vcr romance

W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
1496-2116-87 41.62% 4376-5983-74 42.30%


Descending Ascending
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From
#1 Duck 96 54.69% 33:31:21 116 35.78% 38:19:03 236 198 32 15
Nebula 102 62.75% 35:32:54 107 34.11% 34:17:47 249 212 32 10
ero 90 46.11% 28:29:49 104 37.02% 35:30:30 261 205 11 1
dabeste :'> 99 37.37% 33:20:15 72 54.17% 23:43:31 259 220 6 4
лорд барбос 79 54.43% 26:53:02 90 37.22% 31:15:56 249 197 9 1
TheMasterOfDisaster 65 39.23% 22:06:48 82 47.56% 27:45:35 238 206 8 0
ZakMcRofl 68 44.85% 23:07:52 70 45.71% 24:49:45 215 189 13 0
H4B Obigger 69 28.26% 25:17:36 68 46.32% 23:44:00 222 213 24 4
tIMKA. lft 60 39.17% 20:44:29 76 42.76% 25:19:33 262 192 5
🐱Cheshirecat🐱 67 32.84% 20:50:33 63 44.44% 19:33:27 264 194 13 0
Dr.Disrepect 67 33.58% 22:42:17 62 48.39% 19:45:34 221 200 2 19
☮CombA☮ 59 37.29% 20:01:25 65 44.62% 21:52:05 262 196 43
£blz 58 53.45% 20:34:55 65 33.85% 21:07:48 259 200 9 5
!Fragm3nt3d! 57 45.61% 18:40:31 53 52.83% 17:44:56 229 213 4
PyroHam 58 42.24% 19:19:47 50 32.00% 17:24:19 264 182 14 2
astrya 49 40.82% 15:59:45 58 37.07% 20:03:52 248 201 8 22
Theshorty 46 42.39% 15:02:25 58 42.24% 19:09:52 233 211 2 2
BigZZZ 53 36.79% 17:19:05 50 37.00% 17:02:28 245 207 6 1
Loveclop 56 27.68% 17:46:18 45 62.22% 14:23:02 244 173 2
Pndulum 52 39.42% 16:53:34 46 43.48% 16:23:15 246 210 20
straus 33 60.61% 11:26:19 64 33.59% 19:58:29 204 203 26 10
pootis conspiracy 40 26.25% 13:42:57 54 52.78% 18:32:32 223 200 14
❤NoOt_NoOt❤ #SmegmaA$$ 47 53.19% 15:12:36 46 29.35% 16:34:56 261 185 2 6
batata pala-pala lover 30 40.00% 9:16:33 61 38.52% 21:10:32 239 193 12 0
Fry_Friday 50 50.00% 17:34:41 40 43.75% 13:11:58 292 222 1
Nakuja Chan 43 58.14% 14:20:33 46 21.74% 14:55:35 295 193 5 14
gokhan 33 25.76% 10:57:45 53 35.85% 17:56:19 221 226 0 0
Jurbsy 46 45.65% 15:32:37 38 38.16% 12:40:03 291 197 0 7
ReseF 46 41.30% 14:44:09 36 36.11% 12:04:57 256 188 13
Haiva 41 60.98% 13:49:45 40 31.25% 12:49:01 235 201 9 8
T1mmy 40 53.75% 14:16:55 39 41.03% 13:06:20 282 191
matzi 29 51.72% 9:27:28 50 34.00% 17:38:41 169 220 32
Zorig 37 43.24% 12:06:14 40 40.00% 12:08:55 266 190 3 20
bugser 46 47.83% 15:59:35 30 33.33% 10:15:40 203 186 10 4
47 47 32.98% 14:57:42 28 53.57% 8:40:10 295 235 11 9
walluu 34 45.59% 10:58:39 41 50.00% 13:42:29 282 213 0 5
Elysioner 27 62.96% 9:43:08 48 23.96% 15:58:09 248 192 6 3
nick (from ger) 37 41.89% 12:17:06 38 40.79% 13:16:58 213 209 12 1
Samuel L. Jackson 19 50.00% 6:49:39 55 45.45% 17:44:17 226 170 4 2
VNGE 39 30.77% 13:16:52 35 50.00% 12:38:53 292 205 1 18
☮asura☮ 36 40.28% 11:55:16 37 31.08% 12:50:20 276 201 6 9
No Pasaran 28 39.29% 9:37:01 44 46.59% 14:43:43 300 216 44
darkcel cowboy 30 40.00% 9:31:32 42 42.86% 14:31:32 202 217 4
1pt 32 54.69% 11:40:27 40 38.75% 13:57:40 265 197 6 4
anniii 31 50.00% 10:20:04 40 36.25% 13:58:48 240 234 6 3
lawn 34 33.82% 12:25:40 37 33.78% 11:53:39 242 200 4 1
IWISHGODHADCHOSEANOTHER 43 39.53% 14:11:31 28 58.93% 10:24:23 257 200 1 16
ViÑa$11 31 50.00% 10:16:23 40 42.50% 12:35:21 252 208 12
scissors 21 61.90% 6:28:30 49 22.45% 15:53:12 236 202 13
ice 42 35.71% 14:05:12 28 35.71% 10:00:40 262 205 6 26
Mediccynical 30 35.00% 9:09:53 39 56.41% 13:05:54 258 249 6 23
lulu 32 35.94% 9:57:43 37 43.24% 13:03:56 243 185 13 1
Lilium 30 51.67% 10:06:41 38 31.58% 12:39:41 280 188 6
Un4given 28 66.07% 9:24:53 40 32.50% 13:05:46 223 186 6
pyokopyoko 26 57.69% 8:08:50 40 30.00% 12:09:37 223 225 0 5
BRING BACK LOWER DECKS 34 38.24% 10:57:31 32 28.12% 10:52:29 232 190 6
Fishy 30 30.00% 10:34:25 36 47.22% 11:46:29 217 195 3 16
Thero 34 35.29% 11:01:03 31 35.48% 9:45:49 238 183 16
dragon_slayer72 36 55.56% 12:18:28 29 22.41% 9:34:33 268 173 6 7
Mase 37 32.43% 12:17:35 27 38.89% 9:43:36 233 180
Pyrolander 39 50.00% 13:36:19 25 48.00% 8:42:27 246 225 14 21
SXBpro100player 28 32.14% 8:44:16 35 44.29% 10:52:08 227 200 9
Rawlóp 33 30.30% 11:19:26 30 26.67% 8:55:32 253 199 1
nepal 26 46.15% 7:50:31 36 38.89% 11:47:32 230 176 23
[ C* ]Reddawn 25 42.00% 8:36:29 36 13.89% 11:15:29 245 207 3
O'men 32 56.25% 10:24:26 29 22.41% 9:15:45 251 183 16 10
f 33 42.42% 10:55:27 28 26.79% 9:30:48 270 215 17 15
cmx 28 35.71% 9:46:15 33 48.48% 11:02:12 276 188 5
В армейке с 24.06.2024 25 32.00% 8:12:14 35 51.43% 11:23:13 205 193 25 23
ihor 45 40.00% 14:53:05 15 33.33% 5:09:22 184 190 4 4
Bob 31 41.94% 9:49:37 29 31.03% 10:53:11 268 218 7
blanc 27 55.56% 10:14:08 33 31.82% 10:43:34 263 199 7
one eye 21 61.90% 7:00:07 39 20.51% 13:17:45 278 174 5 32
ziraeL 27 33.33% 8:09:36 32 43.75% 10:57:41 266 208 13 10
MamiFairy 33 45.45% 10:22:13 25 50.00% 8:20:16 223 180 1 2
pyla 30 56.67% 9:55:24 28 42.86% 9:20:05 238 213 5 8
[r0]nikoooś. 25 60.00% 8:12:54 33 54.55% 9:54:24 217 201 7 0
smrk 25 34.00% 8:13:59 33 36.36% 12:13:33 236 203 15 7
Norbi 22 50.00% 7:46:38 35 20.00% 11:07:43 266 243 2 1
analgen 32 25.00% 10:57:46 25 32.00% 8:27:42 288 177 0 2
Kantemirovets 30 65.00% 9:37:27 27 27.78% 9:12:29 244 192 14
TheLegend27 25 68.00% 8:34:36 31 32.26% 9:19:33 215 199 14
Miliø 27 44.44% 10:00:05 29 37.93% 9:04:39 246 211 26 7
Mong 30 45.00% 10:48:50 26 51.92% 7:50:18 234 186 3 0
oldschool 24 58.33% 9:07:02 30 36.67% 10:14:51 270 182 10 3
Дегустатор сперм 31 20.97% 10:04:51 23 69.57% 7:16:06 266 218 0
Arty 24 45.83% 8:25:34 30 36.67% 9:08:20 240 188 20
Grimbles 26 38.46% 8:14:49 28 41.07% 9:38:56 286 229 3 0
voidtrinity 21 42.86% 7:50:26 32 40.62% 10:11:29 266 193 23
cutie pie 33 45.45% 10:49:07 19 36.84% 6:15:51 267 231 1
Fabeure 24 58.33% 7:28:42 28 23.21% 8:32:33 246 213 7
Hate 30 46.67% 9:59:09 22 36.36% 7:55:15 229 202 0
redlix 17 58.82% 5:37:17 34 30.88% 11:10:15 269 207 10 6
グshiningグ 18 55.56% 6:14:23 33 43.94% 11:24:53 236 215 5 1
bosse 28 39.29% 9:02:28 23 32.61% 7:20:08 216 197 14
Enzo 5450 26 53.85% 8:59:42 24 50.00% 8:24:13 274 234 17
Shinei Nouzen 26 46.15% 8:34:36 24 35.42% 8:19:58 262 187 4
Haircut Police 19 31.58% 6:04:19 31 38.71% 10:18:56 256 194 58
Lecter 22 40.91% 7:44:28 28 42.86% 9:32:40 226 206 6 8
~pluzi… 23 52.17% 7:45:58 27 48.15% 8:34:36 241 199 3 5
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From