Casual Casuals Casually Casual

W-L-T Winrate Points W-L Point Ratio
5-2-0 71% 15.00-5.00 75.0%


Descending Ascending
Competition Player From To
P7 Season 8 Themicrocheeze
P7 Season 8 wade78
P7 Season 8 Diction
P7 Season 8 zaphkiel
P7 Season 8 Mr. Morale & The Soap Eaters
P7 Season 8 Hammy
P7 Season 8 『Spoo』
P7 Season 8 Luminous Rain
P7 Season 8 TJ the Racc
P7 Season 8 ZacGames
P7 Season 8 garfnuts