Russian Brain Advantage

W-L-T Winrate Points W-L Point Ratio
15-11-7 56% 92-82 52.9%


Descending Ascending
Competition Division Format W-L-T WR PW PL PR From To
Season 33 Preseason Map Cup: Mid Bracket Sixes 1-1-0 50% 3 3 50%
Season 33 Preseason Map Cup Mid B Sixes 3-0-0 100% 9 0 100%
Season 32 Mid Sixes 1-3-3 36% 15 27 36%
One Night Cup: Episode 1 The Maps Mid B Sixes 2-1-0 67% 6 3 67%
Season 26 powered by Tt eSPORTS Mid Sixes 1-4-2 29% 12 30 29%
Season 25 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Open Playoffs Sixes 0-1-0 0% 0 6 0%
Season 25 powered by Tt eSPORTS Open Tier Sixes 4-1-2 71% 29 13 69%
Season 25 Preseason Cup Open E Sixes 3-0-0 100% 18 0 100%