Log 2291796

D M Title Map Format RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
serveme.tf #905223 - BLU vs haha koth_warmtic_b6 Other 2 1 30:57


Team Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red FJY Salad Scout Soldier 20 13 4 133 87 4144 2708 0 4 3 53 0 0 5 30:57
Red se7en Olla Soldier Scout Pyro Sniper Spy Demo 9 16 4 71 98 22 2209 3035 709 3 0 14 0 0 2 30:12
Red ceidracu Spy Scout Sniper 24 14 5 222 109 6899 3379 0 5 0 29 6 1 3 30:12
Blue Ryan@@@ Demo 4 5 1 39 50 37 1210 1578 1155 2 0 4 0 0 1 25:02
Blue Ug Demo Medic Scout Spy Sniper 8 21 2 66 182 2051 5639 0 3 1 18 0 0 5 30:56
Blue b5dd12 Spy Scout Soldier Demo Sniper 18 19 3 145 150 3 4497 4671 116 4 1 34 1 0 5 30:50
Team Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Duration
Red 53 43 13 428 294 22 13252 9122 709 5 3 96 6 1 10 0 30:57
Blue 30 45 6 250 384 41 7758 11888 1271 4 2 56 1 0 11 0 30:57


Team Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Blue Ug Medic 100% 281 1980 0 1 0 0:00 0 7:02



Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red ceidracu 3 2 0 8 0 0 3 4 4 24
Red FJY Salad 2 2 0 8 0 0 2 3 3 20
Blue b5dd12 9 2 3 1 0 0 2 0 1 18
Red se7en Olla 0 4 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 9
Blue Ug 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 8
Blue Ryan@@@ 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4


Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Ug 7 5 2 0 0 0 0 2 5 21
Blue b5dd12 8 3 1 2 0 0 0 0 4 18
Red se7en Olla 8 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 14
Red FJY Salad 6 1 0 5 0 0 0 1 0 13
Red ceidracu 5 2 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 12
Blue Ryan@@@ 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 5


Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red ceidracu 3 2 0 12 0 0 3 4 5 29
Red FJY Salad 5 2 0 9 0 0 2 3 3 24
Blue b5dd12 9 4 3 2 0 0 2 0 1 21
Red se7en Olla 1 6 0 3 0 0 0 2 1 13
Blue Ug 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 10
Blue Ryan@@@ 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5


serveme.tf #905223 - BLU vs haha

Time Team Player Kills
13:31 Red FJY Salad 4
17:32 Red ceidracu 3


serveme.tf #905223 - BLU vs haha

Team Player Message
Red se7en Olla yo
Blue b5dd12 trickstab
Red se7en Olla can we swap players?
Blue Ryan@@@ id much rather have someone witha brain who actually calls something
Blue Ug did ryan say winners get prize
Blue Ug lol
Red se7en Olla yeah
Blue Ryan@@@ yesyes
Red se7en Olla to 3
Red se7en Olla tho
Blue Ryan@@@ can we do 3v3 prize instead :o
Red ceidracu shush
Blue Ryan@@@ :(
Red se7en Olla smh
Blue Ryan@@@ nah but fr
Red ceidracu not you ryan
Blue Ryan@@@ my team was braindead
Red se7en Olla different teams
Blue Ryan@@@ and dont understand anything
Blue Ryan@@@ like
Blue Ryan@@@ i basically won us the first round
Blue Ryan@@@ he doesnt kill anyone
Blue Ryan@@@ argyle just feeds
Red ceidracu AAAAAH
Blue Ryan@@@ and you cant be a 'comp soldier' from a 4s fucking mix man
Blue Ryan@@@ you nee
Blue Ryan@@@ to go on etf2l.org
Blue Ryan@@@ and go recruitment page
Blue Ryan@@@ and go find a fresh meat team g
Blue Ug what now
Blue Ryan@@@ hm
Blue Ryan@@@ teams should beee
Red ceidracu my frames are shit for whatever reason
Blue Ug i'm getting ok at med ig
Blue Ryan@@@ yeah of course itll be fun for you cuz u win
Blue Ryan@@@ i do
Blue Ryan@@@ 10K DAMAGE
Blue Ryan@@@ AND 300 DPM
Blue Ryan@@@ and iw in us
Blue Ryan@@@ every midfight
Red se7en Olla ninja
Blue Ryan@@@ becuase argyle doesnt understand
Blue Ryan@@@ me, ug and pocky vs salad, argyle, olla
Blue Ryan@@@ me, ug and pocky vs salad, argyle, olla
Blue Ryan@@@ ninja doesnt know how to play
Blue Ryan@@@ im being honest
Red ceidracu sad!
Red ceidracu invite player btw
Blue Ryan@@@ invite player my ass all u do is hold w and feed
Red ceidracu rude
Blue Ryan@@@ ok
Blue Ryan@@@ me, ug and olla
Blue Ryan@@@ vs
Blue Ryan@@@ salad
Red ceidracu 30 frames
Blue Ryan@@@ pocky
Blue Ryan@@@ and argyle
Red ceidracu mind if i restart my game
Red se7en Olla m
Red ceidracu ?
Red se7en Olla uhh
Blue Ryan@@@ ill take olla and ug
Red ceidracu brb in 3 min
Blue Ug i need a pee
Blue Ryan@@@ okay
Blue Ug i drank 5 lucazade sports today
Blue Ryan@@@ no one said shit
Blue Ryan@@@ and i did 10k damage
Red se7en Olla ???
Blue Ryan@@@ salad got fucked
Red se7en Olla I tried to call out to everyone
Blue Ryan@@@ thats all i care about
Blue Ryan@@@ he got double piped
Red se7en Olla just no one was doing anything
Red se7en Olla :)?
Blue Ryan@@@ NO ONE
Blue Ryan@@@ BRO
Blue Ryan@@@ PLZ LOOK AT !LOG
Red se7en Olla ryan
Blue Ryan@@@ not u
Blue Ryan@@@ im talking 2olla
Blue Ug ok pee time
Red se7en Olla lol
Blue b5dd12 easy
Red se7en Olla no backstab
Red se7en Olla bad
Blue b5dd12 part of my plan
Blue b5dd12 aids
Blue b5dd12 wtf
Blue b5dd12 lets get the whole froyo team
Blue b5dd12 against us
Blue Ryan@@@ ye
Blue b5dd12 no
Blue b5dd12 i didnt have fun last game
Blue b5dd12 ugandy
Blue b5dd12 doesnt die
Blue Ug ^
Blue b5dd12 thats why i dint have fun
Blue Ug lol
Blue Ug pocky went after me so much
Blue Ug i never die
Blue Ryan@@@ no
Blue Ryan@@@ i denied salad every gully mid
Blue Ryan@@@ :D
Blue Ug i heal man
Blue Ug 1se
Blue Ryan@@@ do what
Blue b5dd12 where do we get players
Blue Ryan@@@ idk
Blue b5dd12 recursion players
Blue Ryan@@@ anyways
Blue Ryan@@@ im gonna actually offer prizes this
Blue Ryan@@@ 3v3
Blue b5dd12 what prize
Blue Ug waht aboutt he 4v4 prizes
Blue Ryan@@@ dude
Blue Ug bro
Blue Ryan@@@ u literally changed up my wholet eam
Blue Ryan@@@ making it fucking unfair
Blue Ryan@@@ yeah
Blue Ryan@@@ ninja has NO brain
Blue Ryan@@@ no idea
Blue Ryan@@@ what to do
Blue Ug ninja's neevr played comp
Blue Ug so
Blue Ryan@@@ no
Blue Ryan@@@ we assigned how to last push
Blue Ryan@@@ :D
Blue Ryan@@@ sticky point
Blue Ryan@@@ let scouts cpa
Red ceidracu who's team should i join
Blue Ryan@@@ it would have worked if we had brain
Blue Ryan@@@ tbh
Blue Ryan@@@ argyle
Blue Ryan@@@ how abotu u take a look
Blue Ryan@@@ and guess
Red ceidracu k
Blue Ryan@@@ good job man!
Red se7en Olla idk about olla
Blue Ryan@@@ yeah cuz of my spam
Blue Ryan@@@ my traps were good
Blue Ryan@@@ u cant lie
Red ceidracu can i lie
Blue Ryan@@@ no
Blue Ug i tripped on the stairs no my toe hurtsd ;(
Blue Ryan@@@ no.....
Blue Ryan@@@ yes..........
Blue b5dd12 dots means lying
Blue b5dd12 heh
Blue Ryan@@@ it was misclick
Blue Ryan@@@ its in ur logs.tf dw
Blue b5dd12 who cares about logs
Blue Ryan@@@ dude its in ur logs.tf XD
Blue b5dd12 i never look at em
Blue b5dd12 :/
Blue Ryan@@@ why are u getting pissed
Blue b5dd12 ok
Red ceidracu ryan you've been shit talking for past 10 minutes
Blue Ryan@@@ ok im sorry man u totally cant go to logs.tf
Blue Ryan@@@ and retreive those logsd
Red ceidracu wait a second
Blue Ryan@@@ i can do it for you!
Red ceidracu why do i have 526 kills
Blue b5dd12 rekt
Red ceidracu and -1 deaths
Blue b5dd12 rekt
Blue b5dd12 nic hcakcs
Red ceidracu check my stats
Blue b5dd12 i ma pro
Red se7en Olla toxic
Blue b5dd12 :D
Blue b5dd12 missed
Blue b5dd12 mised
Blue Ug !extend
Blue Ug !extend
Blue Ug !extend
Blue Ug idk
Blue Ug !extend
Blue Ug he hacks
Blue Ryan@@@ im r
Blue b5dd12 im p
Blue b5dd12 nice spy main find
Red se7en Olla bro
Red se7en Olla cringe
Red ceidracu vro
Blue b5dd12 0wned
Red se7en Olla I love vore
Red ceidracu 1 hp
Red ceidracu olla got trickstabbed
Blue Ryan@@@ argyle
Red ceidracu lol
Blue Ryan@@@ stop
Red ceidracu fine
Blue Ryan@@@ thank u
Red ceidracu i just wanted to have fun
Red ceidracu is sniper ok
Blue Ryan@@@ ok
Blue b5dd12 pause
Blue b5dd12 pls
Blue b5dd12 brb
Blue b5dd12 PAUSe
Blue Ryan@@@ no
Red se7en Olla y
Blue Ug yes
Red se7en Olla es
Red ceidracu why not
Blue b5dd12 r
Red se7en Olla ez for se7en
Blue Ryan@@@ rekt
Blue b5dd12 ok
Red se7en Olla ez4se7en
Blue Ryan@@@ dude
Blue Ryan@@@ can u fucking press m1 on me
Blue Ryan@@@ u braindead retard
Blue Ryan@@@ no
Blue Ryan@@@ ur actualy an idiot
Red ceidracu lol
Blue b5dd12 rekt
Red ceidracu what's wrong with ryan
Red se7en Olla nO????
Blue b5dd12 easy
Red se7en Olla we need med
Blue b5dd12 no
Red se7en Olla not sni
Blue b5dd12 sniper is g ood
Blue b5dd12 sniper bad
Red ceidracu fuck
Red ceidracu sniper good
Red se7en Olla lol
Red ceidracu if i don't swap salad's gonna yell at me
Blue b5dd12 ok
Red se7en Olla made
Red se7en Olla hit
Red se7en Olla sound
Red se7en Olla wtf
Red ceidracu you hit
Red ceidracu bodyshot
Red se7en Olla the swung
Red se7en Olla made the sound
Red se7en Olla didn't register
Red se7en Olla epic
Red ceidracu lol
Blue Ryan@@@ should we do an actual 3v3 but no prizes
Blue Ryan@@@ but semi competitive
Red ceidracu no
Blue Ryan@@@ ?
Blue b5dd12 no
Red ceidracu this is good
Blue Ug wheres my prizes
Blue Ug for winning
Blue Ug bro
Blue Ryan@@@ prizes my ass our team was super unbalanced
Blue Ug you made the teams
Red ceidracu ^
Blue Ryan@@@ yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Blue Ryan@@@ about that
Blue Ryan@@@ who did salad swap
Blue Ryan@@@ so we were meant to have ug
Blue Ryan@@@ but salad suggested a braindead casual player
Blue Ryan@@@ demo cant really carry
Blue Ryan@@@ :(
Red ceidracu top 1 anime battles
Red ceidracu 10
Red ceidracu rayn
Red ceidracu ryan
Red ceidracu salad carried
Blue Ryan@@@ hiihihihi
Blue b5dd12 both owned
Blue b5dd12 by pro scout number 35
Red se7en Olla hoes mad
Red se7en Olla why bro
Red se7en Olla wtf
Red ceidracu shut up
Red ceidracu salad
Red se7en Olla bb
Red se7en Olla shhhhhhh
Blue Ryan@@@ what are we gonna do noww
Red ceidracu join us
Blue Ryan@@@ okay fine
Blue Ryan@@@ lets do it
Blue Ryan@@@ LETS DO IT
Red ceidracu we're having fun
Blue Ryan@@@ lets
Blue Ryan@@@ do
Blue Ryan@@@ the
Blue Ryan@@@ thing
Blue Ryan@@@ lets
Blue Ryan@@@ do
Blue Ryan@@@ the
Blue Ryan@@@ thing
Red ceidracu hybrid knight
Red ceidracu you cuck
Blue Ryan@@@ lets
Blue Ryan@@@ do
Blue Ryan@@@ the
Blue Ryan@@@ thing
Red se7en Olla suck p eeeeeeeeeeeenis
Blue b5dd12 rage
Red ceidracu im gonna play amby sp
Blue Ryan@@@ ok
Red ceidracu y
Blue Ryan@@@ just get random ass ppl
Blue Ryan@@@ from our discord
Blue b5dd12 i carry
Red se7en Olla ez4ence???
Red ceidracu ug
Red ceidracu you're bad
Blue b5dd12 die
Blue Ryan@@@ LOOOOOOOL
Blue Ryan@@@ LOL
Blue Ryan@@@ POCKY
Red ceidracu yes
Red ceidracu m1 them all
Red ceidracu dont cap
Red ceidracu rekt
Blue Ryan@@@ sec
Blue Ryan@@@ lemem go on pockys etf2l
Blue Ryan@@@ or ugc
Blue Ryan@@@ :D
Red ceidracu crit sound
Red ceidracu fuck off
Blue b5dd12 dont have
Blue b5dd12 wtf
Blue Ryan@@@ its Ugando
Red ceidracu dont cap
Blue Ryan@@@ cuz i do
Red ceidracu 100 ms btw
Red ceidracu pocky
Red se7en Olla kinda obvisous
Red ceidracu you have ping advantage
Red ceidracu dont
Red ceidracu cap
Red se7en Olla he has chat off
Red se7en Olla r.i.p
Red ceidracu om
Red ceidracu no
Red ceidracu ill be spy
Blue b5dd12 ur a comp player
Blue b5dd12 retard
Red ceidracu who
Red ceidracu salad
Blue Ryan@@@ argyle isn't comp
Blue Ryan@@@ player
Red ceidracu ye
Blue Ryan@@@ hes casual
Red ceidracu so am i a pubber or comp
Blue Ryan@@@ if you're comp
Blue Ryan@@@ u have an etf2l.org, ugc team
Blue Ryan@@@ and u are playing in a div
Red ceidracu then i'll be pub spy
Blue Ryan@@@ are you? im guessing no
Blue Ryan@@@ which means ur a pubber
Blue b5dd12 i won
Blue b5dd12 own
Red ceidracu gj
Red ceidracu come out
Blue b5dd12 i have aids