W-L-T Winrate Points W-L Point Ratio
7-3-0 70% 20.70-9.30 69.0%


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HL Season 2 Markers
HL Season 2 {DAT} podgy713
HL Season 2 fordo
HL Season 2 Daydream
HL Season 2 ♥doc♥
HL Season 2 april
HL Season 2 Consumer of Artificial Food Ingr
HL Season 2 Blaze
HL Season 2 ♥Jinzo♥
HL Season 2 michael
HL Season 2 Diabolical Mass Murderer
HL Season 2 Aad
HL Season 2 BustaMcNasty
HL Season 2 Top Text Bottom Text
HL Season 2 Walmart Guy
HL Season 2 A$$a$$in Jone$
HL Season 2 no one but everything
HL Season 2 J_peg
HL Season 2 demoman hater
HL Season 2 wxy
HL Season 2 Verin
HL Season 2 Cheersune
HL Season 2 DolphiN | RGL.gg
HL Season 2 Townze
HL Season 2 horsie ღ