
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
13-19-2 41.18% 34-52-2 39.77%


Descending Ascending
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From
MYTH.mix 10 40.00% 2:50:47 5 40.00% 1:45:15 166 208
Ma7x 5 40.00% 1:36:54 7 28.57% 1:53:12 105 302
mom mode 6 66.67% 1:33:44 6 50.00% 1:49:16 143 351
mist. 6 0.00% 2:10:11 5 60.00% 1:53:53 173 341 0 55
Corbezy 7 71.43% 2:16:01 3 0.00% 1:02:53 146 338 18
Chrystal 7 57.14% 1:55:32 3 100.00% 44:45 170 296
CH 9 55.56% 3:20:36 1 100.00% 30:23 183 347 111
kevboy 0 0:00 10 40.00% 2:59:10
Le_SertEagle 6 83.33% 1:50:43 4 50.00% 50:54 174 381
FROYO snow 3 0.00% 1:02:18 6 83.33% 1:50:43 61 274 94
fuck my chungus life 3 33.33% 1:10:54 6 83.33% 1:50:43 232 169
rica (cl_flipviewmodels 1 btw) 0 0:00 9 66.67% 3:02:36
robouki 8 25.00% 3:01:42 1 0.00% 21:25 183 322
acai berry 3 100.00% 44:45 6 16.67% 2:13:47 192 413 331
LINGLING. 3 100.00% 44:45 6 16.67% 2:13:47 192 413
are you dense 3 66.67% 1:04:38 6 16.67% 2:13:47 195 388
xX$$$_Toki$$$_Xx 3 66.67% 1:05:58 6 83.33% 1:49:23 163 360 44
Dashinix 0 0:00 8 75.00% 2:37:18
.scatter. 8 37.50% 2:24:38 0 0:00 161 439
OH NO YOU FREDN'T 8 25.00% 2:39:47 0 0:00 136 381
woozy 3 33.33% 1:24:16 5 20.00% 1:50:44 159 268 2
Aswero21 7 28.57% 1:58:12 1 100.00% 30:23 153 184 1 10
CEO of Cope 6 50.00% 1:55:02 2 0.00% 51:52 118 331 194
4lex 0 0:00 8 75.00% 2:37:18
Speedy 2 50.00% 45:54 5 20.00% 2:01:47 44 200 54
BABBDI 7 57.14% 1:55:32 0 0:00 170 296
norn 0 0:00 7 28.57% 1:53:12
ƁLΔCƘΓΘЅΣ.ʕ´•ᴥ•ʔ 7 28.57% 1:58:12 0 0:00 153 184 3
sarkreez 0 0:00 7 28.57% 1:53:12
zoy 0 0:00 7 28.57% 1:53:12
Theo 0 0:00 7 28.57% 1:53:12
ʚїɞ 0 0:00 7 28.57% 1:53:12
Super Kitt 4 50.00% 2:03:24 3 33.33% 1:03:26 151 234 18
clairvoyance 6 16.67% 2:13:47 0 0:00 209 326 139
NIGHTkilla 0 0:00 6 83.33% 1:49:23
surge 1 0.00% 36:21 5 20.00% 1:40:57 222 214
Luv ❤ 4 50.00% 50:54 2 0.00% 37:00 139 179
cRs. 6 50.00% 1:38:49 0 0:00 125 241
aranara 0 0:00 6 16.67% 2:13:47
aboOod 3 0.00% 1:07:18 3 0.00% 1:02:53 163 188 5
Blueberry ! 3 100.00% 44:45 3 33.33% 1:10:54 192 413
bangflash 6 33.33% 2:08:51 0 0:00 173 430
Lionel Wallace 0 0:00 6 33.33% 2:08:51
ackerman 4 25.00% 1:04:06 1 0.00% 21:25 120 330
jaycre』ampae 0 0:00 5 60.00% 2:00:27
goodbye 5 20.00% 1:25:59 0 0:00 94 324
kevin durant 3 66.67% 1:05:58 2 50.00% 45:54 163 360 137
ff 3 33.33% 1:10:54 2 50.00% 47:55 232 169
mugen 2 50.00% 47:55 3 0.00% 1:07:18 111 308
PD0RA 0 0:00 5 40.00% 1:42:58
cj31 3 66.67% 1:24:52 1 0.00% 15:31 138 256 47
Fwan 4 50.00% 50:54 0 0:00 139 179
N1te 4 50.00% 1:31:16 0 0:00 124 301 15
uh 1 0.00% 15:31 3 0.00% 1:07:18 120 262
moby DICK 3 66.67% 1:04:02 1 0.00% 36:21 86 281 26
kaldoz 1 100.00% 30:23 3 33.33% 1:10:00 6 168 431
Train Smash 1 100.00% 30:23 3 66.67% 1:04:38 6 168 102
Brown Dynamic 2 50.00% 54:29 2 50.00% 45:54 212 305
mackey 0 0:00 3 0.00% 1:07:18
hy1na 3 33.33% 48:59 0 0:00 99 295
Zr- 0 0:00 3 0.00% 1:02:53
『RACM』 TAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 0 0:00 3 66.67% 1:05:58
NEBU!A 0 0:00 3 33.33% 48:59
Smortus, Knower of Knowledge 0 0:00 3 33.33% 1:10:54
Punk 0 0:00 3 33.33% 48:59
mew 2 0.00% 37:00 1 0.00% 21:25 88 361
boch 3 0.00% 1:07:18 0 0:00 163 188 0
apples 0 0:00 3 0.00% 1:07:18
rogue champion 0 0:00 3 66.67% 1:04:38
lilillhillbill 2 50.00% 33:39 1 0.00% 36:21 158 384
ARISSS 3 66.67% 1:04:38 0 0:00 195 388
I have down syndrome 0 0:00 3 33.33% 48:59
thepizzaman2013 0 0:00 3 66.67% 1:04:38
n1kolai Johns0n 3 66.67% 1:04:38 0 0:00 195 388
Katsu 3 0.00% 1:02:53 0 0:00 183 504
Mike hunt 3 66.67% 1:05:58 0 0:00 163 360
C. Taunts 3 66.67% 1:04:38 0 0:00 195 388
Minji. 0 0:00 3 33.33% 1:10:54
what do i get? Paid. Smegma Male 1 0.00% 15:31 2 50.00% 48:44 120 262
bari 0 0:00 3 33.33% 48:59
reeee.vol 2 0 0:00 3 66.67% 1:04:38
Alpha Sigma Wolf 0 0:00 3 33.33% 48:59
Pampers. 0 0:00 3 66.67% 1:05:58
TSUKISHIMA 0 0:00 3 33.33% 48:59
restari 0 0:00 3 0.00% 1:07:18
sea dog style 0 0:00 3 0.00% 1:07:18
demure beef 3 0.00% 1:07:18 0 0:00 163 188 3
Tabby The Bunny 3 0.00% 1:07:18 0 0:00 163 188 1
Yes123 0 0:00 3 33.33% 48:59
kosina 0 0:00 3 33.33% 48:59
Five5. 0 0:00 3 33.33% 1:10:54
little nukky 3 100.00% 44:45 0 0:00 192 413
Kha 3 0.00% 1:02:53 0 0:00 183 504
Shion 0 0:00 3 33.33% 48:59
Time Is funny, friend! 3 33.33% 1:10:54 0 0:00 232 169
Ice 3 66.67% 1:04:38 0 0:00 195 388
Fade 3 33.33% 1:10:54 0 0:00 232 169
saintclair 3 33.33% 1:10:54 0 0:00 232 169
aaron 0 0:00 3 33.33% 1:10:54
Nancy/Wheatie 0 0:00 3 100.00% 44:45
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From