The Kaboom Kollective

W-L-T Winrate Points W-L Point Ratio
45-33-0 58% 127.83-105.15 54.9%


Descending Ascending
Competition Division Format Team W-L-T WR PW PL PR From To
HL Season 11 Advanced Highlander The Kaboom Kollective 2-5-0 29% 5.99 15.01 29%
HL Season 10 Advanced Highlander The Kaboom Kollective 4-3-0 57% 10.34 10.66 49%
HL Season 9 Advanced-2 Highlander The Kaboom Kollective 5-4-0 56% 15.94 11.05 59%
HL Exp #4 Advanced-3 Highlander The Kaboom Kollective 1-2-0 33% 1.70 7.30 19%
HL Season 8 Advanced-2 Highlander The Kaboom Kollective 2-5-0 29% 7.33 13.67 35%
HL Season 7 Main Highlander The Kaboom Kollective 3-5-0 38% 13.00 11.00 54%
HL Season 6 Main Highlander The Kaboom Kollective 4-3-0 57% 11.34 9.66 54%
HL Exp #3 Main-3 Highlander The Kaboom Kollective 3-1-0 75% 5.10 6.90 42%
P7 Season 8 Main Prolander The Kaboom Kollective 4-2-0 67% 12.00 4.99 71%
HL Season 5 Intermediate Highlander The Kaboom Kollective 9-1-0 90% 23.59 6.41 79%
Sixes S2 Amateur Sixes The Kaboom Kollective 8-2-0 80% 21.50 8.50 72%