Log 2946014

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL Sixes S6 Newcomer Week 4 HOBOLEAGUE Federal Hotdog Committee 1.0 2.0 cp_snakewater_final1 Add other logs

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
na.serveme.tf #413654 - BLU vs FHC :) cp_snakewater_final1 Sixes Federal Hotdog Committee HOBOLEAGUE 4 3 28:49


Team Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS CPC Time Played
Red NoNoéWay Scout Engineer Pyro Heavy 27 16 14 243 167 273 7017 4825 7870 9 0 7 5 27:59
Red ViralMagma Scout Engineer Heavy Spy 17 16 14 194 161 118 5599 4666 3429 7 0 9 11 28:48
Red [FHC] doctor sexman Soldier 12 20 2 164 203 134 4733 5875 3887 3 6 33 4 28:27
Red 「FHC」shaq$ Soldier 23 21 4 211 207 124 6107 5981 3589 5 2 68 6 28:49
Red Wubber Demo 23 13 4 282 164 204 8129 4734 5904 6 1 39 4 28:49
Red [FHC] shelz0r Medic 0 13 9 6 148 182 4284 0 0 0 15 9 28:49
Blue trio Scout 18 20 15 176 156 94 5075 4507 2726 6 0 21 10 28:49
Blue oop i shid... Scout Heavy 21 19 7 192 187 295 5534 5403 8510 4 0 12 8 28:49
Blue CoffeeVoice Soldier 23 22 3 238 206 111 6870 5954 3203 3 3 55 1 28:49
Blue STR Soldier 13 15 7 188 160 176 5418 4634 5077 3 6 45 4 28:49
Blue stan smith epic style Demo 21 14 4 229 221 223 6620 6381 6436 9 4 52 3 28:49
Blue BearToothKills Medic 3 13 11 29 169 848 4888 0 1 0 21 3 28:46
Team Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS CPC Duration
Red 102 99 47 1102 1053 856 31767 30365 24679 9 9 171 39 11 28:49
Blue 99 103 47 1053 1102 900 30365 31767 25952 9 13 206 29 12 28:49


Team Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red [FHC] shelz0r Medic 100% 856 24679 11 0 1 0:12 2 0 28:49
Blue BearToothKills Medic 100% 902 25952 12 0 1 0:38 3 1 28:46



Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red NoNoéWay 10 9 0 3 1 0 4 0 0 27
Blue CoffeeVoice 11 9 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 23
Red 「FHC」shaq$ 7 7 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 23
Red Wubber 8 11 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 23
Blue stan smith epic style 3 11 0 4 0 1 1 0 1 21
Blue oop i shid... 4 8 1 3 0 1 4 0 0 21
Blue trio 4 8 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 18
Red ViralMagma 6 6 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 17
Blue STR 3 4 1 1 1 0 3 0 0 13
Red [FHC] doctor sexman 6 4 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 12
Blue BearToothKills 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 3


Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue CoffeeVoice 8 6 0 7 0 1 0 0 0 22
Red 「FHC」shaq$ 8 8 0 4 0 0 1 0 0 21
Red [FHC] doctor sexman 8 5 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 20
Blue trio 6 9 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 20
Blue oop i shid... 8 4 0 5 0 1 0 0 0 18
Red NoNoéWay 6 7 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 16
Red ViralMagma 4 10 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 16
Blue STR 6 5 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 15
Blue stan smith epic style 5 5 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 14
Red [FHC] shelz0r 7 4 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 13
Red Wubber 6 2 0 4 0 0 1 0 0 13
Blue BearToothKills 5 6 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 13


Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red NoNoéWay 14 15 0 5 1 0 6 0 0 41
Blue trio 8 16 0 3 1 0 5 0 0 33
Red ViralMagma 12 13 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 31
Blue oop i shid... 5 13 1 3 0 1 5 0 0 28
Red 「FHC」shaq$ 10 8 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 27
Red Wubber 10 12 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 27
Blue CoffeeVoice 11 9 0 3 0 2 1 0 0 26
Blue stan smith epic style 5 11 1 4 0 1 2 0 1 25
Blue STR 5 7 1 2 1 0 4 0 0 20
Blue BearToothKills 3 5 0 4 0 1 1 0 0 14
Red [FHC] doctor sexman 6 4 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 14
Red [FHC] shelz0r 2 3 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 9


na.serveme.tf #413654 - BLU vs FHC :)

Time Team Player Kills
5:11 Red Wubber 4
7:17 Blue trio 3
11:16 Blue stan smith epic style 5
17:01 Red NoNoéWay 4
17:47 Red NoNoéWay 3
22:57 Red 「FHC」shaq$ 3


na.serveme.tf #413654 - BLU vs FHC :)

Team Player Message
Blue oop i shid... bming in official
Blue oop i shid... h
Blue STR cfg yes?
Blue oop i shid... do u guys have a ringer
Red NoNoéWay you need one?
Blue oop i shid... no
Blue oop i shid... they dont have the tag
Red NoNoéWay why do you ask
Blue oop i shid... fhc
Blue oop i shid... didnt know
Red NoNoéWay neither do I
Red NoNoéWay we're all main team players
Blue oop i shid... kk i was just wondering
Blue stan smith epic style rup???
Red ViralMagma gr
Red ViralMagma gr
Blue oop i shid... gr
Red ViralMagma lel
Blue CoffeeVoice bitch steel my med pack
Blue BearToothKills lol
Red ViralMagma i ran out of ammo dont laugh
Blue CoffeeVoice i shall laugh
Red [FHC] doctor sexman same
Red ViralMagma nein
Blue oop i shid... why do you run a heavy and engineer
Blue BearToothKills i can't do anything XD WITH MY ITEM SEVER DEAD
Red ViralMagma IKR
Red ViralMagma HAHHA
Blue BearToothKills LOL
Red ViralMagma gr
Blue BearToothKills for 3 rounds no crossbow
Blue oop i shid... wtf
Red NoNoéWay wtf I got double airshot lob slobbed
Blue BearToothKills :|
Blue STR ?
Red ViralMagma lol wat
Red ViralMagma grt
Red ViralMagma gr
Blue BearToothKills lol
Blue BearToothKills that syringe gun
Blue oop i shid... golden cap
Red ViralMagma ye