the kidd that didd

W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
1016-1043-190 49.40% 4463-4618-1036 49.23%



Class W-L-T Winrate DA/M Acc DA/S Time Played
Scout 216-226-53 48.99% 226 55% 13 167:57:19
Soldier 586-586-98 50.00% 264 44% 29 440:58:53
Pyro 0-1-0 0.00% 217 68% 889 3:53:20
Demo 114-113-20 50.20% 292 20% 13 101:47:55
Engineer 125 25% 24 6:49:29
Heavy 312 38% 2884 2:27:30
Medic 47-53-7 47.20% 27 50% 5 42:15:10
Sniper 10-11-1 47.73% 264 35% 36 37:01:31
Spy 280 39% 245 2:18:07


Format W-L-T Winrate Time Played
Ultiduo 12-13-0 48.00% 5:22:48
Fours 23-20-0 53.49% 5:24:53
Sixes 943-955-179 49.71% 787:36:13
Prolander 3-3-0 50.00% 2:42:21
Highlander 6-10-1 38.24% 5:00:17
Other 12-12-1 50.00% 6:06:05


Name Count
Fathum 1946 667
1946 161
Fathum 1946 LFT 121
fathumz 80
[Styln] FaThUm. 78
fathum LFT 77
fathum 72
AFR fatthumbs 56
fath 55
Fathum 42

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Recent Logs

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