Log 2591298

D M Title Map Format RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
United Dodgeball Leag: Pooti vs dodge tfdb_blucourt_intox_udl Ultiduo 58 13 42:25


Team Player Classes K D A DA/M HR/M DA HR K/1 Time Played
Red Harry_The_Wizard Engineer 58 13 0 0 0 0 32 16:23
Red |fri3D| DareDevil 65 23 0 0 0 0 17 0:00
Blue (1)dodgeball Engineer 5 51 0 0 0 0 1 17:52
Blue tomsa:3 Sniper Heavy Demo Scout 54 23 0 0 0 0 12 29:28
Blue (2)dodgeball 5 50 0 0 0 0 2 0:00
Blue dodgeball 5 52 0 0 0 0 2 0:00
Team Player Classes K D A DA/M HR/M DA HR K/1 Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M HR/M DA HR K/1 Duration
Red 123 36 0 0 0 0 0 32 0 42:25
Blue 69 176 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 42:25


Team Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played



Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red |fri3D| DareDevil 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 11 0 20
Blue tomsa:3 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9
Red Harry_The_Wizard 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 2 0 7
Blue (2)dodgeball 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 4
Blue dodgeball 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2
Blue (1)dodgeball 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue (2)dodgeball 1 0 0 2 3 6 0 3 0 15
Blue dodgeball 1 0 0 0 5 6 0 3 0 15
Blue (1)dodgeball 0 0 0 2 5 4 0 4 0 15
Red |fri3D| DareDevil 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 13 0 14
Red Harry_The_Wizard 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 4
Blue tomsa:3 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2


Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red |fri3D| DareDevil 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 11 0 20
Blue tomsa:3 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9
Red Harry_The_Wizard 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 2 0 7
Blue (2)dodgeball 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 4
Blue dodgeball 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2
Blue (1)dodgeball 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


United Dodgeball Leag: Pooti vs dodge

Time Team Player Kills
8:39 Red |fri3D| DareDevil 3
26:15 Red Harry_The_Wizard 3
33:16 Blue tomsa:3 3
34:04 Red Harry_The_Wizard 3
37:58 Blue tomsa:3 4


United Dodgeball Leag: Pooti vs dodge

Team Player Message
Blue (2)dodgeball oops
Red Harry_The_Wizard cool
Blue tomsa:3 niiiiiiice
Blue dodgeball dodgeball
Blue (2)dodgeball warm up
Blue tomsa:3 ofc
Blue tomsa:3 aaw
Blue tomsa:3 either
Blue (1)dodgeball our pings are great
Blue tomsa:3 you got it dodgeballs
Blue (2)dodgeball gud ping
Blue tomsa:3 where ya from americas?
Blue dodgeball that was warm up
Blue (1)dodgeball yep
Blue tomsa:3 aaw
Blue (2)dodgeball dodgeball
Blue tomsa:3 you aint vpning?
Blue (1)dodgeball who needs vpns
Blue (1)dodgeball we got gaming
Blue (2)dodgeball dodgeball
Blue dodgeball this is a long warm up
Blue tomsa:3 gaming.price2003
Blue tomsa:3 yea
Blue tomsa:3 ma real name
Blue (1)dodgeball we arent getting clapped shut up shut up shut up
Blue tomsa:3 ))))
Blue (2)dodgeball hee
Blue (2)dodgeball hah tooooooo funy
Blue tomsa:3 how long you played this?
Blue tomsa:3 !tp
Blue (1)dodgeball the rockets keep jumoing
Blue tomsa:3 !fov 101
Blue dodgeball this is my first match
Blue tomsa:3 bad
Blue tomsa:3 aaa
Blue (1)dodgeball about a week
Blue tomsa:3 we got fresh meat
Blue (1)dodgeball we joined the tourney having no idea what dodgeball was
Blue (2)dodgeball hax enabled
Blue tomsa:3 xdd
Blue (1)dodgeball what is dodgeball
Blue (2)dodgeball idk
Blue (1)dodgeball how do i reflect
Blue dodgeball This
Red |fri3D| DareDevil xdd
Blue dodgeball This IS
Blue tomsa:3 Mouse 2
Blue tomsa:3 xdd
Blue (2)dodgeball wut?
Blue (1)dodgeball we weren't expecting to win lol
Blue tomsa:3 neither are we
Red Harry_The_Wizard we dont expect to win either lmao
Blue (2)dodgeball dodgeball
Blue tomsa:3 but its fun you know
Blue (2)dodgeball dodgeball
Blue (2)dodgeball fuk this ping
Blue tomsa:3 hellball
Blue (1)dodgeball our ping is great atm
Red Harry_The_Wizard same
Blue (1)dodgeball a good 119
Blue (2)dodgeball vely fu\
Blue tomsa:3 .ss
Blue (1)dodgeball what is dodgeball
Blue (2)dodgeball ythpig n
Blue tomsa:3 this?
Blue (2)dodgeball dodgeball
Blue (1)dodgeball what am i
Blue (2)dodgeball help me
Blue (2)dodgeball how i call ahx
Blue tomsa:3 i can go against you
Blue (1)dodgeball we're great at this
Blue tomsa:3 xddd
Blue dodgeball we're toggling sorry
Blue (2)dodgeball first time palying dodgeball
Blue tomsa:3 for fun one round
Blue tomsa:3 idk
Blue tomsa:3 ))))
Blue (2)dodgeball thx for the help
Blue tomsa:3 yeas
Blue (2)dodgeball ello brits
Blue (2)dodgeball dodgeball
Blue dodgeball it chensday innit?
Blue tomsa:3 ait
Blue (2)dodgeball red coats
Blue (1)dodgeball its chewsday innit
Blue (2)dodgeball ya
Red Harry_The_Wizard innit fam
Blue tomsa:3 a
Blue tomsa:3 aye G
Blue (1)dodgeball hows life
Red Harry_The_Wizard good u
Blue dodgeball I Am Playing Dodgeball
Blue (2)dodgeball dodgeball
Blue (1)dodgeball good
Blue tomsa:3 najs
Blue tomsa:3 !fp
Blue tomsa:3 !fov
Red |fri3D| DareDevil I Hit That! (╯°Д°)╯
Blue tomsa:3 hit this
Blue tomsa:3 [DBT] Semir Gerkhan killed Summer Breeze with a 10525 mph nuke!
Red Harry_The_Wizard ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Blue tomsa:3 ))))
Blue (1)dodgeball wife gone
Blue (2)dodgeball dodgeball
Blue (1)dodgeball took the kids
Blue (1)dodgeball my truck
Blue (1)dodgeball and my dog
Blue tomsa:3 sad
Blue tomsa:3 12 gauge him
Blue tomsa:3 .ss
Blue (2)dodgeball how\
Blue (1)dodgeball my brother slept with my sister so i put him down like a dog
Blue (2)dodgeball ????????????????????????????????
Blue (2)dodgeball dodgeball
Blue dodgeball !noclip
Blue (2)dodgeball sv_cheats 1
Blue (2)dodgeball fuk yhos pigbn
Blue (1)dodgeball we americans do nothing but incest
Blue (2)dodgeball indeee
Blue tomsa:3 sweet home alabama
Red Harry_The_Wizard lmao
Blue dodgeball Say :
Blue tomsa:3
Blue tomsa:3 type !fov 130
Blue (2)dodgeball whta
Blue tomsa:3 betters your gameplay
Blue tomsa:3 trust
Blue dodgeball !fov 8941858275689258963589
Blue tomsa:3 nice
Blue (1)dodgeball if we can win one that will be an achievement
Blue dodgeball is there an american flavored dodgeball tournament
Blue (2)dodgeball aitrabl nowotk
Blue tomsa:3 our domination score is nicely chronological
Blue dodgeball !votekick
Blue (2)dodgeball sv_cheats 1
Blue (1)dodgeball !cry
Blue (2)dodgeball !sad
Red Harry_The_Wizard brom what
Blue tomsa:3 100000 rounds to go
Blue tomsa:3 ez
Blue (1)dodgeball get clapped to 50
Blue (1)dodgeball Have you seen the low key prices on Mannco.store?
Blue (2)dodgeball thats cool in all, but have you seen how the situation in yemen is escalayting
Blue tomsa:3 highkey
Blue (1)dodgeball Have you seen the low key prices on Marketplace.tf?
Blue dodgeball this map is really making me want to use mannco.store
Red Harry_The_Wizard !log
Blue dodgeball Pyro
Blue (1)dodgeball can i play heavy
Blue tomsa:3 !em
Blue tomsa:3 nah
Blue tomsa:3 not today
Blue dodgeball !beg
Red Harry_The_Wizard !log
Blue (1)dodgeball !cry
Red |fri3D| DareDevil gg wp
Red |fri3D| DareDevil xD
Blue (2)dodgeball gg
Blue (1)dodgeball is that it
Blue tomsa:3 !log
Blue (1)dodgeball is hell over
Red |fri3D| DareDevil i think so
Blue (1)dodgeball !cry
Blue dodgeball is the lady screaming real
Blue tomsa:3 when
Blue tomsa:3 pls
Red Harry_The_Wizard I think I got the log
Red Harry_The_Wizard do we end?
Blue tomsa:3 as you wish
Blue tomsa:3 idk
Blue (1)dodgeball i think so
Blue (2)dodgeball owa\
Blue (2)dodgeball uwu is not uhnt
Blue (1)dodgeball welp
Blue (1)dodgeball gg
Red |fri3D| DareDevil <3
Blue (1)dodgeball we are very bad
Blue tomsa:3 yesn't
Blue (1)dodgeball we might just drop out lol
Blue (1)dodgeball our ping sucks
Blue tomsa:3 happends
Blue (1)dodgeball color
Blue (1)dodgeball flavor
Blue (1)dodgeball garage
Blue (2)dodgeball ?
Blue (1)dodgeball shopping cart
Blue tomsa:3 so?
Blue (2)dodgeball discor
Blue (1)dodgeball we done?
Blue dodgeball no
Blue (1)dodgeball DODGEBALL 3 PISS OFF
Blue dodgeball how many rounds
Blue (1)dodgeball NEVER THE BEST
Red Harry_The_Wizard I reported the score btw
Blue (1)dodgeball cool
Blue (2)dodgeball giuys['
Blue (2)dodgeball wtf
Blue dodgeball i win
Blue (1)dodgeball god bless america
Blue tomsa:3 so guys we did it
Blue tomsa:3 aha
Blue (1)dodgeball guys FLAWLESS DEFEAT! THATS GREAT!
Blue dodgeball Mario
Blue (2)dodgeball dodgeball
Blue (2)dodgeball dodgeball
Blue (2)dodgeball dodgeball
Blue tomsa:3 i cant tauntkill?
Blue tomsa:3 :C
Blue (1)dodgeball death
Blue dodgeball use that
Blue (2)dodgeball carp
Blue (1)dodgeball we done here?
Red Harry_The_Wizard I guess
Blue dodgeball no
Red Harry_The_Wizard I put in the scoresheat
Blue dodgeball we can still make the comeback
Blue tomsa:3 gl
Blue tomsa:3 i put ava max and you done
Blue tomsa:3 constant
Blue tomsa:3 by clicking
Blue tomsa:3 yall enjoying?
Blue (1)dodgeball death
Blue (1)dodgeball not an escape
Blue (1)dodgeball 0-37 is fine
Blue dodgeball fuck you (1)dodgeball
Blue tomsa:3 be proud
Blue (1)dodgeball fuck you dodgeball (2)
Blue (2)dodgeball i am so proud
Blue (2)dodgeball dodgeball
Red |fri3D| DareDevil [ΛКФÐ] DeadSworn : Nice dick job
Blue tomsa:3 monke : Huh Bye guys this is boring hf hahahahehaehogho
Blue (1)dodgeball Have you seen the low key prices on Mannco.store?
Blue tomsa:3 Friendly | Ibrahim Gamer : no bad words pls
Red |fri3D| DareDevil Charlie |UKCS|: Sucking legends ass
Blue tomsa:3 (TEAM) Noble | Doopah : !tp
Blue tomsa:3 Gayture : Tru cuz they lokok
Blue (2)dodgeball dodgeball
Blue (1)dodgeball this was an experience
Blue tomsa:3 lessgo
Blue dodgeball 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
Blue (2)dodgeball first time palying dodgeball sorry
Blue (1)dodgeball death
Blue (2)dodgeball dodgeball
Blue tomsa:3 your leg
Blue (2)dodgeball my as
Blue (1)dodgeball arm
Blue tomsa:3 you jump sideways
Blue tomsa:3 wtf
Blue tomsa:3 he halfdead
Blue tomsa:3 hoild on
Blue tomsa:3 i have idea
Blue tomsa:3 lessgo
Red Harry_The_Wizard lmao
Red |fri3D| DareDevil XD
Red Harry_The_Wizard tomsa ez
Red |fri3D| DareDevil [ΛКФÐ] DeadSworn : Nice dick job
Blue dodgeball thx admin
Blue (2)dodgeball dodgeball
Red Harry_The_Wizard I give up
Red |fri3D| DareDevil I Hit That! (╯°Д°)╯
Blue tomsa:3 ez win
Blue tomsa:3 np
Red |fri3D| DareDevil coz shit jumps XD
Blue tomsa:3 yea
Blue dodgeball F12 For Awoersom
Blue tomsa:3 !tp
Blue tomsa:3 !fov 101
Blue (2)dodgeball !noxlpi
Blue tomsa:3 adahhedahdh
Blue tomsa:3 wdym
Blue (2)dodgeball wanna hop on the hive later
Blue (2)dodgeball dodgeball
Red Harry_The_Wizard pro
Blue tomsa:3 hit
Red |fri3D| DareDevil ;P
Blue tomsa:3 wdf
Red Harry_The_Wizard oof
Blue tomsa:3 woof
Blue tomsa:3 we army
Blue tomsa:3 yeagh
Blue tomsa:3 !fp
Blue tomsa:3 !fov
Red |fri3D| DareDevil I Hit That! (╯°Д°)╯
Red Harry_The_Wizard ez
Blue tomsa:3 nibba
Red Harry_The_Wizard noob
Red |fri3D| DareDevil lemaoi
Blue tomsa:3 bababoi
Red |fri3D| DareDevil wow
Red |fri3D| DareDevil dat hit
Red |fri3D| DareDevil 69
Red Harry_The_Wizard fak
Blue tomsa:3 all against wizard
Red Harry_The_Wizard BRUH WHAT
Blue tomsa:3 jkl
Blue dodgeball Hello
Blue tomsa:3 go against me
Blue tomsa:3 go blu
Blue tomsa:3 i love 1vall
Red Harry_The_Wizard gl tomsa
Red |fri3D| DareDevil ahh
Blue tomsa:3 dragis
Blue (2)dodgeball aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!
Red Harry_The_Wizard tomsa go noob
Red |fri3D| DareDevil fuck i got bit freakd
Red Harry_The_Wizard I can do this
Blue tomsa:3 xd
Blue dodgeball Press W For Free Forward
Blue tomsa:3 nah
Blue tomsa:3 dont
Blue tomsa:3 trust ya
Blue tomsa:3 is andrews fried stil lalive?
Blue tomsa:3 wtf
Red |fri3D| DareDevil fuck
Blue tomsa:3 shazbot
Blue tomsa:3 ¨go blu
Blue tomsa:3 !!!!
Blue tomsa:3 3 rounds
Blue (1)dodgeball bye
Blue tomsa:3 ill go blu
Blue (2)dodgeball bye
Blue dodgeball bye
Red Harry_The_Wizard lmao
Blue tomsa:3 byebyebye
Red Harry_The_Wizard they gon then
Red |fri3D| DareDevil cunt
Red |fri3D| DareDevil XD
Blue tomsa:3 xdd
Blue tomsa:3 headshot
Red |fri3D| DareDevil fak off
Red Harry_The_Wizard pro
Red |fri3D| DareDevil finally
Red |fri3D| DareDevil xD
Blue tomsa:3 youdead
Blue tomsa:3 as i said
Blue tomsa:3 where is our fking results
Blue tomsa:3 .ss
Red Harry_The_Wizard right ima go
Red Harry_The_Wizard score is in #report-scores
Blue tomsa:3 ait
Blue tomsa:3 we crying here?
Blue tomsa:3 !votepvb
Blue tomsa:3 hmm
Red |fri3D| DareDevil XDD
Blue tomsa:3 :C
Red |fri3D| DareDevil I Hit That! (╯°Д°)╯
Blue tomsa:3 yeawrwstfga
Blue tomsa:3 we go or smh?
Red |fri3D| DareDevil ehh
Blue tomsa:3 i would go blw
Blue tomsa:3 reskill children
Blue tomsa:3 you know
Red |fri3D| DareDevil wanna go jump or rocket league??
Blue tomsa:3 aaaaaaa
Blue tomsa:3 dont play that
Red |fri3D| DareDevil ahh
Red |fri3D| DareDevil ffs
Blue tomsa:3 xdd
Red |fri3D| DareDevil start xD
Blue tomsa:3 i play cod mw
Blue tomsa:3 or
Blue tomsa:3 this shit
Blue tomsa:3 or grind in warzhundr
Blue tomsa:3 war thundrr
Blue tomsa:3 or micecraftdc
Red |fri3D| DareDevil ehhh if only i had that i would rek ur ass
Red |fri3D| DareDevil mc is good, i have
Blue tomsa:3 (C
Blue tomsa:3 i have windows 10 edition tho
Blue tomsa:3 not java
Red |fri3D| DareDevil i have all
Blue tomsa:3 :C
Red |fri3D| DareDevil i mean
Blue tomsa:3 :U
Blue tomsa:3 :/
Red |fri3D| DareDevil i can have all
Blue tomsa:3 :(
Blue tomsa:3 :L
Red |fri3D| DareDevil xD
Blue tomsa:3 :J
Blue tomsa:3 :D
Blue tomsa:3 :X
Blue tomsa:3 :Y
Blue tomsa:3 :Q
Blue tomsa:3 °_°
Blue tomsa:3 idk ill go vibe to eternals
Blue tomsa:3 xd
Red |fri3D| DareDevil hmmm
Blue tomsa:3 lets try rally
Red |fri3D| DareDevil xD
Blue tomsa:3 ( ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿°̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ͜ʖ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿°̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ )
Blue tomsa:3 !Rtd
Blue tomsa:3 nice
Blue tomsa:3 i suck
Red |fri3D| DareDevil XD
Blue tomsa:3 yanwn
Blue tomsa:3 oh shit
Red |fri3D| DareDevil yuppa
Blue tomsa:3 i have my bath on
Red |fri3D| DareDevil XD
Blue tomsa:3 yikes
Red |fri3D| DareDevil ok well then enjoy
Blue tomsa:3 soope
Blue tomsa:3 flo gang
Blue tomsa:3 hohohohohohohoho
Blue tomsa:3 urááááá
Blue tomsa:3 xdd
Red |fri3D| DareDevil XD
Blue tomsa:3 idk ill go
Red |fri3D| DareDevil bb <3
Blue tomsa:3 or ill get beaten
Blue tomsa:3 cycy
Blue tomsa:3 ;c(