W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
56-139-18 30.52% 387-741-24 34.64%


Descending Ascending
D M Title Map Classes W-L-T Format Duration K D A D/M DT/M HG/M HR/M Acc LKS K/1 AS MS MKHP BS HSK HS S C Date Duplicate of
TF2Center Lobby #1116887 koth_product_rcx Soldier 0-3-0 sixes 15:31 6 24 2 259 408 119 35% 1 0 2 100 5 2734081
Geotrygon: RED vs BLU koth_product_rcx Soldier 0-3-0 sixes 15:31 6 24 2 259 408 119 35% 1 0 2 100 5
TF2Center Lobby #1102581 koth_product_rcx Sniper 3-0-0 highlander 18:59 16 16 1 243 254 16 6 0 4 22 0 14 0 #314547 - BLU vs RED koth_product_rcx Soldier 0-3-0 sixes 18:52 10 28 6 278 373 113 3 0 27 809 0 0 2534536
TF2Center Lobby #1069976 koth_product_rcx Soldier 0-3-0 sixes 18:52 10 28 6 278 373 113 3 0 27 809 0 0 #310745 - BLU vs RED koth_product_rcx Scout 3-1-0 sixes 19:08 20 22 6 261 332 57 3 0 51 1398 0 4 2515121
TF2Center Lobby #1064763 koth_product_rcx Scout 3-1-0 sixes 19:08 20 22 6 261 332 57 3 0 51 1398 0 4
D M Title Map Classes W-L-T Format Duration K D A D/M DT/M HG/M HR/M Acc LKS K/1 AS MS MKHP BS HSK HS S C Date Duplicate of