Logs 2510976, 2510917, 2511007

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL NR Sixes S2 Amateur Week 3 Open - Upward RPI TF2 weed gamig 4.0 2.0 pl_upward

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
na.serveme.tf #309954 - BLU vs WEED pl_upward Sixes weed gamig RPI TF2 1 0 26:24 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #309954 - WEED vs BLU pl_upward Sixes RPI TF2 weed gamig 1 0 13:03 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #309954 - WEED vs BLU pl_upward Sixes RPI TF2 weed gamig 1 0 18:33 Remove log
Totals 3 0 58:00


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Blue Blue Pat4laifu Scout Soldier Sniper Demo Heavy 37 48 9 282 262 152 16383 15245 8870 5 2 22 2 7 57:17
Red Blue Blue keeper of lettuce Scout Sniper Soldier Pyro Spy 52 44 15 329 221 121 19127 12859 7046 6 0 38 10 2 57:29
Red Blue Blue pong_ Demo 60 35 15 519 333 258 30138 19357 15004 8 2 20 0 2 58:00
Red Blue Blue soyβ Engineer Medic 16 26 27 93 151 109 5397 8788 6326 3 0 8 0 2 57:55
Red Blue Blue sponky Heavy Soldier Pyro Scout 18 34 16 167 317 252 9730 18393 14655 4 1 24 0 1 57:35
Red Blue Blue TQ | Tallboi Medic 2 23 19 8 128 45 504 7472 2662 1 0 17 0 1 58:00
Blue Red Red dipp Soldier Sniper 58 36 15 405 251 203 23492 14572 11787 7 5 98 0 2 57:18
Blue Red Red bsian Demo Soldier 48 29 13 391 280 233 22696 16243 13535 9 2 18 0 5 56:24
Blue Red Red Metal Scout Medic 0 34 34 2 210 124 142 12205 7203 0 0 14 0 2 58:00
Blue Red Red Pokcet Medic Pyro 11 29 25 49 184 76 2848 10699 4441 3 0 13 0 5 57:15
Blue Red Red 2 Percent Milk Sniper Scout Engineer Heavy Spy 66 27 12 371 191 140 21535 11129 8177 9 0 24 21 1 57:25
Blue Red C0Y0TE Engineer Pyro Scout Demo Soldier Sniper 17 34 8 197 242 123 8856 10881 5555 4 0 23 0 4 44:21
Red Demopans | trade.tf Heavy Engineer 3 5 0 195 425 304 2545 5550 3971 2 0 13 0 3 13:03
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS HSK CPC Duration
Red 101 86 56 1468 1483 918 38771 39163 24244 8 3 63 4 8 28 26:24
Blue 84 106 47 1483 1468 858 39163 38771 22668 9 4 96 14 8 7 26:24
Red 44 36 16 1340 1393 1088 17497 18183 14202 5 1 61 7 5 3 13:03
Blue 35 47 18 1393 1340 935 18183 17497 12203 6 0 27 4 4 7 13:03
Red 75 52 44 1372 1311 959 25454 24325 17799 9 2 46 0 9 5 18:33
Blue 49 77 27 1311 1372 976 24325 25454 18116 4 2 39 4 3 9 18:33


Teams Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Blue Blue soyβ Medic 100% 544 15663 13 0 6 0 1 6 0:49 3 1 28:47
Red Blue Blue TQ | Tallboi Medic 100% 670 38900 19 0 0 5 0 288 2:48 7 0 58:00
Blue Red Red Metal Scout Medic 100% 427 24806 18 0 6 0 5 6 1:03 7 0 58:00
Blue Red Red Pokcet Medic 100% 585 29863 47 9 0 0 9 705 1:01 6 0 50:59



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Red 2 Percent Milk 12 6 4 20 3 4 6 10 1 66
Red Blue Blue pong_ 2 9 5 10 0 5 27 2 0 60
Blue Red Red dipp 12 7 2 10 4 3 14 5 1 58
Red Blue Blue keeper of lettuce 3 10 3 6 2 4 16 7 1 52
Blue Red Red bsian 10 8 2 7 5 4 11 1 0 48
Red Blue Blue Pat4laifu 5 11 3 5 1 3 6 3 0 37
Red Blue Blue sponky 2 5 3 4 0 0 4 0 0 18
Blue Red C0Y0TE 6 2 1 3 1 0 4 0 0 17
Red Blue Blue soyβ 5 2 3 2 0 0 2 2 0 16
Blue Red Red Pokcet 2 1 0 2 3 0 3 0 0 11
Red Demopans | trade.tf 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3
Red Blue Blue TQ | Tallboi 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Blue Blue Pat4laifu 6 16 2 9 2 3 2 5 0 45
Red Blue Blue keeper of lettuce 7 12 1 10 1 4 0 7 0 42
Red Blue Blue pong_ 7 9 2 5 0 5 0 7 0 35
Blue Red Red Metal Scout 4 5 2 20 0 2 0 1 0 34
Blue Red Red dipp 11 8 1 7 1 2 1 2 0 33
Blue Red C0Y0TE 7 7 0 10 2 3 1 3 0 33
Red Blue Blue sponky 7 8 3 8 1 1 1 3 0 32
Blue Red Red Pokcet 7 2 1 11 1 0 1 5 0 28
Blue Red Red 2 Percent Milk 9 2 1 4 0 5 1 5 0 27
Blue Red Red bsian 2 4 1 11 1 2 0 5 0 26
Red Blue Blue soyβ 3 11 2 7 0 0 0 3 0 26
Red Blue Blue TQ | Tallboi 3 8 1 8 0 1 1 1 0 23
Red Demopans | trade.tf 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 4


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Red 2 Percent Milk 14 10 6 21 3 4 9 10 1 78
Red Blue Blue pong_ 3 13 6 12 2 7 29 3 0 75
Blue Red Red dipp 14 8 2 15 9 3 16 5 1 73
Red Blue Blue keeper of lettuce 5 12 5 9 2 4 22 7 1 67
Blue Red Red bsian 16 10 3 9 5 4 12 2 0 61
Red Blue Blue Pat4laifu 6 14 4 7 1 3 7 4 0 46
Red Blue Blue soyβ 6 5 7 5 0 4 12 4 0 43
Blue Red Red Pokcet 4 5 2 6 4 3 9 2 1 36
Red Blue Blue sponky 4 8 5 6 0 1 8 2 0 34
Blue Red Red Metal Scout 7 7 2 5 4 1 7 1 0 34
Blue Red C0Y0TE 9 3 2 5 1 0 5 0 0 25
Red Blue Blue TQ | Tallboi 0 6 4 2 0 0 7 1 1 21
Red Demopans | trade.tf 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3


na.serveme.tf #309954 - BLU vs WEED

Time Team Player Kills
3:04 Blue 2 Percent Milk 3
8:29 Red Pat4laifu 3
9:26 Red pong_ 4
10:40 Blue 2 Percent Milk 4
12:12 Red pong_ 3
12:44 Red Pat4laifu 4
22:43 Blue dipp 3

na.serveme.tf #309954 - WEED vs BLU

Time Team Player Kills
1:41 Blue keeper of lettuce 3
6:04 Red bsian 3
10:35 Blue pong_ 3

na.serveme.tf #309954 - WEED vs BLU

Time Team Player Kills
4:02 Red dipp 4
8:45 Red 2 Percent Milk 3
11:12 Blue keeper of lettuce 3
11:39 Blue pong_ 3
13:25 Red 2 Percent Milk 3
17:04 Red dipp 3
17:41 Red dipp 3


na.serveme.tf #309954 - BLU vs WEED

Team Player Message
Red soyβ P
Red TQ | Tallboi wh
Red soyβ E
Red soyβ penes :D
Red soyβ chungas
Red TQ | Tallboi stay put im trickstabbing
Red soyβ big chunges
Red soyβ N
Red soyβ HACKER
Red soyβ hAX
Red pong_ haxor
Red sponky we ready?
Blue 2 Percent Milk yes
Blue bsian yeah
Blue dipp im playing spy
Red Pat4laifu Can I use noclip to find out where the sniper is?
Red sponky are you sure
Red sponky no restrictions means lmaobox isn't restricted right?
Blue bsian ow
Red soyβ xd
Red TQ | Tallboi oof
Blue dipp i did a speedshot
Blue dipp oof
Red keeper of lettuce gr

na.serveme.tf #309954 - WEED vs BLU

Team Player Message
Blue Pat4laifu I'll go jg
Blue sponky Does your team want to start on offense or defense?
Blue pong_ is that the real jack hoff?!
Blue TQ | Tallboi bruh
Blue pong_ nvm he fake
Blue TQ | Tallboi faker
Blue Pat4laifu how do you payload cactus?
Red dipp anyone here play tf2?
Blue pong_ no
Blue Pat4laifu possibly
Blue sponky never heard of it
Blue Pat4laifu Isn't this terraria?
Red dipp :O
Blue sponky No, this is Patrick
Blue sponky oh no you goombastomped me!
Blue pong_ super mario in tf2
Red dipp just saying
Red dipp we suck
Blue pong_ us too
Blue pong_ even fight
Red bsian do you guys have a preference for what side to start on
Blue sponky it's cool, it's just for fun my guy
Blue keeper of lettuce defense
Blue keeper of lettuce thanks
Blue Pat4laifu our 6th is busy playing some other game oof
Blue Pat4laifu Sorry for the delay
Red dipp i thought tf2 was the only game though
Red bsian np
Red dipp do you guys have tips for aim
Blue keeper of lettuce click on bodies
Blue pong_ dont
Blue sponky disable mouse accel
Blue keeper of lettuce keep health above 0
Blue Pat4laifu Uhh, lower sens and have it be comfortable
Blue Pat4laifu Joke tip is to just hit your shots
Blue sponky watch lazypurple's video if you whaven't already
Blue sponky haven't*
Blue Pat4laifu oh god he died
Blue pong_ red pill?
Blue sponky we wanted to go defense first if that's okay
Blue keeper of lettuce mp_switchteams
Red bsian oh yeah thats fine
Blue sponky ok cool
Blue soyβ yo mamium
Red dipp did he go off to find a girlfriend?
Blue sponky pat = big brother confirmed
Blue Pat4laifu w
Blue sponky cool he back
Blue Pat4laifu Wtf is a girlfriend
Red dipp is your sniper okay?
Blue sponky are any of us ok
Blue keeper of lettuce 100 ping moments
Blue sponky ^^^^
Red dipp just treat it like a pub
Red 2 Percent Milk did you walk off?
Red dipp worth?
Blue Pat4laifu I guess?
Blue TQ | Tallboi gg
Blue pong_ gg

na.serveme.tf #309954 - WEED vs BLU

Team Player Message
Red C0Y0TE april foold got us goog
Red dipp was is actually a prank or not
Blue sponky shh pls dont stress me
Blue sponky wtf
Blue pong_ what
Blue keeper of lettuce america explain
Red dipp our captain restarted
Blue pong_ why
Red dipp because he thought you guys actually died for no reason
Blue Pat4laifu Sorry
Blue TQ | Tallboi what
Blue pong_ bruh
Blue keeper of lettuce lmao
Red bsian were you trolling me
Blue keeper of lettuce bind key kill
Red 2 Percent Milk What are binds?
Blue Pat4laifu I was trying to joke around, sorry.
Blue sponky he was trying to do an april fools
Red bsian oh lol
Blue sponky and it failed miserably
Blue keeper of lettuce epic meme
Red C0Y0TE dirty scripters
Blue sponky 0/10 not funny
Blue sponky sorry blu
Blue TQ | Tallboi NO FUNI NO LAF
Red dipp whats the best tip to handle wrangler?
Blue pong_ leave
Blue Pat4laifu Defeat the boss battlwe
Blue TQ | Tallboi killbind
Blue keeper of lettuce f10+enter
Blue keeper of lettuce gg
Red 2 Percent Milk gg
Blue TQ | Tallboi gg
Blue Pat4laifu gg
Red Metal Scout gg