(1) Ben

W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
209-219-16 48.87% 519-524-10 49.76%


Descending Ascending
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From
♪ oLae! 148 48.31% 46:25:11 42 57.14% 9:59:31 57 213 284 24
Josh 117 52.99% 38:10:21 31 37.10% 10:05:38 77 204 200 22
mazz 49 48.98% 16:32:33 64 46.09% 22:00:48 82 203 99
obla 51 62.75% 8:18:08 52 25.00% 7:36:12 362 443 532 219
Laz 77 42.86% 25:08:08 24 64.58% 8:05:38 88 194 55
jennierubyjane gp 51 55.88% 14:58:58 36 48.61% 12:10:47 60 201 85 2
Vevvvvvvvvvvvvvv 48 57.29% 15:25:09 37 31.08% 12:11:52 40 194 46 9
yakubian princess 46 43.48% 14:40:47 37 67.57% 12:09:21 98 212 64 3
odobert 58 50.86% 17:50:50 24 60.42% 7:43:17 64 200 39 1
76561198089933986 49 50.00% 16:14:57 30 38.33% 9:47:33 73 205 96
||||||||||||||| 28 46.43% 6:55:00 49 55.10% 7:59:39 54 221 190 13
feng 40 45.00% 13:17:32 36 52.78% 11:42:45 67 215 93
Andyroo 34 51.47% 12:23:55 34 45.59% 10:58:04 34 162 88
megumi 30 26.67% 7:22:30 36 47.22% 5:13:58 194 331 223 138
a 48 52.08% 14:39:18 15 33.33% 4:53:24 20 179 104
hunnid K 34 50.00% 11:02:27 27 31.48% 9:02:39 91 205 54
bonito. 16 25.00% 4:14:38 44 59.09% 7:02:01 30 224 247
para 31 35.48% 11:03:11 29 53.45% 10:59:34 62 198 80
mashiro 32 64.06% 9:37:27 27 37.04% 5:32:57 43 190 130 16
[VIP] Zach 34 47.06% 12:15:25 23 73.91% 7:25:48 95 215 80 10
smotherfucker 51 40.20% 15:02:43 5 50.00% 1:46:14 39 190 225
jd 23 21.74% 8:32:44 29 34.48% 8:38:08 47 203 144 2
sentar 17 55.88% 5:09:24 34 36.76% 10:24:22 69 216 57
scandalous!!!!!!!! 16 53.12% 5:30:31 32 31.25% 9:55:33 65 199 56
Tom 45 44.44% 11:10:35 2 50.00% 48:30 14 184 220
gotaki 27 51.85% 9:42:36 17 52.94% 5:15:18 98 208 21
bug chungus 18 58.33% 5:53:26 26 51.92% 9:28:40 62 205 59
brodie escobar 18 58.33% 5:30:18 19 18.42% 6:55:38 37 196 163 7
mesa 18 50.00% 5:46:53 18 33.33% 5:42:46 27 209 124
von 23 65.22% 7:44:49 13 46.15% 3:44:01 13 179 145
little rat boy 17 32.35% 6:09:21 18 22.22% 6:11:36 109 253 101
biBbore 12 16.67% 3:55:14 23 56.52% 7:25:32 97 233 79 17
HASHFAN 14 57.14% 5:02:40 20 55.00% 6:16:20 47 204 237
chad 12 45.83% 3:48:33 22 52.27% 8:19:25 96 211 83
Phantom 25 50.00% 7:00:15 8 31.25% 2:58:49 40 193 86
havc 15 40.00% 4:28:21 17 55.88% 6:11:56 82 209 131
ram 11 50.00% 3:11:43 20 47.50% 6:03:16 87 228 99
devil in the wire 10 50.00% 3:08:01 21 59.52% 6:01:41 29 211 142 0
cheese contractor 18 41.67% 6:18:44 12 50.00% 4:35:34 89 221 104
100T Dan 'Ghosty' 21 61.90% 6:51:43 9 22.22% 3:15:10 4 170 91
Doctrine 14 57.14% 5:31:59 16 56.25% 4:55:55 8 142 106 5
I believe in joe hendry 17 14.71% 6:04:33 11 68.18% 3:20:10 62 187 102
Exquizit 3 66.67% 1:06:27 24 41.67% 7:37:47 107 233 19
Brendo 4 25.00% 1:27:40 23 41.30% 6:53:00 13 149 159
ARandomDeadDude 11 63.64% 3:12:30 16 28.12% 5:06:14 12 178 154
Iconik 24 41.67% 6:01:11 3 33.33% 1:09:40 22 178 152
goatedRice.crimpy94 11 45.45% 3:29:50 15 66.67% 4:54:05 35 199 154
inc 9 27.78% 3:03:07 17 8.82% 5:11:47 46 184 90
the prawn 9 44.44% 3:03:43 17 52.94% 5:05:16 12 184 137
redja 8 25.00% 2:15:34 17 41.18% 5:52:07 70 198 81
Michael 24 50.00% 6:28:39 0 0:00 45 181 127
smithy 14 50.00% 4:02:16 10 80.00% 3:29:07 55 194 150
Japanese Incendiary Bats 16 75.00% 4:58:40 7 14.29% 2:24:04 4 152 141
BLGlenn 8 37.50% 2:55:57 15 53.33% 4:37:31 83 225 55 32
DumDawG 13 53.85% 4:35:41 9 61.11% 3:06:43 55 202 113
gogen 7 78.57% 2:12:29 14 50.00% 4:55:42 5 153 82
smooth awperator 18 61.11% 5:54:21 3 16.67% 59:57 49 180 20
john 7 71.43% 2:20:35 13 11.54% 4:18:13 5 147 251
Ⱥprìgod.™ 8 75.00% 2:31:34 12 50.00% 4:07:16 64 186 69
tanking 6 58.33% 1:50:07 14 25.00% 4:55:06 30 203 98
Snelmo 8 62.50% 2:51:10 12 50.00% 4:29:21 54 199 117 2
-=TSON=- 4 75.00% 1:13:42 16 0.00% 4:55:01 3 159 226
wackel 11 45.45% 3:36:37 9 88.89% 3:07:50 40 200 150
GOON FISHING 2 50.00% 37:21 16 21.88% 4:28:58 213 267
Duck Journal Junkie altombo 12 75.00% 3:31:09 6 33.33% 2:40:51 14 174 238
rawwwrrrr 6 33.33% 2:21:30 12 20.83% 4:05:26 30 189 193
gingacharma 5 90.00% 1:29:30 13 50.00% 3:37:48 14 204 144
SLATTGOD2001 6 83.33% 1:50:47 12 20.83% 3:53:03 160 270 54 11
yophai 4 50.00% 1:23:51 14 14.29% 4:30:52 111 363 93
Sexy Turtle 10 50.00% 3:32:19 8 62.50% 2:39:20 25 201 75
TheEyCallMeEngiee 14 71.43% 4:29:13 3 33.33% 54:47 4 150 83
a frog in its pond 4 37.50% 1:21:26 13 73.08% 3:48:06 91 229 28
|Titan| 8 43.75% 2:42:04 9 50.00% 3:17:05 38 204 99
typo 3 66.67% 39:31 14 64.29% 3:48:43 194 269 130
möchtvool 14 39.29% 4:21:18 3 66.67% 56:33 49 212 85
Kodyn 2 50.00% 44:13 15 6.67% 4:51:27 13 207 61
<3 15 40.00% 4:38:09 2 0.00% 40:22 18 199 81 0
canteloupe globule II 4 0.00% 33:00 13 46.15% 2:17:35 344 444 597 232
PREACHER MAN 1 0.00% 15:41 16 46.88% 4:49:55 229 302
the chinese century 2 50.00% 45:52 15 66.67% 4:30:58 9 223 160
wohxye 3 33.33% 1:21:50 13 53.85% 4:28:50 14 215 76
jason 14 50.00% 3:32:14 2 50.00% 39:09 49 193 83
dispense12378smazza 14 67.86% 3:17:09 2 75.00% 29:57 16 154 143
jzplr 🎷🐛 7 85.71% 2:17:10 9 44.44% 2:45:23 68 199 164
Les 14 53.57% 3:43:49 2 0.00% 51:51 14 171 239
L.W 2 50.00% 32:09 14 21.43% 4:00:22 71 190 29
Dr. 6 58.33% 1:54:51 10 40.00% 3:02:50 133 228 119
saber 0 0:00 16 34.38% 5:58:57
Dr. Smash 10 65.00% 3:19:34 6 66.67% 1:53:27 5 185 59 0
Conebra 5 50.00% 1:35:34 11 72.73% 3:06:54 96 173 62
RAINY BIG BRAINY 11 81.82% 3:34:47 5 40.00% 1:49:58 41 219 105
RelentlessRoger 4 25.00% 1:10:19 11 45.45% 3:06:31 75 245 105
mrkj 10 65.00% 2:47:27 5 80.00% 2:07:25 104 197 78
MALAKA 3 33.33% 1:02:45 12 66.67% 3:55:54 100 206 14
buh 2 75.00% 49:14 13 65.38% 3:38:45 198 283
Styxs 5 60.00% 1:34:39 10 65.00% 3:19:50 9 176 237
ssj washedmachine 8 37.50% 2:24:13 7 64.29% 2:27:17 15 195 74
Ben10inches 9 61.11% 2:31:56 6 50.00% 1:45:09 82 220 92
rain 6 41.67% 1:27:12 9 33.33% 2:51:16 16 201 55
noemington 10 70.00% 3:08:07 5 80.00% 1:41:30 2 157 109
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From