket to blinker city 10 6 13 11 4 8 8 19 6 85
Red Blue Blue Red Blue "Starfruit66" 11 16 11 6 14 6 1 2 16 83
Red Blue Blue Red Blue aimboat 6 8 3 15 12 10 10 16 3 83
Blue Red Red Blue Red Pupper 9 5 7 14 10 7 11 14 5 82
Red Blue Blue Red Blue [skvr] dr. "wise" !!! 3 12 12 8 11 7 3 3 13 72
Blue Red Red Blue Red dzcreeper 9 6 13 8 6 6 1 6 16 71
Red Blue Blue Red Blue ben. 8 9 10 6 8 3 3 8 14 69


Impostors Dedicated: B^|- vs WCF

Time Team Player Kills
3:47 Blue meo 4
10:16 Blue consta 3
13:41 Red Sinq 3

Impostors Dedicated: B^|- vs RED

Time Team Player Kills
3:10 Blue redbird 3
4:04 Red Pupper 3
4:05 Blue aimboat 3
5:44 Blue tosm 3
6:00 Blue redbird 3
6:38 Blue tosm 4
6:41 Red 1 way ticket to blinker city 3
7:17 Red astral projecting to mid 4
8:00 Red meo 3
8:43 Red consta 3
11:03 Red meo 4
15:30 Red Pupper 3
16:19 Red WCF BBL 3
17:00 Red 1 way ticket to blinker city 3
19:06 Red qki c= 3
19:32 Blue aimboat 3
20:25 Blue [skvr] dr. "wise" !!! 4
20:33 Red meo 3
26:00 Red 1 way ticket to blinker city 4
27:37 Red meo 3
29:11 Blue aimboat 3
30:45 Blue tosm 3
30:54 Blue Sinq 3
31:29 Blue redbird 3
31:32 Red Pupper 4
32:02 Red meo 4
32:13 Red DeletedTatersfan5792 3
34:55 Red Pupper 3
37:31 Blue [Ringer] Prealpha 3

Impostors Dedicated: BLU vs B^|-

Time Team Player Kills
2:41 Blue "Starfruit66" 3
10:47 Red WCF BBL 4
13:54 Red qki c= 4
15:02 Red 1 way ticket to blinker city 3

Impostors Dedicated: B^|- vs BLU

Time Team Player Kills
1:51 Blue WCF BBL 3
2:24 Blue WCF BBL 4
2:55 Blue astral projecting to mid 3
5:06 Red DeletedTaters 3
6:45 Blue WCF BBL 4
7:17 Blue DeletedTatersfan5792 3
7:47 Red redbird 3
10:20 Red aimboat 3
13:44 Red DeletedTaters 3

Impostors Dedicated: BLU vs B^|-

Time Team Player Kills
4:38 Red WCF BBL 3
6:07 Red Pupper 3
8:13 Red qki c= 3
10:11 Red DeletedTatersfan5792 3
10:32 Red Pupper 3
11:32 Red qki c= 5


Impostors Dedicated: B^|- vs WCF

Team Player Message
Red [skvr] dr. "wise" !!! let us pray
Red [skvr] dr. "wise" !!! ajsdkl;fajs;lkdfjal;skdjf;oiawseljcmfa;lsiemj f;lasiemfjl;amsec;flamsecj;l
Red [skvr] dr. "wise" !!! amen
Red ben. pausing

Impostors Dedicated: B^|- vs RED

Team Player Message
Red astral projecting to mid glhf
Blue [Ringer] Prealpha Anything for pupper
Red consta record demos!!
Blue [Ringer] Prealpha gl hf
Blue [Ringer] Prealpha I cannot see ur demo
Blue [Ringer] Prealpha gonna retry on spawn
Blue [skvr] dr. "wise" !!!
Red DeletedTatersfan5792 u dont deserve
Red WCF BBL pausing

Impostors Dedicated: BLU vs B^|-

Team Player Message
Red consta we love steel :D
Blue [skvr] dr. "wise" !!! oh shit a RAT
Red WCF BBL I had to taunt
Red WCF BBL that was funny as fuck
Red qki c= LMAO

Impostors Dedicated: B^|- vs BLU

Team Player Message
Red [Ringer] Prealpha Facts
Blue consta glhf
Red DeletedTaters no u
Red [Ringer] Prealpha glhf
Red DeletedTaters true tho
Red DeletedTaters you guys already have a top inv soildier and spy
Red DeletedTaters why in quals
Red [Ringer] Prealpha Facts
Red [skvr] dr. "wise" !!! we have a top IM soldier
Red [Ringer] Prealpha We have a bot nc scout too
Red ben. wah

Impostors Dedicated: BLU vs B^|-

Team Player Message
Red Pupper stop
Blue [skvr] dr. "wise" !!! starfruit talking about hawk tuah
Blue [skvr] dr. "wise" !!! i need an adult
Blue [Ringer] Prealpha erm, what the sigma??
Red Pupper oops I mean to do stop in console
Red Pupper not say it
Blue [skvr] dr. "wise" !!! g g
Blue DeletedTaters stop what?
Red 1 way ticket to blinker city stop the count
Blue [Ringer] Prealpha nah
Blue Sinq ggs
Blue ben. gg
Blue Sinq gl in invite
Red qki c= gg
Red astral projecting to mid ggs
Red dzcreeper GG
Red astral projecting to mid thank you
Red 1 way ticket to blinker city ggs
Blue DeletedTaters ggs
Blue [Ringer] Prealpha ggs
Blue aimboat gg
Red Pupper gg
Red consta ggs