
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
74-135-17 36.50% 556-565-131 49.64%



Class W-L-T Winrate DA/M Acc DA/S Time Played
Scout 2-3-0 40.00% 121 3:32:02
Soldier 48-89-10 36.05% 226 58:15:11
Pyro 102 1:04:50
Demo 113 40:05
Engineer 0-0-1 50.00% 126 1:14:30
Heavy 2-6-0 25.00% 212 4:44:29
Medic 13-19-4 41.67% 8 13:12:32
Sniper 155 1:32:48
Spy 1-4-0 20.00% 3 16:29:28


Format W-L-T Winrate Time Played
Ultiduo 1-1-0 50.00% 39:25
Fours 33-30-6 52.17% 44:41:10
Sixes 25-41-1 38.06% 24:24:23
Prolander 2-4-0 33.33% 1:50:26
Highlander 0-8-0 0.00% 1:42:48
Other 12-48-10 24.29% 28:23:00


Name Count
Kellogs 226

Recent Teams

League Team Competitions Division Format Rostered From Rostered To
ETF2L Toasty Season 38 to 6v6 Season 42 Open Sixes

Recent Logs

Title Map Classes W-L-T Format Duration K D A D/M DT/M HG/M HR/M Acc Date
toasty_training - dev vs Dead cp_toasty_v1_b6 Soldier 2-1-1 fours 29:29 13 27 3 123 190 91
toasty_training - Tesci vs BLU pl_borneo Engineer 2-2-0 fours 38:06 13 18 13 115 137 21
toasty_training - Yelow vs 4 pl_upward Engineer Demo Sniper Heavy Spy Soldier Scout 3-1-0 fours 49:14 24 42 8 153 184 5
toasty_training - retar vs brain cp_reckoner_rc6 Soldier 0-5-0 sixes 28:25 11 28 3 173 251 110
toasty_training - Lt. Ju vs spank cp_reckoner_rc6 Soldier 0-5-0 sixes 13:28 3 13 1 162 293 200
toasty_training - Pocket vs ff cp_villa_b15 Soldier 0-5-0 sixes 21:18 8 14 6 155 200 206
toasty_training - Rocket vs jump cp_villa_b15 Soldier 2-7-0 sixes 22:51 6 21 4 139 326 261
toasty_training - CCC vs rv1d pl_badwater_pro_v12 Heavy 0-1-0 prolander 20:50 16 15 9 346 490 270
toasty_training - RESPE vs v7 pl_swiftwater_final1 Heavy 1-0-0 prolander 32:51 11 23 24 220 481 284
toasty_training - v7 vs ICT pl_swiftwater_final1 Heavy 0-1-0 prolander 8:39 3 9 3 233 525 180
toasty_training - Snipa vs 12345 pl_upward Heavy 1-0-0 prolander 23:07 16 20 14 273 529 301
toasty_training - 12345 vs Snipa pl_upward Soldier 0-1-0 prolander 12:59 1 14 0 107 251 89
toasty_training - Snipa vs 12345 pl_upward Soldier Engineer 0-1-0 prolander 12:00 4 10 0 170 281 236
toasty_training - atak vs BOSL cp_snakewater_final1 Soldier 2-3-1 sixes 29:09 24 20 13 205 281 243
toasty_training - BAND vs highg cp_snakewater_final1 Soldier 1-5-1 sixes 28:59 12 22 9 191 305 276
toasty_training - Bum vs Jerma koth_product_final Soldier 0-3-0 sixes 15:24 0 1 0 2 23 1 #1230915 - BLU vs RED cp_gullywash_f6 Scout 0-3-1 sixes 29:29 5 17 4 60 177 175 #1230915 - Toast vs RED koth_product_final Scout 1-3-0 sixes 21:19 5 21 8 98 269 130
toasty_training - toast vs RED cp_gullywash_f6 Soldier 0-5-0 sixes 16:25 6 12 3 153 282 244
toasty_training - toast vs RED koth_product_final Soldier 0-3-0 sixes 14:29 3 10 1 157 222 193
toasty_training - FUG vs no koth_product_final Soldier 1-3-0 other 20:59 9 22 6 233 292 221
toasty_training - erwtq vs nob koth_product_final Soldier 3-0-0 sixes 15:00 13 13 5 236 290 199
toasty_training - wut vs finaly cp_gullywash_f6 Soldier 5-0-0 sixes 25:21 6 13 3 135 168 189
toasty_training - what? vs gugug cp_gullywash_f6 Soldier 5-0-0 sixes 22:58 10 10 5 112 192 284 #1198554 - WIN? vs kilme koth_clearcut_b15c Soldier 3-1-0 sixes 25:51 13 24 4 197 209 121