Logs 2863854, 2863794, 2863832

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL Sixes S5 Intermediate Week 7B Epico! Zion 3.0 0.0 koth_clearcut_b15d

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
RGl S5 Week 7B koth_clearcut_b15d Sixes Epico! Zion 4 0 30:24 2863794, 2863832 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #395445 - chicag vs epico koth_clearcut_b15d Sixes Epico! Zion 2 0 16:06 Remove log
Qixalite Bookable: epoco vs BLU koth_clearcut_b15d Sixes Epico! Zion 2 0 14:18 Remove log
Totals 8 0 1:00:48


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS CPC Time Played
Red Red Red DeathToCats Scout 54 22 28 273 170 160 16634 10360 9754 11 0 12 0 8 1:00:48
Red Red Red FlareD Scout 44 18 22 217 144 113 13238 8794 6904 7 0 66 0 12 1:00:48
Red Red Red Freudian Slipping Soldier 56 44 8 254 247 198 15490 15048 12042 4 6 84 0 6 1:00:48
Red Red Red feelin fuckin potent rn Soldier 36 38 18 247 205 165 15062 12496 10048 5 4 102 0 12 1:00:48
Red Red Red Andruu Demo 52 14 14 302 210 261 18380 12816 15874 9 0 68 0 16 1:00:48
Red Red Red m1lky Medic 0 8 66 3 113 190 6928 0 0 0 42 0 10 1:00:48
Blue Blue Blue tac Scout 36 36 18 212 153 158 12898 9350 9634 4 0 26 0 6 1:00:48
Blue Blue Blue NOIZ MogulSoap Scout Soldier Spy Sniper 42 52 4 265 218 129 16134 13278 7846 4 0 66 4 4 1:00:48
Blue Blue Blue NOIZ Cornsauce Soldier Scout 34 42 20 225 213 175 13712 13008 10662 4 2 56 0 6 1:00:48
Blue Blue Blue Maxx Soldier Demo 24 52 10 199 286 216 12144 17438 13166 2 12 88 0 6 1:00:48
Blue Blue Blue NOIZ Bolbs Demo Soldier 8 44 16 179 278 229 10924 16954 13978 1 2 72 0 12 1:00:48
Blue Blue Blue NOIZ slan Medic 0 16 14 10 147 630 8966 0 0 0 56 0 14 1:00:48
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS CPC Duration
Red 121 72 78 1299 1092 898 39497 33221 27311 11 5 187 0 32 13 30:24
Blue 72 121 41 1092 1299 909 33221 39497 27643 4 8 182 2 24 14 30:24
Red 59 32 37 1055 853 713 16986 13747 11488 9 4 74 0 15 6 16:06
Blue 32 59 17 853 1055 693 13747 16986 11172 4 5 79 0 14 6 16:06
Red 62 40 41 1574 1361 1106 22511 19474 15823 11 1 113 0 17 7 14:18
Blue 40 62 24 1361 1574 1151 19474 22511 16471 4 3 103 2 10 8 14:18


Teams Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Red Red m1lky Medic 100% 898 54622 26 2 10 0:51 2 0 1:00:48
Blue Blue Blue NOIZ slan Medic 100% 909 55286 28 0 2 0:15 4 0 1:00:48



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Red Red Freudian Slipping 10 28 0 8 0 0 2 2 6 56
Red Red Red DeathToCats 14 18 0 16 0 0 6 0 0 54
Red Red Red Andruu 18 18 0 12 0 0 4 0 0 52
Red Red Red FlareD 16 22 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 44
Blue Blue Blue NOIZ MogulSoap 6 22 0 8 0 0 6 0 0 42
Red Red Red feelin fuckin potent rn 16 16 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 36
Blue Blue Blue tac 12 22 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 36
Blue Blue Blue NOIZ Cornsauce 10 22 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 34
Blue Blue Blue Maxx 8 12 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 24
Blue Blue Blue NOIZ Bolbs 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Blue Blue NOIZ MogulSoap 12 30 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 52
Blue Blue Blue Maxx 24 14 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 52
Blue Blue Blue NOIZ Bolbs 22 12 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 44
Red Red Red Freudian Slipping 36 2 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 44
Blue Blue Blue NOIZ Cornsauce 14 18 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 42
Red Red Red feelin fuckin potent rn 22 12 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 38
Blue Blue Blue tac 18 14 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 36
Red Red Red DeathToCats 8 6 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 22
Red Red Red FlareD 12 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18
Blue Blue Blue NOIZ slan 8 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 16
Red Red Red Andruu 4 8 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 14
Red Red Red m1lky 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 8


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Red Red DeathToCats 24 30 0 20 0 0 8 0 0 82
Red Red Red Andruu 26 22 0 14 0 0 4 0 0 66
Red Red Red FlareD 26 30 0 4 0 0 2 2 2 66
Red Red Red m1lky 16 24 0 20 0 0 4 0 2 66
Red Red Red Freudian Slipping 14 30 0 8 0 0 4 2 6 64
Blue Blue Blue tac 18 30 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 54
Blue Blue Blue NOIZ Cornsauce 12 38 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 54
Red Red Red feelin fuckin potent rn 26 22 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 54
Blue Blue Blue NOIZ MogulSoap 10 22 0 8 0 0 6 0 0 46
Blue Blue Blue Maxx 8 20 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 34
Blue Blue Blue NOIZ Bolbs 10 10 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 24
Blue Blue Blue NOIZ slan 4 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14


RGl S5 Week 7B

Time Team Player Kills
10:04 Red Andruu 3
10:21 Red FlareD 4
13:01 Red DeathToCats 3
15:53 Red DeathToCats 3

na.serveme.tf #395445 - chicag vs epico

Time Team Player Kills
10:04 Red Andruu 3
10:21 Red FlareD 4
13:01 Red DeathToCats 3


RGl S5 Week 7B

Team Player Message
Red DeathToCats ❤Nihil❤: You know if she 12 I'm 12
Red DeathToCats ❤Nihil❤: You know if she 12 I'm 12
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap can we get stv?
Red DeathToCats std?
Red Andruu what will u do for me
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap sti
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap sure
Red DeathToCats like the car?
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap i'll be a professional reference for a future MBA
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap stv?
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap sry
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap just have a couple ppl that want to watch
Red m1lky anda is being dumb
Red Freudian Slipping my teammate got the server and he
Red m1lky to lazy to tab out
Red Freudian Slipping said things i cannot repeat
Red DeathToCats they better be casting
Red Andruu hes racist
Red DeathToCats i want them to see my .9lg
Red feelin fuckin potent rn 8|
Blue NOIZ slan o_o
Red Freudian Slipping ._.
Red Freudian Slipping one sec
Red Freudian Slipping wrangling it out of him
Blue Maxx one sec, beating the shit out of my meat.
Red Freudian Slipping sheesh
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap haha, no worries
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap stv
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap wait oops
Red Freudian Slipping u have that shit on a bind?
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap we'll just wait until we get it
Blue tac h
Blue Maxx no
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap ty
Red feelin fuckin potent rn go hogwild
Red Freudian Slipping ^^
Blue NOIZ Bolbs o:
Blue NOIZ Bolbs who posted connect
Blue NOIZ Bolbs who did it
Red Freudian Slipping stv workin?
Red Freudian Slipping yall G?
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap would you guys be down to change servers?
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap bolbi's demo
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap has 110
Blue NOIZ slan our player's ping
Red Andruu no
Red Freudian Slipping uhh
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap sry to be annoying
Red Freudian Slipping its chicago
Blue NOIZ slan :p
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap just bad routing
Red Freudian Slipping what would u want? lmao
Blue NOIZ Cornsauce he's better on kansas
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap like kansas?
Red Freudian Slipping nahhh
Red feelin fuckin potent rn no
Red Freudian Slipping noooo
Blue NOIZ Bolbs my house (:<
Blue NOIZ Cornsauce ???
Red feelin fuckin potent rn fuck off please
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap well, we'll just ask an admin for a server
Blue tac lol
Red feelin fuckin potent rn just rup i have a job
Red m1lky kansas is shit for us
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap me too haha
Red Freudian Slipping ^
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap well
Red DeathToCats i think he spiked boys
Red feelin fuckin potent rn BRO
Red DeathToCats its dropping
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap any other servers good?
Red feelin fuckin potent rn JUST RUP
Red feelin fuckin potent rn ty
Blue tac lol
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap whatever
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap haha
Red Freudian Slipping xd
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap pausing
Red feelin fuckin potent rn gr
Red DeathToCats did u get pack slan
Blue NOIZ slan yep
Blue NOIZ slan why
Red DeathToCats jw why u took so much lmao
Blue Maxx bet
Red Freudian Slipping bullied...
Red feelin fuckin potent rn lucker >:(
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap gg
Red Freudian Slipping ggs
Red FlareD gg
Red m1lky gg
Red Andruu ggs
Red feelin fuckin potent rn gg
Blue NOIZ Bolbs gg

na.serveme.tf #395445 - chicag vs epico

Team Player Message
Red DeathToCats ❤Nihil❤: You know if she 12 I'm 12
Red DeathToCats ❤Nihil❤: You know if she 12 I'm 12
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap can we get stv?
Red DeathToCats std?
Red Andruu what will u do for me
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap sti
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap sure
Red DeathToCats like the car?
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap i'll be a professional reference for a future MBA
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap stv?
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap sry
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap just have a couple ppl that want to watch
Red m1lky anda is being dumb
Red Freudian Slipping my teammate got the server and he
Red m1lky to lazy to tab out
Red Freudian Slipping said things i cannot repeat
Red DeathToCats they better be casting
Red Andruu hes racist
Red DeathToCats i want them to see my .9lg
Red feelin fuckin potent rn 8|
Blue NOIZ slan o_o
Red Freudian Slipping ._.
Red Freudian Slipping one sec
Red Freudian Slipping wrangling it out of him
Blue Maxx one sec, beating the shit out of my meat.
Red Freudian Slipping sheesh
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap haha, no worries
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap stv
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap wait oops
Red Freudian Slipping u have that shit on a bind?
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap we'll just wait until we get it
Blue tac h
Blue Maxx no
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap ty
Red feelin fuckin potent rn go hogwild
Red Freudian Slipping ^^
Blue NOIZ Bolbs o:
Blue NOIZ Bolbs who posted connect
Blue NOIZ Bolbs who did it
Red Freudian Slipping stv workin?
Red Freudian Slipping yall G?
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap would you guys be down to change servers?
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap bolbi's demo
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap has 110
Blue NOIZ slan our player's ping
Red Andruu no
Red Freudian Slipping uhh
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap sry to be annoying
Red Freudian Slipping its chicago
Blue NOIZ slan :p
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap just bad routing
Red Freudian Slipping what would u want? lmao
Blue NOIZ Cornsauce he's better on kansas
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap like kansas?
Red Freudian Slipping nahhh
Red feelin fuckin potent rn no
Red Freudian Slipping noooo
Blue NOIZ Bolbs my house (:<
Blue NOIZ Cornsauce ???
Red feelin fuckin potent rn fuck off please
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap well, we'll just ask an admin for a server
Blue tac lol
Red feelin fuckin potent rn just rup i have a job
Red m1lky kansas is shit for us
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap me too haha
Red Freudian Slipping ^
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap well
Red DeathToCats i think he spiked boys
Red feelin fuckin potent rn BRO
Red DeathToCats its dropping
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap any other servers good?
Red feelin fuckin potent rn JUST RUP
Red feelin fuckin potent rn ty
Blue tac lol
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap whatever
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap haha
Red Freudian Slipping xd
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap pausing
Red feelin fuckin potent rn gr
Red DeathToCats did u get pack slan
Blue NOIZ slan yep
Blue NOIZ slan why
Red DeathToCats jw why u took so much lmao

Qixalite Bookable: epoco vs BLU

Team Player Message
Blue Maxx bet
Red Freudian Slipping bullied...
Red feelin fuckin potent rn lucker >:(
Blue NOIZ MogulSoap gg
Red Freudian Slipping ggs
Red FlareD gg
Red m1lky gg
Red Andruu ggs
Red feelin fuckin potent rn gg
Blue NOIZ Bolbs gg