
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
2-37-0 5.13% 32-175-6 16.43%


Descending Ascending
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From
eyes on the prize 20 5.00% 6:19:23 0 0:00 52 234 68 23
greenbob on molly 5 0.00% 1:28:44 1 0.00% 13:59 30 232 165
aNTHONY 0 0:00 4 25.00% 1:24:34
azr 0 0:00 3 0.00% 1:04:38
myls 'ring 1 0.00% 23:40 2 0.00% 32:06 4 235 223
RHAPSODY 1 0.00% 7:35 2 0.00% 52:52 0 271 22
OrgatE 3 33.33% 1:16:40 0 0:00 75 211 65
Spiro #TRENGANG 2 0.00% 20:11 1 0.00% 29:34 79 251 55
[*****_ID] : 453958235958 1 0.00% 22:41 2 0.00% 37:52 62 257 39
pinæpple 1 0.00% 14:34 2 0.00% 21:56 3 223 248
Theshorty 2 0.00% 52:52 1 0.00% 8:55 56 236 89 52
fac 1 100.00% 28:48 2 0.00% 45:13 8 138 187
god complex 0 0:00 3 0.00% 37:55
Merry go- go 0 0:00 2 0.00% 21:56
reishi 1 0.00% 8:55 1 0.00% 13:25 0 208 278
Saline Lock 1 0.00% 15:20 1 0.00% 29:39 144 217
TP | Dookie Cough 1 0.00% 18:13 1 0.00% 16:46 108 246
Jaline 1 0.00% 16:24 1 0.00% 29:34 5 251 196
shotgun 0 0:00 2 0.00% 25:19
Qba`th'Invinc!ble 1 0.00% 22:41 1 0.00% 12:36 62 257 38
andiduude 1 0.00% 23:18 1 0.00% 22:41 126 287
BADLANDS KING 1 0.00% 16:46 1 0.00% 23:40 140 245
Валерий 1 0.00% 23:18 1 0.00% 16:24 126 287
jailor brown boston celtic 1 0.00% 15:20 1 100.00% 28:48 144 217
1990s 2 0.00% 22:20 0 0:00 56 270 21
siyahi 0 0:00 2 0.00% 30:53
dragggg 1 0.00% 6:36 1 0.00% 14:34 25 451 123
Sequessy 0 0:00 2 0.00% 52:07
Cake 1 0.00% 29:26 1 0.00% 13:59 6 211 139
qoshi 1 0.00% 13:59 1 0.00% 29:26 13 239 23
dareos 2 0.00% 35:54 0 0:00 126 271
technical. 0 0:00 2 0.00% 38:29
ULTRAKUNST 2 0.00% 52:52 0 0:00 56 236 98
-scrr 1 0.00% 14:34 1 0.00% 13:59 3 223 100
hammy 1 0.00% 16:46 0 0:00 140 245
ICXC NIKA 1 0.00% 7:35 0 0:00 0 271 271
Volcyy 1 0.00% 19:27 0 0:00 80 202 56
dbK 1 0.00% 16:46 0 0:00 140 245
Mikemax the Worst 1 0.00% 13:25 0 0:00 94 311
threwout- 1 0.00% 29:39 0 0:00 119 260
echoes 0 0:00 1 0.00% 16:46
craig dishwasher 0 0:00 1 0.00% 29:39
Combustie 0 0:00 1 0.00% 19:27
0 0:00 1 0.00% 6:36
highguy 1 0.00% 13:59 0 0:00 13 239 187
Slow Honda civic 1 0.00% 13:25 0 0:00 94 311 139
captured 1 0.00% 28:27 0 0:00 3 219 113
alov 0 0:00 1 0.00% 8:55
GMK 0 0:00 1 0.00% 18:13
pak 0 0:00 1 0.00% 22:41
han 0 0:00 1 0.00% 12:36
38 0 0:00 1 0.00% 29:26
KAERLUD 0 0:00 1 0.00% 29:34
re-uncrippled man 1 0.00% 8:55 0 0:00 0 208 53
Purple 1 0.00% 23:18 0 0:00 126 287
۰۰۰ sp0rk! 1 0.00% 23:40 0 0:00 4 235 198
eau 0 0:00 1 0.00% 7:35
W. 0 0:00 1 0.00% 13:59
rico 1 0.00% 13:59 0 0:00 13 239 297
Alabamo 1 0.00% 19:27 0 0:00 80 202
✫P∀nck∈✫ 0 0:00 1 0.00% 14:34
_cza 1 0.00% 6:36 0 0:00 25 451 252
Carpet 0 0:00 1 0.00% 29:39
imotai 0 0:00 1 0.00% 23:18
duplicated 1 0.00% 18:13 0 0:00 108 246 48
deshio 0 0:00 1 0.00% 19:27
Dr. Craig 0 0:00 1 0.00% 19:27
ZakMcRofl 0 0:00 1 0.00% 19:27
Davey 0 0:00 1 0.00% 22:41
kinase 0 0:00 1 0.00% 6:36
Saffaron 0 0:00 1 0.00% 29:26
woodenpcwarlord 0 0:00 1 0.00% 29:39
dart farm super 0 0:00 1 0.00% 23:40
6.0 DPI800 1 0.00% 23:40 0 0:00 4 235 206
Astolfo Gaming 0 0:00 1 0.00% 23:18
Tonzetic123ABC 1 0.00% 16:24 0 0:00 5 251 234
data not found 1 0.00% 23:40 0 0:00 4 235 75
Jonny Fortress 0 0:00 1 0.00% 22:41
smdwamfc 1 100.00% 28:48 0 0:00 8 138 219
MOZAMBIQUE FAN 0 0:00 1 0.00% 23:40
Doughy 0 0:00 1 0.00% 22:41
nthn 0 0:00 1 0.00% 18:13
rny 1 0.00% 29:39 0 0:00 119 260
hobnobs 1 0.00% 22:41 0 0:00 62 257 56
brute 1 0.00% 19:27 0 0:00 80 202
alezera 0 0:00 1 0.00% 29:26
Sideways Whoopi Goldberg 1 0.00% 14:34 0 0:00 3 223 8
CoCoBaer USA 1 0.00% 29:26 0 0:00 6 211 253
Mate 0 0:00 1 0.00% 19:27
LmaZVzzer 0 0:00 1 0.00% 16:24
patrick bateman morning routine 0 0:00 1 0.00% 18:13
ДеградатНация 0 0:00 1 0.00% 13:25
CODE ANSWER (~˘▾˘)~ 0 0:00 1 0.00% 22:41
ṽ⧉ cookie 0 0:00 1 0.00% 28:27
paprika 0 0:00 1 0.00% 19:27
LAST 0 0:00 1 100.00% 28:48
Zhiro 1 0.00% 29:26 0 0:00 6 211 109
rYcone 1 0.00% 13:25 0 0:00 94 311
kryso 0 0:00 1 100.00% 28:48
eepy 0 0:00 1 100.00% 28:48
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From