
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
983-907-3 52.01% 2378-2260-36 51.26%


Descending Ascending
D M Title Map Classes W-L-T Format Duration K D A D/M DT/M HG/M HR/M Acc LKS K/1 AS MS MKHP BS HSK HS S C Date Duplicate of
thisismebtw.ifyouevenca.re: Glorp vs Glo pass_greenhouse_a12 Demo 1-2-1 fours 28:05 14 25 1 109 311 3 0 44 1643
thisismebtw.ifyouevenca.re: BLUe vs REDe pass_greenhouse_a12 Demo 2-1-0 fours 10:34 8 14 0 121 481 117 2 0 9 319
thisismebtw.ifyouevenca.re: Virgin vs DI pass_greenhouse_a12 Demo 0-2-0 fours 11:18 3 10 0 86 367 169 0% 3 0 12 400
thisismebtw.ifyouevenca.re: Balls vs DIE pass_greenhouse_a12 Demo 0-2-0 fours 11:13 5 15 0 125 437 129 1 0 8 320
thisismebtw.ifyouevenca.re: mlkme vs ong pass_greenhouse_a12 Soldier Medic 0-2-0 fours 10:02 9 12 1 263 243 35% 3 0 14 501
thisismebtw.ifyouevenca.re: BLU vs RED pass_greenhouse_a12 Demo Soldier 0-2-0 fours 13:51 11 13 2 182 251 45 25% 4 4 0 19 698
na.serveme.tf #551741 pass_greenhouse_a12 Demo 0-2-0 fours 15:17 3 11 0 49 407 180 1 0 23 880
na.serveme.tf #551856 pass_greenhouse_a12 Demo 0-2-0 fours 14:42 3 8 0 47 168 37 27% 2 0 6 182
Exer-Cise | passtime.tf: BLU vs RED pass_greenhouse_a12 Demo 2-0-0 fours 15:00 8 15 0 123 279 2 0 19 682
Exer-Cise | passtime.tf: Fattys vs fRED pass_greenhouse_a12 Soldier Medic 1-2-0 fours 17:35 13 32 6 192 360 38% 4 2 0 20 757
Exer-Cise | passtime.tf: BLU vs fRED pass_greenhouse_a12 Demo 0-2-0 fours 13:42 12 10 1 133 268 92 20% 6 0 7 178
Exer-Cise | passtime.tf: BLU vs GRN pass_greenhouse_a12 Demo 0-2-0 fours 14:20 12 13 3 157 343 32 3 0 16 567
D M Title Map Classes W-L-T Format Duration K D A D/M DT/M HG/M HR/M Acc LKS K/1 AS MS MKHP BS HSK HS S C Date Duplicate of