
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
2049-2871-479 42.39% 11813-14843-925 44.51%


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Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From
remina 37 32.43% 15:40:59 101 50.00% 39:01:56 288 301 17
GGWP NOH MERCY 39 65.38% 15:33:35 95 27.37% 40:11:48 286 285 16 50
fan xi xhon 想要 27 48.15% 11:27:25 105 33.81% 42:16:10 284 312 4 85
n_Y 12 45.83% 5:09:43 120 32.08% 46:31:01 275 272
alfredodan 66 23.48% 25:02:46 66 56.06% 26:09:03 279 304 25
ddr up directional arrow 36 34.72% 15:09:23 96 57.81% 39:29:13 274 314 4 7
the assembler 10 20.00% 4:03:17 120 38.75% 48:25:26 265 291
reflecto 91 36.81% 33:48:25 39 53.85% 10:08:51 296 303 2 0
fent friday 21 38.10% 8:51:53 109 48.62% 41:46:02 289 277 9
ʙᴀᴄᴋꜱʜᴏᴛɢᴏᴅ 78 60.26% 30:47:30 50 50.00% 19:08:17 306 276 11
raveac 60 40.00% 24:02:14 68 46.32% 27:18:40 301 311 1 129
reero 24 29.17% 9:49:37 103 39.32% 38:34:10 281 288 4 5
HubertTheFish 27 48.15% 11:18:23 100 27.50% 38:24:57 292 302 140
voosh 106 53.30% 36:06:09 20 52.50% 7:59:37 355 338
3pointer 27 35.19% 11:33:20 98 42.86% 39:49:43 296 296 20
BUMBO 10 20.00% 4:06:26 115 50.00% 45:39:21 306 326
Tetelestai 42 27.38% 14:33:43 83 56.02% 35:30:53 313 344 30
pfart 98 42.86% 36:39:39 27 57.41% 9:54:23 296 300 16 90
the Money Guy $$$ 104 30.77% 42:02:44 20 40.00% 8:18:01 298 304
emily 68 53.68% 23:09:13 56 27.68% 21:57:20 282 279 269
D.S. Megan Madiq Brown 68 40.44% 27:45:57 55 42.73% 20:45:41 294 303 6 12
Falcone 20 75.00% 8:41:45 103 29.13% 36:55:24 313 299 14
WONDER. 2 25.00% 44:20 121 36.78% 44:34:06 367 343 66
LEGACYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY 84 65.48% 34:44:05 39 28.21% 16:05:21 284 293 0
midst of pre-nut delusion 50 51.00% 19:16:19 71 47.18% 30:42:58 282 296 14 38
󠀡󠀡 74 49.32% 26:28:42 47 62.77% 18:26:34 288 305 190
lobotomy near me 72 47.92% 29:59:23 48 38.54% 18:14:58 295 287
Chad 21 45.24% 7:34:18 99 47.47% 38:10:03 298 294
KutchKutch 37 37.84% 15:21:01 83 46.99% 33:33:42 263 289 29 20
Rikachu 39 46.15% 17:27:56 81 52.47% 32:29:13 296 304 7 10
sax 23 52.17% 9:41:53 95 24.21% 36:40:38 290 312 4 50
HungryGuy 17 41.18% 7:37:21 100 39.50% 38:09:22 278 292 5 24
cadet 19 31.58% 7:33:19 98 40.82% 37:48:14 282 293 18 33
nehcro 64 21.09% 24:58:12 52 42.31% 20:08:39 278 314 5
worthless dead human 60 45.00% 24:39:57 56 57.14% 23:03:50 299 301 6 17
friend 19 44.74% 7:13:49 96 50.52% 38:25:43 284 308 6 18
dingo 32 57.81% 13:24:01 82 45.12% 32:54:10 273 280 18 5
baby gorilla 18 30.56% 8:10:56 96 43.23% 37:08:35 240 268 8
TH_latent 91 29.12% 33:10:54 22 61.36% 7:14:57 300 299 8 51
dunk 47 41.49% 19:58:32 66 32.58% 26:18:32 303 302 4
rebyte 77 22.08% 27:13:36 35 65.71% 12:24:23 299 318 227
Penfifi 14 57.14% 6:06:06 98 32.65% 37:11:09 286 309 75
ancient coughdrop 23 39.13% 9:40:52 89 43.26% 36:17:22 326 322 30
ghad 56 26.79% 22:13:22 56 35.71% 23:56:13 307 317 263
jt 11 59.09% 4:28:04 100 29.00% 39:04:41 231 232 4
dog 35 32.86% 14:43:56 76 44.74% 32:23:06 290 293 1 38
luddy 24 37.50% 7:48:01 86 27.91% 33:11:54 303 316 279
Cronjington Magoo 29 55.17% 11:55:13 80 38.75% 33:36:24 316 304 9
john awp 25 40.00% 10:39:58 84 42.26% 33:25:26 272 295 5
nomadic 31 46.77% 13:39:21 77 37.66% 30:38:29 309 294
RTM 23 47.83% 8:03:25 85 57.65% 31:27:33 318 347 36
u blame? want losed? 43 40.70% 16:41:01 64 31.25% 26:27:55 279 307 177
sandblast 30 41.67% 13:01:11 74 49.32% 31:01:49 287 301 5 19
deadlyseed 43 30.23% 17:58:19 61 45.08% 23:04:02 282 305 6 7
vliwa 31 32.26% 12:51:01 73 34.93% 28:18:46 286 299 21
Krispy Kreme 2012 15 30.00% 6:47:29 87 44.83% 36:02:04 307 290
No. 1 Wiper 32 37.50% 12:17:55 70 37.14% 27:55:11 277 297 7 52
ChaseDuck 80 46.25% 28:42:28 22 79.55% 7:31:14 292 307 12
nick 86 51.16% 31:04:48 16 37.50% 6:39:55 403 365 3
indianspiceguy 33 50.00% 11:16:28 68 44.12% 26:42:48 325 318 6
C.C.C.O. 30 43.33% 12:20:21 71 36.62% 29:44:34 233 275 17 21
pop-tua!! push on that thang! 41 50.00% 16:30:40 60 57.50% 23:45:46 310 311 3 210
averted 17 17.65% 6:25:27 83 30.72% 32:43:13 207 251 15 26
Tucker Bell 34 52.94% 13:29:43 65 48.46% 26:09:32 289 298 15
goatfrog 22 54.55% 9:38:25 77 36.36% 32:01:51 282 276 33
knoggz morant 35 32.86% 13:31:04 63 34.92% 25:34:55 284 302 1 25
emile 25 16.00% 9:43:33 72 33.33% 28:48:14 290 286 2
Skele_YAMBO 0 0:00 97 25.26% 38:44:51
KTB 2 25.00% 59:33 94 35.11% 35:23:42 196 245
e55 8 50.00% 3:29:16 88 50.00% 33:37:38 283 297 31
michael 66 56.06% 30:44:31 30 48.33% 13:02:54 286 276 4
pabwo 21 35.71% 7:57:03 74 40.54% 27:53:40 317 304
RIP BART WEBBER 12 50.00% 5:41:40 83 27.71% 34:00:29 265 297 11 39
Sideways Whoopi Goldberg 34 44.12% 14:41:29 60 35.83% 25:43:09 299 309 5 4
Unity 42 46.43% 17:44:12 51 37.25% 20:55:09 292 304 1 218
certified gearbox hater 68 20.59% 28:16:24 25 46.00% 10:56:06 289 299 222
jxyxu 11 45.45% 4:48:34 82 26.83% 32:27:25 281 299 7 56
TON 618 10 30.00% 4:16:30 82 34.15% 32:49:12 274 298
yumyum 14 53.57% 5:49:30 78 24.36% 28:41:11 263 279 2
hannahburger 27 25.93% 11:00:43 64 42.19% 25:52:35 326 343 206
ALL DUCK NO PIZZA 39 37.18% 16:52:08 52 33.65% 18:02:59 260 290 13 24
Andrew 26 36.54% 10:38:20 65 50.77% 24:59:10 281 304 218
Loudmouth 8 50.00% 3:16:00 81 46.91% 31:02:46 331 318 169
Igon My Beloved 34 30.88% 13:47:03 55 47.27% 21:24:26 289 301 50
zara 49 34.69% 20:41:25 40 48.75% 17:10:16 300 311 112
dr. chungy ph.d. 46 23.91% 17:37:57 42 52.38% 16:31:07 335 322 88
pelt 20 20.00% 7:38:04 68 61.03% 26:35:52 292 292 79
bundles 35 47.14% 13:10:47 52 44.23% 19:33:31 302 300
marmaloo 26 50.00% 11:43:39 61 17.21% 22:01:07 261 280 18
b OmO 34 52.94% 15:42:59 53 25.47% 21:15:18 277 288
kawa 35 35.71% 14:34:55 52 49.04% 20:45:30 293 292 31
peppermint 36 12.50% 13:14:33 50 50.00% 21:02:35 291 319 257
Max 38 35.53% 15:32:23 48 68.75% 20:55:33 254 276 2
Alanta 25 36.00% 10:40:48 60 44.17% 25:36:50 307 302
delpo 36 66.67% 15:29:28 47 35.11% 20:34:11 272 271 2 7
toss 19 7.89% 7:19:02 63 26.98% 23:07:42 271 303 10 47
6 50.00% 2:32:38 75 26.00% 31:16:20 311 312
Terrace! 77 26.62% 29:01:57 4 50.00% 1:18:53 299 308 6
sk0dlxzcn 7 14.29% 2:50:21 74 41.89% 28:36:09 268 303
john daly 3 0.00% 1:07:51 77 35.06% 29:06:58 285 338
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From
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