Horny on Main

W-L-T Winrate Points W-L Point Ratio
6-7-0 46% 32.33-45.67 41.4%


Current Players

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Recent Competitions

Competition Division Format Team W-L-T WR PW PL PR
NR Sixes S2 Main Sixes Horny on Main 6-7-0 46% 32.33 45.67 41%

Recent Matches

D/M Competition Division Round Opponent PW PL Maps Date
NR Sixes S2 Main IM + Main Playoffs Round 1 MakersOfTheBlackSwords 0.00 6.00 cp_process_final, pl_upward, koth_product_rcx
NR Sixes S2 Main Week 6b IM-Adv Vigil + Product Eat Sleep Fortnite Repeateded 0.00 6.00 koth_product_rcx, pl_vigil_rc8
NR Sixes S2 Main Week 6a IM-Adv Villa + Vigil Pans And Bricks 5.34 0.66 cp_villa_b12a, pl_vigil_rc8
NR Sixes S2 Main Week 5b IM-Adv Coalplant + Villa MakersOfTheBlackSwords 0.66 5.34 koth_coalplant_b8, cp_villa_b12a
NR Sixes S2 Main Week 5a IM-Adv Upward + Coalplant THOG 0.66 5.34 pl_upward, koth_coalplant_b8
NR Sixes S2 Main Week 4b IM-Adv Process + Upward Bye 6.00 0.00 cp_process_final, pl_upward
NR Sixes S2 Main Week 4a IM-Adv Product + Process Pans And Bricks 6.00 0.00 cp_process_final, koth_product_rcx
NR Sixes S2 Main Week 3b Vigil + Product Pans And Bricks 5.34 0.66 koth_product_rcx, pl_vigil_rc8
NR Sixes S2 Main Week 3a IM-Adv Villa + Vigil THOG 0.00 6.00 cp_villa_b6b, pl_vigil_rc8
NR Sixes S2 Main Week 2b IM-Adv Coalplant + Villa Swol Patrol 3.33 2.67 koth_coalplant_b8, cp_villa_b12a
NR Sixes S2 Main Week 2a IM-Adv Upward + Coalplant MakersOfTheBlackSwords 0.00 6.00 pl_upward, koth_coalplant_b8
NR Sixes S2 Main Week 1b IM-Adv Process + Upward Eat Sleep Fortnite Repeateded 0.00 6.00 cp_process_final, pl_upward
NR Sixes S2 Main Week 1a IM-Adv Product + Process KegaTeam 1.5 5.00 1.00 cp_process_final, koth_product_rcx