Log 2392459

D M Title Map Format RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
na.serveme.tf #288060 - BLU vs RED koth_brazil Ultiduo 1 2 27:01


Team Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 MS CPC Time Played
Red DaBat Soldier Sniper Pyro 26 11 0 228 91 6161 2471 0 5 24 6 27:01
Red Autistic Senpai #FreeHongKong Sniper Scout 3 9 4 26 37 724 1023 0 1 3 3 27:01
Blue Carcalilly Scout 9 18 1 69 125 1869 3396 0 2 23 7 27:01
Blue Magic is Everything Soldier 7 13 1 60 129 1625 3489 0 2 17 6 27:01
Team Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 MS CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 MS CPC Duration
Red 29 20 4 254 129 0 6885 3494 0 5 27 9 0 27:01
Blue 16 31 2 129 254 0 3494 6885 0 2 40 13 0 27:01


Team Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played



Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red DaBat 14 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26
Blue Carcalilly 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 4 0 9
Blue Magic is Everything 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 5 0 7
Red Autistic Senpai #FreeHongKong 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3


Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Carcalilly 0 7 3 0 0 0 0 7 0 17
Blue Magic is Everything 0 5 3 0 0 0 0 4 0 12
Red DaBat 7 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10
Red Autistic Senpai #FreeHongKong 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6


Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red DaBat 14 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26
Blue Carcalilly 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 5 0 10
Blue Magic is Everything 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 5 0 8
Red Autistic Senpai #FreeHongKong 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7


na.serveme.tf #288060 - BLU vs RED

Team Player Message
Blue Magic is Everything You're invisible?
Red DaBat No?
Blue Carcalilly who??
Blue Magic is Everything on my side you are
Red Autistic Senpai #FreeHongKong which is more useful, milk or piss?
Red DaBat Milk and piss are important
Blue Magic is Everything youre both invisible to me
Red DaBat Dude how did you miss that milk throw
Blue Magic is Everything im gonna restart tf2
Red Autistic Senpai #FreeHongKong idk
Red DaBat Thats odd
Red DaBat Okay
Red Autistic Senpai #FreeHongKong pan sond will play but no damage why
Red DaBat Thats tf2 hit reg for you
Red DaBat Carca, I really think you'd do better if you ran milk
Blue Carcalilly this highkey counts on me to be sneaky
Red Autistic Senpai #FreeHongKong ive been getting better at this game in general
Red DaBat Ya
Blue Carcalilly ill try it hold on
Red DaBat Milk gives you better survivability
Red DaBat In fact, lemme show you. Lemme hit you once, then you hit me while milked.
Red Autistic Senpai #FreeHongKong like earlier i spychecked a scout because he seemed slower than usual
Blue Carcalilly i actually iddnt hve it lol
Red Autistic Senpai #FreeHongKong scrap.tf?
Red DaBat Huh
Blue Magic is Everything i see yall now
Blue Carcalilly ye
Red DaBat Wait
Red DaBat Let scout milk me
Red DaBat See? You can survive an extra hit
Red DaBat If you hit me once
Red Autistic Senpai #FreeHongKong oh
Blue Carcalilly thats nice, and the damage boost wasnt much with the crit in the begining huh
Red Autistic Senpai #FreeHongKong shit
Red DaBat That's why milk is preferred.
Red Autistic Senpai #FreeHongKong critacola isnt as good as it seems
Blue Magic is Everything im lagging hard rn
Red DaBat The damage heal is strong, and it gives better survivability.
Red Autistic Senpai #FreeHongKong no trickstabs
Blue Carcalilly darn
Red DaBat Magic's ping though
Blue Magic is Everything was at like 70 earlier
Blue Carcalilly that range omg
Red Autistic Senpai #FreeHongKong im chilling at about 60
Red Autistic Senpai #FreeHongKong did you see that throw tho
Blue Carcalilly ikr
Blue Carcalilly you didnt see me die tho
Blue Carcalilly ok i see what ya mean
Blue Carcalilly youre sniping piss now
Red Autistic Senpai #FreeHongKong right
Red Autistic Senpai #FreeHongKong You're talking mad shit for someone in cumshot distance.
Red Autistic Senpai #FreeHongKong You're talking mad shit for someone in cumshot distance.
Red Autistic Senpai #FreeHongKong You're talking mad shit for someone in cumshot distance.
Red Autistic Senpai #FreeHongKong You're talking mad shit for someone in cumshot distance.
Blue Carcalilly jumping doesnt work too great for me
Red Autistic Senpai #FreeHongKong Cum, blister, or bleed. I'm all out of spit.
Red DaBat Jumping on or over the enemy doesnt work against melee
Red Autistic Senpai #FreeHongKong thanks
Red DaBat Melee hits in a cone around the player
Red DaBat So trying to jump over just gets you hit.
Red Autistic Senpai #FreeHongKong like stand on me
Red Autistic Senpai #FreeHongKong or dont
Red DaBat Stand on him, ya.
Red DaBat Stand on my head.
Red DaBat See?
Blue Carcalilly wtf
Red DaBat Melee hits in a cone.
Red DaBat Even if Im looking forward, I can still hit someone on top of me.
Red Autistic Senpai #FreeHongKong nice
Red DaBat Your best bet for dodging hits is to outspace.
Red Autistic Senpai #FreeHongKong give me just a sec
Red Autistic Senpai #FreeHongKong like the swooping motions you see
Red Autistic Senpai #FreeHongKong come here
Red Autistic Senpai #FreeHongKong carc come here
Red DaBat What you need from him?
Blue Carcalilly my issue is hitting for some reason
Red Autistic Senpai #FreeHongKong i wanted to show him how to dodge melee hits
Red DaBat Swings are a little different with scout
Blue Carcalilly btw im a her
Red Autistic Senpai #FreeHongKong it helps to know melee range
Red DaBat Scouts melee swings come out faster.
Red Autistic Senpai #FreeHongKong sorry
Blue Carcalilly but do they have lower dmg?
Red DaBat Yes
Red DaBat Scout swings do 35 damage.
Red Autistic Senpai #FreeHongKong im a guy so if i dont know a gender ill just default to him if its a person, or her if its an animal
Blue Carcalilly where are ya
Red DaBat Nice movement.
Blue Carcalilly bruh
Red DaBat Now, try hitting me.
Red Autistic Senpai #FreeHongKong youll want to run in, try to take a swing and run out
Blue Carcalilly rip
Red DaBat Okay, that was really good. You almost killed me.
Blue Magic is Everything trying to fix my ping rq
Blue Carcalilly is it really laggy?
Red DaBat For Magic.
Blue Carcalilly are you eastern us?
Red Autistic Senpai #FreeHongKong 226 ping damn
Red DaBat In fights, you want to approach with your time.
Red DaBat team
Blue Carcalilly I KEEP FALLING
Red DaBat Watch the ledges, know the layout.
Blue Magic is Everything my ping isnt getting fixed any time soon
Red Autistic Senpai #FreeHongKong im gonna go play an hour long 2fort match
Red DaBat Again, you're doing good.
Red Autistic Senpai #FreeHongKong cya guys
Blue Carcalilly bro 24/7 2fort way to go
Red DaBat But in real matches, you'll have your time backing you up.
Red DaBat team
Blue Carcalilly whats the highest health calss allowed? soldier?
Red DaBat Ya
Red DaBat And demo with boots brings him to the health of soldier
Blue Carcalilly thats like, 4 hits?
Blue Carcalilly 5?
Red DaBat I have 200 health
Red DaBat It takes 6 hits to kill me.
Blue Carcalilly oh bruh
Red DaBat As a Scout, your main purpose on th field is to milk enemies and help your teammates fight.
Red DaBat Your role is support based, but your chip damage helps out.
Blue Carcalilly point capping sounds important too prob
Red DaBat Ya
Red DaBat Dont approach classes that arent another scout alone unless you know theyre at low health.
Blue Carcalilly thanks man :D
Blue Carcalilly shoot i jumped again
Red DaBat Be particularly careful of snipers
Blue Carcalilly scout habits
Red DaBat That jarate makes you really weak to any hits.
Red DaBat Even making you die in 3 scout hits.
Blue Carcalilly better to retreat?
Red DaBat Or wait for backup.
Red DaBat And play passively.
Red DaBat Yea, like that.
Blue Magic is Everything my ping is back to 'normal' for now
Blue Magic is Everything nvm
Red DaBat Ouch
Red DaBat Sniper is the equivalent of a strong support thats weak like scout
Red DaBat Be careful about grouping up like that.
Red DaBat I easily got you both with jarate thanks to that.
Red DaBat Nice dodge
Blue Carcalilly the double jump is nice
Red DaBat Be especially unpredictable in your movement if you think a Scout or Sniper is about to throw their secondary
Red DaBat That goes for everyone, not just Scout
Blue Carcalilly youve played RSP before?
Red DaBat No, but I've played a crap ton of TF2, and know how to use some of this stuff.
Blue Carcalilly hoo man
Red DaBat I also have played a shit ton of demoknight and medieval.
Red DaBat So my melee experience is pretty good.
Blue Carcalilly you dont wanna go demopan?
Red DaBat I can play mostly everyone.
Red DaBat Except Pyro.