RGL Sixes S15


Descending Ascending
D/M Division Round Teams Score Maps Date
Amateur [AM] 3rd Place match phone number unreal 0.33 2.67 cp_sunshine, koth_bagel_rc8, cp_metalworks_f5
Main [Main] GRANDFINALS cuake live R.E.A.L_6ix 2.63 0.37 cp_sunshine, koth_bagel_rc8, cp_gullywash_f9, koth_clearcut_b17
Advanced [Adv] Playoffs- Grand Finals SuperXiaoXiao Bomb burger cat 0.50 2.50 cp_snakewater_final1, cp_gullywash_f9, cp_metalworks_f5, cp_process_f12, UB Win
Amateur [AM] GRANDFINALS various_bird_gifs Florida Jits 0.42 2.58 cp_snakewater_final1, cp_sunshine, koth_bagel_rc8
Main [Main] 3rd Place Match soupcan team R.E.A.L_6ix 0.50 2.50 cp_sunshine, cp_process_f12, koth_clearcut_b17
Intermediate [IM] GRANDFINALS Zugjug Classic Mixup 2.83 0.17 cp_snakewater_final1, cp_sunshine, koth_bagel_rc8, cp_gullywash_f9
Amateur [AM] Playoffs- Round 3 Florida Jits phone number 3.00 0.00 cp_reckoner, koth_bagel_rc8, cp_metalworks_f5
Newcomer [NC] 3rd Place match Frequency Modulation Shloppy 3.00 0.00 koth_bagel_rc8, cp_metalworks_f5, cp_process_f12
Newcomer [NC] GRANDFINALS First Game Sober Root Runners 0.17 2.83 cp_snakewater_final1, cp_sunshine, koth_bagel_rc8
Newcomer [NC] Playoffs- Round 1 Bees 2 The Second Banana 0.00 3.00 cp_reckoner, cp_metalworks_f5, koth_clearcut_b17
Advanced [Adv] Playoffs- Round 3 SuperXiaoXiao Bomb G-Force Hamsterdam 1.83 1.17 cp_sunshine, cp_gullywash_f9, cp_process_f12
Main [Main] Playoffs- Round 5 soupcan team Refujago 2.17 0.83 cp_snakewater_final1, cp_sunshine, koth_bagel_rc8
Intermediate [IM] Playoffs- Round 5 Classic Mixup Six Hate Club 2.17 0.83 cp_sunshine, cp_reckoner, cp_gullywash_f9
Amateur [AM] Playoffs- Round 3 various_bird_gifs unreal 3.00 0.00 cp_sunshine, cp_metalworks_f5
Main [Main] Playoffs- Round 3 cuake live R.E.A.L_6ix 2.50 0.50 cp_snakewater_final1, cp_sunshine, koth_bagel_rc8
Main [Main] Playoffs- Round 3 Acta non Verba Refujago 0.62 2.38 cp_sunshine, cp_gullywash_f9, koth_clearcut_b17
Main [Main] Playoffs- Round 3 soupcan team karma hate club 2.50 0.50 koth_bagel_rc8, cp_metalworks_f5, koth_clearcut_b17
Intermediate [IM] Playoffs- Round 4 Abhijit Naskar 6s Team Six Hate Club 0.25 2.75 cp_sunshine, cp_gullywash_f9, cp_process_f12
Intermediate [IM] Playoffs- Round 4 Zugjug Classic Mixup 2.00 1.00 cp_snakewater_final1, cp_sunshine, koth_bagel_rc8
Amateur [AM] Playoffs- Round 2 BWCJ unreal 0.58 2.42 cp_metalworks_f5, cp_process_f12, koth_clearcut_b17
Amateur [AM] Playoffs- Round 2 phone number Moggers 3.00 0.00 koth_bagel_rc8, cp_gullywash_f9, cp_process_f12
Newcomer [NC]Playoffs-Round 2 Frequency Modulation Root Runners 0.45 2.55 cp_sunshine, cp_metalworks_f5, cp_process_f12
Newcomer [NC]Playoffs-Round 2 First Game Sober Shloppy 2.71 0.29 cp_snakewater_final1, cp_process_f12, koth_clearcut_b17
Advanced [Adv] Playoffs- Round 2 tara resume SuperXiaoXiao Bomb 0.50 2.50 cp_sunshine, koth_bagel_rc8, cp_gullywash_f9
Advanced [Adv] Playoffs- Round 2 G-Force Hamsterdam burger cat 1.44 1.56 cp_sunshine, cp_metalworks_f5, cp_process_f12
Main [Main] Playoffs- Round 2 karma hate club Yari Ashigaru 2.83 0.17 cp_reckoner, koth_bagel_rc8, cp_gullywash_f9
Main [Main] Playoffs- Round 2 Chief Keef Refujago 1.11 1.89 cp_snakewater_final1, koth_bagel_rc8, cp_process_f12
Main [Main] Playoffs- Round 2 soupcan team R.E.A.L_6ix 0.50 2.50 cp_sunshine, koth_bagel_rc8, cp_process_f12
Main [Main] Playoffs- Round 2 cuake live Acta non Verba 1.86 1.14 cp_snakewater_final1, koth_bagel_rc8, cp_process_f12
Intermediate [IM] Playoffs- Round 3 Abhijit Naskar 6s Team dropology 2.67 0.33 cp_snakewater_final1, koth_bagel_rc8, cp_process_f12
Intermediate [IM] Playoffs- Round 3 Young Servants of the Lord Six Hate Club 0.00 3.00 cp_snakewater_final1, cp_process_f12, koth_clearcut_b17
Amateur [AM] Playoffs- Round 2 The Pipe Dream various_bird_gifs 0.17 2.83 cp_snakewater_final1, cp_sunshine, koth_bagel_rc8
Amateur [AM] Playoffs- Round 2 super sigma sackers Florida Jits 0.50 2.50 cp_snakewater_final1, koth_bagel_rc8, cp_gullywash_f9
Intermediate [IM] Playoffs- Round 2 Zugjug Abhijit Naskar 6s Team 2.83 0.17 cp_snakewater_final1, koth_bagel_rc8, cp_process_f12
Main [Main] Playoffs- Round 1 Acta non Verba karma hate club 2.67 0.33 cp_snakewater_final1, koth_bagel_rc8, cp_process_f12
Main [Main] Playoffs- Round 1 soupcan team Refujago 2.00 1.00 cp_snakewater_final1, cp_sunshine, koth_bagel_rc8
Intermediate [IM] Playoffs- Round 2 The Six Fingers of Mao Zedong Six Hate Club 0.00 3.00 cp_sunshine, cp_metalworks_f5, cp_process_f12
Intermediate [IM] Playoffs- Round 2 bruh moment dropology 1.28 1.72 cp_sunshine, koth_bagel_rc8, cp_process_f12
Intermediate [IM] Playoffs- Round 2 Young Servants of the Lord Classic Mixup 0.62 2.38 cp_snakewater_final1, cp_sunshine, cp_process_f12
Amateur [AM] Playoffs- Round 1 Dark Magician Girls phone number 0.33 2.67 cp_sunshine, koth_bagel_rc8, cp_metalworks_f5
Advanced [Adv] Playoffs- Round 1 tara resume G-Force Hamsterdam 0.12 2.88 cp_sunshine, koth_bagel_rc8, cp_metalworks_f5
Amateur [AM] Playoffs- Round 1 The Pipe Dream MANE6S 2.05 0.95 cp_snakewater_final1, koth_bagel_rc8, cp_process_f12
Amateur [AM] Playoffs- Round 1 BWCJ The Buddies 2.75 0.25 cp_reckoner, koth_bagel_rc8, cp_metalworks_f5
Amateur [AM] Playoffs- Round 1 Kogasa super sigma sackers 0.50 2.50 cp_snakewater_final1, cp_sunshine, koth_bagel_rc8
Newcomer [NC] Playoffs- Round 1 Flying Pans Root Runners 0.67 2.33 cp_snakewater_final1, cp_gullywash_f9, koth_clearcut_b17
Newcomer [NC] Playoffs- Round 1 Frequency Modulation MANE6S Cadenza 3.00 0.00 cp_sunshine, koth_bagel_rc8, cp_process_f12
Newcomer [NC] Playoffs- Round 1 Ballin Ballers Shloppy 0.83 2.17 cp_snakewater_final1, cp_process_f12, koth_clearcut_b17
Newcomer [NC] Playoffs- Round 1 First Game Sober Their Med's Alone 2.75 0.25 cp_snakewater_final1, cp_reckoner, koth_bagel_rc8
Advanced [Adv] Playoffs- Round 1 SuperXiaoXiao Bomb burger cat 0.78 2.22 cp_snakewater_final1, cp_metalworks_f5, cp_process_f12
Main [Main] Playoffs- Round 1 Chief Keef R.E.A.L_6ix 0.12 2.88 cp_sunshine, cp_gullywash_f9, cp_process_f12
Main [Main] Playoffs- Round 1 cuake live Yari Ashigaru 3.00 0.00 Forfeit
Intermediate [IM] Playoffs- Round 1 bruh moment Young Servants of the Lord 0.00 3.00 cp_snakewater_final1, cp_sunshine, koth_bagel_rc8
Intermediate [IM] Playoffs- Round 1 Zugjug The Six Fingers of Mao Zedong 3.00 0.00 koth_bagel_rc8, cp_metalworks_f5, koth_clearcut_b17
Intermediate [IM] Playoffs- Round 1 Classic Mixup dropology 2.76 0.24 cp_snakewater_final1, cp_sunshine, cp_metalworks_f5
Invite [Inv] Lower Bracket Finals Playoffs Witness Gaming Like A G6 1.00 2.00 cp_snakewater_final1, koth_product_final, cp_process_f12
Invite [Inv] Lower Round 1 Playoffs Witness Gaming GlobalClan 2.00 1.00 cp_snakewater_final1, cp_gullywash_f9, cp_metalworks_f5
Invite [INV] Semi-Finals Playoffs froyotech Like A G6 2.00 1.00 cp_snakewater_final1, cp_sunshine, cp_metalworks_f5
Invite [INV] Round 1 Playoffs froyotech Witness Gaming 2.71 0.29 cp_sunshine, koth_bagel_rc8, cp_sultry_b8a
Invite [INV] Round 1 Playoffs GlobalClan Like A G6 0.00 3.00 cp_sunshine, cp_granary_pro_rc8, cp_process_f12
Newcomer NC/AM Week 8 Ballin Ballers Flying Pans 2.50 0.50 cp_process_f12
Main IM/Main Week 8B Great Team Open Refujago 0.00 3.00 cp_process_f12
Invite Invite Week 4A froyotech Like A G6 0.00 3.00 cp_snakewater_final1
Advanced Advanced Week 8B tara resume Fjord Gaming 2.50 0.50 cp_sunshine
Advanced Advanced Week 8B MG-CS SuperXiaoXiao Bomb 0.00 3.00 cp_gullywash_f9
Advanced Advanced Week 8B THE GOBLIN ZONE burger cat 0.00 3.00 cp_process_f12
Main IM/Main Week 8B Scringus Overdoses caitlin clark 3.00 0.00 cp_process_f12
Main IM/Main Week 8B Axolotl eSports Yari Ashigaru 0.00 3.00 cp_process_f12
Main IM/Main Week 8B mog34 karma hate club 0.00 3.00 cp_process_f12
Main IM/Main Week 8B cuake live Acta non Verba 3.00 0.00 cp_process_f12
Intermediate IM/Main Week 8B HARDCORE HEAVEN open.shitters.net 2.67 0.33 cp_process_f12
Intermediate IM/Main Week 8B Semper Invicta dropology 1.00 2.00 cp_process_f12
Intermediate IM/Main Week 8B aluminimum wage Abhijit Naskar 6s Team 0.00 3.00 cp_process_f12
Intermediate IM/Main Week 8B passtime.tf The Six Fingers of Mao Zedong 0.00 3.00 cp_process_f12
Intermediate IM/Main Week 8B Bye Week - Intermediate The Strokers 0.00 3.00 cp_process_f12
Intermediate IM/Main Week 8B bruh moment MANN A$$ 2.75 0.25 cp_process_f12
Intermediate IM/Main Week 8B Young Servants of the Lord bruh moment white 2.75 0.25 cp_process_f12
Intermediate IM/Main Week 8B Glorf Gang Zugjug 0.00 3.00 cp_process_f12
Intermediate IM/Main Week 8B Classic Mixup Six Hate Club 2.33 0.67 cp_process_f12
Amateur NC/AM Week 8 Punk Tactics The Harvest Bots 3.00 0.00 cp_process_f12
Amateur NC/AM Week 8 The Screaming Seagulls BEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2.33 0.67 cp_process_f12
Amateur NC/AM Week 8 Buggies AM super sigma sackers 0.00 3.00 cp_process_f12
Amateur NC/AM Week 8 Kogasa various_bird_gifs 0.00 3.00 cp_process_f12
Newcomer NC/AM Week 8 Shloppy Glory Hammers 2.50 0.50 cp_process_f12
Invite Invite Week 2A froyotech GlobalClan 2.00 1.00 koth_product_final
Main IM/Main Week 8B goblinoscopy soupcan team 0.50 2.50 cp_process_f12
Main IM/Main Week 8B Chief Keef R.E.A.L_6ix 0.33 2.67 cp_process_f12
Main IM/Main Week 8A Scringus Overdoses Yari Ashigaru 2.67 0.33 cp_process_f12
Intermediate IM/Main Week 8A Zugjug open.shitters.net 3.00 0.00 cp_process_f12
Amateur NC/AM Week 8 Guangdong Tigers phone number 0.67 2.33 cp_process_f12
Amateur NC/AM Week 8 DiaD - No Horizontal Movement GT+Friends 3.00 0.00 cp_process_f12
Amateur NC/AM Week 8 Rough Riders Robo Rejects 3.00 0.00 cp_process_f12
Amateur NC/AM Week 8 #FreeFeldspar Hold Last 3.00 0.00 cp_process_f12
Amateur NC/AM Week 8 Nipah~ SPLASH BROS 2.33 0.67 cp_process_f12
Amateur NC/AM Week 8 maidenless... LuNaTix 3.00 0.00 cp_process_f12
Amateur NC/AM Week 8 Dark Magician Girls tiny kitty's girl pound 3.00 0.00 Forfeit
Amateur NC/AM Week 8 Horse Run MANE6S 1.00 2.00 cp_process_f12
Amateur NC/AM Week 8 BWCJ Moggers 0.00 3.00 cp_process_f12
Amateur NC/AM Week 8 The Pipe Dream Florida Jits 0.25 2.75 cp_process_f12
Amateur NC/AM Week 8 The Buddies unreal 1.00 2.00 cp_process_f12
Newcomer NC/AM Week 8 Furries, Flann and Coleman Dipper Nation Disciples 0.00 3.00 cp_process_f12