Log 2560929

D M Title Map Format RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
WebAmigos - BLU vs RED cp_snakewater_final1 Prolander 0 4 29:38


Team Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Nico Scout Sniper 32 24 7 336 206 108 9984 6128 3230 4 0 11 9 4 29:38
Red inara Scout Sniper Engineer Pyro 25 18 10 260 194 113 7731 5778 3350 5 0 27 5 1 29:38
Red necropsy Scout Spy 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 None 0 0 0 0 10:45
Red 37 Soldier 0 2 0 15 25 14 460 768 440 0 0 6 0 0 26:45
Red @ogbigrush Soldier 1 2 0 13 30 35 410 915 1044 1 0 2 0 0 19:32
Red na maré do azar nois surfa Soldier Scout 9 11 3 104 114 61 3104 3400 1828 4 0 11 0 2 11:31
Red nattanmlk Soldier Heavy 12 25 3 181 233 91 5375 6910 2720 3 2 30 0 1 28:21
Red leozera Soldier Spy 4 14 1 83 159 64 2487 4739 1917 2 2 16 0 0 26:11
Red mesg Demo 20 19 6 266 315 232 7897 9337 6886 4 3 32 0 3 29:24
Red maddox Medic 1 15 13 26 170 781 5049 0 1 0 25 0 2 29:38
Blue jorge Scout 22 18 13 229 177 103 6788 5255 3059 7 0 17 0 11 29:38
Blue watermelon sugar Scout 33 18 17 380 245 192 11268 7284 5699 9 0 36 0 8 29:38
Blue rockbye Soldier 18 23 8 167 199 88 4961 5921 2628 3 2 54 0 3 29:38
Blue termite_ Soldier 37 17 6 394 260 169 11695 7719 5031 7 7 72 0 3 29:38
Blue kawin Demo 13 19 6 244 286 195 7245 8494 5796 4 1 54 0 2 29:38
Blue nitrix Medic 6 9 15 36 120 1067 3556 0 2 0 6 0 6 29:38
Team Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS HSK CPC Duration
Red 104 131 43 1290 1451 722 38229 43024 21415 5 7 160 14 13 11 29:38
Blue 129 104 65 1451 1290 749 43024 38229 22213 9 10 239 0 33 11 29:38


Team Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red maddox Medic 100% 722 21415 12 0 0 0:00 2 0 29:38
Blue nitrix Medic 100% 749 22213 11 0 1 0:12 3 0 29:38



Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue termite_ 7 18 0 4 0 0 5 2 1 37
Blue watermelon sugar 10 6 1 7 0 0 3 6 0 33
Red Nico 7 18 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 32
Red inara 11 5 0 7 0 0 2 0 0 25
Blue jorge 3 12 0 0 0 0 4 3 0 22
Red mesg 10 5 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 20
Blue rockbye 4 10 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 18
Blue kawin 5 4 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 13
Red nattanmlk 3 3 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 12
Red na maré do azar nois surfa 3 5 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 9
Blue nitrix 1 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 6
Red leozera 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
Red maddox 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Red @ogbigrush 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1


Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red nattanmlk 12 11 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 25
Red Nico 13 7 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 24
Blue rockbye 6 9 0 4 0 0 1 3 0 23
Blue kawin 7 5 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 19
Red mesg 7 6 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 19
Blue jorge 8 0 0 7 0 0 0 3 0 18
Blue watermelon sugar 5 8 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 18
Red inara 9 7 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 18
Blue termite_ 10 2 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 17
Red maddox 7 6 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 15
Red leozera 3 10 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 14
Red na maré do azar nois surfa 4 6 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 11
Blue nitrix 4 2 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 9
Red 37 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2
Red @ogbigrush 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1


Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue watermelon sugar 12 11 1 14 0 0 6 6 0 50
Blue termite_ 8 21 0 5 0 0 6 2 1 43
Red Nico 11 19 0 6 0 0 3 0 0 39
Red inara 14 10 0 8 0 0 3 0 0 35
Blue jorge 4 16 1 2 0 0 8 4 0 35
Blue rockbye 6 12 0 3 0 0 1 4 0 26
Red mesg 11 8 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 26
Blue nitrix 5 6 0 7 0 0 1 2 0 21
Blue kawin 7 6 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 19
Red nattanmlk 3 6 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 15
Red maddox 4 9 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 14
Red na maré do azar nois surfa 4 6 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 12
Red leozera 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 5
Red @ogbigrush 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1


WebAmigos - BLU vs RED

Time Team Player Kills
3:48 Blue watermelon sugar 3
4:44 Blue watermelon sugar 3
9:09 Red Nico 4
16:35 Red inara 4
18:33 Blue termite_ 3
22:20 Red mesg 3
23:33 Blue termite_ 4
24:50 Blue watermelon sugar 3
25:36 Red mesg 3
26:45 Blue termite_ 3


WebAmigos - BLU vs RED

Team Player Message
Blue nitrix .ss
Red na maré do azar nois surfa que agonia
Red @ogbigrush .
Blue jorge flaw
Red @ogbigrush nico
Blue jorge sik
Red @ogbigrush ianra
Red mesg $$$$$$$$ ~ as picks começaram ~ $$$$$$$$
Blue jorge nitrix
Red Nico puta
Red mesg hello nitrix
Red mesg my friend from colombia
Blue nitrix HI
Red mesg nice to meet you
Red mesg very good yes yes
Red @ogbigrush megs
Blue jorge kawin
Blue nitrix MEGS HEAVY
Red @ogbigrush maddox
Blue jorge rockbye
Red @ogbigrush nick :(
Red 37 kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Red mesg $$$$$$$$ ]
Red Nico bom dia siki
Red @ogbigrush meu querido amigo
Red @ogbigrush nattan
Red @ogbigrush sobe no meu lugar
Red mesg $%$% ´´ MORREU?? HUEHUEHUE ´´ $%$%
Red @ogbigrush gostei da uber
Blue termite_ jkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Red mesg boa sik
Red mesg $%$% ´´ MORREU?? HUEHUEHUE ´´ $%$%
Blue termite_ eu sou um idiota
Blue termite_ meu deus do ceu
Blue termite_ kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Red mesg o scout dos cara ta com fake lag
Red @ogbigrush sobe um
Red @ogbigrush a o nattan ta
Blue watermelon sugar tomei pau
Red leozera @ogbigrush: sobe no meu lugar
Red leozera se falo isso
Red mesg daniel é o homem mais burro de angola
Red inara dei 220
Red leozera percebeu agora ?
Red na maré do azar nois surfa até caiu
Red inara meu sold ficou olhando
Red inara vcs me matarem
Red inara snipou vcs com rocket
Blue watermelon sugar tomei meatshot por tras
Blue watermelon sugar so assim me matou
Red Nico ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Blue kawin para ai por favor.
Blue kawin :(
Blue jorge que isso xandy
Blue watermelon sugar ops
Blue jorge caralho xandy
Blue jorge dando pau em todos
Red Nico ᵇʳᵘʰ
Red nattanmlk OK
Blue jorge 5
Blue jorge 4
Blue jorge vai a merda nicowilis
Red Nico jorge -_
Red nattanmlk MOUSE OM
Red necropsy rtv
Red necropsy kkkkk coitado
Red mesg bota gullywash ai adm
Blue termite_ cala boca vesgo
Red mesg gg
Red Nico ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Blue termite_ boa trap
Red @ogbigrush pq minha seleção nao está ganhando?
Red Nico ᵇʳᵘʰ
Red necropsy *SPEC* 9mm infrared beam : 0.0
Red necropsy j?u?li^______ : este mix va a ser una poronga
Red necropsy j?u?li^______ : este mix va a ser una poronga
Red @ogbigrush caraio bind do juli dai mandou em viado
Red necropsy nem sei quem é juli
Red Nico como
Red @ogbigrush juli é o player mais balosdo da comundiade
Red nattanmlk MOUSE TOP
Blue termite_ ?
Red na maré do azar nois surfa kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Red mesg ta de wallhack
Red mesg o nitrix]
Red @ogbigrush kkkkkk nico
Red Nico :#
Red necropsy nitrix é gringo?
Red @ogbigrush Sim
Red necropsy se for tem grandes chances
Red necropsy de trapacear
Blue watermelon sugar a no
Red Nico se me rompieron los glides :c
Blue nitrix MEGS
Blue nitrix GOD
Red mesg $%$% ´´ MORREU?? HUEHUEHUE ´´ $%$%
Red necropsy pre : go back to brazil please faggots. go fuck some trannies or something. please go with them blacky
Red necropsy pre : go back to brazil please faggots. go fuck some trannies or something. please go with them blacky
Red Nico pq dejaron morir a sik
Red inara quase
Blue nitrix la verdad
Blue nitrix falle en flashearlo
Blue jorge jajajaja