Log 2313710

D M Title Map Format RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
FGR vs idle#6 koth_product_rc8 Fours 3 0 17:39


Team Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS CPC Time Played
Red maskey Scout 14 12 4 202 174 76 3575 3075 1359 5 0 21 1 17:38
Red merc Soldier 31 7 6 589 258 268 10411 4560 4736 15 4 31 5 17:39
Red Rozone "Rozy" Demo 21 10 6 434 240 183 7671 4248 3240 12 1 24 0 17:39
Red Rahmed Medic Scout 6 10 16 61 176 1079 3114 0 2 0 9 5 17:39
Blue Plaqq LFT HL Scout Demo Soldier 9 16 1 278 340 255 4917 6011 4508 5 0 4 1 17:39
Blue shteb Soldier Scout 11 21 3 279 318 153 4932 5616 2718 2 1 8 1 17:37
Blue Zack Demo Scout Sniper 17 20 2 273 385 241 4823 6807 4266 6 0 20 2 17:36
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ Medic 2 15 9 18 243 325 4302 0 1 0 12 4 17:39
Team Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS CPC Duration
Red 72 39 32 1288 849 528 22736 14997 9335 15 5 85 11 6 17:39
Blue 39 72 15 849 1288 651 14997 22736 11492 6 1 44 8 5 17:39


Team Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Rahmed Medic 100% 564 9335 6 0 0 0:00 0 16:33
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ Medic 100% 651 11492 5 0 1 0:15 2 0 17:39



Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red merc 10 7 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 31
Red Rozone "Rozy" 3 7 0 4 0 0 6 1 0 21
Blue Zack 6 2 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 17
Red maskey 1 5 0 7 0 0 1 0 0 14
Blue shteb 4 1 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 11
Blue Plaqq LFT HL 3 3 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 9
Red Rahmed 2 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 6
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2


Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue shteb 5 7 0 7 0 0 2 0 0 21
Blue Zack 5 10 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 20
Blue Plaqq LFT HL 4 7 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 16
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ 1 7 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 15
Red maskey 5 2 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 12
Red Rahmed 4 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 10
Red Rozone "Rozy" 3 3 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 10
Red merc 3 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 7


Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red merc 10 10 0 10 0 0 7 0 0 37
Red Rozone "Rozy" 4 9 0 6 0 0 7 1 0 27
Red Rahmed 4 9 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 22
Blue Zack 6 3 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 19
Red maskey 2 7 0 7 0 0 2 0 0 18
Blue shteb 5 1 0 3 0 0 5 0 0 14
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ 5 2 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 11
Blue Plaqq LFT HL 3 4 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 10


FGR vs idle#6

Time Team Player Kills
8:44 Red Rozone "Rozy" 3
11:08 Red Rozone "Rozy" 3
15:13 Red merc 4


FGR vs idle#6

Team Player Message
Blue Plaqq LFT HL im hyped as fuck
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ test
Red Rahmed so does it work then plaqq?
Red Rahmed cloud servers?
Blue Plaqq LFT HL yeah
Red Rahmed nice
Blue Plaqq LFT HL good fucking lord prime is not gonna join
Blue Plaqq LFT HL hes offline
Blue Plaqq LFT HL omfg
Blue Plaqq LFT HL omfg
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ ?
Blue Plaqq LFT HL omfg im gonan cry
Blue Plaqq LFT HL red's medic is offline
Blue Plaqq LFT HL fuck fuck fuck
Red Rahmed dw
Red Rahmed calm down
Blue Plaqq LFT HL y
Red merc we have some time
Red merc right?
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ got em
Blue shteb oof
Red merc thats what she said
Blue Plaqq LFT HL omg prime
Blue Plaqq LFT HL where tf he went
Blue Plaqq LFT HL who else are we missing aside from prime
Blue Zack red med?
Red merc maskey
Blue Zack oh yea that
Blue Plaqq LFT HL oh rahmed
Blue Plaqq LFT HL come here
Blue Plaqq LFT HL ur blu
Blue Plaqq LFT HL ahahah
Red Rahmed oh
Blue Plaqq LFT HL its maskey's problem again
Blue Plaqq LFT HL connecting slow asf
Blue Plaqq LFT HL huh i dont think prime is coming
Blue Plaqq LFT HL u guys know anyone that can medic
Red maskey hey bois
Blue shteb 300 ping
Blue shteb so guys we did it
Blue Plaqq LFT HL who do we get
Red merc masley
Red merc do you know what time it is
Red merc BEAST
Red maskey AH YES
Red maskey im glad u is my teamm8
Blue Plaqq LFT HL sooo
Blue Plaqq LFT HL we dont have a med
Blue Plaqq LFT HL i mean
Blue Plaqq LFT HL red dont have
Blue Plaqq LFT HL ...
Blue Plaqq LFT HL lets balance this
Blue Plaqq LFT HL rahmed go red
Blue Plaqq LFT HL merc go red
Red maskey wha
Blue Plaqq LFT HL melon go red
Blue Plaqq LFT HL maskey go blu
Red merc maskey go demo
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ ?
Blue Plaqq LFT HL nothing nvm
Blue Plaqq LFT HL stay
Red maskey ok
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ ok
Blue Zack discord?
Red maskey no vc
Blue Plaqq LFT HL rahmed
Blue Plaqq LFT HL i mean zack
Blue Plaqq LFT HL zack
Blue Plaqq LFT HL change with shteb
Blue Zack ye
Blue Plaqq LFT HL exhange
Blue Plaqq LFT HL shteb exhange with zack
Blue Plaqq LFT HL shteb go red
Blue Plaqq LFT HL wait no
Blue Plaqq LFT HL OMG
Blue Plaqq LFT HL RAHMED Go red
Blue Zack hey another player join
Blue Plaqq LFT HL no
Blue Plaqq LFT HL zack go blu
Blue Plaqq LFT HL there
Blue Plaqq LFT HL ready
Blue Plaqq LFT HL 3v4
Blue Plaqq LFT HL no med
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ ?
Blue Plaqq LFT HL so the best people go to red
Red merc well
Red merc uhhh
Blue Plaqq LFT HL ugh nvm ill go red
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ what is happening?
Blue Plaqq LFT HL maskey
Blue Plaqq LFT HL go blu
Red Rahmed nah its ok
Red Rahmed you guys stay
Red maskey wha
Red Rahmed idle #6 vs fgr lol
Blue Plaqq LFT HL maskey has 200 ping
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ we playing 3v4?
Red maskey its fine
Blue Plaqq LFT HL sure?
Blue Plaqq LFT HL ok
Red maskey yes
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ wait
Blue Plaqq LFT HL rahmed ready ur red
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ one moment
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ let me
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ try something
Blue Plaqq LFT HL prime aint coming
Blue Plaqq LFT HL get another medic if u have
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ wait
Blue Plaqq LFT HL lol
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ wait
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ give me
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ one moment
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ give me one moment
Blue Plaqq LFT HL alright
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ wait
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ which role
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ is red missing
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ ?
Blue Plaqq LFT HL no ur scout
Blue Plaqq LFT HL meddic
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ are they missing a med?
Blue Plaqq LFT HL yes
Red Rahmed nah we're good
Red Rahmed just rup
Blue Plaqq LFT HL no actually
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ I got
Blue Plaqq LFT HL theyre missing a demo
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ someone
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ a friend
Blue Plaqq LFT HL ok fast
Blue Plaqq LFT HL send him the ip
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ one moment, he is taking a moment
Blue Plaqq LFT HL wait no
Blue Plaqq LFT HL demo
Blue Plaqq LFT HL ahahah
Blue Plaqq LFT HL omg im drunk so bad
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ he is joining
Blue Plaqq LFT HL alright
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ well, he has to launch tf2 first
Blue Plaqq LFT HL tell him to go red then go demo
Blue Plaqq LFT HL zack go demo
Blue Plaqq LFT HL i frgt
Blue Plaqq LFT HL oh wat
Red merc wait so we are using ingame vc
Red merc orrr
Blue Plaqq LFT HL king why r u here
Blue Plaqq LFT HL is he the guy?
Red merc plank
Red merc are we using ingame vc
Red merc or no communication
Blue Plaqq LFT HL no
Red maskey no
Blue Plaqq LFT HL Dude
Red merc Oh aight
Blue Plaqq LFT HL not all matches need vc xdd
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ he is joining, give it one moment plz
Blue Plaqq LFT HL only etf2l shit
Blue Plaqq LFT HL or real comp
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ asking him right now if he is fine playing demo
Blue Plaqq LFT HL BRUH
Blue Plaqq LFT HL im gonna suicide now
Blue Zack damn dude merc with the ping advamntages
Red Rahmed lol
Blue Plaqq LFT HL we were liek
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ well, my friend is joining right now
Red merc im european
Red merc duh
Blue Plaqq LFT HL talking about who plays demo for 10012031203812038 YEARS
Blue Zack ik
Red Rahmed i live inside the server
Red merc arent u?
Blue Zack the ping is dangerous asf
Red merc wlmao
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ he is joining right now,
Blue shteb zack i share your pain
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ and he is fine playing demo
Red maskey i live in the neverland
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ it's fine
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ my friend rozone is joining
Blue Zack why cant i go red
Red merc rahmed
Blue Plaqq LFT HL bec unbalanced
Blue Zack arent i supposed to be red
Red merc are you fine with me molesting their med
Blue Plaqq LFT HL unbalanced
Red Rahmed yea
Blue Plaqq LFT HL ur blu now
Red merc ok
Red Rahmed but come back to me
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ my friend says he can't connect for a reason
Red Rahmed i dont have a good pocket
Blue Plaqq LFT HL ...
Red maskey ...................
Red merc :(
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ one moment
Blue Zack map missing?
Blue Plaqq LFT HL kinng plays?
Red maskey tell him to join u first then type the pass
Blue Plaqq LFT HL lol just let king play
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ one moment
Blue Plaqq LFT HL king
Blue Plaqq LFT HL why didnt queen join fgr
Blue Plaqq LFT HL tell her to join nga
Blue Plaqq LFT HL why lol
Blue Plaqq LFT HL what did sand git tell u
Blue shteb in that case its fine
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ I got this, give me a moment
Blue Plaqq LFT HL bruh
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ plaqq trust me homie
Blue Plaqq LFT HL u can change emails
Red Rahmed why cant we fight as it is?
Blue Plaqq LFT HL in steam settings
Red Rahmed this seems fair enough
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ rozone, you there?
Blue Zack its 1:34 am in my place
Blue shteb frozone
Red merc wait rahmed
Blue Plaqq LFT HL tomorrow we will do a real 4v4 earlier
Red merc dont mov
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ hey rozone
Blue Plaqq LFT HL or 6v6
Red Rahmed k
Red merc wtf
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ rozone
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ rozone join team red
Red merc i arrowed you in your feet
Red merc like two arrows
Red Rahmed yeah?
Red merc lmao
Red merc yea
Red Rahmed oh lol
Blue Plaqq LFT HL oh btw rahmed u do know ur gonna demo right
Red Rahmed yea
Blue Plaqq LFT HL rozone go red
Red maskey lol shteb
Blue shteb its just banter
Blue shteb lol
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ you
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ rozone
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ wassup my homie
Blue Plaqq LFT HL alright guys go to ur appropriate classes
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ rozone
Blue Zack i go sniper lmao
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ this is a friendly match
Red Rozone "Rozy" hello hello
Red Rahmed hello
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ between me and some peeps
Red merc hello
Blue shteb its fucking frozone omg
Red merc ap calculus anyone?
Red Rozone "Rozy" yes, the p e e p s
Blue shteb lol
Red merc INDEED
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ this is a 4v4 match, so yeah
Blue Plaqq LFT HL rozone will med? or rahmed will?
Blue Plaqq LFT HL who tf will go medic
Red Rahmed i will
Blue Plaqq LFT HL and demoman
Blue Plaqq LFT HL on ur team
Blue Plaqq LFT HL rahmed med?
Red maskey whos our med
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ don't worry rozone, these peeps are alright
Red Rahmed yea
Blue Plaqq LFT HL ok rozone demoman then
Red merc depends if rozy or rah feels better at demo
Red Rozone "Rozy" the alright peeps
Blue Plaqq LFT HL shteb
Red merc maskey
Red Rahmed you wanna stay on demo, rozy?
Blue Plaqq LFT HL go soldier
Red merc please go spy
Red merc ahahaha
Red maskey oh yes
Red maskey ez stabs
Red merc or wrench engi
Red Rozone "Rozy" Whatever, I'm not good at any
Red Rozone "Rozy" B)
Red Rahmed cool :)
Blue Zack i think red team is gonna win
Red maskey naw
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ lets go
Blue shteb maskey staying humble
Red maskey be humble
Red maskey gl hf
Red maskey beat mercer
Red maskey beast
Blue Plaqq LFT HL ahahah
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ ;c
Red Rahmed lol
Blue shteb melon no
Blue Plaqq LFT HL wher did u come from i got scared to shit
Blue shteb you must learn
Blue shteb you dont uber me
Blue Plaqq LFT HL shteb isnt too agressive so i am
Blue Plaqq LFT HL lol
Blue Plaqq LFT HL ns
Blue Plaqq LFT HL phewwwww
Blue shteb be a heavy main
Red Rahmed gg
Red merc gg
Red Rozone "Rozy" wp
Blue shteb gr
Red maskey gh
Blue Plaqq LFT HL LOL
Red Rahmed maskey
Red Rahmed you went pass that scout
Blue Plaqq LFT HL maskey is teleporting like hell
Red Rahmed lol
Red maskey ya ik
Red Rahmed why?
Red Rahmed you left me alone lol
Red maskey i dint see sos
Blue shteb invisible ppl gr8
Red merc BEAST
Red maskey yes
Red maskey ffs
Blue shteb dude im supposed to be the one with 300 ping
Red maskey WHY ME
Blue Plaqq LFT HL ahahah
Blue shteb its supposed to be me
Blue Plaqq LFT HL ahahahh
Blue Plaqq LFT HL aight
Red merc OMG
Red maskey oh
Blue Plaqq LFT HL someone forgot to heal me ahahah
Red Rahmed gg
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ sorry plaqq
Blue Plaqq LFT HL np
Red merc wth
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ wt
Red merc we have 3
Red merc ey
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ wait
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ wait
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ we
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ nvm'wa
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ nvm
Red Rahmed go
Red Rozone "Rozy" B(
Red Rahmed he's back
Red maskey yew
Blue Zack with more ping
Blue Plaqq LFT HL bros i suck at demo
Red maskey 20 dmg meatshot
Blue Plaqq LFT HL shteb lets switch
Red maskey im done
Blue Plaqq LFT HL go scout next life
Red merc jfc rah
Red Rahmed that airshot tho
Red merc BEAST
Red merc BEASTTT
Red maskey beast
Red merc 4K
Red merc AHAHAH
Blue Plaqq LFT HL scoujt
Red merc going in my legacy
Red merc cringe
Blue Plaqq LFT HL omg
Red Rahmed lol
Red Rozone "Rozy" oh no
Red Rahmed screw it lol
Blue Plaqq LFT HL ZACJ
Blue Plaqq LFT HL go demo
Blue Plaqq LFT HL i
Red maskey ill go med
Red maskey ?
Red maskey nvm
Blue melon || selling ref for 0.04$ gg
Red merc gg
Red Rahmed gg
Red merc ez
Red Rozone "Rozy" B)
Blue Plaqq LFT HL ahahahahahah
Blue shteb gg