Log 2380247

D M Title Map Format RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
BLU vs RED pd_cursed_cove_event Other 0 1 29:59


Team Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 MS Time Played
Blue Synth_wmx Soldier Heavy 1 3 0 6 0 195 0 0 1 28 29:59
Blue Franco M Engineer Medic 0 2 0 0 6 0 195 0 0 0 29:59
Team Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 MS Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 MS Duration
Blue 1 5 0 6 6 0 195 195 0 1 28 0 29:59


Team Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Blue Franco M Medic 100% 0 0 0 0 0 0 13:13



Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Synth_wmx 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1


Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Franco M 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1


Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Synth_wmx 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1



Team Player Message
Blue Franco M go with heavy
Blue Franco M I'm gonna kill you
Blue Franco M for get one soul
Blue Franco M join blue now
Blue Franco M I cant take the souls
Blue Synth_wmx me neither XD
Blue Franco M maybe is because the config
Blue Franco M kill me
Blue Franco M drop the soul
Blue Synth_wmx Now I have self healing
Blue Franco M still 450
Blue Franco M doesnt affect
Blue Synth_wmx franco what I meant is like buffing the team
Blue Franco M yes
Blue Synth_wmx heavy will be safe
Blue Synth_wmx since he can self heal
Blue Franco M but not alone
Blue Synth_wmx yes alone
Blue Franco M everyone wanna kill the heavy
Blue Synth_wmx see
Blue Franco M we need protect heavy meanwhile he is healing us
Blue Franco M with dispenser with legs
Blue Synth_wmx you know what happens when a time is to close to a dispenser and the spam beggin right?
Blue Synth_wmx team***
Blue Franco M everyone dies?
Blue Synth_wmx yeah that will happen if the buffs priority is not the team instead of heavy
Blue Synth_wmx one crit and we are done for it
Blue Franco M for that reason the team it's gonna be in attack zone
Blue Franco M we are all together
Blue Franco M and defense zone we are all together too
Blue Franco M our engineer it's gonna be here
Blue Synth_wmx just looking for ourselfs man
Blue Franco M if you have a better plan
Blue Franco M explain me
Blue Synth_wmx you know we can die together if the medic don't buff everyone
Blue Franco M pls
Blue Synth_wmx just this
Blue Franco M we can try your plan in the second round
Blue Franco M yeah I know
Blue Franco M but the medic is not gonna be healing just the heavy
Blue Franco M the others too
Blue Synth_wmx he better be
Blue Synth_wmx alright you got the spirit
Blue Synth_wmx also
Blue Synth_wmx if heavy dies
Blue Synth_wmx I think pyro should handle
Blue Franco M for the souls?
Blue Synth_wmx yeah
Blue Franco M I was thinkg the same yesterday
Blue Synth_wmx if heavy dies
Blue Franco M ohh
Blue Franco M pyro like second option?
Blue Synth_wmx yes
Blue Franco M alright
Blue Franco M 'm going to give a voice announcement when we have to go to the defense zone
Blue Franco M I'm going to tell the meidc not only healing the heavy but also the others
Blue Synth_wmx great
Blue Synth_wmx that's my poiny
Blue Franco M yeah
Blue Synth_wmx point*
Blue Franco M heavy with souls is not priority healing
Blue Franco M just for overhealth
Blue Synth_wmx yeah
Blue Franco M the prority if heavy have the souls is the others
Blue Synth_wmx sure
Blue Franco M nice
Blue Franco M nice point
Blue Franco M I'm going to tell this to medic and heavy
Blue Franco M nicee
Blue Synth_wmx also tell the pyro some of my ideas
Blue Synth_wmx like second plan and run with medic and heavy
Blue Franco M of carrying souls too?
Blue Synth_wmx I'll cover our engie
Blue Franco M nicee
Blue Franco M thanks
Blue Franco M it's necessary cover our engineer more in attack zone
Blue Synth_wmx only carry souls if the heavy dies
Blue Franco M alright
Blue Synth_wmx as I said he is like a second plan
Blue Franco M yeah
Blue Franco M we gonna try this in the scrim
Blue Franco M leets try
Blue Franco M join with soldier
Blue Franco M let's make a simulation that the round has begun
Blue Franco M nice
Blue Franco M I think just one ore two hit with the disciplinary
Blue Franco M engineer so fast
Blue Synth_wmx reaching I'm good to do a jumo
Blue Synth_wmx jump*
Blue Synth_wmx reaching right here
Blue Franco M yes
Blue Franco M good to do a rocket jump here
Blue Franco M nice
Blue Franco M in defense zone
Blue Franco M engineer will be here
Blue Franco M in zone defense
Blue Franco M Where do you want stay?
Blue Franco M there?
Blue Franco M highground
Blue Synth_wmx I'm more like to stay in fight some
Blue Franco M alright
Blue Synth_wmx is kind like hightower
Blue Franco M no problem
Blue Franco M good
Blue Synth_wmx the tower with the bell
Blue Franco M en defense zone we will be here
Blue Franco M idk if the other team will be in the bell
Blue Synth_wmx more likely
Blue Franco M but yeah in defense zone you can stay in fight some
Blue Franco M depending the situtation
Blue Synth_wmx hey did you know I can hit you from behind with that thing?
Blue Franco M What road will you take inside the boat?
Blue Franco M i didn't know that
Blue Synth_wmx right road
Blue Franco M lets try
Blue Franco M no left?
Blue Franco M not here?
Blue Franco M I think it's more safe
Blue Franco M for you
Blue Franco M because I'm gonna go here
Blue Franco M I'm gonna take the left side
Blue Franco M for attack the other team from behind
Blue Synth_wmx I'm more likely to choose the opposite way the heavy chooses
Blue Synth_wmx Like that we can cover more ground
Blue Synth_wmx woah
Blue Synth_wmx those barrels can explode
Blue Franco M you can alternate in all ways
Blue Franco M choose which one suits you better
Blue Franco M in the scrim
Blue Synth_wmx man those barrels can explode that's funny
Blue Franco M yeah
Blue Franco M you didn't read the discord?
Blue Franco M :(
Blue Franco M I'm gonna cry
Blue Synth_wmx I didn't remeber tho
Blue Synth_wmx sorry XD
Blue Franco M oh
Blue Franco M well
Blue Franco M we are done for now
Blue Franco M if you want you can stay for practice rocket jump
Blue Franco M I'm going to bring the spy to explain the plan
Blue Synth_wmx if run the god damn script I could XD
Blue Franco M :(
Blue Franco M give me the script
Blue Franco M I will install it right now
Blue Synth_wmx check the description of the video I've send ya