Red |
idk |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
u'll never be the man ur mother is |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
try out 4 the new star wars movie - they need som more stromtroopers LOL |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
try turnig ur monitor right side up |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
so cooll! how do u game with no arms ?? |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
make-a-wish foundation gives out copyes of tf2 now? |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
i bet the last time ur lardass felt a breast was in a kfc bucket |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
wanna here a joke? u |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
r the only tits u've ever seen ur own? |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
ya nigga it was the lag wasnt it |
Red |
austone matte hues
my titties are great tbh |
Red |
Smh |
Red |
Banned |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
***UPLOADING TO PORNHUB**...upload FAILED (no rape allowd) |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
ur mom prolly shouldve swalloed u just like ur brothers LMAFO |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
so how do i donate to ur cerebral palsy reserch |
Red |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
ur cromosom like waldo - where it at nigga? |
Red |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
for a sec i thought (crazies thing) that u were good LOLOL |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
i have sars so im -1 |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
make sure 2 wipe sweat off ur keyboard wen ure done |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
u probably cant evne read a audiobook |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
u the type of nigga taht take 2 hrs 2 watch 60 minutes |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
my shit move thru my buthole faster than ur thought process |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
i think u should use mouse instead of controler |
Red |
austone matte hues
i go through pants faster than i go through days |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
i cream u so hard u might acshualy get rid of ur acne |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
u should lower ur team cofin so you can let them down 1 more time |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
take a lap fatass |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
try not 2 trip on ur skill level on the way out |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
LOL ur idea of a cmoeback is jerking off into a fan |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
my vaacum sucks less than u |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
u can start trying now |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
ur team is hoping for u to go afk so they can get a bot |
Blue |
Liu Kang
My demo has the tism, i apoligize |
Blue |
Liu Kang
Shall we begin? |
Red |
our gamer is away |
Red |
we have 4 peoeple missing today |
Red |
austone matte hues
ur demo is on the spectrum |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
matthew piccari doesnt realize last gamer is missing for 2 rounds |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
ur bad, try a ez game (farmvile?) |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
woah slow down ther u might hurt urself |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
hit ur kill bind itll make u respaawn fastr |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
ur k/d wil improve w uninstaling |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
there r online tutorials for seting up ur mouse |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
u might be the best nugget in any gamign comunity ever |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
try smoething more ur stopping ROFLMAO |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
pick up ur chromosoms when u respawnn |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
pitbull & kesha wrote a song about ur skill - its called timber |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
u shudlve drive the titanic - u wouldve missed tha iceberg |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
if u wanna do comp i heard ugc has a new divisoin cald 'garbage' |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
help & options -> how to play |
Blue |
Liu Kang
Real talk, you guys good to go soon? |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
no no no this is tf2 not cookie clicker |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
some babies where dropped on their heads but u were clearly thrown at twin toewrs |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
404: aim not found |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
***PROTIP*** use your mouse to look around |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
u miss shots worse then belotti misses penalties lmao |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
u should leave the servr jus like ur dad left u |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
i slammed ur momma evn harder than i slam u [sex game blake grifin] |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
smh low open players |
Blue |
cool cat files for divorce
D a n i e l : reading that makes me horny |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
| for live stream weed smoking on cam |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
only thing u carry is an extra chronosome |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
im jealous of ppl who dont kno u |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
u mustve been born on a highway b/c thats were accidents happen |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
do u bottomfrag in laser tag too? |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
hey bro i think ur late for ur autism therapy |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
im not trash talking, im talking to trash |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
u almost didn't die that time |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
hold on im loading my scripts for shittin on u |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
id rather fuck a bear trap than live a minute of ur life |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
don't trip on your way to respawn |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
put ur thumb on ur mouse insted of up ur ass |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
is ur monitor on |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
i heard csgo is taking applications 4 post-kick bots |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
i was pro life but then u existed |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
i kinda hope ur a terorist bc the world wud be much safer LOL |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
id call u cancer but cancer kills... |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
if i wanted to kill myself i would jump from ur ego to your IQ |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
dam bro u choke like psg vs barca |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
if only u culd hit an enemy as much as your dad hits u |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
cookie clikker might b more up ur alley, baddie |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
i herd there some low open teams who need med subs LMAO |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
ur sweat could end african drought |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
lmao ur brain must b smaler then ur mangina |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
r u watching porn or something i swear to god ur playing with one hand |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
u the kinda nigga 2 shoot ground and miss |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
mayb ur 2 twitch viewrs can help u play the game |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
u should try shooting the playrs in stead of walls |
Red |
austone matte hues
why would anyone use the default scatter gun it only does like 3 dmg wtf ? |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
ur the reason ur parents fight |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
cheap ass nigga cant evn pay attention to enemy LOL |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
i herd ugc making a league for senior citizns maybe u could make it ther?? |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
u shud just make like a tree and leav |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
looks like the abortion clinic forgot one l o l |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
u miss more shots then a wife misses her army husband |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
t r y h a r d e r |
Red |
do u guys have a spy |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
why turn on the computer if ur just gonna make it depressed |
Red |
austone matte hues
do u guys have a spy |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
***PROTIP*** stop dying |
Blue |
20 fps and no practice letsgo
no |
Red |
cool |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
if i had a dollr for evry shot u hit id be on food stamps my nigga |
Red |
austone matte hues
thx |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
remeber that 1 time when u were good at this game? me neither |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
this not golf bro ur score sposed 2 be higher |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
only thing u can hit is rock botom rofl |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
if u keep sweting, noah gon need 2 build another ark |
Red |
lovesick lullaby
gg |
Red |
lovesick lullaby
fuck u |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
u a cold cut bruh? bc ur IN BRED [in bread] ROFLMAO |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
u miss like shaq on frree throws |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
this bot need higher dfficluty seting |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
prescription glases: read about em |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
u kno if u plug the screen in u can actually see the enemies |
Blue |
20 fps and no practice letsgo
hi |
Blue |
Liu Kang
So we just got news this doesnt count and we will need to reschedule |
Red |
austone matte hues
u were 2 metres in front of me |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
c u in ugc iron playoffs LMAO |
Blue |
أنا أكره الزنوج
is ur dog playign or r u actuly this retarded?? |