Log 2634917

D M Title Map Format RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
serveme.tf #1056003 - BLU vs cum ultiduo_baloo Ultiduo 1 2 24:04


Team Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS CPC Time Played
Red Marmafew Soldier Medic 25 25 3 551 445 346 13270 10724 8331 8 11 6 7 23:41
Red aqua- Medic Soldier 5 20 14 174 293 145 4195 7068 3491 5 0 1 7 23:20
Blue maxxy Soldier 33 18 3 548 551 376 13208 13270 9059 8 24 2 9 24:04
Blue DRIFTA Medic 10 12 14 190 174 4584 4195 0 5 0 10 7 20:46
Team Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS CPC Duration
Red 30 45 17 725 739 491 17465 17792 11822 8 11 7 14 5 24:04
Blue 43 30 17 739 725 376 17792 17465 9059 8 24 12 16 7 24:04


Team Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Marmafew Medic 100% 538 3491 2 1 0 0:00 1 6:29
Red aqua- Medic 100% 476 8331 3 0 0 0:00 1 17:29
Blue DRIFTA Medic 100% 436 9059 7 1 0 0:00 2 0 20:46



Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue maxxy 0 21 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 33
Red Marmafew 0 15 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 25
Blue DRIFTA 0 3 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 10
Red aqua- 0 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 5


Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Marmafew 0 20 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 23
Red aqua- 0 13 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 20
Blue maxxy 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18
Blue DRIFTA 0 11 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 12


Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue maxxy 0 21 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 36
Red Marmafew 0 17 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 28
Blue DRIFTA 0 9 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 24
Red aqua- 0 12 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 19


serveme.tf #1056003 - BLU vs cum

Time Team Player Kills
3:27 Red Marmafew 4
8:41 Red Marmafew 3
19:18 Red Marmafew 3


serveme.tf #1056003 - BLU vs cum

Team Player Message
Blue DRIFTA im ur OG med
Blue maxxy hell ye
Red Marmafew danger
Blue DRIFTA theres a 90% chance my net will crash for like 2 mins during this
Red Marmafew y
Blue maxxy his net big poopoo
Blue DRIFTA nah its good
Red Marmafew !report drifta
Blue DRIFTA just like for 1 week
Blue DRIFTA every few months
Blue DRIFTA its shit
Red Marmafew your pc has its period
Red Marmafew i understand
Blue DRIFTA ye
Blue DRIFTA basically
Blue DRIFTA but im tryna get preggo x
Red Marmafew ima find a partner brb
Red Marmafew gay
Blue DRIFTA btw maxxy will rape whoever u get
Blue maxxy ?
Blue maxxy no
Blue DRIFTA so pick a good one
Blue maxxy pls
Blue maxxy im gonna play chill anyway
Red Marmafew what if we kissed on ultiduo spire..
Red Marmafew haha jk
Blue maxxy ultiduo_sideshow
Blue maxxy koth*
Blue DRIFTA after
Red Marmafew ive only ever played on this ulti are there any other good maps for it
Red Marmafew baloo pog
Blue DRIFTA seclusion and obsidiian
Blue maxxy there's uhm
Blue maxxy seclusion is ok
Blue maxxy obsidiian suckls
Blue DRIFTA nah obs is sick
Blue maxxy there's a cool map on a skyscraper
Blue DRIFTA original ulti is kinda garbage
Blue maxxy a map made by LG too but i forgot its name
Red Marmafew ultiduo gm_construct when
Blue maxxy ulti gullywash is kinda fun
Blue DRIFTA ultiduo gm_bigcity
Red Marmafew i do like gully mid
Red Marmafew ^
Blue DRIFTA u walk for 10 minutes
Blue DRIFTA to meet eachother
Blue maxxy pog
Blue DRIFTA but theres a 30 min timer
Blue maxxy trickjump to the ennemy
Red Marmafew aqua says he will play
Blue DRIFTA cringe!
Blue maxxy toxic
Red Marmafew but hes just back from a 3 week holiday and he cant aim
Red Marmafew but hes usually ((ok))) at the game
Blue maxxy i've been in exam for 3 week
Blue maxxy so it's fine
Red Marmafew aight cool
Blue DRIFTA i was on a 1 week holiday
Red Marmafew he doesnt know what ulti is
Red Marmafew oh
Blue maxxy and just been mapping during free time
Red Marmafew here we go 8)
Red Marmafew u map bro?
Red Marmafew epic
Blue maxxy jump maps ya
Blue DRIFTA ctf_bball_eu
Red Marmafew fuckin right
Blue DRIFTA cant forget
Red Marmafew i love jumping
Blue maxxy and that
Blue DRIFTA he also owns a burning rack
Red Marmafew i have a burning rack irl
Red Marmafew if you know what i mean
Blue DRIFTA ur moms got a burning rack
Red Marmafew haha :)
Red Marmafew no u
Blue maxxy put it up drifta's butthole
Blue DRIFTA my eyes aare scforched when i see em
Blue DRIFTA maffew has unusuals?
Red Marmafew sexy
Red Marmafew dude
Red Marmafew i have this cus its rly pretty
Blue DRIFTA trader main?
Blue DRIFTA bat hat is well shit
Red Marmafew apart from this i have 1 10 quid engi unu that i unboxed
Red Marmafew nah its class youre jelly
Blue DRIFTA ill quickbuy it
Red Marmafew i wont accept your entire bp for it sorry
Red Marmafew aqua
Red Marmafew all you gotta do is hit all your arrows
Blue maxxy be a gamer
Red Marmafew thats it
Blue DRIFTA ive never missed an arrow in my life
Blue maxxy i cant aim below the point thingy so it's ok
Blue DRIFTA yikes
Red Marmafew stop
Red Marmafew no talking
Blue maxxy no
Red aqua- wtf
Red Marmafew this is not an even match it seems
Blue maxxy :(
Blue maxxy LMAO
Blue DRIFTA oh
Blue DRIFTA i didnt hear u jump
Blue DRIFTA original is so quiet
Blue maxxy oh no
Blue DRIFTA hello?
Blue DRIFTA team mate?
Blue DRIFTA my arrows
Red Marmafew omg hes 99
Red Marmafew %
Red Marmafew cringe
Red aqua- xd
Blue maxxy dead
Red Marmafew ???
Blue maxxy he said
Blue maxxy his net would die
Red Marmafew he did say
Red Marmafew this is tragic
Red Marmafew wait you both burn racks?
Red Marmafew thats kinda gay
Blue maxxy what no
Red Marmafew do you touch them together?
Red Marmafew ..
Blue maxxy hot
Red Marmafew horny
Red Marmafew does it need reset or
Red Marmafew whats the deal here
Blue maxxy nah it's whatever lol
Blue maxxy you can pause too
Blue maxxy but idc
Red Marmafew i mean his wifi
Blue maxxy idkd
Red Marmafew well fak
Red Marmafew drifts only weakness
Red Marmafew wifi
Red Marmafew losing scrims since 09
Red Marmafew aqua get him
Red Marmafew fear
Red Marmafew here we go
Red Marmafew comeback
Red Marmafew sign me
Red Marmafew swap?
Red Marmafew aqua go solly
Red Marmafew pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Blue maxxy :D
Red Marmafew ill kiss u
Blue DRIFTA jumpo
Blue DRIFTA xd
Blue maxxy AAA
Blue maxxy mùy mouse
Blue maxxy hahahahaha
Red Marmafew ok
Red Marmafew [22:32]aqua-:ive a lag
Red Marmafew ok
Blue DRIFTA a single lag
Red Marmafew just one
Red Marmafew no more
Blue DRIFTA just the one
Red Marmafew not plural
Blue DRIFTA singular lag
Red Marmafew fu
Red Marmafew youre so gay
Blue DRIFTA ez
Red Marmafew urmami
Red Marmafew aqua i dont want to rush you
Red Marmafew dont feel pressured
Red Marmafew to go outside
Red Marmafew but we are gonna lose
Blue DRIFTA i survive
Red Marmafew np
Blue DRIFTA hahaa
Red Marmafew wrong side
Blue DRIFTA i bvaited u so ahrd
Blue DRIFTA i saw u in spec
Blue DRIFTA then changed pos
Red Marmafew ur a brainer
Red Marmafew hi
Red Marmafew 100k shotgun
Red Marmafew w h a t
Blue maxxy yea
Red Marmafew youre a clicker
Red Marmafew cookie clicker
Blue DRIFTA easy throw
Blue DRIFTA machew counterjump theory?
Red Marmafew ya
Red Marmafew only when im losing
Red Marmafew nice
Red Marmafew bro you fucking eat your broccoli
Red Marmafew i can tell
Blue maxxy AWDI: no one cares you're an autist lol max you are a frenchy with negative brain cells you're honestly are such a downy
Blue maxxy bruh
Red Marmafew beast
Red Marmafew fucking bball players
Blue DRIFTA (TEAM) maxxy : [P-REC] Bookmark.
Red Marmafew ns
Blue maxxy :D
Blue DRIFTA vilgolol: nigger somali eat only sand kys
Red Marmafew maxxy if u prefire me again im calling the police
Blue maxxy ok
Red Marmafew give me maxxy next round ty
Red aqua- ( ´ ͜ >`)
Red Marmafew solid snake in the grass
Blue maxxy brb 1 sec
Red Marmafew np