Duck Party

W-L-T Winrate Points W-L Point Ratio
5-10-1 34% 28-47 37.3%


Descending Ascending
Competition Division Format W-L-T WR PW PL PR From To
ETF2L Season 24 Preseason Cup - Round Robin High B Sixes 0-3-0 0% 0 18 0%
Forsaken Cup Maltija Sixes 1-3-0 25% 3 9 25%
TF2C Archimedes Cup powered by - Knockout Stages Sixes 0-1-0 0% 0 3 0%
TF2C Archimedes Cup powered by Group 3 Sixes 2-1-0 67% 6 3 67%
The Highlander Open - Cup Stage Highlander 1-1-0 50% 9 6 60%
The Highlander Open Group 35 Highlander 1-1-1 50% 10 8 56%