
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
1137-1033-97 52.29% 4010-3850-170 51.00%


Descending Ascending
League Team Competitions Division Format Rostered From Rostered To
RGL 9:30 Bedtime HL Season 10 to HL Season 12 Advanced Highlander
RGL 6 B4nnies Sixes S8 Main Sixes
RGL Ragnarip HL Season 9 Advanced-2 Highlander
RGL 7gull Sixes S6 Main Sixes
RGL gotta blast HL Season 9 Invite Highlander
RGL Gramps! and the Boomers HL Season 8 Advanced-2 Highlander
RGL teeklander HL Season 8 Main Highlander
RGL Klowwdless9 HL Season 7 Main Highlander
RGL baocn attorney at law Sixes S4 Main Sixes
RGL Squide Squade: The Squeakquel HL Season 6 Intermediate Highlander
RGL gotta blast HL Season 4 Advanced Highlander
RGL No.3 Pencils HL Season 4 Main Highlander
RGL No.3 Pencils HL Season 3 Main Highlander
RGL No.3 Pencils HL Exp #2 Main Highlander
RGL gotta blast HL Season 2 Advanced Highlander
RGL Cards and XX Chromosomes HL Exp #1 Div-3 Highlander
RGL Gotta Blast HL Season 1 Main Highlander