
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
1201-1164-156 50.73% 4597-4348-230 51.36%


Descending Ascending
D M Title Map Classes W-L-T Format Duration K D A D/M DT/M HG/M HR/M Acc LKS K/1 AS MS MKHP BS HSK HS S C Date Duplicate of
RGL PUG Server A: BLU vs RED koth_lakeside_f5 Scout 3-2-0 highlander 33:13 40 20 24 348 218 164 59% 4 6 0 20 380 0 0 9
WCF vs Imposters koth_lakeside_f5 Sniper 0-4-0 highlander 22:33 21 18 5 349 281 137 37% 3 6 0 16 319 0 17 0 3805319, 3805365
yarp: B^|- vs RED koth_lakeside_f5 Sniper 0-2-0 highlander 12:43 15 10 2 375 292 153 36% 3 6 0 6 151 0 12 0
Impostors Dedicated: B^|- vs WCF koth_lakeside_f5 Sniper 0-2-0 highlander 9:50 6 8 3 315 267 115 38% 2 10 168 0 5 0
Impostors Dedicated: BLU vs B^|- koth_lakeside_f5 Sniper 0-3-0 highlander 17:17 11 14 4 336 248 108 39% 2 0 1 26 0 9 0
Impostors Dedicated: BLU vs B^|- koth_lakeside_f5 Sniper 0-3-0 highlander 18:54 23 15 5 447 244 120 45% 4 5 0 8 73 0 17 1
Impostors Dedicated: BLU vs B^|- koth_lakeside_f5 Sniper 1-3-0 highlander 23:25 25 24 1 335 338 87 34% 3 5 0 15 174 0 23 1
Impostors Dedicated: BLU vs B^|- koth_lakeside_f5 Sniper 0-3-0 highlander 18:06 16 22 4 360 349 77 41% 3 3 0 3 26 0 13 1
Impostors Dedicated: BLU vs B^|- koth_lakeside_f5 Sniper 0-3-0 highlander 18:09 23 11 4 409 267 121 41% 3 6 0 14 258 0 17 0
Impostors Dedicated: BLU vs B^|- koth_lakeside_f5 Sniper 0-2-0 highlander 9:15 11 9 3 360 233 95 33% 4 0 3 89 0 8 0
Impostors Dedicated: BLU vs B^|- koth_lakeside_f5 Sniper 0-3-0 highlander 13:28 11 14 1 292 242 81 34% 3 3 7 145 0 10 1
Impostors Dedicated: BLU vs B^|- koth_lakeside_f5 Sniper 0-3-0 highlander 12:40 10 14 1 280 361 157 35% 3 0 7 38 0 8 0
Combined Log koth_lakeside_f5 Sniper 1-6-0 highlander 39:55 26 25 9 293 261 108 35% 3 7 0 18 379 0 22 3 3803970, 3803991, 3804018
Gosha's Backyard: gosha vs B^|- koth_lakeside_f5 Sniper 1-3-0 highlander 23:52 18 17 5 296 259 111 36% 3 7 16 327 0 15 1
Gosha's Backyard: BLU vs B^|- koth_lakeside_f5 Sniper 0-3-0 highlander 16:03 8 8 4 287 263 104 34% 2 0 2 52 0 7 2
Impostors Dedicated: vBLU vs B^|- koth_lakeside_f5 Sniper 2-1-0 highlander 17:27 30 14 2 419 237 107 40% 3 5 0 0 0 0 22 1
Impostors Dedicated: BLU vs B^|- koth_lakeside_f5 Sniper 2-3-0 highlander 29:54 52 19 5 470 193 104 46% 4 8 0 4 59 0 40 2
Impostors Dedicated: B^|- vs RED koth_lakeside_f5 Sniper 3-2-0 highlander 32:17 32 25 8 406 222 123 37% 4 5 0 0 0 0 27 2
Impostors Dedicated: B^|- vs RED koth_lakeside_f5 Sniper 0-2-0 highlander 11:10 13 9 2 468 254 101 43% 4 2 0 0 9 0
Impostors Dedicated: B^|- vs RED koth_lakeside_f5 Sniper 1-3-0 highlander 20:11 27 12 5 369 191 156 36% 3 8 0 6 70 0 18 2
Impostors Dedicated: pasta vs RED koth_lakeside_f5 Sniper 1-3-0 highlander 24:50 41 21 5 408 297 151 38% 6 8 0 4 92 0 33 4
Impostors Dedicated: B^ vs RED koth_lakeside_f5 Sniper 0-3-0 highlander 16:28 11 14 2 254 251 119 31% 4 0 1 26 0 7 1
Impostors Dedicated: B^|- vs RED koth_lakeside_f5 Sniper 1-3-0 highlander 22:43 31 15 2 391 234 125 38% 3 7 0 6 63 0 27 2
Impostors Dedicated: B^|- vs RED koth_lakeside_f5 Sniper 1-3-0 highlander 25:39 27 21 3 338 274 119 35% 3 5 0 16 299 0 24 2
Impostors Dedicated: B^|- vs RED koth_lakeside_f5 Sniper 0-1-0 highlander 4:24 5 5 0 317 229 71 42% 3 3 0 6 150 0 5 0
Impostors Dedicated: B^ vs RED koth_lakeside_f5 Sniper 0-2-0 highlander 8:23 4 6 0 227 228 144 28% 4 1 26 0 4 0
dark evil server: BLU vs RED koth_lakeside_final Scout 1-3-0 highlander 25:26 35 19 15 383 225 162 57% 3 11 0 14 286 0 0 0
na.serveme.tf #573558: RED vs BLU koth_lakeside_r2 Medic 3-1-0 highlander 24:58 2 6 27 22 113 1085 50% 1 2 0 0 0 0
Oh brandon....: wRED vs BLU koth_lakeside_r2 Sniper 3-2-0 highlander 30:31 39 21 4 406 256 103 41% 3 5 0 5 119 0 29 3
Oh brandon....: wRED vs BLU koth_lakeside_r2 Sniper 0-3-0 highlander 12:50 6 12 2 224 280 119 28% 2 0 0 0 0 5 0
na.serveme.tf #469904 - BLU vs RED koth_lakeside_r2 Sniper 3-1-0 highlander 26:29 39 19 6 449 166 31 32% 3 6 0 11 175 0 34 1
The Guild of Calamito: RBC vs 930 koth_lakeside_r2 Sniper 3-0-0 highlander 17:35 25 7 3 402 205 151 41% 3 15 0 14 205 0 16 4
GBB Server: yehaw vs 930 koth_lakeside_r2 Sniper 2-3-0 highlander 28:43 47 22 2 522 253 81 42% 3 8 0 5 121 0 42 1
The Guild of Calamito: RBC vs BLU koth_lakeside_r2 Sniper 3-2-0 highlander 31:28 33 19 9 385 235 94 37% 3 7 0 13 284 0 28 2
GBB Server: RED vs BLU koth_lakeside_r2 Sniper 1-3-0 highlander 22:02 22 14 4 367 211 93 38% 6 0 3 24 0 20 2
AD Sarcactus's Match: RED vs BLU koth_lakeside_r2 Sniper 2-3-0 highlander 32:01 47 25 9 414 240 116 36% 4 9 4 51 0 34 3
The Phish Market: NUTSAC vs BLU koth_lakeside_r2 Engineer 1-3-0 highlander 23:56 8 24 4 151 217 63 49% 2 0 10 335 0 0 1
The Phish Market: RED vs BLU koth_lakeside_r2 Pyro 0-3-0 highlander 16:37 16 18 6 315 347 166 88% 4 0 6 183 0 0 2
na.serveme.tf #443435 - dad vs mom koth_lakeside_r2 Sniper 0-2-0 highlander 13:02 10 11 1 296 266 91 31% 3 0 3 56 0 8 0
na.serveme.tf #432825 - 930 vs BOPIS koth_lakeside_r2 Sniper 0-3-0 highlander 17:44 21 16 1 407 286 86 36% 3 5 0 8 128 0 17 1
8:30 pregame koth_lakeside_r2 Sniper 4-3-1 highlander 43:22 42 31 6 303 213 87 37% 5 0 12 285 0 36 4 3044944, 3045004
Broken Keyboards: RED vs BOPIS koth_lakeside_r2 Sniper 2-1-0 highlander 16:57 16 12 2 271 220 116 37% 6 4 114 0 11 3
Broken Keyboards: RED vs TOSMAA koth_lakeside_r2 Sniper 2-1-0 highlander 18:47 18 16 0 254 291 118 34% 4 0 12 196 0 14 1
Kaboom: BOPIS vs BLU koth_lakeside_r2 Sniper 2-0-1 highlander 13:21 17 6 2 347 244 154 34% 5 0 4 63 0 16 1
Kaboom: BOPIS vs BLU koth_lakeside_r2 Sniper 2-3-0 highlander 30:01 25 25 4 284 199 57 32% 5 0 8 222 0 20 3
na.serveme.tf #432803 - 930 vs BOPIS koth_lakeside_r2 Sniper 0-3-0 highlander 16:10 13 14 3 358 286 61 40% 3 0 14 270 0 11 2
na.serveme.tf #432803 - 930 vs BOPIS koth_lakeside_r2 Sniper 3-0-0 highlander 19:24 21 13 2 321 254 101 40% 4 4 0 5 67 0 13 2
na.serveme.tf #432803 - mom vs BOPIS koth_lakeside_r2 Sniper 0-3-0 highlander 21:54 21 17 4 335 236 72 42% 4 0 9 137 0 16 1
na.serveme.tf #432803 - mom vs BOPIS koth_lakeside_r2 Sniper 0-3-0 highlander 18:56 23 13 4 387 174 90 42% 6 0 4 120 0 16 1
na.serveme.tf #432802 - heep vs BOPIS koth_lakeside_r2 Sniper 2-3-0 highlander 27:58 20 29 1 296 269 46 36% 4 0 6 140 0 17 2
na.serveme.tf #432802 - heep vs BOPIS koth_lakeside_r2 Sniper 0-3-0 highlander 19:48 24 21 3 368 245 25 42% 3 5 0 13 278 0 16 2
na.serveme.tf #432802 - ACORE vs BOPIS koth_lakeside_r2 Sniper 3-0-0 highlander 16:40 22 9 3 373 187 69 39% 3 7 0 8 108 0 15 0
na.serveme.tf #432802 - ACORE vs BOPIS koth_lakeside_r2 Sniper 3-1-0 highlander 24:18 31 15 1 356 225 103 39% 3 7 0 17 247 0 23 4
na.serveme.tf #430066 - BLU vs BOPIS koth_lakeside_r2 Sniper 3-0-0 highlander 16:02 23 9 5 431 203 59 42% 3 7 0 4 96 0 16 1
na.serveme.tf #430065 - BLU vs BOPIS koth_lakeside_r2 Sniper 3-1-0 highlander 26:55 33 19 4 391 220 59 34% 4 6 0 5 151 0 22 1
na.serveme.tf #430064 - BOPIS vs RED koth_lakeside_r2 Sniper 0-3-0 highlander 16:54 26 13 5 492 231 77 31% 3 8 0 6 142 0 20 0
na.serveme.tf #430064 - 930 vs BOPIS koth_lakeside_r2 Sniper 3-2-0 highlander 38:18 53 14 6 356 150 117 26% 4 14 0 8 149 0 34 1
na.serveme.tf #429024 - BOPIS vs Train koth_lakeside_r2 Sniper 3-1-0 highlander 24:54 33 14 4 487 239 129 35% 15 0 3 82 0 28 3
dolpy land: RED vs BLU koth_lakeside_r2 Engineer 2-0-1 highlander 14:27 10 7 11 272 177 128 56% 3 0 3 103 0 0 2
dolpy land: RED vs BLU koth_lakeside_r2 Medic 0-2-0 highlander 12:16 0 8 6 8 200 1100 61% 0 0 4 150 0 0 3
dolpy land: RED vs BLU koth_lakeside_r Sniper 3-1-0 highlander 23:44 27 21 1 321 233 100 38% 3 6 0 5 118 0 21 3
dolpy land: RED vs BLU koth_lakeside_r2 Scout 3-0-0 highlander 20:17 17 16 10 287 254 164 55% 4 0 4 39 0 0 3
dolpy land: RED vs BLU koth_lakeside_r2 Scout 2-3-0 highlander 33:58 38 33 22 332 287 165 51% 4 6 0 19 450 0 0 7
Qixalite Bookable: RED vs BLU koth_lakeside_r Scout 3-1-0 highlander 24:52 26 19 15 291 224 112 51% 3 3 0 14 260 0 0 5
na.serveme.tf #311969 - BOPIS vs BUTTS koth_lakeside_final Sniper 3-1-0 highlander 23:12 29 19 2 376 290 64 31% 3 6 0 8 122 0 24 1
na.serveme.tf #310902 - BOPIS vs RED koth_lakeside_final Sniper 0-3-0 highlander 23:32 24 17 1 302 200 71 22% 4 0 1 25 0 20 1
na.serveme.tf #310902 - BOPIS vs death koth_lakeside_final Sniper 2-0-0 highlander 11:55 9 8 1 302 195 72 23% 3 0 0 0 0 8 0
NKB vs HD (3-4 Missing Round) koth_lakeside_final Sniper 3-3-0 highlander 33:02 37 31 4 326 211 26 30% 7 0 8 155 0 28 1 2495415, 2495442
na.serveme.tf #307040 - Arzt vs BOPIS koth_lakeside_final Sniper 2-1-0 highlander 17:54 24 16 1 389 234 41 35% 7 0 1 25 0 18 1
na.serveme.tf #307040 - BLU vs BOPIS koth_lakeside_final Sniper 1-2-0 highlander 15:08 13 15 3 250 183 9 28% 4 0 7 130 0 10 0
na.serveme.tf #306986 - BOPIS vs Paul koth_lakeside_final Sniper 2-0-0 highlander 13:28 18 8 1 458 154 6 36% 4 0 8 77 0 13 2
na.serveme.tf #306835 - BOPIS vs RED koth_lakeside_final Sniper 1-2-0 highlander 19:48 27 16 1 382 128 4 34% 3 5 0 0 0 0 17 1
na.serveme.tf #306835 - BOPIS vs RED koth_lakeside_final Sniper 0-3-0 highlander 17:44 23 15 0 402 233 23 29% 6 0 9 211 0 18 1
na.serveme.tf #306835 - BOPIS vs dd koth_lakeside_final Sniper 0-2-0 highlander 13:31 16 8 5 376 160 57 28% 5 0 3 27 0 12 3
na.serveme.tf #306835 - BOPIS vs RED koth_lakeside_final Sniper 2-3-0 highlander 31:12 51 20 4 394 201 77 30% 4 9 0 3 75 0 33 2
Viper Gaming | Kingdo: RED vs BLU koth_lakeside_final Sniper 3-2-0 highlander 33:42 41 25 9 333 213 95 23% 3 6 0 3 39 0 26 1
Blackjack and Hookers: BOPIS vs atr koth_lakeside_final Sniper 3-0-0 highlander 21:44 29 11 5 375 217 143 37% 5 8 5 106 0 22 3
Blackjack and Hookers: atr vs BLU koth_lakeside_final Sniper 2-0-0 highlander 10:32 8 4 2 287 166 110 32% 3 5 0 0 0 0 7 0
na.serveme.tf #293405 - MDS vs DD koth_lakeside_final Sniper 3-0-0 highlander 14:36 25 6 5 489 191 146 33% 3 11 0 0 0 0 17 2
BLU vs horny koth_lakeside_final Sniper 0-3-0 highlander 20:07 26 13 5 444 146 15 30% 7 9 0 4 79 0 21 2
BLU vs RED koth_lakeside_final Scout 2-1-0 highlander 18:43 16 16 6 320 262 97 4 0 36 631 0 0 2
BOPIS vs. Turbo Alcoholics koth_lakeside Sniper 4-1-0 highlander 27:46 37 20 4 398 226 92 37% 3 6 0 6 126 0 25 1 2402573, 2402605
na.serveme.tf #289658 - BLU vs BOPIS koth_lakeside_final Sniper 2-1-0 highlander 15:34 18 11 4 388 222 100 37% 3 0 2 28 0 12 1
na.serveme.tf #289658 - BLU vs BOPIS koth_lakeside_final Sniper 2-0-0 highlander 12:12 19 9 0 412 230 80 36% 3 6 4 98 0 13 0
na.serveme.tf #289656 - own vs BOPIS koth_lakeside_final Sniper 0-3-0 highlander 17:49 18 15 3 345 290 91 33% 3 0 4 74 0 12 1
na.serveme.tf #289656 - own vs BOPIS koth_lakeside_final Sniper 3-1-0 highlander 22:00 28 11 1 389 252 128 33% 4 6 0 4 77 0 18 0
na.serveme.tf #289502 - BLU vs RED koth_lakeside_final Sniper 3-0-0 highlander 16:44 24 6 3 417 151 111 33% 3 5 0 4 18 0 18 3
Highlander.TF Dallas: BOPIS vs 4ZA<3 koth_lakeside_final Sniper 3-1-0 highlander 23:10 22 17 8 355 217 85 36% 3 4 0 10 177 0 20 1
Highlander.TF Dallas: BOPIS vs 4ZA<3 koth_lakeside_final Sniper 3-1-0 highlander 22:39 23 16 3 339 254 106 39% 3 7 0 1 26 0 17 2
BLU vs BOPIS koth_lakeside_final Sniper 3-3-0 highlander 34:41 24 33 4 241 289 74 4 0 4 115 0 13 1
Deexma Match Server: RED vs BLU koth_lakeside_final Pyro 3-0-0 highlander 16:00 18 10 6 311 221 94 5 0 13 372 0 0 2
#SLAVEHUD: bug vs BLU koth_lakeside_final Sniper 0-3-0 highlander 17:21 23 16 2 441 225 53 36% 4 4 0 3 78 0 21 0
#SLAVEHUD: nggrs vs BLU koth_lakeside_final Sniper 3-1-0 highlander 26:01 29 12 4 425 166 116 37% 3 13 0 4 92 0 20 2
DEADBOYS: RED vs BLU koth_lakeside_final Sniper 3-0-0 highlander 17:31 32 9 3 477 112 19 39% 5 14 0 10 160 0 26 2
DEADBOYS: RED vs BLU koth_lakeside_final Sniper 0-2-0 highlander 12:38 19 6 1 420 176 85 40% 3 5 0 0 0 11 0
Oprah Winfrey Network: own vs BOPIS koth_lakeside_final Scout 2-1-0 highlander 18:33 9 17 11 259 229 87 34% 4 0 27 527 0 0 3
BRUH vs BOPIS koth_lakeside_final Sniper 3-1-0 other 23:59 29 14 5 340 160 114 6 0 7 183 0 21 3
TF2Center Lobby #992760 koth_lakeside_final Sniper 3-2-0 highlander 29:39 41 14 6 498 157 80 4 11 0 6 116 0 30 2
na.serveme.tf #267942 - BLU vs RED koth_lakeside_final Sniper 1-0-1 highlander 4:56 8 3 1 329 201 113 4 7 0 0 0 0 5 0
BLU vs RED koth_lakeside_final Sniper 0-3-0 highlander 19:57 24 16 5 367 244 64 5 0 7 109 0 19 1
D M Title Map Classes W-L-T Format Duration K D A D/M DT/M HG/M HR/M Acc LKS K/1 AS MS MKHP BS HSK HS S C Date Duplicate of