Sketch Comedy

W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
19-35-0 35.19% 46-104-1 30.79%


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Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From
Chadera 0 0:00 2 50.00% 45:09
76561198300802188 0 0:00 2 100.00% 38:08
iamthatvictoria 0 0:00 2 0.00% 33:55
Fen Rex 0 0:00 2 100.00% 25:48
NewFaith46 0 0:00 2 0.00% 39:46
mr chins 0 0:00 2 50.00% 43:19
paz 0 0:00 2 0.00% 33:48
Qwimble Norris 0 0:00 2 50.00% 40:18
Jw. 0 0:00 2 100.00% 25:48
FOAD 0 0:00 2 0.00% 23:07
DooDooFart 0 0:00 2 0.00% 50:42
Gramps! 1 0.00% 14:19 1 0.00% 15:02 22 97
bun 0 0:00 2 50.00% 33:01
kinetic 0 0:00 2 0.00% 23:07
nujito 1 0.00% 18:48 1 0.00% 18:11 361 391 189
Gamemaster 1 0.00% 15:50 1 100.00% 20:59 308 220
ABRA-goin'-HAM LINCOLN 1 0.00% 18:11 1 100.00% 15:53 295 356
Kanye's Chicago Deep Dish Pizza 0 0:00 2 50.00% 33:01
Snеk 0 0:00 2 100.00% 34:05
bigtoke666 #zazalite 0 0:00 2 0.00% 40:43
Techdra 0 0:00 2 100.00% 25:48
housebat 1 0.00% 19:29 1 100.00% 25:40 402 443
Solly 0 0:00 2 0.00% 39:15
mike "big gay" pence 2 0.00% 36:59 0 0:00 329 374
Poseidon 0 0:00 2 50.00% 46:14
z 0 0:00 2 0.00% 50:42
Minty 2 50.00% 43:19 0 0:00 359 250 215
manbug 2 50.00% 45:09 0 0:00 394 370
pastel 0 0:00 2 50.00% 43:19
dzcreeper 0 0:00 2 50.00% 45:09
Flack 0 0:00 2 50.00% 49:31
Flint 0 0:00 2 100.00% 25:48
<3 0 0:00 2 0.00% 39:15
gafsur 2 0.00% 2:39:36 0 0:00 678 205 32
Bhrek 0 0:00 2 50.00% 43:19
SpiderJew 0 0:00 2 50.00% 33:01
B_RED 2 50.00% 45:09 0 0:00 394 370
creamgravy573 0 0:00 2 100.00% 25:48
galaxy gas fiend 0 0:00 2 50.00% 33:01
Nazeem 0 0:00 2 0.00% 39:44
d.p. smelv 0 0:00 2 0.00% 39:15
jazz (the drink) 0 0:00 2 50.00% 31:43
Morgoth714 0 0:00 2 0.00% 39:15
Friendhelper 0 0:00 2 50.00% 33:01
Ketjelly 0 0:00 2 0.00% 39:15
lucki 0 0:00 2 50.00% 43:19
run fast fall down 0 0:00 2 50.00% 40:18
: P 0 0:00 2 0.00% 39:15
fmdcl 0 0:00 2 100.00% 38:08
Trouser Snivy 0 0:00 2 0.00% 39:44
willow 0 0:00 2 50.00% 40:18
snooze cruiser 0 0:00 2 50.00% 45:09
figsy ´ ▽ ` )ノ 2 50.00% 42:54 0 0:00 315 315
Sylon[DMS] 0 0:00 2 50.00% 45:09
Bowrain Dash 2 0.00% 2:29:50 0 0:00 1072 132 37
Lexa 0 0:00 2 50.00% 46:14
The New Crusader 0 0:00 2 50.00% 33:01
pancho_TF 0 0:00 2 0.00% 23:07
xita 0 0:00 2 0.00% 23:07
HubertTheFish 0 0:00 2 50.00% 43:19
Yerba 2 50.00% 51:24 0 0:00 406 364
potionseller 2 100.00% 38:08 0 0:00 366 206
Federal Agent Fazbear 0 0:00 2 100.00% 38:08
Vacket 0 0:00 2 0.00% 23:07
Skeletor 1 0.00% 1:21:16 0 0:00 939 193 98
1566+4581+68741+6814523 0 0:00 1 100.00% 30:55
alfredodan 1 100.00% 25:40 0 0:00 387 315 193
Saving Angel 0 0:00 1 0.00% 18:48
princess 0 0:00 1 0.00% 15:02
TheMasterOfDisaster 1 0.00% 14:19 0 0:00 22 97
Kraft 1 0.00% 1:18:20 0 0:00 408 217 11
substrate-level phosphorylation 0 0:00 1 0.00% 10:12
the sleep 1 100.00% 31:55 0 0:00 409 316
"wise" 1 0.00% 18:48 0 0:00 361 391
Gritoma 1 100.00% 30:55 0 0:00 254 274
PSI Magnet α 1 0.00% 1:18:20 0 0:00 408 217
Igon My Beloved 0 0:00 1 0.00% 15:02
rat (rat) 0 0:00 1 100.00% 30:55
raisu 1 0.00% 15:02 0 0:00 366 337
Starfruit66 1 0.00% 18:48 0 0:00 361 391
Cake Sparkle 1 0.00% 1:18:20 0 0:00 408 217 1 3
poobis 0 0:00 1 0.00% 14:19
StAr E² 1 0.00% 15:02 0 0:00 366 337
roe 1 100.00% 31:55 0 0:00 409 316 230
Random™? 0 0:00 1 100.00% 19:14
arb1ter 0 0:00 1 0.00% 21:55
sweetiebot 1 0.00% 1:18:20 0 0:00 408 217 20
JostaDragon 0 0:00 1 100.00% 30:55
yankees still suck 1 0.00% 15:02 0 0:00 366 337 169
Trakmer 0 0:00 1 0.00% 18:11
A$$a$$in Jone$ 1 0.00% 18:11 0 0:00 295 356
Ooga 0 0:00 1 0.00% 15:02
zard :3 0 0:00 1 100.00% 31:55
Pain Olympics Gold Medalist 0 0:00 1 100.00% 19:14
neon 0 0:00 1 0.00% 15:02
tsun. 0 0:00 1 0.00% 15:02
Withered nightmare pootis 1 100.00% 31:55 0 0:00 409 316
d6 enjoyer, d20 gambler 0 0:00 1 100.00% 31:55
Jimbob 1 0.00% 21:55 0 0:00 304 333
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From
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