Logs 2861237, 2861207, 2861229, 2861149, 2861180

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
ETF2L Highlander Season 23 Premiership Grand Finals Feila eSports finanzieren durch Super Dickmann's KANNONEN! 2.0 7.0 Add other logs

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
serveme.tf #1138187 - sd!ck vs ccBLU pl_vigil_rc7 Highlander Feila eSports finanzieren durch Super Dickmann's KANNONEN! 1 0 17:04 Remove log
serveme.tf #1138187 - sd!ck vs ccBLU pl_vigil_rc7 Highlander Feila eSports finanzieren durch Super Dickmann's KANNONEN! 0 1 16:35 Remove log
serveme.tf #1138187 - ccBLU vs sd!ck pl_vigil_rc7 Highlander Super Dickmann's KANNONEN! Feila eSports finanzieren durch 0 1 23:26 Remove log
serveme.tf #1138187 - sd!ck vs ccBLU pl_upward Highlander Feila eSports finanzieren durch Super Dickmann's KANNONEN! 0 1 14:51 Remove log
serveme.tf #1138187 - ccBLU vs sd!ck pl_upward Highlander Super Dickmann's KANNONEN! Feila eSports finanzieren durch 1 0 19:11 Remove log
Totals 2 3 1:31:07


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Red Blue Red Blue bb <3 sachko Scout 63 59 38 231 195 80 21064 17795 7329 4 0 101 0 0 10 1:31:07
Red Red Blue Red Blue satan <3 joeN Soldier 42 68 20 257 296 121 23461 26971 11058 4 3 132 0 0 2 1:31:07
Red Red Blue Red Blue grip <3 Joe Pyro 42 60 52 187 287 180 17044 26184 16414 5 1 64 0 0 5 1:31:07
Red Red Blue Red Blue JoeN Demo 70 72 18 380 343 216 34679 31287 19695 7 0 34 0 0 3 1:31:05
Red Red Blue Red Blue lilypad <3 Joe Engineer 35 41 40 187 140 65 17050 12817 5998 3 0 35 0 0 9 1:31:07
Red Red Blue Red Blue poy Heavy 73 55 38 257 406 242 23429 37082 22096 7 0 48 0 0 4 1:31:05
Red Red Blue Red Blue Leila <3 Joe Medic 1 32 43 5 142 494 13018 0 1 0 11 0 0 1 1:31:07
Red Red Blue Red Blue kuroi Sniper 74 40 9 319 169 123 29073 15463 11280 6 0 19 0 58 6 1:30:57
Red Red Blue Red Blue Axio <3 Joe Spy 38 79 5 179 172 21 16380 15709 2000 4 0 64 25 0 1 1:29:35
Blue Blue Red Blue Red SDCK Mayh Scout 48 54 47 205 191 102 18735 17449 9330 5 0 41 0 0 13 1:31:07
Blue Blue Red Blue Red SDCK JackyLegs Soldier 64 74 41 304 293 134 27744 26719 12239 7 5 160 0 0 1 1:31:07
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Legendaddy Pyro 54 45 38 188 224 191 17159 20459 17494 4 0 41 0 0 4 1:31:07
Blue Blue Red Blue Red SDCK Murpheey Demo 69 48 26 426 281 222 38845 25680 20290 8 1 43 0 0 1 1:31:07
Blue Blue Red Blue Red SDCK Clark Engineer 35 30 29 153 114 80 13946 10468 7380 10 0 27 0 0 5 1:31:07
Blue Blue Red Blue Red sdck sandburn Heavy 84 64 42 339 472 264 30955 43067 24088 9 0 21 0 0 1 1:30:58
Blue Blue Red Blue Red HTT gedu Medic 0 19 54 2 81 213 7395 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 1:31:06
Blue Blue Red Blue Red SDCK mezzo Spy 83 71 9 294 186 31 26853 16998 2915 5 0 78 43 0 3 1:31:07
Blue redlix Sniper 20 8 5 362 189 161 6179 3232 2749 10 0 5 0 11 0 17:04
Blue Red Blue Red SDCK caza <3 joe Sniper 47 32 12 211 151 93 15697 11207 6920 5 0 14 0 23 6 1:06:09
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Duration
Red 117 120 74 2683 2699 1212 45793 46064 20692 6 0 101 6 23 6 10 17:04
Blue 120 118 76 2699 2683 1282 46064 45793 21882 10 0 90 12 11 4 12 17:04
Red 73 108 40 2082 2584 1122 34542 42864 18614 4 1 116 5 8 11 8 16:35
Blue 108 75 74 2584 2082 1233 42864 34542 20448 10 2 82 9 5 7 8 16:35
Red 74 82 54 1369 1497 785 32091 35081 18406 9 0 97 7 3 7 8 23:26
Blue 80 75 48 1497 1369 808 35081 32091 18949 6 2 75 4 12 8 16 23:26
Red 70 79 40 1770 2058 1043 26288 30567 15501 7 0 80 2 7 11 7 14:51
Blue 79 71 37 2058 1770 1207 30567 26288 17938 5 4 69 6 3 6 9 14:51
Red 123 99 62 2332 2135 1289 44740 40970 24731 7 0 117 9 12 10 11 19:11
Blue 98 124 61 2135 2332 1152 40970 44740 22114 7 1 136 8 8 5 9 19:11


Teams Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Red Blue Red Blue Leila <3 Joe Medic 100% 1052 95870 36 2 14 0:57 10 0 1:31:07
Blue Blue Red Blue Red HTT gedu Medic 100% 1135 103405 62 2 3 0:34 6 1 1:31:06



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Blue Red Blue Red sdck sandburn 5 15 17 17 11 6 2 2 9 84
Blue Blue Red Blue Red SDCK mezzo 11 11 4 9 7 6 17 13 5 83
Red Red Blue Red Blue kuroi 8 7 9 8 11 8 4 14 5 74
Red Red Blue Red Blue poy 4 13 10 4 16 3 2 2 19 73
Red Red Blue Red Blue JoeN 14 6 7 5 15 4 4 6 9 70
Blue Blue Red Blue Red SDCK Murpheey 5 7 13 5 14 5 5 5 10 69
Blue Blue Red Blue Red SDCK JackyLegs 8 9 6 15 1 6 3 4 12 64
Red Red Blue Red Blue bb <3 sachko 9 14 5 5 7 4 2 4 13 63
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Legendaddy 11 8 6 3 3 6 0 1 16 54
Blue Blue Red Blue Red SDCK Mayh 7 4 4 10 11 2 0 2 8 48
Blue Red Blue Red SDCK caza <3 joe 6 2 5 8 4 6 3 11 2 47
Red Red Blue Red Blue grip <3 Joe 5 7 6 7 1 4 3 1 8 42
Red Red Blue Red Blue satan <3 joeN 5 14 2 7 2 2 0 4 6 42
Red Red Blue Red Blue Axio <3 Joe 2 5 1 9 7 2 4 8 0 38
Blue Blue Red Blue Red SDCK Clark 3 5 5 2 1 4 0 0 15 35
Red Red Blue Red Blue lilypad <3 Joe 4 8 2 3 5 3 0 1 9 35
Blue redlix 3 5 0 3 3 0 2 2 2 20
Red Red Blue Red Blue Leila <3 Joe 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Red Blue Red Blue Axio <3 Joe 8 12 16 10 9 15 0 4 5 79
Blue Blue Red Blue Red SDCK JackyLegs 14 14 7 6 13 8 0 7 5 74
Red Red Blue Red Blue JoeN 10 15 3 5 17 2 0 11 9 72
Blue Blue Red Blue Red SDCK mezzo 13 6 8 9 19 9 0 5 0 69
Red Red Blue Red Blue satan <3 joeN 4 9 8 7 15 5 0 7 11 66
Blue Blue Red Blue Red sdck sandburn 7 2 1 15 16 5 0 11 7 64
Red Red Blue Red Blue grip <3 Joe 4 6 6 13 17 5 0 5 4 60
Red Red Blue Red Blue bb <3 sachko 7 8 11 5 5 3 0 9 11 59
Red Red Blue Red Blue poy 11 1 3 14 11 1 0 7 7 55
Blue Blue Red Blue Red SDCK Mayh 9 5 5 14 4 4 1 8 2 52
Blue Blue Red Blue Red SDCK Murpheey 5 7 7 5 4 3 0 8 9 48
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Legendaddy 5 2 6 7 10 2 0 9 1 42
Red Red Blue Red Blue lilypad <3 Joe 2 6 6 5 6 4 0 6 6 41
Red Red Blue Red Blue kuroi 2 4 1 5 2 0 0 13 13 40
Red Red Blue Red Blue Leila <3 Joe 0 3 0 5 2 0 0 5 17 32
Blue Red Blue Red SDCK caza <3 joe 4 3 0 5 2 1 0 11 6 32
Blue Blue Red Blue Red SDCK Clark 4 2 4 4 3 3 0 8 2 30
Blue Blue Red Blue Red HTT gedu 2 0 3 4 2 0 0 4 4 19
Blue redlix 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 3 2 8


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Blue Red Blue Red sdck sandburn 9 21 25 24 14 9 6 4 14 126
Red Red Blue Red Blue poy 7 20 15 10 19 6 4 2 28 111
Blue Blue Red Blue Red SDCK JackyLegs 11 16 9 21 8 12 5 4 19 105
Red Red Blue Red Blue bb <3 sachko 11 21 5 11 18 7 3 5 20 101
Blue Blue Red Blue Red SDCK Murpheey 10 12 18 8 17 5 8 6 11 95
Blue Blue Red Blue Red SDCK Mayh 9 14 9 21 15 6 0 5 16 95
Red Red Blue Red Blue grip <3 Joe 13 11 12 14 12 6 5 3 18 94
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Legendaddy 16 12 6 11 6 10 5 3 23 92
Blue Blue Red Blue Red SDCK mezzo 11 13 6 10 9 6 18 13 6 92
Red Red Blue Red Blue JoeN 17 7 11 7 20 6 4 7 9 88
Red Red Blue Red Blue kuroi 10 9 9 10 13 8 4 15 5 83
Red Red Blue Red Blue lilypad <3 Joe 11 20 7 6 9 4 0 2 16 75
Blue Blue Red Blue Red SDCK Clark 7 10 11 4 8 6 0 0 18 64
Red Red Blue Red Blue satan <3 joeN 8 16 3 8 5 5 3 4 10 62
Blue Red Blue Red SDCK caza <3 joe 8 2 6 10 6 7 3 11 6 59
Blue Blue Red Blue Red HTT gedu 8 3 12 8 11 0 1 5 6 54
Red Red Blue Red Blue Leila <3 Joe 2 7 5 3 8 2 2 5 10 44
Red Red Blue Red Blue Axio <3 Joe 2 6 1 9 7 3 5 8 2 43
Blue redlix 3 6 0 3 3 0 3 3 4 25


serveme.tf #1138187 - sd!ck vs ccBLU

Time Team Player Kills
3:01 Blue SDCK mezzo 4
3:34 Red satan <3 joeN 3
4:22 Blue redlix 3
4:51 Blue SDCK JackyLegs 3
5:07 Blue SDCK Mayh 3
5:13 Red bb <3 sachko 3
6:54 Blue SDCK JackyLegs 3
8:07 Red JoeN 3
11:00 Blue sdck sandburn 7
13:26 Red JoeN 3
13:43 Red kuroi 3
16:24 Blue SDCK JackyLegs 3
16:25 Red kuroi 4

serveme.tf #1138187 - sd!ck vs ccBLU

Time Team Player Kills
3:53 Blue SDCK mezzo 3
5:58 Red JoeN 3
7:16 Blue SDCK mezzo 3
13:11 Red poy 3

serveme.tf #1138187 - ccBLU vs sd!ck

Time Team Player Kills
12:23 Blue poy 4
13:09 Blue kuroi 4
15:27 Red sdck sandburn 5
19:54 Red SDCK mezzo 3
20:44 Red SDCK JackyLegs 3

serveme.tf #1138187 - sd!ck vs ccBLU

Time Team Player Kills
2:17 Blue SDCK mezzo 3
8:06 Blue SDCK JackyLegs 3

serveme.tf #1138187 - ccBLU vs sd!ck

Time Team Player Kills
2:02 Blue kuroi 3
2:58 Blue JoeN 3
8:01 Blue poy 5
8:42 Red Legendaddy 3
9:13 Red SDCK caza <3 joe 4
11:16 Red sdck sandburn 3
11:17 Red SDCK mezzo 3
12:42 Red SDCK caza <3 joe 3
17:27 Red SDCK Mayh 3


serveme.tf #1138187 - sd!ck vs ccBLU

Team Player Message
Blue SDCK Clark gr
Red JoeN gr
Red satan <3 joeN let us win ok
Red satan <3 joeN and we go steel
Red satan <3 joeN we throw steel
Red satan <3 joeN promise
Red satan <3 joeN based
Blue HTT gedu n redpilled
Red kuroi real redlix??
Blue redlix hey
Red satan <3 joeN redlix tanK
Red satan <3 joeN !DIV
Blue redlix 6
Red satan <3 joeN yes
Red satan <3 joeN im doing the wallbug
Red satan <3 joeN watch out
Blue SDCK Clark no
Blue redlix ggs
Red lilypad <3 Joe gg
Blue SDCK Clark gg
Red bb <3 sachko ggs
Red Axio <3 Joe gg
Red grip <3 Joe gg
Red Leila <3 Joe gg
Blue SDCK mezzo gg

serveme.tf #1138187 - sd!ck vs ccBLU

Team Player Message
Red satan <3 joeN hf
Red lilypad <3 Joe glhf
Blue HTT gedu gn
Red Axio <3 Joe homeless sacs
Blue HTT gedu jun0 : Rising : gedu : tms : insane! Rising: HF :D
Red Axio <3 Joe not even a 8 man
Blue HTT gedu [18:35] JackyLegs: moonman so goo [18:35] JackyLegs: good goddamnit [18:36] JackyLegs: oi vey
Blue HTT gedu TORRIT: degu is dirt under my nails
Blue HTT gedu JackyLegs: u mad :3
Blue HTT gedu [20:43] broly banderas: vole hrát proti cechum je jak hrat proti chodicim zdem fakt hladky mozky
Red satan <3 joeN its claaark
Red satan <3 joeN from team
Red poy deli69 : not funny bind
Red satan <3 joeN super fuck my
Red kuroi ^braindead
Blue SDCK mezzo lol
Blue HTT gedu Hello comrades, this is catman.
Blue HTT gedu Twice heavy of the season, most accurate tomislav in the world, Tsar of 2fort, and other titles.
Blue HTT gedu So this is my protest.
Blue HTT gedu Protest against double standards which etf2l admins make to people.
Blue HTT gedu Same situation like uberchain situation happened in Russian community not long time ago.
Red lilypad <3 Joe gh
Blue SDCK mezzo gh
Red grip <3 Joe gh
Red JoeN gh
Blue SDCK caza <3 joe no gun for you spamfest

serveme.tf #1138187 - ccBLU vs sd!ck

Team Player Message
Blue lilypad <3 Joe glhf
Red HTT gedu hf
Blue JoeN hf
Red HTT gedu ns
Red Legendaddy pause
Red SDCK caza <3 joe is this a lobby
Blue satan <3 joeN idk
Red SDCK JackyLegs pause
Blue poy go on den
Blue Axio <3 Joe another sac that isnt an X8
Blue satan <3 joeN +2
Red HTT gedu who r u
Red SDCK mezzo LOL
Blue satan <3 joeN kurwa
Red SDCK caza <3 joe gr
Blue satan <3 joeN gr
Blue lilypad <3 Joe gr
Blue grip <3 Joe gr

serveme.tf #1138187 - sd!ck vs ccBLU

Team Player Message
Red satan <3 joeN its clark
Red satan <3 joeN yaoooo
Red bb <3 sachko yaooo who?
Blue HTT gedu tf2hunt.com
Red bb <3 sachko mc.hypixel.net
Red Axio <3 Joe gedu you're ruining the scoreboard
Red satan <3 joeN awww
Red JoeN thanks caza
Blue HTT gedu no u
Blue SDCK caza <3 joe <3<3<3<3
Red satan <3 joeN jacky doesnt like em trihard
Blue SDCK Clark glhf
Red lilypad <3 Joe glhf :)
Red satan <3 joeN hf
Red bb <3 sachko hf
Red grip <3 Joe glhf
Red JoeN hf
Red poy shout out to SO Ceejaey
Blue SDCK mezzo OMFG
Blue SDCK JackyLegs oh
Blue SDCK JackyLegs ceeShrek
Red Leila <3 Joe pause
Red satan <3 joeN can we pause
Blue SDCK caza <3 joe yes
Red satan <3 joeN ?
Blue SDCK mezzo LOL
Red Axio <3 Joe ok
Blue SDCK mezzo LO
Blue SDCK mezzo LOL
Red lilypad <3 Joe gr
Red JoeN gr
Blue SDCK Clark gr
Red grip <3 Joe gr

serveme.tf #1138187 - ccBLU vs sd!ck

Team Player Message
Red SDCK mezzo ok
Red SDCK JackyLegs rofl
Red SDCK caza <3 joe i was stuck
Red SDCK caza <3 joe wtf is this shit game
Blue poy tf2
Red HTT gedu ns
Blue poy ty so m uch
Blue grip <3 Joe gg
Blue JoeN gg
Blue satan <3 joeN gg
Red SDCK Clark gg
Red HTT gedu *DEAD* LUKඞS : umri potrate
Blue poy gm
Blue lilypad <3 Joe gg
Blue bb <3 sachko ggs