
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
476-380-19 55.49% 1426-1344-29 51.46%



Class W-L-T Winrate DA/M Acc DA/S Time Played
Scout 57-52-4 52.21% 272 50% 93 40:18:45
Soldier 71-47-5 59.76% 405 55% 1275 41:15:33
Pyro 102-59-1 63.27% 269 12% 15 56:07:58
Demo 14-18-1 43.94% 394 10:44:39
Engineer 18-4-0 81.82% 189 31% 76 6:43:42
Heavy 14-4-0 77.78% 309 5:56:02
Medic 9-5-1 63.33% 53 5:53:31
Sniper 20-29-0 40.82% 322 23% 245 18:12:16
Spy 8-11-0 42.11% 328 26% 1257 7:20:26


Format W-L-T Winrate Time Played
Ultiduo 18-6-0 75.00% 8:12:25
Fours 5-6-0 45.45% 3:33:45
Sixes 45-59-10 43.86% 41:56:41
Prolander 9-5-0 64.29% 6:02:23
Highlander 224-154-2 59.21% 124:30:39
Other 15-16-0 48.39% 11:24:52


Name Count
Riida 249
R1D# 181
r i d 83
RiiDa 58
Acrid 39
riiDa 27
Rid 25
rid 20
r1da 20
R1D 19

Recent Teams

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ETF2L 1nstantŠ•rection Highlander Season 22 Low A Highlander

Recent Logs

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