
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
366-785-68 32.81% 2034-3474-133 37.24%



Class W-L-T Winrate DA/M Acc DA/S Time Played
Scout 210-444-46 33.29% 175 45% 21 226:25:01
Soldier 2-0-1 83.33% 228 28% 26 1:28:32
Pyro 1-3-0 25.00% 144 7% 1 1:47:04
Demo 127 18:41
Engineer 8-17-0 32.00% 145 18% 6 14:04:51
Heavy 3-8-0 27.27% 197 22% 13 6:01:25
Medic 26-46-0 36.11% 15 27% 6 25:54:51
Sniper 3-2-0 60.00% 143 23% 38 8:20:22
Spy 182 18% 155 1:49:54


Format W-L-T Winrate Time Played
Ultiduo 0-1-0 0.00% 26:05
Fours 0-0-2 50.00% 17:42
Sixes 158-359-36 31.83% 197:54:29
Prolander 22-35-4 39.34% 21:27:44
Highlander 71-137-4 34.43% 66:38:39
Other 2-7-1 25.00% 3:08:19


Name Count
hawkfrost 1101
hawkfrost l R.I.P. yomps 72
hawkfrost lft 6s 14
hawkfrost LFT 6s 13
hawkfrost lft 12
hawkfrost 6
PEE hawkfrost 1

Recent Teams

League Team Competitions Division Format Rostered From Rostered To
RGL D.O.P.E. Sixes S3 Amateur Sixes
RGL The Legless Track Team NR Sixes S2 Amateur Sixes
RGL The Croutons HL Season 3 Amateur Highlander

Recent Logs

Title Map Classes W-L-T Format Duration K D A D/M DT/M HG/M HR/M Acc Date
TF2Center Lobby #1270390 plr_hightower Scout 0-2-0 highlander 18:49 26 21 6 331 316 85 39%
na.serveme.tf #559046 cp_sunshine Scout Pyro 0-5-0 sixes 9:30 2 9 2 107 256 104 48%
WishDOTcom Gaming: RED vs BLU cp_snakewater_final1 Scout Sniper 5-4-0 sixes 22:14 11 14 11 170 220 191 55%
TF2Pugs.com - ge cp_metalworks_f5 Scout Engineer 3-5-0 sixes 23:54 22 18 4 209 193 53 55%
RGL pug server #1/2: RED vs adBLU koth_proot_b5b Scout 2-3-0 highlander 27:56 26 31 14 319 261 78 56%
RGL pug server #1/2: RED vs wumbo koth_ashville_final Engineer 3-1-0 highlander 22:28 14 5 12 160 124 127 17%
na.serveme.tf #510656 koth_product_final Heavy 0-2-0 highlander 10:06 2 14 4 138 730 167
na.serveme.tf #510656 koth_ashville_rc2d Heavy 0-3-0 highlander 17:50 9 18 2 112 522 180
TF2Center Lobby #1225370 pl_upward_f10 Scout 0-1-0 highlander 22:52 8 32 4 147 310 65 48%
serveme.tf #1316336 pl_vigil_rc9 Pyro Engineer 1-0-0 highlander 11:12 3 9 3 128 300 219 0%
na.serveme.tf #506605: RED vs BLU cp_sunshine Scout 0-5-0 sixes 16:31 6 13 6 236 251 151 51%
UGC 6v6 Match: RED vs BLU cp_gullywash_final1 Scout 4-1-0 sixes 14:23 12 6 10 250 223 202 50%
serveme.tf #1307761 pl_upward Heavy 1-0-0 highlander 14:18 13 9 4 232 510 360
na.serveme.tf #494732: BLU vs BLU cp_snakewater_final1 Scout Sniper 1-3-1 sixes 29:19 13 19 10 149 232 207 47%
na.serveme.tf #494732: RED vs BLU koth_bagel_rc5 Scout 2-0-0 sixes 8:26 9 2 9 279 192 317 45%
na.serveme.tf #494732: bom vs BLU cp_process_f11 Scout 5-0-0 sixes 7:21 10 0 7 342 150 206 51%
na.serveme.tf #491971: RED vs BLU cp_sunshine Scout Sniper Spy 1-2-1 sixes 29:29 20 19 9 216 201 136 46%
na.serveme.tf #491958 cp_snakewater_final1 Scout 5-0-0 sixes 9:25 6 3 6 237 187 234 41%
na.serveme.tf #491454: RED vs R koth_ashville_rc2d Engineer 0-3-0 highlander 18:59 5 16 4 117 275 108 27%
Tangerine: RED vs BLU pl_badwater_pro_v12 Scout 1-0-0 highlander 18:52 16 12 3 285 201 124 52%
TF2Center Lobby #1211795 cp_sunshine Scout 0-1-0 prolander 1:58 10 7 2 1094 1095 714 44%
na.serveme.tf #485294: nrsy vs BLU cp_sunshine Scout Engineer Sniper 2-3-1 sixes 29:34 15 20 15 170 192 113 41%
TF2Center Lobby #1209925 cp_process_final Scout 5-0-0 sixes 10:39 10 3 7 0
na.serveme.tf #481994: RED vs BLU cp_sunshine Scout 0-0-1 sixes 5:06 2 3 1 94 95 43%
TF2Center Lobby #1207131 cp_snakewater_final1 Scout Heavy 1-2-0 sixes 9:46 14 15 4 426 389 163 52%