Portland Burnsiders

W-L-T Winrate Points W-L Point Ratio
43-100-1 30% 139.59-287.39 32.7%


Descending Ascending
Competition Division Format Team W-L-T WR PW PL PR From To
Sixes S10 Main Sixes Portland Burnsiders 4-12-0 25% 11.33 36.67 24%
Sixes S9 Main Sixes Portland Burnsiders 3-13-0 19% 9.08 38.92 19%
Sixes S6 Advanced Sixes Portland Burnsiders 2-12-0 14% 6.78 33.21 17%
Sixes S5 Advanced Sixes Portland Burnsiders 10-7-0 59% 27.41 21.58 56%
HL Season 7 Main Highlander Portland Burnsiders 1-6-0 14% 3.00 18.00 14%
Sixes S4 Main Sixes Portland Burnsiders 2-13-0 13% 9.25 35.75 21%
July 25th IM 1 Sixes Portland Burnsiders 2-2-1 50% 7.00 8.00 47%
Sixes S3 Main Sixes Portland Burnsiders 3-13-0 19% 13.84 34.16 29%
Sixes S2 Intermediate Sixes Portland Burnsiders 7-9-0 44% 23.00 24.00 49%
NR Sixes S1 Main Sixes Portland Burnsiders 2-2-0 50% 7.00 5.00 58%
Prolander Cup #1 Div 3 of 5 Prolander Portland Burnsiders 2-1-0 67% 6.00 3.00 67%
P7 Season 3 Main Prolander Portland Burnsiders 2-6-0 25% 7.30 16.70 30%
P7 Season 1 Main Prolander Portland Burnsiders 3-4-0 43% 8.60 12.40 41%