Sorry to Bother You

W-L-T Winrate Points W-L Point Ratio
11-5-0 69% 96.30-47.70 66.9%


Descending Ascending
Player Classes K/30 D/30 A/30 KA/D K/D DA/M DT/M ΔD/M DR Acc D/S K D A DA DT Time Played
ward Scout Sniper Medic 29.6 15.7 22.2 2.0 1.3 318 242 76 1.3 56% 23 853 638 453 275,210 209,388 14:23:10
highly Demo Heavy Pyro 22.6 10.8 18.6 1.8 1.2 409 319 90 1.3 29% 21 650 536 310 353,853 275,901 14:23:10
Warrior Of Chiraq Soldier 27.9 7.2 23.8 1.5 1.2 294 231 63 1.3 45% 34 786 669 202 248,697 195,163 14:03:44
mustard. Spy 23.4 2.1 19.5 1.3 1.2 297 137 159 2.2 26% 66 557 464 51 211,919 98,341 11:52:53
zammy. Engineer Sniper 16.2 11.5 18.1 1.5 0.9 186 185 1 1.0 55% 37 384 429 274 133,270 132,081 11:52:53
Hellz #wastefree Pyro Heavy Scout Sniper 17.9 14.6 19.5 1.7 0.9 201 311 -109 0.6 45% 68 410 448 334 138,812 213,899 11:27:29
NDA Quackjack Medic 1.8 18.2 12.4 1.6 0.1 16 145 -129 0.1 55% 2 35 240 353 9,326 84,686 9:40:39
Justice Sniper Heavy 31.1 5.3 26.3 1.4 1.2 356 291 64 1.2 39% 81 448 379 77 154,110 126,073 7:12:24
solar Heavy Engineer Pyro 21.9 14.5 21.3 1.7 1.0 246 374 -127 0.7 37% 302 254 247 168 86,018 130,487 5:48:34
Ryisuh Pyro 16.4 12.5 13.0 2.2 1.3 160 201 -40 0.8 56% 211 139 110 106 40,958 51,315 4:14:47
Lion Medic 1.4 14.8 10.8 1.5 0.1 11 132 -121 0.1 57% 2 12 92 126 2,834 33,802 4:14:47
DuhDoesNothing Heavy 23.4 11.8 21.2 1.7 1.1 234 450 -216 0.5 139 126 70 41,668 80,193 2:58:02
softmax Spy 28.9 2.8 27.7 1.1 1.0 376 160 216 2.3 34% 116 145 139 14 56,602 24,118 2:30:17
T1 Faker @팀 포트리스 2 Pyro 13.2 14.5 25.8 1.1 0.5 181 341 -159 0.5 39% 78 60 117 66 24,786 46,545 2:16:15
9pm gas station dennys Heavy Pyro 34.0 18.6 22.5 2.3 1.5 305 411 -105 0.7 58% 719 139 92 76 37,406 50,389 2:02:33
the blue crayon Engineer 11.7 12.7 20.4 1.2 0.6 155 196 -40 0.8 34% 50 47 82 51 18,737 23,661 2:00:21
mils Sniper 20.2 4.8 25.9 1.0 0.8 225 243 -18 0.9 26% 28 75 96 18 25,057 27,114 1:51:21
yourwelcomesgiving Heavy Demo 34.1 7.7 17.6 2.4 1.9 339 348 -9 1.0 24% 42 93 48 21 27,755 28,516 1:21:48
Ms. Katie Pyro 23.7 20.2 24.5 1.8 1.0 214 277 -62 0.8 54 56 46 14,685 18,977 1:08:29
Jonesii Sniper 22.0 6.6 17.6 1.6 1.2 270 174 95 1.5 41% 66 40 32 12 14,724 9,512 54:28
♥Diamond♥ Demo 71.5 10.8 25.8 3.2 2.8 708 303 405 2.3 38% 34 119 43 18 35,400 15,161 49:56
pipepeepi Sniper 33.0 5.0 18.0 2.1 1.8 314 165 149 1.9 42% 58 53 29 8 15,147 7,964 48:12
Low Impact Player Sniper 35.0 12.2 12.2 3.9 2.9 303 153 150 2.0 46% 53 46 16 16 11,972 6,044 39:26
owen608 Soldier 23.8 6.0 28.8 1.0 0.8 330 249 80 1.3 36% 27 24 29 6 9,974 7,533 30:12
minkmink(Glokk19Spazz) Engineer 24.1 18.0 11.0 3.8 2.2 247 184 63 1.3 43% 14 24 11 18 7,409 5,517 29:56
Roll Sniper 28.0 2.3 17.5 1.7 1.6 268 129 139 2.1 24% 20 24 15 2 6,908 3,331 25:42