
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
72-77-0 48.32% 265-276-0 48.98%



Class W-L-T Winrate DA/M Acc DA/S Time Played
Scout 10-11-0 47.62% 383 63% 39 7:22:22
Soldier 1-4-0 20.00% 505 47% 36 1:49:36
Pyro 7-5-0 58.33% 280 4:40:31
Demo 26-29-0 47.27% 511 26% 20 20:39:01
Engineer 8-7-0 53.33% 242 46% 24 6:02:58
Heavy 1-1-0 50.00% 334 15% 3 44:04
Medic 1-0-0 100.00% 76 53% 10 27:00
Sniper 3-2-0 60.00% 321 37% 88 1:32:44
Spy 11-17-0 39.29% 297 35% 30 10:26:35


Format W-L-T Winrate Time Played
Ultiduo 0-1-0 0.00% 29:04
Highlander 66-74-0 47.14% 51:53:38
Other 2-1-0 66.67% 1:24:01


Name Count
Pellovley 62
SoldOutArenasUCanSuckMyPenis 9
G.D.I.T.T.F.I.L.T.W.Y.B.G. 6
Q #WWG1WGA #TheStorm #TrustTheP 4
The crab 4
3Pink1Brown 3
All Chunguses Are Big 3
cheetolini 3

Recent Teams

League Team Competitions Division Format Rostered From Rostered To
RGL egfug HL Season 1 Advanced Highlander
RGL The Menn P7 Season 4 Invite Prolander

Recent Logs

Title Map Classes W-L-T Format Duration K D A D/M DT/M HG/M HR/M Acc Date
UGC Highlander Match: RED vs BRASIL pl_divulgence_b4b Spy 0-1-0 highlander 17:24 9 14 1 211 120 6 28%
UGC Highlander Match: BRASIL vs RED pl_divulgence_b4b Spy 0-1-0 highlander 20:44 12 14 3 211 188 17 33%
Thugtopia: egfug vs BBC pl_swiftwater_final1 Demo 1-0-0 highlander 24:27 12 13 9 442 334 216 27%
Thugtopia: BBC vs egfug pl_swiftwater_final1 Demo 0-1-0 highlander 22:42 10 11 3 404 338 265 25%
The Silly Server: RED vs BLU koth_lakeside_r2 Demo 3-1-0 highlander 25:09 23 14 14 445 380 311 23%
The Silly Server: RED vs BLU koth_product_final Pyro 0-3-0 highlander 17:35 10 15 14 291 396 115
na.serveme.tf #418285 - BLU vs RED koth_ashville_rc2c Scout 1-3-0 highlander 24:03 16 18 17 328 263 103
na.serveme.tf #418285 - BLU vs RED koth_product_rcx Engineer 0-3-0 highlander 14:24 15 10 6 263 208 77
AÐ. Wasaty's Match: RED vs BLU koth_ashville_rc2b Demo 0-3-0 highlander 13:49 8 15 4 370 481 229 23%
AÐ. Wasaty's Match: RED vs BLU koth_product_rcx Engineer 2-3-0 highlander 31:22 19 25 15 239 266 81 60%
freelander's bar: RED vs BLU koth_ashville_rc2b Pyro 3-0-0 highlander 16:35 24 13 14 317 384 178
freelander's bar: RED vs BLU koth_product_rcx Demo 3-2-0 highlander 28:24 21 18 9 381 400 234 19%
they gon think I won: RED vs BLU koth_ashville_rc2b Spy 2-3-0 highlander 33:13 31 20 8 314 206 23 36%
they gon think I won: RED vs BLU cp_gullywash_final1 Pyro 2-4-0 highlander 25:54 21 21 19 326 325 112
they gon think I won: RED vs BLU koth_ashville_rc2b Soldier 3-1-0 highlander 23:29 26 24 7 416 315 80 41%
they gon think I won: RED vs BLU koth_product_rcx Spy 0-3-0 highlander 14:10 9 11 3 219 283 35 24%
they gon think I won: RED vs BLU koth_cascade_v2_b4 Demo 0-3-0 highlander 18:24 18 9 6 427 329 255 25%
na.serveme.tf #359744 - BOPIS vs RED koth_product_rcx Demo 3-0-0 highlander 14:40 14 10 8 520 401 276 29%
na.serveme.tf #359744 - BOPIS vs RED koth_product_rcx Demo 3-0-0 highlander 13:19 14 5 1 536 368 254 29%
Oprah Winfrey Network: own vs htler koth_product_rcx Demo 3-0-0 highlander 16:16 17 4 1 693 358 377 28%
Oprah Winfrey Network: own vs jail koth_product_rcx Demo 2-0-0 highlander 14:14 21 6 3 656 352 309 31%
freelander's bar: 5RED vs BLU koth_product_rcx Demo 3-1-0 highlander 23:55 19 16 4 509 378 239 26%
they gon think I won: RED vs sex koth_product_rcx Scout 2-3-0 highlander 32:30 40 32 17 429 251 81 68%
they gon think I won: RED vs sex koth_product_rcx Spy 3-0-0 highlander 19:37 21 13 11 333 238 36 34%
The Spaceship - RED v BLU ultiduo_baloo_v2 Soldier 1-2-0 ultiduo 29:04 64 37 5 897 729 716 63%