
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
2711-1814-448 59.02% 12776-9614-1849 56.52%


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na.serveme.tf #543946 koth_bagel_rc7 Medic 4-1-0 sixes 31:57 2 9 18 28 130 1118 47% 2 1 16 570 3
The Colosseum: RED vs BLU koth_product_final Medic 1-3-0 sixes 28:31 1 9 11 28 140 1090 45% 1 0 7 211 0 3
na.serveme.tf #543203 koth_bagel_rc7 Medic 0-3-0 sixes 18:24 0 9 11 14 147 1077 42% 0 0 5 180 4
na.serveme.tf #542664 koth_product_final Scout Sniper 4-1-0 sixes 27:26 46 16 15 442 244 241 79% 3 10 0 6 126 7
GPG: FISH vs BLU koth_product_final Sniper Scout Pyro 4-1-0 sixes 31:38 47 18 12 407 202 174 58% 5 6 0 19 519 0 3
The Colosseum: RED vs BLU koth_product_final Medic 0-3-0 sixes 20:32 1 6 10 20 142 1145 53% 1 0 8 238 0 1
the village - RED vs BLU koth_bagel_rc6 Medic 3-0-0 sixes 17:38 0 3 13 8 156 1312 63% 0 0 10 309 3
GPG: RED vs xiao koth_product_final Scout Pyro 3-4-0 sixes 42:07 46 39 23 325 242 116 61% 6 8 0 35 867 9
GPG: cell vs BLU koth_bagel_rc7 Medic 2-4-0 sixes 36:05 1 9 16 12 146 1098 44% 1 1 21 707 5
TUMMY ISLAND: RED vs 4BLU koth_product_final Medic 0-3-0 sixes 20:08 1 9 8 21 166 1072 51% 1 0 11 400 0 2
The Colosseum: RED vs BLU koth_bagel_rc6 Medic 3-0-0 sixes 20:09 1 3 15 18 145 1151 45% 1 1 7 225 3
Estrogentookmyhomie: RED vs BLU koth_clearcut_b15d Soldier 0-4-0 sixes 23:24 14 28 6 304 252 116 47% 2 1 81 2668 1
SuperZAZA: RED vs BLU koth_bagel_rc7 Medic 3-2-0 sixes 30:49 0 9 13 6 144 1159 51% 0 0 21 718 1
na.serveme.tf #537989 koth_bagel_rc7 Medic 3-1-0 sixes 22:42 3 7 11 19 151 1108 47% 2 0 12 385 7
GPG: RED vs BLU koth_bagel_rc7 Scout Sniper 3-2-0 sixes 27:43 38 19 18 367 214 123 57% 5 9 0 46 1120 0 3
GPG: RED vs BLU koth_bagel_rc7 Soldier 3-1-0 sixes 24:18 21 20 7 350 298 163 42% 3 6 1 132 4240 0 1
GPG: RED vs BLU koth_bagel_rc7 Scout 3-4-0 sixes 43:33 50 30 16 349 322 305 59% 3 9 0 27 698 10
GPG: RED vs BLU koth_product_final Scout 0-3-0 sixes 14:40 16 11 5 389 377 331 66% 3 4 0 3 47 2
takeba gaming: RED vs BLU koth_product_final Scout 1-3-0 sixes 23:38 19 15 12 295 281 323 65% 4 0 8 193 0 9
Estrogentookmyhomie: RED vs BLU koth_product_final Scout 3-0-0 sixes 17:35 30 14 12 456 323 265 65% 4 10 0 4 91 0 3
JOETOPIA: RED vs BLU koth_product_final Scout Pyro 4-2-0 sixes 38:14 60 24 30 370 331 284 60% 4 9 0 8 129 0 14
GPG: RED vs BLU koth_bagel_rc7 Soldier 3-0-0 sixes 18:49 22 15 6 432 279 158 51% 5 0 90 2836 3
TUMMY ISLAND: RED vs BLU koth_bagel_rc6 Scout 1-3-0 sixes 23:41 21 16 10 335 318 300 58% 3 3 0 16 470 0 7
GPG: RED vs BLU koth_bagel_rc6 Scout 0-3-0 sixes 19:47 15 21 7 299 245 99 70% 3 5 0 20 495 0 4
GPG: RED vs aBLU koth_product_final Scout 3-0-0 sixes 19:45 16 10 17 355 296 327 56% 3 5 0 5 142 0 2
thebathtub: RED vs MEELO koth_clearcut_b15d Medic 0-3-0 sixes 18:49 1 2 8 27 120 1134 51% 1 0 5 111 4
IYSMITL.xyz: RED vs BLU koth_product_final Medic 3-1-0 sixes 25:07 0 9 17 23 173 1045 42% 0 0 11 383 0 0 3
IYSMITL.xyz: RED vs BLU koth_bagel_rc6 Scout 1-3-0 sixes 25:00 29 9 13 347 271 373 65% 4 10 0 11 266 0 7
na.serveme.tf #528509 koth_bagel_rc6 Scout 3-1-0 sixes 20:17 23 10 4 297 287 283 59% 5 10 0 2 63 0 6
IYSMITL.xyz: RED vs BLU koth_product_final Scout 3-0-0 sixes 15:38 21 9 12 327 270 259 77% 3 7 0 3 25 5
The Colosseum: RED vs BLU koth_bagel_rc6 Scout Pyro 1-2-0 sixes 16:13 8 11 4 242 245 251 75% 3 0 5 118 6
The Colosseum: RED vs BLU koth_bagel_rc6 Scout 3-2-0 sixes 29:50 33 16 22 385 278 316 63% 3 5 0 12 294 5
na.serveme.tf #526215 koth_product_final Scout 3-0-0 sixes 16:24 27 4 11 384 273 340 67% 3 15 0 3 88 7
chellwidenuking: RED vs BLU koth_bagel_rc5 Scout 4-2-0 sixes 37:33 35 17 22 313 225 273 60% 3 5 0 11 224 5
.gb: RED vs BLU koth_bagel_rc6 Scout 4-0-0 sixes 28:00 25 15 19 293 269 260 60% 3 4 0 16 423 11
na.serveme.tf #522716 koth_bagel_rc6 Soldier Sniper 3-2-0 sixes 30:38 30 22 13 387 275 159 48% 5 4 147 5552 1
GPG: RED vs BLU koth_bagel_rc6 Scout Sniper 4-2-0 sixes 37:39 46 20 27 346 269 289 60% 3 11 0 21 555 0 1 8
🐈: RED vs BLU koth_bagel_rc6 Soldier 3-0-0 sixes 18:36 17 15 8 324 300 160 39% 3 4 1 81 2623 0 1
Estrogentookmyhomie: RED vs BLU koth_bagel_rc6 Soldier 3-1-0 sixes 23:25 18 21 6 348 291 106 47% 3 6 0 113 3763 3
Estrogentookmyhomie: RED vs BLU koth_bagel_rc6 Soldier 3-4-0 sixes 43:52 21 35 20 328 285 112 45% 2 1 237 8606 0 4
Team Fortress 2: RED vs BLU koth_bagel_rc6 Soldier 0-4-0 sixes 19:26 8 20 3 274 308 148 44% 2 1 77 2815 0
The Colosseum: RED vs BLU koth_bagel_rc6 Soldier 1-3-0 sixes 24:39 5 26 13 297 294 153 43% 2 1 94 2963 0 0
The Colosseum: RED vs BLU koth_product_final Soldier Sniper 1-3-0 sixes 25:57 24 28 6 299 271 107 44% 3 3 1 98 3448 1 1
The Colosseum: wRED vs BLU koth_product_final Soldier Sniper 4-3-0 sixes 45:09 39 44 10 368 283 115 46% 3 7 2 179 5692 4 2
The Colosseum: RED vs BLU koth_bagel_rc6 Soldier 2-4-0 sixes 32:59 31 37 6 350 343 127 50% 3 4 2 145 4807 1
The Colosseum: RED vs BLU koth_bagel_rc6 Soldier 0-4-0 sixes 23:26 15 28 6 334 337 100 51% 3 1 118 3904 1
The Colosseum: ROME vs BLU koth_bagel_rc6 Soldier 1-4-0 sixes 25:41 18 25 4 298 322 161 46% 3 3 1 122 3922 2
The Colosseum: RED vs BLU koth_bagel_rc5 Soldier 1-4-0 sixes 31:32 35 28 4 340 302 125 49% 3 6 1 164 5931 2
Team Fortress 2: RED vs BLU koth_bagel_rc6 Soldier 0-2-0 sixes 10:37 13 14 1 467 352 87 62% 3 2 2 41 1345 0
Team Fortress 2: RED vs BLU koth_bagel_rc6 Soldier 0-4-0 sixes 25:16 18 31 6 326 337 84 46% 4 3 113 3803 1
Team Fortress 2: RED vs BLU koth_product_final Soldier Scout Pyro 1-4-0 sixes 31:04 19 39 14 304 338 128 49% 2 2 92 3009 0 0 1
The Colosseum: RED vs BLU koth_bagel_rc5 Soldier 2-3-0 sixes 32:17 29 29 9 375 327 91 52% 3 5 0 180 6622 0 2
JOETOPIA: RED vs BLU koth_product_final Soldier Scout Heavy 4-2-0 sixes 38:20 27 35 15 284 269 136 49% 5 3 100 3154 0 5
Team Fortress 2: RED vs BLU koth_product_final Soldier Scout 0-4-0 sixes 24:47 27 18 6 302 238 194 57% 3 7 0 55 1835 0 2
The Colosseum: RED vs BLU koth_bagel_rc5 Soldier 4-1-0 sixes 28:49 35 28 11 397 329 151 49% 3 4 3 124 4128 2
Team Fortress 2: RED vs BLU koth_bagel_rc6 Soldier 0-3-0 sixes 15:29 17 18 5 344 340 153 49% 3 0 56 2103 0 2
The Colosseum: RED vs ANGLER koth_bagel_rc5 Soldier 4-0-0 sixes 24:14 28 21 11 395 275 122 51% 3 5 7 123 4191 2
The Colosseum: RED vs BLU koth_bagel_rc5 Soldier 3-0-0 sixes 14:24 14 11 5 328 263 195 54% 3 4 1 51 1765 1
swiftyservers.com: RED vs BLU koth_product_final Soldier Scout Sniper 2-3-0 sixes 31:23 38 29 14 389 287 232 56% 4 6 2 44 1436 1 1
Team Fortress 2: RED vs BLU koth_product_final Scout Soldier Pyro 0-4-0 sixes 19:20 19 22 18 311 362 200 60% 3 4 0 16 456 0 3
na.serveme.tf #510363: green vs BLU koth_clearcut_b15d Soldier 3-2-0 sixes 33:46 18 29 7 254 210 88 52% 3 3 2 154 6007 0
The Colosseum: ROME vs BLU koth_bagel_rc5 Soldier 0-4-0 sixes 24:27 12 23 6 271 266 93 43% 3 4 0 122 4382 3
Team Fortress 2: RED vs BLU koth_bagel_rc6 Soldier 0-4-0 sixes 19:47 4 18 6 230 292 132 43% 1 1 103 3774 0
na.serveme.tf #507053 koth_bagel_rc6 Soldier Heavy 4-0-0 sixes 23:23 23 17 8 343 289 138 45% 4 3 1 129 4777 0 0 1
The Colosseum: RED vs BLU koth_bagel_rc5 Soldier 2-3-0 sixes 32:23 25 26 8 304 233 136 43% 5 2 155 5285 4
The Colosseum: RED vs BLU koth_bagel_rc5 Soldier 3-0-0 sixes 18:57 15 17 5 394 288 149 54% 2 2 90 3046 2
The Colosseum: RED vs BLU koth_bagel_rc5 Soldier 3-1-1 sixes 29:19 20 23 9 321 266 153 42% 3 5 142 5033 2
The Colosseum: ROME vs BLU koth_product_final Scout Soldier 4-2-0 sixes 36:55 29 22 19 275 199 167 49% 5 1 74 2360 0 2
The Colosseum: ROME vs BLU koth_product_final Soldier 2-4-0 sixes 31:50 26 32 13 342 281 144 42% 4 1 108 3646 0 0
The Colosseum: pootis vs BLU koth_product_final Soldier Scout 3-0-0 sixes 15:54 17 11 11 332 251 190 52% 3 2 39 1339 0 3
The Colosseum: pootis vs BLU koth_product_final Soldier 3-0-0 sixes 15:43 12 10 2 225 231 156 32% 3 0 62 1912 0 1
Bulk Detonator: pink vs BLU koth_bagel_rc5 Soldier 1-0-0 sixes 4:29 5 2 5 448 175 42% 3 0 28 897 0
The Colosseum: pink vs BLU koth_bagel_rc5 Soldier 4-0-0 sixes 24:09 25 13 5 387 240 198 46% 3 6 1 101 3332 6
The Colosseum: RED vs BLU koth_bagel_rc5 Soldier 2-1-0 sixes 19:23 16 16 6 351 267 135 45% 5 2 89 2948 1
The Colosseum: RED vs BLU koth_bagel_rc5 Soldier 3-0-0 sixes 16:41 16 10 4 351 230 149 45% 3 6 2 80 2576 3
The Colosseum: pink vs aBLU koth_product_final Soldier 3-0-0 sixes 18:36 19 17 6 294 275 131 42% 4 4 72 2450 0 2
The Colosseum: RED vs aBLU koth_product_final Soldier 3-1-0 sixes 24:00 23 18 9 281 241 159 38% 5 1 79 2592 0 0
The Colosseum: xanax vs engie koth_clearcut_b15d Medic 4-2-0 sixes 32:55 3 16 32 38 172 1028 56% 1 0 13 446 0 5
The Colosseum: ROME vs BLU koth_bagel_rc5 Soldier 4-2-0 sixes 37:29 27 31 10 277 295 158 42% 4 4 190 6665 1
The Colosseum: RED vs BLU koth_bagel_rc5 Soldier 1-3-0 sixes 23:50 9 21 8 271 332 157 37% 2 1 131 3970 3
8:30 koth_product_final Soldier 2-4-1 highlander 37:50 34 31 14 374 222 68 50% 4 3 138 4917 0 0 0 3352195, 3352241
swiftyservers.com: RED vs europ koth_product_final Soldier 1-1-1 highlander 15:24 15 12 5 365 229 51 55% 3 0 57 1946 0 0 0
swiftyservers.com: RED vs europ koth_product_final Soldier 1-3-0 highlander 22:26 19 19 9 381 218 79 49% 4 3 81 2971 0 0 0
The Colosseum: RED vs BLU koth_product_final Soldier Scout 3-0-0 sixes 17:10 19 14 7 274 201 154 47% 3 3 0 42 1367 0 2
The Colosseum: bad2dr vs BLU koth_product_final Scout Soldier 2-0-0 sixes 13:06 16 10 3 331 267 173 58% 3 5 1 23 680 0 2
The Colosseum: ROME vs BLU koth_bagel_rc6 Soldier 4-2-0 sixes 35:23 29 25 11 335 263 173 47% 6 3 146 4919 6
pastapugs - #letseat: ROME vs BLU koth_bagel_rc5 Soldier 3-1-0 sixes 24:04 25 18 9 394 285 191 49% 4 2 93 3377 0
The Colosseum: RED vs BLU koth_product_final Soldier 2-0-0 sixes 15:04 17 12 1 315 233 129 40% 6 1 60 1901 0 1
na.serveme.tf #500315: RED vs BLU koth_product_final Soldier Sniper Heavy 4-0-0 sixes 22:36 26 18 6 394 240 172 50% 3 4 1 66 2377 1 1
THE GRAPE CAVERN - Chicago: RED vs BLU koth_clearcut_b15d Soldier 2-3-0 sixes 33:47 30 20 13 310 221 145 40% 5 6 160 6348 2
na.serveme.tf #494640 koth_product_final Soldier 1-3-0 sixes 21:13 16 18 5 366 284 134 44% 5 6 1 103 3789 0 1
IYSMITL: RED vs BLU koth_bagel_rc5 Soldier 3-0-0 sixes 19:10 20 14 8 354 312 172 37% 3 5 1 97 3698 2
IYSMITL: RED vs BLU koth_product_final Soldier Sniper 1-1-0 sixes 13:44 10 12 5 332 233 130 38% 2 0 42 1546 1 0
na.serveme.tf #488935: RED vs BLU koth_bagel_rc5 Medic 2-0-0 sixes 12:40 0 4 11 44 144 1044 47% 0 0 4 76 1
na.serveme.tf #488935: RED vs BLU koth_bagel_rc5 Medic 2-1-0 sixes 17:29 2 4 9 28 170 1056 47% 1 1 14 473 4
na.serveme.tf #488743 koth_product_rc8 Soldier Sniper 0-2-0 sixes 12:01 9 8 2 358 226 172 42% 4 1 25 921 2 1
na.serveme.tf #488743 koth_product_rc8 Sniper Soldier 1-2-0 sixes 16:58 15 9 5 340 230 142 45% 4 6 0 26 938 6 1
IYSMITL: RED vs BLU koth_product_final Soldier Sniper 3-0-0 sixes 12:52 9 5 8 351 165 133 40% 3 4 0 40 1384 2 0
IYSMITL: RED vs BLU koth_product_final Soldier Sniper 3-1-0 sixes 19:10 24 17 3 373 243 141 54% 3 7 1 34 1080 12 0
IYSMITL: RED vs BLU koth_product_final Soldier 0-3-0 sixes 18:35 9 18 3 266 256 115 50% 2 1 87 2973 0 1
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