Yosexmite Sam

W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
920-947-75 49.30% 2654-2681-26 49.75%


Descending Ascending
D M Title Map Classes W-L-T Format Duration K D A D/M DT/M HG/M HR/M Acc LKS K/1 AS MS MKHP BS HSK HS S C Date Duplicate of
cool product Spy Soldier Engineer 0-4-0 highlander 19:49 13 24 8 340 266 54 53% 3 3 29 1217 3 0 0 3525873, 3525892
na.serveme.tf #535468 koth_product_final Engineer Spy 0-2-0 highlander 8:28 8 13 3 214 274 67 67% 3 3 0 0 0 0 0
na.serveme.tf #535468 koth_product_final Soldier Spy 0-2-0 highlander 11:21 5 11 5 434 260 44 48% 2 29 1217 3 0 0
na.serveme.tf #535449 koth_product_final Spy Engineer 1-3-0 highlander 21:14 14 25 0 291 204 11 31% 3 3 0 12 243 11 0 0
na.serveme.tf #535449 koth_product_final Spy 0-3-0 highlander 19:37 15 25 2 373 230 8 37% 2 0 16 355 12 2 2
wet week 4 koth_product_final Spy 4-3-0 highlander 44:32 50 58 1 428 204 12 44% 3 4 0 35 760 39 0 0 3443936, 3443980, 3444035
WetCardBoard: vine vs WET koth_product_final Spy 2-1-0 highlander 19:07 23 26 0 447 232 18 35% 3 4 0 12 249 18 0 0
WetCardBoard: SABER vs WET koth_product_final Spy 0-2-0 highlander 12:34 15 17 0 467 185 2 55% 3 0 7 131 12 0 0
WetCardBoard: SABER vs WET koth_product_final Spy 2-0-0 highlander 12:51 12 15 1 363 181 12 45% 3 3 16 380 9 0 0
na.serveme.tf #510140: RED vs BLU koth_product_final Spy 1-0-0 highlander 6:28 6 6 1 399 214 35 41% 3 3 0 2 50 5 0 2
BEAR 2-0 BUCK swift, product Sniper 5-8-0 highlander 1:30:04 113 85 12 398 277 51 32% 4 8 0 6 189 0 54 2 3381108, 3381144, 3381179, 3381226, 3381251, 3381274
The Bear Necessities: BEAR vs buck koth_product_final Sniper 1-2-0 highlander 16:51 16 21 3 354 403 57 46% 3 4 0 0 0 7 0
The Bear Necessities: BEAR vs buck koth_product_final Sniper 2-0-0 highlander 12:30 24 11 1 562 297 65 44% 4 6 0 0 0 0 14 0
The Bear Necessities: BEAR vs buck koth_product_final Sniper 0-2-0 highlander 10:07 9 13 0 190 414 33 29% 2 0 0 0 3 0
830 scrim product + swiftwater Sniper 4-1-0 highlander 32:01 36 31 5 346 327 53 39% 4 9 0 4 126 0 14 1 3381058, 3381085
na.serveme.tf #507096 koth_product_final Sniper 0-3-0 highlander 17:22 23 17 3 404 364 62 34% 4 9 0 4 126 0 9 0
na.serveme.tf #506973: MF vs buck\ koth_product_final Sniper 0-3-0 highlander 18:33 19 19 2 387 272 48 34% 3 0 4 126 0 7 0
na.serveme.tf #501339: buck vs BLU koth_product_final Engineer 0-3-0 highlander 16:39 15 16 8 324 254 59 55% 3 0 12 324 0 0 3
na.serveme.tf #501339: buck vs BLU koth_product_final Engineer 0-3-0 highlander 13:08 9 12 7 313 275 53 57% 3 14 465 0 0 1
na.serveme.tf #501329: buck vs BLU koth_product_final Engineer 0-1-0 highlander 4:48 3 3 2 270 218 83 60% 3 0 2 75 0 0 2
na.serveme.tf #498566: RED vs real koth_product_final Engineer 2-3-0 highlander 26:15 20 16 12 252 217 70 36% 4 6 0 20 559 0 0 4
na.serveme.tf #498423: kay vs buck koth_product_final Heavy 1-3-0 highlander 20:52 12 15 11 230 376 192 3 5 12 254 0 0 2
na.serveme.tf #497233: RTL vs BLU koth_product_final Pyro 2-3-0 highlander 30:03 32 26 17 268 382 94 61% 3 11 27 1089 0 0 7
na.serveme.tf #439011 - tbe vs SWTSHP koth_product_final Demo 2-1-0 highlander 20:38 18 17 7 515 401 32% 4 0 8 292 0 0 4
na.serveme.tf #439011 - tbe vs SWTSHP koth_product_final Demo 3-1-0 highlander 19:01 15 14 6 447 441 28% 3 7 0 10 359 0 0 2
9:30 Scrim 10/23 koth_product_final Demo 2-7-0 highlander 53:21 44 52 20 508 422 244 31% 3 6 2 18 718 0 0 14 3054376, 3054412
The Sweatshop: SWTSHP vs BLU koth_product_final Demo 2-3-0 highlander 31:08 18 27 16 480 397 241 31% 3 3 1 10 387 0 0 10
The Sweatshop: SWTSHP vs BLU koth_product_final Demo 0-4-0 highlander 22:13 26 25 4 547 459 248 30% 6 1 8 331 0 0 4
Qixalite Bookable: balls vs SWTSHP koth_product_final Demo 1-3-0 highlander 25:02 12 25 7 481 448 249 30% 2 0 20 755 0 0 2
Qixalite Bookable: balls vs SWTSHP koth_product_final Demo 0-3-0 highlander 14:05 8 17 3 402 399 276 28% 3 4 133 0 0 2
Qixalite Bookable: 猫 vs BLU koth_product_final Scout 0-3-0 highlander 14:02 8 17 7 282 290 80 66% 3 3 26 684 0 0 1
Qixalite Bookable: 猫 vs BLU koth_product_final Spy 0-3-0 highlander 18:59 17 21 2 417 191 13 38% 5 0 13 335 15 0 0
Kaboom: RED vs 21&W koth_product_final Demo 1-3-0 highlander 23:29 11 20 10 427 369 237 29% 2 14 523 0 0 1
na.serveme.tf #427366 - !sex vs 3am koth_product_rc11 Soldier 0-3-0 highlander 16:02 17 18 2 351 329 41 21% 3 5 0 56 2011 0 0 1
Despy Server: 9pm vs BLU koth_product_rcx Soldier 3-0-0 highlander 16:40 10 20 5 322 384 64 40% 2 3 44 1391 0 0 1
na.serveme.tf #427177 - 21 vs 3am koth_product_final Soldier 1-3-0 highlander 24:11 23 24 7 396 323 28 25% 3 4 2 87 3319 0 0 1
Broken Keyboards: 3am vs BLU koth_product_final Demo Soldier 0-3-0 highlander 12:54 2 16 4 413 426 244 33% 1 1 8 285 0 0 1
na.serveme.tf #426124 - 3am vs aaaaa koth_product_rcx Soldier 2-3-0 highlander 30:50 21 31 9 315 267 61 20% 4 3 58 2208 0 0 0
reddit v. google (gf) product Heavy 4-2-0 other 47:52 39 37 25 283 522 259 8 0 27 1362 0 0 6 2999053, 2999081
Qixalite Bookable: vs vs BLU koth_product_rcx Heavy 3-1-0 highlander 23:56 21 23 10 266 588 242 3 0 14 891 0 0 4
Combined Log product + vigil Soldier 2-4-0 highlander 40:48 33 36 10 368 289 60 51% 3 3 2 71 2831 0 0 2 2994101, 2994134
Combined Log vigil + product Soldier 1-5-0 highlander 38:11 39 42 16 344 331 67 47% 6 6 0 63 2401 0 0 4 2994007, 2994027
na.serveme.tf #424849 - BLU vs RED koth_product_rcx Soldier 3-1-0 highlander 25:03 20 22 6 358 289 65 22% 3 3 1 58 2409 0 0 2
Kaboom: RED vs BLU koth_product_rcx Soldier 1-3-0 highlander 25:10 31 34 9 302 336 40 43% 6 6 0 48 1786 0 0 4
suffering airballer product + ashville Soldier 6-3-0 highlander 54:26 45 61 16 413 328 113 51% 3 5 0 117 4100 0 0 4 2988631, 2988679
Kaboom: RED vs 3am koth_product_rcx Soldier 1-0-0 None 25:39 7 6 3 130 66 15 57% 3 5 16 510 0 0 0
na.serveme.tf #423701 - weed vs 3am koth_product_final Soldier 2-3-0 highlander 28:25 25 31 7 363 328 62 22% 3 3 1 62 2234 0 0 1
ENGINEER.TF #D015: BLU vs BLU koth_product_rcx Engineer 1-0-0 highlander 5:25 3 2 1 189 122 31 2 10 253 0 0 1
na.serveme.tf #408463 - frlndr vs Spider koth_product_rcx Engineer 2-3-0 highlander 30:48 21 27 14 254 244 51 50% 4 0 24 713 0 0 8
SeRVeRmaTiC: urlate vs ontime koth_product_rcx Engineer 0-3-0 highlander 18:29 9 14 11 183 184 22 59% 3 3 0 12 450 0 0 5
ENGINEER.TF #D015: BLU vs rogu<3 koth_product_rcx Engineer 2-0-1 highlander 18:56 15 14 7 218 176 39 40% 3 0 12 323 0 0 4
Kaboom: RED vs BLU koth_product_rcx Engineer 3-1-0 highlander 20:54 14 15 11 248 186 22 41% 2 0 16 539 0 0 3
na.serveme.tf #405644 - Spider vs BLU koth_product_rcx Engineer 3-0-0 highlander 15:25 14 7 12 263 133 47 56% 3 0 12 355 0 0 0
combined_2910365_2910322.log Vigil & Product Engineer 3-3-0 highlander 37:51 13 32 12 191 207 53 41% 5 0 16 456 0 0 3 2910322, 2910365
Qixalite Bookable: RED vs color koth_product_rcx Engineer 1-3-0 highlander 20:42 6 21 8 232 259 40 43% 2 0 11 322 0 0 2
brick hughouse sux vigil, product Heavy 3-2-0 highlander 36:33 32 27 10 269 452 221 4 6 16 890 0 0 3 2898717, 2898754
ENGINEER.TF #D015: RED vs pyro koth_product_rcx Engineer 1-0-0 None 14:30 5 2 3 125 46 16 32% 2 7 200 0 0 1
Kaboom: RED vs Ta5k koth_product_rcx Engineer 3-0-0 highlander 18:08 7 11 6 241 205 38 51% 2 0 20 588 0 0 4
ENGINEER.TF #D015: RED vs funky koth_product_rcx Heavy 3-1-0 highlander 22:34 18 16 18 252 448 276 5 4 3 0 0 3
SeRVeRmaTiC: will vs BLU koth_product_rcx Heavy 0-3-0 highlander 18:14 7 13 4 248 442 267 3 6 129 0 0 2
Combined Log koth_product_rcx Heavy 0-3-0 highlander 34:18 24 14 8 266 344 285 3 3 0 2 150 0 0 4 2885724, 2885747
Qixalite Bookable: RED vs soap+ koth_product_rcx Heavy 0-3-0 highlander 16:21 10 8 4 250 364 278 3 0 2 150 0 0 2 2885724
Qixalite Bookable: RED vs soap+ koth_product_rcx Heavy 0-1-0 highlander 6:21 5 2 1 315 334 303 3 0 0 0 0 0
rchl vs RED koth_product_rcx Heavy 0-3-0 highlander 17:54 7 10 7 213 350 176 21% 3 0 6 211 0 0 0 2885645
rchl vs RED koth_product_rcx Heavy 0-1-0 highlander 6:51 3 4 2 208 387 174 20% 3 0 2 86 0 0 0
Combined Log product + vigil Heavy 3-2-0 highlander 32:22 13 23 10 239 476 295 3 0 10 287 0 0 1 2880098, 2880140
Qixalite Bookable: ERP vs grrrrt koth_product_rcx Heavy 0-3-0 highlander 15:28 8 9 2 242 431 302 3 0 6 181 0 0 0
na.serveme.tf #398927 - wBLU vs muffff koth_product_rcx Heavy 3-2-0 highlander 25:28 19 16 17 245 398 224 19% 5 0 8 217 0 0 5
SeRVeRmaTiC: RED vs BLU koth_product_rcx Heavy 0-3-0 highlander 18:30 13 10 15 286 491 359 3 4 0 8 370 0 0 1
Qixalite Bookable: UGC vs BLU koth_product_rcx Sniper 2-0-0 highlander 13:14 12 9 1 466 225 98 29% 3 1 21 0 7 0
Qixalite Bookable: UGC vs BLU koth_product_rcx Sniper 1-1-0 highlander 12:26 19 6 1 530 179 61 29% 3 6 0 4 109 0 13 0
Combined Log product + swiftwater Heavy 3-3-0 highlander 39:42 37 25 24 291 432 322 3 6 0 10 199 0 0 3 2873476, 2873535
Kaboom: RED vs ta5k koth_product_rcx Heavy 1-1-0 None 22:06 12 6 4 151 230 196 4 4 2 0 0 2
BLU vs RED koth_product_rcx Heavy 1-3-0 highlander 27:18 19 12 11 280 347 253 21% 3 7 0 12 452 0 0 2
cia 02/22 pregame koth_product_rcx Spy 5-3-1 highlander 44:16 42 53 3 378 192 12 46% 3 0 22 556 35 0 0 2845956, 2846027
CIA 930 2/22 product Spy 4-0-0 highlander 17:50 31 14 1 663 210 31 33% 4 15 18 342 24 0 0 2846073, 2846098
Server of Sirs: cliff vs CIA koth_product_rcx Spy 2-0-0 highlander 8:51 19 6 1 738 259 47 29% 4 15 3 36 13 0 0
Server of Sirs: cliff vs CIA koth_product_rcx Spy 1-0-0 None 8:59 8 2 0 358 53 10 67% 3 5 9 215 7 0 0
Server of Sirs: Phaze vs CIA koth_product_rcx Spy 2-1-1 highlander 17:25 18 20 3 415 195 14 52% 3 0 12 312 14 0 0
Server of Sirs: Phaze vs CIA koth_product_rcx Spy 0-2-0 None 26:51 6 14 0 102 89 1 32% 1 0 6 124 5 0 0
[E]ffigy Team Server: RED vs ALERT koth_product_rcx Scout 3-0-0 sixes 17:02 16 7 13 320 216 242 65% 3 6 0 6 81 3
na.serveme.tf #389959 - J4M vs [E] koth_product_rcx Soldier 1-2-0 sixes 19:43 17 22 1 299 297 118 32% 3 5 2 41 1492 2
na.serveme.tf #389959 - J4M vs [E] koth_product_rcx Sniper Soldier 0-2-0 sixes 12:07 10 14 3 291 266 95 43% 2 0 7 241 1 0
na.serveme.tf #389959 - J4M vs [E] koth_product_rcx Sniper Soldier 2-0-0 sixes 10:52 16 7 3 394 212 101 35% 5 0 10 300 5 1
[E]ffigy Team Server: -rame vs pissin koth_product_rcx Sniper Soldier 2-1-0 sixes 20:19 16 19 10 325 220 134 43% 4 1 4 200 0 4 3
[E]ffigy Team Server: -rep vs poopin koth_product_rcx Sniper Soldier 1-3-0 sixes 22:22 23 22 4 333 221 129 34% 3 0 6 168 6 1
[E]ffigy Team Server: d vs mcpoop koth_product_rcx Soldier 3-0-0 sixes 14:44 18 14 3 415 217 122 55% 3 3 0 35 958 1
[E]ffigy Team Server: d vs mcpoop koth_product_rcx Sniper 3-1-0 sixes 23:25 28 12 4 379 144 95 31% 6 0 6 189 13 1
[E]ffigy Team Server: BRKN- vs sniper koth_product_rcx Sniper Spy 1-3-0 sixes 26:20 29 15 7 388 126 95 29% 8 0 8 162 15 1
[E]ffigy Team Server: BRKN- vs BLU koth_product_rcx Soldier Spy Heavy 2-3-0 sixes 30:18 21 36 7 374 312 147 49% 3 0 49 1482 1 7
cia 01/25 8:30 product + upward Spy 4-1-0 highlander 41:46 40 46 4 388 205 11 42% 3 4 0 42 922 28 0 1 2815436, 2815505
Server of Sirs: FWAG vs CIA koth_product_rcx Spy 0-1-0 None 19:08 12 8 0 261 69 41% 3 4 5 115 10 0 0
Server of Sirs: RED vs CIA koth_product_rcx Spy 1-3-0 highlander 21:48 17 22 1 268 212 11 36% 3 0 29 634 8 1 1
CIA 930 1/16 vigil, product Spy 4-2-0 highlander 38:15 40 36 1 358 173 8 32% 3 4 0 29 531 28 0 1 2807716, 2807774
Server of Sirs: FWAG vs CIA koth_product_rcx Spy 3-1-0 highlander 24:25 30 26 0 398 172 1 42% 4 0 17 322 19 0 0
cia 01/16 8:30 swiftwater + product Spy 2-3-0 highlander 44:47 29 42 3 274 171 17 32% 3 3 0 36 837 23 0 1 2807634, 2807671
Server of Sirs: RED vs CIA koth_product_rcx Spy 0-3-0 highlander 19:00 14 21 1 286 196 18 32% 3 0 10 188 10 0 0
cia 01/11 9:30 product + upward Spy 3-2-0 highlander 35:42 32 35 0 333 183 22 38% 7 0 33 809 22 0 0 2802217, 2802264
Server of Sirs: :] vs CIA koth_product_rcx Spy 0-1-0 None 16:48 6 4 0 129 52 47% 4 9 225 4 0 0
CIA 930 1/9 upward, Product Spy 3-4-0 highlander 49:48 58 47 3 452 192 8 33% 3 4 0 45 1001 45 1 0 2801082, 2801146
D M Title Map Classes W-L-T Format Duration K D A D/M DT/M HG/M HR/M Acc LKS K/1 AS MS MKHP BS HSK HS S C Date Duplicate of