W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
90-87-12 50.79% 378-368-30 50.64%


Descending Ascending
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From
Envy 25 48.00% 8:25:12 2 100.00% 30:04 388 293 11 94
BtC 23 43.48% 7:25:44 2 100.00% 41:40 385 285 13 17
A-Nut 20 30.00% 6:12:50 0 0:00 372 308 103
Fish 16 53.12% 5:06:47 3 33.33% 50:09 352 228 5
I SERVE THE BASE 16 53.12% 5:06:47 3 33.33% 50:09 352 228 4
ceo of cold hands 17 55.88% 5:40:03 1 0.00% 17:32 380 246 2
77 16 50.00% 5:34:35 0 0:00 363 301
I-I 12 50.00% 3:59:48 3 33.33% 50:09 337 224 0
sail 13 46.15% 5:13:47 2 0.00% 41:33 261 228
IR 13 46.15% 5:13:47 2 0.00% 41:33 261 228
Kuba the Obeast 15 40.00% 4:36:44 0 0:00 389 256
guz 13 46.15% 5:13:47 2 0.00% 41:33 261 228
labricecat 4 87.50% 1:40:41 10 75.00% 3:44:21 379 188 173
-TA- Gilaric 10 40.00% 3:19:19 3 33.33% 50:09 324 233 5
Hazo 10 75.00% 3:07:07 3 0.00% 53:32 362 236 18
ivg 13 61.54% 4:09:09 0 0:00 375 225 9
q64 4 25.00% 1:31:32 9 55.56% 2:52:08 332 458 28
[EM] leonardini.w 10 80.00% 3:22:20 2 100.00% 39:34 412 271 29 24
M.T Foxtrot 11 45.45% 3:32:44 1 50.00% 29:19 403 306 11
Sandra 2 0.00% 38:37 10 40.00% 3:34:10 225 376
Mobuk 2 0.00% 38:37 10 40.00% 3:34:10 225 376
Lionel Wallace 10 70.00% 3:14:03 2 50.00% 32:37 292 230 18 14
Stu 8 37.50% 2:49:21 4 75.00% 1:30:10 349 244
щоувэлъ 0 0:00 11 45.45% 3:45:33
D1sturBancer 2 0.00% 38:37 9 33.33% 3:11:07 225 376 277
Smellyiot 5 50.00% 1:39:27 6 16.67% 1:59:02 460 296 176
shit fart idiot brain 10 60.00% 4:02:47 1 0.00% 12:14 267 219 162
godomode 2 0.00% 38:37 8 25.00% 2:42:09 225 376
sodding tic tac 9 66.67% 3:32:50 1 0.00% 12:14 267 214 4
talion 5 20.00% 1:34:36 5 80.00% 1:16:37 282 226
9.3 Morbillion in Anguish 4 37.50% 1:34:10 6 83.33% 1:58:16 339 213 48
Once-ler 10 40.00% 3:11:42 0 0:00 354 259
ぷ!?ぷ 6 41.67% 1:44:52 4 0.00% 1:18:48 303 201
Stefel 10 30.00% 3:15:52 0 0:00 334 230
Noobie 5 50.00% 1:41:26 5 80.00% 1:54:03 253 188
Fox 6 33.33% 1:51:07 3 33.33% 54:04 373 280 124
Fred 5 80.00% 1:16:03 4 0.00% 1:01:16 291 273
❅✮nurse✮❅ 5 80.00% 1:16:03 4 0.00% 1:01:16 291 273 1
Ellipsis 5 80.00% 1:16:03 4 0.00% 1:01:16 291 273
niksld 3 0.00% 50:10 6 25.00% 1:54:13 282 227
Der letzte Mond vor dem Beil 5 100.00% 1:28:27 4 100.00% 1:06:23 389 214
Mikeal astounded 8 50.00% 3:13:18 1 100.00% 30:17 341 289 132
Wishness Gaming Terry 3 0.00% 46:06 6 66.67% 1:53:01 276 289
!wen 5 80.00% 1:16:03 4 0.00% 1:01:16 291 273
Viktor 9 33.33% 2:47:09 0 0:00 414 290
god was never on your side 2 50.00% 35:36 7 21.43% 2:10:23 437 351
ballistic 1 100.00% 12:44 8 87.50% 2:51:11 431 156
Fried by Fluoride 1 0.00% 17:32 7 21.43% 2:10:10 260 257
/ 1 50.00% 29:38 7 42.86% 2:08:33 323 200
󠀡 1 0.00% 17:32 7 21.43% 2:10:10 260 257
Дед Охуелыч 0 0:00 8 25.00% 2:42:09
Sorig 4 0.00% 1:00:10 4 25.00% 1:15:13 262 275
SimpleCat 6 0.00% 1:33:50 2 50.00% 43:24 336 335
Subject 106 В Армии 2 0.00% 38:37 6 50.00% 2:14:37 225 376
Lumi 4 50.00% 1:14:03 4 25.00% 1:27:10 302 204 1 0.00% 17:32 7 21.43% 2:10:10 260 257
ddd 1 0.00% 17:32 7 21.43% 2:10:10 260 257
крутой чувак 0 0:00 8 62.50% 2:23:54
Webber 2 0.00% 38:37 6 33.33% 2:01:01 225 376
SVET 0 0:00 8 25.00% 2:58:16
elessar 1 0.00% 17:32 7 21.43% 2:10:10 260 257
NØØB 0 0:00 8 62.50% 2:41:40
fuck my chungus life 5 30.00% 1:40:41 3 33.33% 50:09 353 285 226
fayden 1 0.00% 17:32 7 21.43% 2:10:10 260 257
heaven 2 0.00% 33:26 5 50.00% 1:55:46 200 187
i need more 5 80.00% 1:42:00 2 0.00% 33:40 350 193
Atomic 0 0:00 7 71.43% 1:31:58
Lord Belial 6 0.00% 2:01:19 1 100.00% 30:17 290 361 133
ike 4 37.50% 1:16:53 3 66.67% 1:13:47 370 293 84 71
Sinines 2 0.00% 46:56 5 40.00% 1:32:10 309 573 273
benjamin 5 30.00% 1:44:08 2 100.00% 38:57 476 303
Skiii 5 70.00% 1:28:37 2 50.00% 41:53 302 202 114
kiryha. 0 0:00 7 57.14% 2:28:02
Vallen 4 50.00% 1:18:14 3 0.00% 49:55 250 228 12
je ne sais quoi 5 80.00% 2:03:01 2 50.00% 46:11 309 250 27
w00dman 0 0:00 7 64.29% 1:48:23
cosmetical 0 0:00 7 14.29% 2:02:31
genjutsu 0 0:00 7 71.43% 1:31:58
Justice 0 0:00 7 42.86% 1:45:16
Grandma 3 100.00% 29:49 4 100.00% 1:06:23 389 272
aubrey 7 100.00% 2:10:08 0 0:00 394 232
Charinty 4 50.00% 1:40:19 2 50.00% 40:14 354 297 346
G1 0 0:00 6 83.33% 1:58:16
Larynx ^_# 2 25.00% 58:48 4 25.00% 1:35:02 258 166
sun 0 0:00 6 58.33% 2:12:16
yams 2 0.00% 38:37 4 25.00% 1:18:42 225 376
makeya 4 25.00% 1:22:11 2 25.00% 58:48 325 516
Tywhip 6 0.00% 2:07:16 0 0:00 451 431
Beware! I am a Beast 2 100.00% 58:38 4 100.00% 1:06:23 388 185
rat 2 100.00% 58:38 4 100.00% 1:06:23 388 185
gyro 2 25.00% 43:23 4 100.00% 1:14:28 298 214
ziggokill 2 100.00% 18:54 4 37.50% 1:35:09 494 252 318
snarky 4 25.00% 1:17:04 2 0.00% 54:17 492 356
Gazaza777 0 0:00 6 66.67% 2:08:50
Richard Müller 2 50.00% 32:03 4 0.00% 1:01:16 187 255
N3lly 4 62.50% 1:28:47 2 100.00% 56:24 252 178 102
Neon~ 2 50.00% 32:03 4 0.00% 1:01:16 187 255 198
Woofuu 4 50.00% 1:14:03 2 0.00% 46:56 302 204
renton 4 12.50% 1:23:22 2 25.00% 58:48 232 257
Che 0 0:00 6 33.33% 2:17:08
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From