
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
729-591-92 54.89% 3761-3167-175 54.18%


Descending Ascending
D M Title Map Classes W-L-T Format Duration K D A D/M DT/M HG/M HR/M Acc LKS K/1 AS MS MKHP BS HSK HS S C Date Duplicate of #10553 pl_upward_f12 Demo 1-0-0 highlander 13:23 12 6 2 354 366 289 23% 3 4 0 13 508 0 0 0 #2971 pl_upward_f10 Medic 0-2-0 highlander 19:24 0 14 11 8 225 1027 54% 0 10 111 0 0 0
RED vs BLU pl_upward Soldier 0-1-0 highlander 17:27 9 18 7 327 299 90 2 0 26 1052 0 0 0 2416019
TF2Center Lobby #1036222 pl_upward Soldier 0-1-0 highlander 17:27 9 18 7 327 299 90 2 0 26 1052 0 0 0
TF2Center Lobby #1030642 pl_upward Soldier 1-0-0 highlander 23:41 35 16 2 412 229 72 35% 3 8 1 40 1529 0 0 2 #951254 - gays vs heads pl_upward Heavy 1-0-0 highlander 15:26 36 1 8 463 312 297 7 31 0 15 617 0 0 0 2393458
TF2Center Lobby #1030005 pl_upward Heavy 1-0-0 highlander 15:26 36 1 8 463 312 297 7 31 0 15 617 0 0 0
TF2Center Lobby #1022726 pl_upward Demo 0-1-0 highlander 14:58 1 4 0 13 80 12 1 0 4 132 0 0 0 #938409 - BLU vs cute pl_upward Engineer 0-1-0 highlander 23:25 19 20 15 369 246 45 4 3 0 14 284 0 0 2 2364933
TF2Center Lobby #1022243 pl_upward Engineer 0-1-0 highlander 23:25 19 20 15 369 246 45 4 3 0 14 284 0 0 2 #934995 - gay vs homo pl_upward Scout Demo 1-0-0 highlander 17:28 25 14 5 471 220 94 3 5 0 18 488 0 0 1 2357755
TF2Center Lobby #1020150 pl_upward Scout Demo 1-0-0 highlander 17:28 25 14 5 471 220 94 3 5 0 18 488 0 0 1
TF2Center Lobby #1020097 pl_upward Scout 1-0-0 highlander 17:26 12 7 2 173 80 27 3 4 0 4 113 0 0 0
RED vs BLU pl_upward Demo 0-1-0 highlander 16:48 11 15 8 356 326 203 3 3 2 23 781 0 0 0 2356923
TF2Center Lobby #1019925 pl_upward Demo 0-1-0 highlander 16:48 11 15 8 356 326 203 3 3 2 23 781 0 0 0
RED vs BLU pl_upward Heavy 1-0-0 highlander 28:16 34 18 13 425 534 269 3 5 0 11 695 0 0 1 2354575
TF2Center Lobby #1019217 pl_upward Heavy 1-0-0 highlander 28:16 34 18 13 425 534 269 3 5 0 11 695 0 0 1
TF2Center Lobby #1013791 pl_upward Spy Pyro Heavy 1-0-0 sixes 9:50 8 2 3 181 93 39 5 0 1 29 2 0 4 2336038 #924908 - blu vs BLU pl_upward Spy Pyro Heavy 1-0-0 sixes 9:50 8 2 3 181 93 39 5 0 1 29 2 0 4
TF2Center Lobby #1013441 pl_upward Soldier 1-0-0 highlander 26:09 9 2 1 92 33 16 6 0 5 187 0 0 0
TF2Center Lobby #1012313 pl_upward Engineer 0-1-0 highlander 21:44 12 13 11 272 199 60 4 0 19 502 0 0 1
TF2Center Lobby #1010559 pl_upward Demo 0-1-0 highlander 22:39 20 11 5 508 247 174 3 6 0 11 372 0 0 1 #919066 - RED vs BLU pl_upward Scout 0-1-0 highlander 20:08 7 5 1 103 59 5 3 0 6 165 0 0 0 2322718
TF2Center Lobby #1010224 pl_upward Scout 0-1-0 highlander 20:08 7 5 1 103 59 5 3 0 6 165 0 0 0 #916557 - RED vs owo pl_upward Engineer 0-1-0 highlander 22:35 15 7 9 284 118 47 8 0 12 310 0 0 2 2317101
TF2Center Lobby #1008718 pl_upward Engineer 0-1-0 highlander 22:35 15 7 9 284 118 47 8 0 12 310 0 0 2
TF2Center Lobby #1007889 pl_upward Engineer 0-1-0 highlander 20:01 12 11 7 299 175 62 3 0 13 352 0 0 2 #913366 - cYEET vs BLU pl_upward Soldier 1-0-0 highlander 19:51 26 12 3 383 268 136 7 4 38 1257 0 0 1 2309750
TF2Center Lobby #1006732 pl_upward Soldier 1-0-0 highlander 19:51 26 12 3 383 268 136 7 4 38 1257 0 0 1
TF2Center Lobby #1005050 pl_upward Engineer 0-1-0 highlander 23:49 8 12 4 193 183 60 3 14 308 0 0 0 #909461 - b4nny vs BLU pl_upward Soldier 2-0-0 other 26:28 27 16 6 327 278 89 3 5 3 41 1788 0 0 2 2301331
TF2Center Lobby #1004445 pl_upward Soldier 2-0-0 other 26:28 27 16 6 327 278 89 3 5 3 41 1788 0 0 2
TF2Center Lobby #1004274 pl_upward Engineer 1-0-0 highlander 24:09 19 5 13 250 92 79 3 10 0 1 25 0 0 0
Qixalite Bookable: RED vs BLU pl_upward Scout 0-1-0 highlander 20:37 16 15 10 225 217 87 45% 4 0 16 418 0 0 3
Qixalite Bookable: RED vs BLU pl_upward Soldier 1-1-0 highlander 17:05 7 22 4 318 297 62 46% 2 21 709 0 0 0
Qixalite Bookable: RED vs BLU pl_upward Spy 0-1-1 highlander 9:00 4 7 1 227 127 9 50% 1 2 54 4 0
Qixalite Bookable: RED vs vD pl_upward Demo 0-1-0 highlander 20:43 22 11 12 486 300 244 29% 5 35 1164 0 0 2
Qixalite Bookable: RED vs BLU pl_upward Medic 0-1-0 highlander 29:53 2 21 17 19 180 976 56% 1 0 11 368 0 0 0
D M Title Map Classes W-L-T Format Duration K D A D/M DT/M HG/M HR/M Acc LKS K/1 AS MS MKHP BS HSK HS S C Date Duplicate of