
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
340-514-43 40.30% 841-1229-13 40.69%


Descending Ascending
League Team Competitions Division Format Rostered From Rostered To
RGL The Bear Necessities HL Season 11 to HL Season 14 Intermediate Highlander
RGL Untitled_ HL Season 13 Main Highlander
RGL Den's Team HL Season 12 Intermediate Highlander
RGL Cat Lovers HL Season 10 to P7 Season 10 Intermediate Prolander
RGL 550 Watts Prolander Cup #7 Amateur Prolander
RGL El dato Betsson NR Sixes Cup #1 RGL-Newcomer Sixes
RGL The Third World Crusaders HL Season 9 Newcomer Highlander
RGL The Third World Crusaders P7 Season 9 Newcomer-B Prolander