
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
1986-1429-119 57.88% 5378-4292-239 55.48%


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D M Title Map Classes W-L-T Format Duration K D A D/M DT/M HG/M HR/M Acc LKS K/1 AS MS MKHP BS HSK HS S C Date Duplicate of brick vs cra pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 1-2-0 fours 26:00 42 36 5 277 218 48% 4 6 3 61 2375 BLU vs asdaw pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 2-0-0 fours 13:23 18 20 0 241 195 33% 3 3 2 20 744 BLU vs RED pass_boutique_b8c Soldier 2-0-0 fours 11:38 18 21 6 323 259 43% 4 2 19 727 +100hp vs me pass_arena2_b14b Soldier Medic 0-1-0 fours 5:34 1 5 0 44 258 36% 1 0 2 58 +100hp vs de pass_arena2_b14b Soldier Medic 2-0-0 fours 7:48 10 7 4 320 200 40% 7 0 14 511 +100hp vs co pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 2-0-0 fours 11:30 11 20 2 225 265 37% 3 1 26 927 pizza vs cor pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 2-1-0 fours 17:16 21 22 4 264 213 37% 5 2 35 1445 hyhhh vs cor pass_arena2_b14b Soldier Medic 2-0-0 fours 10:46 13 15 5 223 224 205 40% 2 1 12 430 hyhhh vs cor pass_arena2_b14b Demo 2-1-0 fours 21:00 26 19 6 243 336 20% 3 5 11 25 918 hyhhh vs cor pass_arena2_b14b Demo 1-2-0 fours 21:36 27 18 8 266 233 15% 3 4 3 44 1317 tacos vs cor pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 1-2-1 fours 27:39 34 48 7 249 292 36% 3 3 5 32 1086 tacos vs bre pass_arena2_b14b Demo Medic 0-2-0 fours 11:19 8 12 5 195 268 173 25% 3 2 20 577 tacos vs bre pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 2-1-0 fours 19:28 31 33 6 291 310 57 37% 4 4 7 25 993 tacos vs bre pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 2-0-0 fours 13:23 12 21 4 185 270 22% 2 0 21 727 box vs PIZZA pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 2-0-0 fours 7:41 18 4 0 338 200 95 35% 3 7 4 16 515 box vs diner pass_arena2_b14b Soldier Medic 1-2-0 fours 13:59 25 21 0 255 296 34% 4 6 5 18 619 box vs diner pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 2-0-0 fours 12:09 29 19 6 502 247 52% 6 6 4 19 714 hg4nc vs RED pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 0-2-0 fours 16:24 29 23 9 389 200 40% 4 4 4 34 1347 BLU vs RED pass_maple_a10 Soldier 2-0-0 fours 11:10 14 13 5 336 226 42% 3 3 1 29 984 5:1 vs 🔥 pass_stonework_rc2 Soldier 2-1-1 fours 30:28 40 40 8 300 284 41% 3 5 6 37 1547 4'5" vs 🔥 pass_stonework_rc2 Soldier 2-1-0 fours 16:52 33 22 4 417 306 192 48% 4 5 0 5 167 BLU vs 🔥 pass_stonework_rc2 Soldier 2-0-0 fours 8:23 14 8 2 327 270 187 39% 3 4 0 10 383 BLU vs RED pass_stonework_rc2 Soldier 2-0-0 fours 8:56 15 15 5 399 210 49% 4 5 3 9 399 BRO vs DEAD pass_ruin_a12_waterless Soldier 2-1-0 fours 20:54 27 35 2 276 241 36% 3 0 42 1567 BLU vs DEAD pass_ruin_a12_waterless Soldier 2-0-0 fours 9:17 21 14 3 394 232 49% 3 7 2 10 413 pmex vs BLUE pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 1-2-0 fours 17:29 40 19 5 390 234 88 36% 4 5 7 22 788 adsadw vs he pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 2-0-0 fours 16:03 21 20 1 292 232 65 34% 3 4 2 20 607 ament_ vs he pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 0-2-0 fours 10:42 8 12 2 161 170 17% 2 0 15 461 ament_ vs nu pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 2-1-0 fours 22:48 38 20 9 365 173 35% 4 6 9 53 1915 ament_ vs nu pass_arena2_b14b Demo 2-0-0 fours 9:14 19 7 1 476 253 113 30% 3 6 6 24 670 B@Med vs nut pass_arena2_b14b Demo 1-2-0 fours 14:34 27 13 8 445 342 212 25% 10 6 21 551 BLUe vs nut pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 0-2-0 fours 18:14 24 29 6 298 244 40% 2 2 24 892 BLUe vs retr pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 2-0-0 fours 15:28 29 20 7 370 254 135 45% 4 5 28 1131 eee vs Door pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 2-1-0 fours 15:54 22 24 1 296 246 43% 5 5 35 1355 SpkrBS vs Su pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 0-2-0 fours 14:17 17 20 1 256 231 31% 3 3 2 27 1006 SpkrBS vs Su pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 0-2-0 fours 12:12 17 22 4 307 241 40% 4 2 25 970
ASSWORMS: stoic vs REDDY pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 2-1-0 fours 25:34 39 45 4 275 226 37% 3 5 5 36 1488 brick vs hec pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 2-1-0 fours 20:01 23 33 6 400 247 50% 3 3 1 34 1313 BLU vs RED pass_ruin_a11b Soldier 2-1-0 fours 20:53 25 25 10 262 139 32% 3 2 31 1304 GRUNG vs ame pass_stadium_rc3a Soldier 2-0-0 fours 14:52 21 19 2 305 220 42% 4 2 20 842 GRUNG vs ame pass_stadium_rc3a Soldier 0-2-0 fours 19:54 45 27 9 369 202 48% 5 7 6 15 645 GRUNG vs ame pass_stadium_rc3a Soldier 2-1-0 fours 19:02 27 23 5 246 215 94 38% 3 9 2 17 544 GRUNG vs RED pass_stadium_rc3a Soldier 2-1-0 fours 22:54 26 30 7 289 252 38% 4 3 16 595 dagnm vs Rup pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 2-0-0 fours 14:48 26 20 4 390 235 110 48% 6 6 3 27 998 !JRNY vs Cru pass_arena2_b14b Demo 2-0-0 fours 11:34 19 10 8 310 262 21% 4 0 21 617 JURNY vs Cru pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 2-0-0 fours 9:56 11 11 5 271 294 177 37% 7 2 25 930 mayhap vs Cr pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 2-1-0 fours 20:36 23 32 4 289 234 41% 2 2 38 1474 ament_ vs Cr pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 0-2-0 fours 16:33 20 25 4 228 213 71 39% 2 3 25 812 BLU vs RED pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 1-2-0 fours 17:59 22 21 3 276 240 33% 5 2 48 1744 BLUa vs RED pass_stadium_rc3a Soldier 2-1-0 fours 18:20 27 25 4 266 232 31% 3 7 0 14 501 Potao vs RED pass_stonework_rc2 Soldier 2-1-0 fours 18:26 27 24 3 270 182 32% 3 4 2 18 863 danma vs RED pass_stonework_rc2 Soldier 1-2-0 fours 15:56 10 27 10 276 246 107 42% 2 3 12 367 BLU vs RED pass_stonework_rc2 Soldier 2-1-0 fours 17:36 16 22 8 272 216 103 36% 4 3 16 666 BLU vs RED pass_stonework_rc2 Demo Medic 2-1-0 fours 19:11 17 20 8 307 264 24% 3 3 4 12 444 0=]==> vs sa pass_stadium_rc3 Soldier 2-1-0 fours 19:34 37 29 3 346 156 45% 4 7 1 15 664 0=]==> vs (* pass_stadium_rc3 Soldier 2-0-0 fours 13:27 14 23 2 274 291 35% 3 3 1 12 480
ASSWORMS: Clear vs RED pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 1-2-0 fours 17:23 28 18 3 269 220 36% 4 8 1 43 1602 Y'ORE vs how pass_stadium_rc3 Soldier 1-2-0 fours 21:51 32 31 9 317 271 30 39% 3 3 6 19 810 shit vs howi pass_stadium_rc3 Soldier 2-0-0 fours 10:27 8 18 1 238 179 60 31% 2 2 9 376 AXE vs jug pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 2-0-0 fours 10:36 7 18 2 192 233 21 30% 2 2 21 759 DICK vs BALL pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 2-0-0 fours 11:44 19 13 5 443 211 52% 5 0 25 979 BLU vs house pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 2-1-0 fours 18:12 33 27 5 344 232 35% 3 4 9 29 1077 How I vs Los pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 2-1-0 fours 21:02 39 36 2 334 331 88 42% 4 5 3 31 1159 kms vs playi pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 2-1-0 fours 17:18 36 21 2 363 161 47% 4 6 3 31 1156 balls vs WeW pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 2-0-0 fours 10:03 20 9 1 361 237 41 44% 3 6 4 16 506 balls vs BRE pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 2-1-0 fours 18:38 31 25 8 375 221 51% 4 5 0 35 1340 balls vs BRE pass_arena2_b14b Demo 1-2-0 fours 18:36 27 15 5 393 232 27% 3 4 5 33 982 NonJug vs DI pass_stonework_rc2 Soldier 2-0-0 fours 11:12 13 18 3 316 210 44% 3 1 4 195 NonJug vs RE pass_stonework_rc2 Soldier 2-0-0 fours 17:23 24 23 4 267 221 34% 3 3 2 10 469 RUPPP vs RED pass_stonework_rc2 Soldier 2-0-0 fours 15:00 24 20 3 330 328 132 38% 3 8 2 10 468 GG vs WP pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 2-0-0 fours 12:54 19 22 2 280 304 137 48% 3 3 0 16 639 GG vs rup pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 1-2-0 fours 19:48 20 28 4 276 192 34 43% 3 3 4 34 1105 ELK vs RED pass_maple_a10 Soldier 0-2-0 fours 13:45 27 18 1 368 206 45% 3 4 2 28 935 BLU vs fello pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 2-1-0 fours 15:36 20 19 5 268 236 48 44% 3 5 1 36 1287 BLU vs plexe pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 2-0-0 fours 14:06 14 18 4 240 208 31% 4 1 19 643 BLU vs plexi pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 1-2-0 fours 22:58 11 31 3 171 237 24 28% 3 3 39 1277 penis vs LFT pass_stonework_rc2 Soldier 2-0-0 fours 8:44 12 15 0 219 334 123 33% 2 3 4 136 Y'' vs NC pass_stonework_rc2 Soldier 2-0-0 fours 8:46 8 12 2 284 217 36% 2 2 8 342 open vs NC pass_stonework_rc2 Soldier 2-0-0 fours 11:49 14 15 2 258 241 32% 3 1 10 491 BLU vs NC pass_stonework_rc2 Soldier 2-1-0 fours 14:19 24 16 1 312 211 128 41% 7 0 14 631 area vs RED pass_stadium_rc3a Soldier Medic 2-1-0 fours 18:12 28 24 7 367 189 48% 3 4 2 17 667 BLU vs RED pass_stadium_rc3a Soldier 2-1-0 fours 27:39 55 30 6 350 166 67 42% 3 4 3 19 725 BLU vs ruper pass_stadium_rc3 Soldier 1-2-0 fours 17:25 19 23 1 275 295 95 33% 3 4 0 10 396 bliss vs RED pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 2-0-0 fours 13:00 21 16 7 346 192 46% 3 6 5 26 901 bliss vs RED pass_arena2_b14b Medic 1-2-0 fours 17:44 15 13 5 233 245 426 33% 3 5 7 7 179 bliss vs RED pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 2-0-0 fours 9:29 8 11 1 237 182 55 34% 2 3 25 965 BLU vs boing pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 1-2-0 fours 24:01 29 34 2 262 257 80 36% 3 4 3 30 1100 BLU vs boing pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 2-0-0 fours 16:20 19 17 7 274 189 47% 4 1 19 645 BLU vs RED pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 2-0-0 fours 8:44 13 13 2 288 215 44% 2 0 23 798 BLU vs RED pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 2-0-0 fours 8:12 7 9 2 257 203 46% 3 0 13 491 BLU vs RED pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 2-0-0 fours 11:42 13 17 3 250 228 82 38% 2 1 13 468 BLU vs RED pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 2-0-0 fours 10:48 9 22 3 220 294 34% 1 3 17 543 BLU vs no pass_stonework_rc2 Demo 1-2-0 fours 15:46 14 12 2 192 262 64 16% 4 0 26 890 plex vs RED pass_plexiglass_b3 Soldier 2-0-0 fours 10:28 9 16 1 214 221 64 43% 3 0 12 422 gregg vs ger pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 1-2-0 fours 25:50 36 29 8 249 249 71 36% 3 5 2 50 1925 Tub vs abruh pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 2-0-1 fours 20:57 39 22 7 342 150 86 49% 4 7 1 28 1120 pee vs ness pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 2-1-0 fours 20:28 31 23 4 282 225 82 42% 3 6 4 41 1440 demo vs bruh pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 2-1-0 fours 18:54 22 17 1 255 172 37% 3 4 1 39 1408 demo vs bruh pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 2-0-0 fours 12:09 11 13 3 207 179 145 32% 3 1 18 718 demo vs yay pass_arena2_b14b Soldier 1-2-0 fours 17:23 25 19 0 237 208 34% 3 5 2 36 1343
D M Title Map Classes W-L-T Format Duration K D A D/M DT/M HG/M HR/M Acc LKS K/1 AS MS MKHP BS HSK HS S C Date Duplicate of
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