Log 2525715

D M Title Map Format RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
na.serveme.tf #312688 - penis vs brug koth_product_rcx Fours 4 1 22:56


Team Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS CPC Time Played
Red spoils (mood: garlic) Scout Soldier 32 24 8 324 235 112 7443 5404 2575 7 0 28 0 5 22:56
Red daneolog Scout Soldier Pyro Spy 23 22 12 329 227 140 7548 5219 3211 4 0 22 0 5 22:55
Red Mr. Bucket Soldier Pyro Demo 46 14 12 649 366 375 14896 8412 8614 23 1 12 0 3 22:56
Red Frug Medic Soldier 3 11 36 31 184 711 4239 0 2 0 29 0 6 22:56
Blue Sperrie Scout Soldier 25 22 13 389 374 232 8935 8580 5331 6 3 9 0 5 22:56
Blue Manikin Scout Demo Soldier Sniper 17 23 1 290 296 158 6668 6800 3639 4 0 19 0 2 22:56
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ Soldier Spy Engineer Pyro Heavy Demo 5 22 2 102 185 28 2352 4261 660 2 0 1 1 2 22:55
Blue XxpussydestroyedxX Demo Scout 5 6 0 56 69 30 1303 1583 705 2 0 0 0 0 3:28
Blue @kenny Medic Pyro 3 22 13 31 264 714 6072 0 1 0 12 0 2 22:56
Team Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS CPC Duration
Red 104 71 68 1334 1014 627 30598 23274 14400 23 1 91 0 19 7 22:56
Blue 55 95 29 870 1190 450 19972 27296 10335 6 3 41 1 11 4 22:56


Team Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Frug Medic 100% 615 13762 7 1 1 0:37 1 0 22:21
Blue @kenny Medic 100% 504 10973 4 1 0 0:00 1 0 21:46



Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Mr. Bucket 12 11 2 9 1 4 6 0 1 46
Red spoils (mood: garlic) 6 6 1 5 0 1 10 1 2 32
Blue Sperrie 13 4 2 1 0 0 3 0 2 25
Red daneolog 7 6 0 2 0 2 5 0 1 23
Blue Manikin 11 1 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 17
Blue XxpussydestroyedxX 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 5
Red Frug 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 3
Blue @kenny 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3


Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Manikin 9 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23
Blue @kenny 14 5 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 22
Blue Sperrie 9 9 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 22
Red daneolog 12 5 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 21
Red spoils (mood: garlic) 9 7 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 21
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ 9 9 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 20
Red Mr. Bucket 3 5 0 0 0 1 2 0 2 13
Red Frug 6 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 11
Blue XxpussydestroyedxX 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6


Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Mr. Bucket 14 15 2 9 1 4 11 0 2 58
Red spoils (mood: garlic) 7 8 1 7 1 1 12 1 2 40
Red Frug 13 8 0 5 0 4 4 0 5 39
Blue Sperrie 21 8 2 1 0 0 4 0 2 38
Red daneolog 9 7 1 3 0 3 11 0 1 35
Blue Manikin 11 1 1 0 0 0 5 0 0 18
Blue @kenny 8 7 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 16
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ 1 2 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 7
Blue XxpussydestroyedxX 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5


na.serveme.tf #312688 - penis vs brug

Time Team Player Kills
2:43 Red daneolog 3
3:48 Red Mr. Bucket 3
5:00 Blue Sperrie 3
6:16 Red Mr. Bucket 3
7:31 Red Mr. Bucket 3
8:20 Red Mr. Bucket 3
9:41 Blue Sperrie 5
15:52 Red Mr. Bucket 3
17:36 Red Mr. Bucket 3
21:55 Red Mr. Bucket 3


na.serveme.tf #312688 - penis vs brug

Team Player Message
Blue @kenny henlo stinky amphibian
Blue @kenny move fatty
Blue @kenny wrong
Red Frug nice
Blue @kenny shut up
Blue @kenny it's supposed to be from pack to pack
Blue @kenny REE
Blue @kenny FUCKL
Red Frug pack to pack ur supposed to do this
Blue @kenny whore
Red Frug sorry
Red Frug i did the jump though
Red Frug it takes 2 rockets
Blue @kenny it took me 43
Blue @kenny 3
Red Frug im bad though so i cant do it consistently
Blue @kenny bad
Blue @kenny ok nvm im bad
Red Frug bad gang
Blue @kenny FUCK
Blue @kenny MOVE
Blue @kenny ME
Blue @kenny FORWARD
Red Frug for some reason im really bad at this map
Red Frug it might just be koth or maybe its a bad soldier map idk
Red Frug but i never do good on this one
Blue @kenny u kill me
Blue @kenny im coming to eat you alive
Red Frug yes
Red Frug go huntsman i dare u
Blue @kenny or my monitor could turn off
Blue @kenny great
Blue @kenny i got you twice last night
Blue @kenny stfu
Red Frug ik but it was pure stupidity
Blue @kenny I GOTTOM
Red Frug they were the most unskilled kills
Blue @kenny and i take you original
Red Frug did u take my rocket launcher ..
Red Frug fucjker
Blue @kenny bad
Red Frug bruh
Red Frug im not here to fight
Blue @kenny yeah but
Blue @kenny i wanna see the ks
Blue @kenny wya kissy boy
Blue @kenny B)
Red Frug ez
Blue @kenny illl show u ez
Red Frug clern bad
Red Frug clern bad
Blue @kenny mf
Blue @kenny i was tabbed
Blue @kenny coward
Blue @kenny escape plan duel me
Blue @kenny w
Red Frug ok
Blue @kenny cmere bo
Red Frug ez
Blue @kenny range
Blue @kenny AIGHT BET
Blue @kenny REMATCH
Red Frug brug
Blue @kenny my brother has started saying brug btw
Blue @kenny help
Red Frug wtf
Red Frug is this real life
Blue @kenny yes
Red Frug where tf did he hear of it
Blue @kenny fight meeee
Blue @kenny WHAT
Red Frug ez
Blue @kenny PUSSY
Red Frug you will never beat me melee
Blue @kenny BET
Blue @kenny HJE JUST SAID IT
Blue @kenny AGAIN
Blue @kenny HE JUST GOES
Blue @kenny B R U G
Red Frug whut
Red Frug WTF
Red Frug why are u telling him the sacred words
Blue @kenny bruh
Red Frug brug*
Blue @kenny step outside sqaure if gay
Blue @kenny not fair
Blue @kenny you hit me while type
Blue @kenny where is everyone
Red Frug idk
Blue @kenny nOT FAIR
Red Frug lol how
Blue @kenny THAT DOES IT
Red Frug that does it lol
Red Frug what are u a 60 year old man
Blue @kenny are item servers down
Red Frug yea
Blue @kenny pog
Red Frug really
Blue @kenny yes
Blue @kenny im a coward
Red Frug ur criinge
Red Frug WHAT
Red Frug LO
Blue @kenny lol
Blue @kenny items are back
Red Frug bruh was afk
Blue @kenny bottleknight tf2
Red Frug WEHAT
Blue @kenny ahhahaha
Red Frug what is this strafe
Red Frug omg
Red Frug stop
Blue @kenny nah
Red Frug why are u a god demoknightt
Blue @kenny i mained demoknight
Blue @kenny forever ago
Red Frug slayer???
Blue @kenny still cant trimp good
Red Frug try and kill me lul
Red Frug bad
Blue @kenny close
Blue @kenny im not using tide turner
Blue @kenny so harder 2 strafe
Red Frug its harder without it
Blue @kenny exactly
Red Frug ohhh
Red Frug i thought u were using it lol
Blue @kenny im using targe
Blue @kenny upping sense
Blue @kenny bitch
Red Frug 23 damage burtg
Blue @kenny i cant do it
Blue @kenny lol
Red Frug lemme try
Red Frug im epioc
Red Frug use tide turner
Red Frug oh thats hard
Blue @kenny 1v1
Blue @kenny charge
Blue @kenny or no
Red Frug i have less health
Red Frug 175
Blue @kenny ez
Red Frug bruhhh
Blue @kenny bottleknight tf2
Red Frug ur cringe health pack
Red Frug ez
Blue @kenny ah shit
Red Frug noobo
Blue @kenny ok
Red Frug lol
Blue @kenny >complains about hp pack
Blue @kenny >grabs one
Blue @kenny >nearly dies again
Red Frug lmao
Blue @kenny >retreats to spawn
Red Frug im a gamer
Blue @kenny ok
Blue @kenny PUSSY
Red Frug u healed :(
Blue @kenny SO DID U
Red Frug trey to hit me
Blue @kenny twice
Blue @kenny resupply and pack
Blue @kenny literally impossible
Red Frug get cucked
Blue @kenny thats it
Blue @kenny y o u l l s e e
Blue @kenny cmere
Blue @kenny pussy
Blue @kenny come out
Red Frug can u hit me at this range
Blue @kenny no
Red Frug how ab now
Blue @kenny yees
Blue @kenny makes melee hit noise
Blue @kenny doesnt reg
Blue @kenny bad
Blue @kenny good shield switch
Red Frug lol its worse
Blue @kenny atleast u can crit
Red Frug bruh
Blue @kenny brug
Red Frug the only time u can beat me is when im not moving
Blue @kenny ok
Blue @kenny bet
Red Frug watch
Blue @kenny lol
Red Frug i got a popup and was reading it
Blue @kenny we were fighting
Red Frug WHAT
Blue @kenny bad
Red Frug bad
Blue @kenny ah well
Blue @kenny fucked up the charge
Blue @kenny !extend
Blue @kenny should i do an @here
Red Frug yea
Red Frug also dm people personall
Blue @kenny im nervous
Red Frug personally
Blue @kenny you do that
Red Frug we should get at least 4 people
Blue @kenny not me
Red Frug im inviting ppl
Red Frug only 2 people in the discord are on tf2
Red Frug other than us
Blue @kenny sperrie right
Red daneolog yo i just beat an 86-jump jump map
Red daneolog if this doesn't warm me up for the pug i don't know what will
Red Frug lol jump map is warmup?
Blue @kenny wanna see what i was talking ab dane
Red daneolog i mean
Red daneolog it's 86 jumps
Red daneolog so it should at least wake me up
Red daneolog and yeah show me
Red daneolog /spec kenny
Red daneolog fuck
Red daneolog do the jump owo
Red daneolog i'm watching
Blue @kenny aight it might take a few tries
Red daneolog aight
Blue @kenny liek that
Red Frug where is he
Red daneolog it's just the walljump?
Red daneolog from cliff to concrete?
Red daneolog why is the team penis lmfao
Red Frug team penis..
Red Frug IKR
Blue @kenny it needs work but you need to speedshot off the ground
Red daneolog huh okay
Red daneolog lemme try
Blue @kenny or that
Red daneolog yeah you can fulljump
Red Frug kenny is just a newb jumper
Red daneolog ^^^
Blue @kenny bomb the frug
Blue @kenny make it like syria
Red Frug we need peopelele
Red daneolog wait can kenny do process rollout
Red daneolog kenny
Blue @kenny fuck no
Red daneolog rly?
Blue @kenny that shit hard
Red daneolog lemme teach u
Red daneolog soz
Red daneolog sperrie have you seen my gardener
Blue Sperrie what am i lookin at
Red Frug kenny can u do an @here
Red daneolog its' a uh
Blue @kenny uh
Blue @kenny zeus did one
Red Frug ah
Red daneolog it's just a gardener
Blue @kenny so im nervous to do it
Red spoils (mood: garlic) yo homies
Blue @kenny hey smoothie
Red daneolog wait can we exchange gardeners i wanna see yours
Blue Manikin Sperrie, what do u want me to say in spanish?
Red spoils (mood: garlic) me and manikin just got back from a sweaty session of domming each other
Blue Manikin ye
Red daneolog LOL
Blue Manikin was greta
Blue Sperrie hahah
Blue Manikin Great*
Blue @kenny great
Red daneolog yo drop ur mg
Red daneolog i need to see
Red daneolog f
Blue @kenny airshot B)
Blue @kenny OH DANE
Blue @kenny DID YOU SEE THAT
Red daneolog no
Blue Sperrie on a soldier that was standing still
Blue @kenny I DEEED IT
Red daneolog lmao
Blue @kenny :(((
Blue Sperrie give this man a medal
Red Frug lmao
Blue @kenny im cool
Red daneolog sperrie's mad cuz bad
Blue Sperrie im so shit bruh
Red daneolog fuck you can't mad milk
Red daneolog yo
Blue @kenny dc
Red daneolog kenny
Blue @kenny i die
Red spoils (mood: garlic) at least youre not hot shit
Red daneolog can you temporarily exec a casual config
Red daneolog psl
Red daneolog pls
Red spoils (mood: garlic) no
Red Frug bruh ive lost every mge ever
Red daneolog pls
Red daneolog just
Red daneolog just one time
Red daneolog i promise you
Blue Sperrie frug dont feel bad about losing mge
Red daneolog like 5 seconds and you can change back
Red daneolog kenny pls
Red spoils (mood: garlic) no feel bad frug
Red daneolog i'll give you a key
Red Frug i dont
Blue Sperrie the negative elo
Blue @kenny i dun wanna
Red Frug i just feel bad about losing EVERY mge
Red daneolog PLS
Blue Sperrie may be cringe
Red daneolog 2 KEYS
Red daneolog I'LL GIVE YOU 2 KEYS
Blue Sperrie but ur heart is right
Blue @kenny 3 and ill do it
Red daneolog nah 3 is too much
Blue @kenny 3 or nuthin
Red daneolog dammit
Red daneolog how much for the rcon pass
Blue @kenny keys first
Blue @kenny 34
Red daneolog jesus
Blue @kenny 3
Red daneolog oh
Red spoils (mood: garlic) im domming mani in public
Red spoils (mood: garlic) uwu
Red daneolog rLMAO
Blue Manikin uwu
Blue Sperrie estoy cringe lice
Blue @kenny ill dom you in private clern
Red spoils (mood: garlic) no
Blue @kenny ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Red spoils (mood: garlic) wtf kenny
Red daneolog lmao
Red spoils (mood: garlic) get back
Red daneolog HAHAAHA
Red spoils (mood: garlic) i have jesus
Blue Sperrie wait
Blue Sperrie its tu es cringe
Blue Sperrie not soy
Blue Sperrie that means im cringe
Blue Sperrie but...
Blue Sperrie i am
Red daneolog that's what he meant
Blue @kenny im getting a 7th
Red spoils (mood: garlic) Bagels it is then.
Blue Sperrie Starbucks it is.
Red daneolog LMAO
Blue Manikin yo i have a question
Blue Manikin how old are yall?
Red daneolog 15
Red spoils (mood: garlic) does starbucks have bagels tho
Blue @kenny 14
Blue Sperrie ken is a kid
Red spoils (mood: garlic) im 9
Red spoils (mood: garlic) mani uwu
Red daneolog he's like 16
Blue @kenny leave me alone sperrie
Blue Manikin lul
Red spoils (mood: garlic) stfu
Blue @kenny im a better medic than you at 14
Red daneolog sperrie's like 30
Red daneolog i think
Blue @kenny give me that
Blue @kenny B(
Blue Sperrie im just sayin that cause peeps be hittin on you like you 99
Blue Manikin i feel old
Blue Sperrie that shit gonna land them right in jail
Red Frug sperrie is 30
Red daneolog bendera's like 40
Red daneolog +
Red daneolog i don't know
Red spoils (mood: garlic) sperrie bout to go through a mid life crisis
Blue @kenny deadass
Red Frug she is surrounded by 12 year old boys
Blue Manikin k now i feel younger
Blue @kenny sperrie is 30?
Blue Sperrie yea benda actually 40
Blue Sperrie im not 30
Red daneolog sperrie sounds like
Red daneolog an adult
Blue Sperrie im 19
Red daneolog i'd say 20
Red daneolog oh wow
Blue @kenny lol
Red daneolog nvm
Red daneolog yeah 20's right
Red daneolog 19 but like
Red Frug who tf said shes 30
Red daneolog close enough
Red spoils (mood: garlic) wait
Red daneolog it's the mom joke
Blue Sperrie get owned
Red spoils (mood: garlic) my sisters older than you
Red daneolog except
Red daneolog also applied to sperire
Red spoils (mood: garlic) smh my head
Red daneolog not just august
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ oi guyz
Blue @kenny im stealing your rl
Red daneolog hiyo
Red Frug LOL
Blue Sperrie cringe cringe cringe
Red daneolog god i wish i could pin that
Red Frug what is this phat lag
Red Frug the columbia experienc
Red spoils (mood: garlic) daneolog: august kinda has that mommy energy though
Red Frug frug: i kinda agree
Red daneolog she do tho
Red spoils (mood: garlic) wtf
Red spoils (mood: garlic) get back
Red spoils (mood: garlic) all of you
Blue Sperrie how is drugs by a pond mommy energy
Blue Sperrie thats crackhead energy
Red spoils (mood: garlic) meth energy actually
Blue Sperrie fine
Red daneolog IT'S NOT METH
Blue Sperrie meth
Red daneolog it's amphetamines
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ potadoe samlad
Red spoils (mood: garlic) ok crackhead
Blue @kenny i sell august drugs
Red daneolog don't start spreading rumors about mom- i mean august
Blue @kenny she only buys herion
Blue @kenny get it right
Blue @kenny tard
Blue Sperrie cringing
Red Frug i dont understand drugs
Red Frug they taste bad
Red daneolog i dont understand cringe
Blue @kenny crater
Blue @kenny B)
Red Frug i eat dru g
Red spoils (mood: garlic) im on drugs rn
Red daneolog anxiety pills?
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ I eat podatoes
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ potadoes
Blue Sperrie how do i mute a person again
Red spoils (mood: garlic) yes
Red spoils (mood: garlic) i want to die
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ dopeatos
Red daneolog podadoes*
Blue Manikin dejen de dar cringe, por favor
Blue @kenny dont mute me sperrie
Blue @kenny B(
Red Frug thats the person that gets votekicked in pubs
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ callate conchetumadre
Red spoils (mood: garlic) concho
Blue Manikin no gracias
Blue Sperrie im not muting you i was muting the person spamming the sad waltz
Blue Manikin tkm
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ okei vale
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ yo tambien a ti
Blue @kenny candle is also columbian mani
Red Frug so lagggyyyyy
Red daneolog what's sad waltz
Blue Sperrie manikin will you give me sniper lessons
Blue Manikin Pensé que chilena xd
Red spoils (mood: garlic) rocket jump waltz
Blue Sperrie it was the rocket jump waltz
Blue Manikin Sure, why not
Red spoils (mood: garlic) its got 9/11 energy now
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ es que soy comediante
Red daneolog wait who's spamming rocket jump waltz
Red daneolog i wanna hear
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ me B)
Red daneolog oh
Blue @kenny aight uh'
Blue @kenny din
Blue Manikin Suponiendo que eres mujer
Red daneolog yup that's definitely waltz
Blue @kenny pog
Blue Sperrie alrighty muted
Red spoils (mood: garlic) we're together manikin
Red daneolog LMAO
Red spoils (mood: garlic) on team penis
Blue Manikin Pues muy chistosa
Red spoils (mood: garlic) gtfo dane
Blue @kenny aw
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ team brug
Red spoils (mood: garlic) this isnt for homos
Red Frug i can get another person but idek if this will start
Red daneolog :|
Blue @kenny dont meat candle
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ team donks
Blue @kenny shes a good girl
Blue Sperrie to late
Blue @kenny oof
Red daneolog 'meat candle'?
Red daneolog wut
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ i spammed it for like 5 seconds lol
Blue Sperrie mute
Red spoils (mood: garlic) sperrie meated your girl?
Red spoils (mood: garlic) smh
Red daneolog f
Blue @kenny you guys take the piss out of me for everything huh
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ halp
Red spoils (mood: garlic) yes
Blue Sperrie owned owned owned
Red daneolog wouldn't you want not to have piss inside you
Red daneolog isn't that like the purpose of peeing
Blue Sperrie da bruh
Blue Manikin lmao
Red spoils (mood: garlic) no i pee for the feeling
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ weirdo
Red daneolog fbi this man right here
Red daneolog it changed when i saw it
Red daneolog big F
Red spoils (mood: garlic) frug has dialup
Blue Sperrie wow i have good ping today
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ no
Red spoils (mood: garlic) frug BAD
Blue Sperrie thats nice
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ not foni
Red daneolog kenny
Blue @kenny aight
Red daneolog i did the full rollout
Red daneolog to opp concrete
Red spoils (mood: garlic) i miss having 40ms ping
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ i gave my rocket jumper to some newbie who wanted to rockeet jump
Blue @kenny anyone have one more person?
Red Frug i do
Red spoils (mood: garlic) me and mani can hook you up in 9 months
Red spoils (mood: garlic) if you get what im saying
Red daneolog jesus christ
Red spoils (mood: garlic) i want to die
Blue Manikin I have gf, sorry
Red spoils (mood: garlic) its me isnt it
Blue @kenny POG
Red daneolog oof u got rejected by mani
Red daneolog LOL
Red spoils (mood: garlic) OH FUCK
Red spoils (mood: garlic) ITS MGE LORD
Red daneolog OH FUCK
Red Frug yes i am mani's girlfriend
Red spoils (mood: garlic) ITS FRUG'S COACH
Red Frug LOL
Blue @kenny aigh
Red Frug my master has joined
Red spoils (mood: garlic) mani may i speak to your gf
Red spoils (mood: garlic) it will be a very civil conversation
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ whats happening
Red spoils (mood: garlic) involving a transaction of money
Blue @kenny pug timee
Blue @kenny 4's or wit
Blue Sperrie so im ngl i saw frug on a mge server and he was fuccin a med
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ pug
Blue Sperrie exposed
Blue Manikin Can somebody tell me if u can hear me on discord?
Red spoils (mood: garlic) frug is germansexual
Blue @kenny 4' or wait?
Red Frug i said never to speak of that
Red Frug mometn
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ Ded
Red daneolog i'm gonna restart
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ i love my spy loadout
Blue Sperrie i gotta expose you for the cringer you are
Red Frug im so cringe
Red spoils (mood: garlic) yoo my viewmodels are fixed today
Red Frug (mansex)
Blue Manikin Porque taunteasss
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ por que soy pro
Blue @kenny candle you still have all the old cosmetics i gave you?
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ comolaves
Blue Sperrie mani say i love starbucks but in a sexy voice
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ OWIE
Red spoils (mood: garlic) sperrie he has a bf
Red spoils (mood: garlic) and its me
Red Frug i wanna hear that
Blue @kenny yes
Blue Sperrie aint nobody stealing your man cringer
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ FUCKING HELL
Red spoils (mood: garlic) yeah but you lied
Red Frug nope
Red Frug bucket mge me in mid
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ im too dum for this game
Red spoils (mood: garlic) mani wtf are you cheating on me
Blue Manikin Pls join discord and help me pls...
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ WHY AM I SO FAST?
Blue @kenny im in v
Red Frug stop killing my master
Blue @kenny cant hear you mani
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ Troliada
Blue Sperrie stop saying master you cringer
Red daneolog i can hear mani
Blue Sperrie first the med mge then this
Red Frug bucket is my senpai
Red spoils (mood: garlic) frug BAD
Blue Sperrie im gonna be sick
Red spoils (mood: garlic) oh was it the one where frug lost to a med?
Red Frug shut up
Red Mr. Bucket i did not concent to this relationship
Red Frug why is evreyone exposing me toda
Red spoils (mood: garlic) was it a different med
Red spoils (mood: garlic) or was it me
Red Frug ive lost to many meds
Blue Sperrie exposed...
Red spoils (mood: garlic) b r u h
Blue Manikin k lets pic
Red daneolog kan i pic
Red spoils (mood: garlic) frug BAD
Blue @kenny aight
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ only i can epic
Blue @kenny who cap first
Blue Sperrie can i be on mani's team
Red spoils (mood: garlic) no me
Blue Sperrie am trying tae learn espanol
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ OWIE
Red daneolog wowie zowie
Red Frug spec
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ manikin gonna spec me aimbotting
Red spoils (mood: garlic) yes master
Blue Sperrie nice try dane
Blue Manikin claro, vamos a ver como juegas
Blue @kenny aight who's cap firs
Blue Sperrie uhh
Blue Sperrie mani cap
Red daneolog i wanna cap
Red Frug bucket spectate tt
Blue Sperrie bruh
Red Frug ill cap
Red daneolog yey
Red spoils (mood: garlic) frug v bucket
Blue @kenny erika
Red Frug NO
Red daneolog nuu
Blue @kenny spec
Red spoils (mood: garlic) YES
Blue Manikin Whos picking?
Red daneolog i wanna frug
Blue Sperrie im cringing
Red spoils (mood: garlic) frug and bucket
Red daneolog why bucket :(
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ im spec nao
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ am i cool?
Blue Manikin Gracias
Red spoils (mood: garlic) its the rematch of the century
Blue Manikin Sisas
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ dale pue
Red daneolog wait who's bucket
Red daneolog is he the mge lord
Red spoils (mood: garlic) yes
Red daneolog oh god
Blue Manikin Bucket go mge
Red spoils (mood: garlic) bucket wins
Red Frug iwill defeat him
Red daneolog bucket mge me
Red Frug one day
Red spoils (mood: garlic) by a landslide
Red spoils (mood: garlic) bucket pick
Red daneolog bucket pls mge me
Blue Sperrie ownage
Red Frug no
Red Mr. Bucket idk what is going on
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ boket
Red Frug he is too good for u
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ everyone go to team penis
Red daneolog FUCK LOL
Red Frug bruh
Red spoils (mood: garlic) 50% of the people on team penis dont have a penis
Red spoils (mood: garlic) bruh moment
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ now lets bully frug
Red Frug no :(
Red daneolog um
Red daneolog well
Red spoils (mood: garlic) yes
Red Frug bucket join me
Red daneolog no
Red daneolog only 1
Red daneolog *cough*
Red daneolog wait no 2 nvm
Red spoils (mood: garlic) im counting you too dane
Red daneolog ah yes
Red daneolog i haven't had my operation yet tho
Blue @kenny ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Blue @kenny ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Red Frug k
Blue @kenny HAHAH
Blue Sperrie ...
Red spoils (mood: garlic) frug is ez
Red daneolog LOL
Red daneolog YEAH
Red daneolog frug and his master v everyone else
Red Frug cringe
Red spoils (mood: garlic) e b i c
Blue Sperrie youve summoned the cringe
Red spoils (mood: garlic) dane bad
Red daneolog FRUG DIED LMAO
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ Thankz
Red Frug brug
Red Frug someoen else join us
Red Frug anyone
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ frug got dominated
Red spoils (mood: garlic) AAAAAAAAA
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ WOW
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ hax
Red spoils (mood: garlic) bucket carry
Red daneolog oh god
Red daneolog LOL FRUG'S ARROW
Red Frug sperrie bad
Blue Sperrie hh
Blue Sperrie help
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ hax
Blue Sperrie h-help me mani
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ i cant deal with this mfucking spahs
Red spoils (mood: garlic) stop seducing my bf
Blue Manikin Join discord pls...
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ Trolled
Red spoils (mood: garlic) wait i can bully kenny
Red daneolog we did it
Blue @kenny so guys
Blue @kenny we did it
Red daneolog boiiii
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ FUCKING SCOOOOT
Red daneolog we reached
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ i dont like scots no more
Red daneolog a quarter of a million direct hit kills
Blue Sperrie help me ken
Blue @kenny okay
Blue Sperrie ken??
Blue @kenny i needed to ehal mannii
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ three hundred thousand
Blue @kenny 4 is lame
Red daneolog FUCK LMAO
Red spoils (mood: garlic) i had to
Blue Sperrie i have ears bruh
Red daneolog why did sperrie stay back i dont
Red daneolog i don't
Red spoils (mood: garlic) to bully kenny
Blue Manikin Dude i need to hear the calls
Red daneolog i know but wh
Red daneolog you were leaving
Red daneolog why did you have to come back *cri*
Blue Manikin And u are not on discord
Blue Manikin none of yall
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ aye did it
Red spoils (mood: garlic) sperrie let me bully
Red daneolog like fuck
Red daneolog okay
Red spoils (mood: garlic) dane BAD
Red daneolog shuddup
Blue Sperrie nice try
Red spoils (mood: garlic) teamwork is gey
Red spoils (mood: garlic) frug BAD
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ owie
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ yall are rude
Red spoils (mood: garlic) BUCKET CARRY
Red daneolog we did it bois
Red daneolog pog
Blue @kenny sham
Red Frug netflix is gay
Red spoils (mood: garlic) frug is on dialup
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ Gruh team is crimj and stoopid
Blue Sperrie we win
Blue Manikin Im on discordd aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Red daneolog LOL
Blue Sperrie alright scout it is
Red Frug uh oh
Red daneolog Starbucks it is.
Blue Sperrie Starbucks it is.
Red daneolog FUCK
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ crimj
Red daneolog crimje
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ i dont wanna be dominated
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ waaaaa
Red daneolog then dominate me then owo
Red spoils (mood: garlic) eww danes straight
Red daneolog omegalul
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ OWIE
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ bucket youre rude
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ i suck at this game
Red Frug you scum
Red spoils (mood: garlic) dane carry
Blue Sperrie I don't speak spanish...pero...no entiendo perdiendo. Yo solo quiero ganar...for Starbucks...por favor...si?
Red daneolog dane carry
Blue Sperrie I don't speak spanish...pero...no entiendo perdiendo. Yo solo quiero ganar...for Starbucks...por favor...si?
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ OWIE
Red spoils (mood: garlic) dane bad
Red spoils (mood: garlic) wait no he lived
Red spoils (mood: garlic) fuck
Blue Sperrie Starbucks it is.
Red daneolog sperrie is fucking terrifying
Red daneolog don't @ me
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ Booket man is crimj and not foni
Red spoils (mood: garlic) how do i fight a pocket scout
Red spoils (mood: garlic) who do i hit first
Red spoils (mood: garlic) my head
Red daneolog RIGHT?!
Red daneolog HOLY SHIT
Red daneolog that's the exact problem i had
Red daneolog sperrie can u pls not have pocket
Red daneolog or at least frug can u pocket me
Red daneolog lmao
Red daneolog oh god
Red spoils (mood: garlic) why is manikin so healthy
Blue @kenny arrow
Blue @kenny am god
Red daneolog he heats veggies
Blue Sperrie cause our med owns
Red daneolog eats*
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ Damn it
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ brb guys
Red daneolog this is unfair
Red daneolog reee
Red daneolog also my sound is fuckin up
Red spoils (mood: garlic) penis gang
Red daneolog lmao
Red daneolog penis gang
Red spoils (mood: garlic) frug bad
Blue @kenny why is everyone blu
Red daneolog idk
Red daneolog fUU LMAO
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ back
Red spoils (mood: garlic) dane come back
Red spoils (mood: garlic) you dont have a penis
Red spoils (mood: garlic) you cant be on that team
Red daneolog yes i do
Red daneolog reee
Blue Sperrie I don't speak spanish...pero...no entiendo perdiendo. Yo solo quiero ganar...for Starbucks...por favor...si?
Blue Sperrie I don't speak spanish...pero...no entiendo perdiendo. Yo solo quiero ganar...for Starbucks...por favor...si?
Blue Sperrie I don't speak spanish...pero...no entiendo perdiendo. Yo solo quiero ganar...for Starbucks...por favor...si?
Blue Sperrie I don't speak spanish...pero...no entiendo perdiendo. Yo solo quiero ganar...for Starbucks...por favor...si?
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ sperrie para porfa
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ apestas
Red daneolog f
Red daneolog lmfao
Blue Sperrie I don't speak spanish...pero...no entiendo perdiendo. Yo solo quiero ganar...for Starbucks...por favor...si?
Red spoils (mood: garlic) wtf you killed my waifu
Red Frug sperrie stop
Red Frug this is bullying
Blue Sperrie stop what
Red spoils (mood: garlic) get bullied
Red spoils (mood: garlic) dane come back
Red spoils (mood: garlic) actually
Red Frug 5v
Red Frug 3
Red daneolog oik
Blue @kenny we're wing
Red spoils (mood: garlic) ty
Red daneolog we're wing lolz
Blue Sperrie I don't speak spanish...pero...no entiendo perdiendo. Yo solo quiero ganar...for Starbucks...por favor...si?
Red Frug 5v3 nice
Red spoils (mood: garlic) 4v4 now
Red daneolog ye
Red spoils (mood: garlic) why does kenny have 2 pocket scouts
Red spoils (mood: garlic) im fuming
Red daneolog FUCK
Red daneolog i was aiming at the health pack
Red daneolog for obvious reasons
Red daneolog but like
Blue @kenny where
Blue @kenny you just
Red spoils (mood: garlic) i killed your pocket sperrie
Red spoils (mood: garlic) how does it feel
Blue @kenny appear
Red spoils (mood: garlic) SODERS' SPIRIT LIVES IN ME
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ sodada
Blue Sperrie i cant protect and kill 2 ppl at once breh
Red spoils (mood: garlic) wait thats not kenny
Red daneolog WE DID IT BOIS
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ Item server down
Red daneolog IS IT?
Red daneolog is it?
Red daneolog oowd
Red daneolog oof
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ its down
Red daneolog rip
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ i cant play heavy now
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ Fuck i gotta go
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ bye guys
Blue @kenny erika heavy is banend in 4s
Red daneolog F
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ lol fr
Blue @kenny yes
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ anyways
Blue Candle Queen ⚧ bye
Blue Sperrie manis making a phone call to the colombians
Red spoils (mood: garlic) i stole sperrie's gun
Red Frug lmao
Red spoils (mood: garlic) stonks
Red daneolog STONKS
Red daneolog sell that shit on CM
Red spoils (mood: garlic) OH FUCK
Red daneolog wtf
Red daneolog pussydestroyed
Blue @kenny he was shredding last night
Red daneolog wut
Red spoils (mood: garlic) no shit
Red daneolog rip
Red spoils (mood: garlic) why am i so much better today
Red spoils (mood: garlic) what happened yesterday
Blue @kenny WHY
Red spoils (mood: garlic) get bullied
Red spoils (mood: garlic) idk blame your pocket
Red daneolog jesus sperrie just airshotted me
Blue @kenny THAT WAS ME
Blue @kenny ACTUALLY
Red spoils (mood: garlic) yes i know
Red daneolog you both did
Red spoils (mood: garlic) then kenny fucking died
Red daneolog WHAT THE FUCK
Blue @kenny BAD
Blue @kenny BAD
Blue Sperrie ken BEAST
Red daneolog I SMACKED HIM 2 TIMES
Blue @kenny WHYYYYY
Red spoils (mood: garlic) how low were you kennethy
Red spoils (mood: garlic) answer me
Red daneolog kennethy
Blue XxpussydestroyedxX jesus