.h|Ɇ Punish

W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
779-625-27 55.38% 2605-2186-45 54.33%


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Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From
Harkintos 41 53.66% 11:43:17 7 64.29% 2:05:27 13 129 287
esteban 20 75.00% 6:50:52 28 53.57% 9:06:13 55 163 39
kho 8 25.00% 2:06:14 40 25.00% 11:04:10 6 178 113
Joe Banks 11 54.55% 2:46:05 36 19.44% 10:28:18 12 133 106
ESCAPEFROMFENT 27 44.44% 10:25:09 19 57.89% 7:02:58 22 197 128
*:・゚✧ Isaac 38 71.05% 11:02:32 8 25.00% 2:34:57 12 131 97
Xenagos 20 45.00% 6:56:50 25 80.00% 8:55:55 27 205 134
Tr1ckH0300 20 65.00% 6:30:43 25 48.00% 7:33:00 15 177 119
(678)-999-8212 25 60.00% 8:15:45 20 50.00% 7:23:34 12 190 149
Apple Zoo 0 0:00 45 20.00% 12:34:06
atlas 18 50.00% 6:19:56 27 44.44% 8:17:42 13 188 252
Coach's Fatass Chip Eater 36 50.00% 10:58:33 8 56.25% 2:33:54 58 174 89
airballer :3 23 67.39% 7:26:31 21 50.00% 7:16:56 13 149 128
choppa tony 11 63.64% 4:18:26 33 60.61% 11:13:05 57 187 82
twitch.tv/kegaman_ 7 14.29% 2:30:49 36 59.72% 11:48:52 16 186 257
♡ Soulidity ♡ 35 51.43% 10:35:32 7 14.29% 1:53:19 13 141 131
Grecko 38 52.63% 11:37:48 3 100.00% 42:46 7 119 120
slashmaid 32 70.31% 10:01:13 9 22.22% 3:22:26 13 152 307
iceetee 36 47.22% 9:58:13 5 30.00% 1:43:03 8 153 130
manbug 17 64.71% 6:34:57 24 54.17% 8:51:07 60 208 28
Jin 4 0.00% 57:06 37 29.73% 10:36:36 5 149 263
charlatan 22 68.18% 7:52:30 19 42.11% 6:27:45 8 177 159
jeff 32 50.00% 8:28:42 8 62.50% 2:25:37 8 152 96
mk 11 54.55% 3:42:27 29 53.45% 9:36:53 51 198 188
bruce 15 46.67% 5:02:17 25 60.00% 8:12:51 18 180 135
Volteccer 4 50.00% 1:07:55 36 47.22% 11:38:12 13 194 93
prince lightskin 19 52.63% 8:25:28 20 60.00% 6:49:30 9 202 175
vandeer 13 69.23% 3:30:29 26 73.08% 9:10:17 13 146 193
hiko 18 44.44% 7:22:05 21 71.43% 7:32:24 11 216 281
chad420 33 37.88% 9:30:01 6 91.67% 1:34:01 11 138 240
snowie 18 72.22% 6:36:43 20 35.00% 7:45:33 12 190 100
tsaide 9 55.56% 3:09:35 29 62.07% 10:20:05 15 183 161
Raven 5 100.00% 1:46:16 32 70.31% 10:02:05 14 158 192
michael soft 10 90.00% 3:29:12 27 33.33% 8:53:58 47 160 147
karambwan 32 35.94% 9:13:55 5 90.00% 1:09:56 8 140 125
IM GOOD FROM STATE TO STATE 19 57.89% 6:27:21 17 52.94% 5:57:33 38 151 247
Poseidon 15 80.00% 5:05:04 21 57.14% 7:42:47 13 198 142
haye 11 36.36% 3:26:36 25 40.00% 8:12:52 10 186 200
bffl 18 44.44% 5:45:02 17 52.94% 6:22:08 18 195 107
scarybroccoli 5 60.00% 1:40:23 30 51.67% 10:24:20 153 246 250 144
ashley❤ 16 50.00% 4:50:39 19 34.21% 6:18:00 20 201 126 9
edgebug off the sun 19 68.42% 6:47:05 16 75.00% 5:04:44 12 159 166
Morgoth714 4 0.00% 1:02:31 30 60.00% 9:17:57 13 215 101
eX.Hunter 25 64.00% 8:58:31 9 66.67% 3:20:33 23 189 98
MR. DUBBZ 24 64.58% 8:20:40 10 40.00% 3:39:01 12 153 136
Soala 21 47.62% 7:20:28 13 76.92% 4:45:52 20 174 97
Daviddredface 12 41.67% 3:35:59 22 61.36% 6:38:01 36 175 111
jimsgims 3 33.33% 1:05:56 31 54.84% 10:05:49 10 164 142
Spha 13 61.54% 4:29:43 21 57.14% 7:19:15 13 167 141
TonyHawkFan2012 7 71.43% 2:17:53 26 42.31% 8:42:10 31 159 165 1
shmarkus 4 25.00% 1:18:49 29 67.24% 8:37:55 8 161 336
{666} hotdog noh mercy 𖤐 33 56.06% 10:30:57 0 0:00 9 159 121
Kaden passtime.tf 10 50.00% 2:59:58 22 63.64% 7:03:43 35 182 82
Bodysnatcher 0 0:00 32 54.69% 11:00:07
Chung 20 65.00% 5:52:39 11 68.18% 4:07:11 12 136 204
risemara 3 33.33% 1:01:14 28 64.29% 8:30:30 9 145 40
Spud 0 0:00 31 58.06% 8:40:34
AC130 6 33.33% 1:41:03 25 32.00% 7:20:29 8 162 168
Chhaam 17 52.94% 5:56:03 14 50.00% 5:16:07 14 170 237
NovaSc6ut 8 81.25% 2:38:25 22 63.64% 5:53:58 15 142 159
The Oreo 13 38.46% 4:43:04 17 47.06% 6:09:29 11 179 162
Markers 5 20.00% 1:22:56 24 29.17% 6:56:23 8 174 16
StAr 21 61.90% 7:15:51 8 62.50% 2:34:40 51 168 65 43
Cloudy 12 66.67% 2:52:31 17 73.53% 5:53:24 12 130 168
dc 14 28.57% 5:39:51 15 53.33% 5:43:49 19 193 266
bobo 0 0:00 28 60.71% 8:39:22
edward shitterhands 12 58.33% 3:44:50 16 68.75% 5:05:18 10 138 159
Kastaling 1 0.00% 14:31 27 53.70% 8:14:10 9 266 56
twitch.tv/Flaurosa 18 61.11% 5:13:43 10 70.00% 2:56:34 11 140 28
rmx^-^ 15 46.67% 4:56:14 12 100.00% 3:33:42 32 162 80
OliverGarden 8 62.50% 2:12:39 19 84.21% 5:12:30 27 149 177
ethanf 8 0.00% 2:24:29 19 63.16% 5:48:23 30 209 143
fuzze 11 63.64% 3:25:47 16 62.50% 5:15:02 10 171 125
derpychungus89 9 44.44% 3:31:28 18 55.56% 5:29:51 8 211 280
pingpongpenguin 5 20.00% 1:22:56 22 31.82% 6:21:53 8 174 60
zoomzoom 15 66.67% 4:22:58 12 75.00% 3:23:42 18 158 194
EndlessHunger 23 52.17% 6:59:21 3 66.67% 1:17:49 11 170 82
mr. immaculate 10 60.00% 3:25:05 16 40.62% 5:05:48 82 195 113
myxomatosis 0 0:00 25 68.00% 8:00:43
father figure phantom 10 30.00% 4:00:53 15 60.00% 4:53:51 13 179 166
whalemart 11 54.55% 4:11:22 14 57.14% 5:41:13 13 171 100
water you doing 10 40.00% 3:14:51 15 40.00% 6:03:10 14 197 143
eku952 1 0.00% 18:51 24 25.00% 7:52:35 6 192 170
rebel 9 61.11% 2:42:26 16 50.00% 5:36:28 12 183 198
gnome463 8 62.50% 2:12:39 17 82.35% 4:47:28 27 149 68
Cinderace 3 66.67% 42:19 22 59.09% 6:22:45 10 188 244
Quintrevion Toetoucher III 3 0.00% 52:51 22 31.82% 5:54:18 5 183 270
horticultural shawty 14 35.71% 4:56:24 10 50.00% 3:19:46 55 217 121
consta 12 66.67% 3:16:18 12 33.33% 3:25:45 12 156 132
io 17 41.18% 5:21:01 7 14.29% 1:53:19 16 160 142
obama_crab 15 66.67% 4:14:39 8 75.00% 2:41:28 11 145 202
luther 15 63.33% 5:08:01 8 25.00% 2:32:01 16 152 200
♥Jinzo♥ 5 20.00% 1:22:56 18 33.33% 4:50:11 8 174 297
Poopy 12 50.00% 4:25:35 10 30.00% 3:29:17 8 211 197
wii TANK!! 15 23.33% 4:49:35 7 57.14% 1:56:09 128 217 157
caban。zZᶻ 0 0:00 22 63.64% 7:01:18
johnny.moneylong 8 62.50% 2:12:39 14 85.71% 4:33:58 27 149 175
ZaDeZ 16 43.75% 4:32:54 6 0.00% 1:38:40 15 140 197
++ 14 50.00% 5:40:51 8 50.00% 2:47:20 39 202 133
Fobby 7 57.14% 2:00:50 14 39.29% 3:47:54 14 181 154
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From
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